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                                                Submitted by: Russell James





Source:  Carter, Clarence E., ed.  The Territorial Papers of the United States.  Volume         26.  Washington, DC:  NARService, 1962.



The men whose names are listed here were nominated and chosen as justices of the peace for Escambia County, Florida during the territorial period.  There was no set term of service and, like other territorial officials, the men served at the discretion of the U.S. Secretary of State in advisement with the Territorial Governor of Florida.  This list is incomplete, as not all of the lists of nominations are extant.  If a man was appointed in 1826 but his name does not appear on the 1827 list, that does not mean he was out of office, only that others were appointed in 1827.  If his name appears more than once, it was the decision of the governor to dissolve the existing list and create a new one.


1826    Nicholas S. Parmentier

            Andrew P. Simpson


1827    Joseph E. Caro

            Charles Evans

            Thomas Cummings

            Francis Collin

            Jos. W. Hall

            Peter Wilkinson

            N. S. Parmentier

            Andrew P. Simpson

            Hillary B. Stringer


1832    R. M. Forbes


1833    Peter Alba

            W. A. Richbourg

            Charles Evans

            Thomas Cummings

            J. Jerrison

            S. Fry

            Thomas M. Blount

            John S. Moore

            Julius Piscay

            A. C. Nicholson

            Daniel Monro

            James W. Ernest

            Peter McNeil


1835    Charles Evans

            Thomas Connyers

            John Jerrison

            Thomas M. Blount

            John S. Moore

            A. W. Nicholson

            Daniel Monroe


1837    Thomas M. Blount

            John W. Syms

            Joseph Carr

            J. A. Simpson

            David McDavid

            Henry J. Wiggins

            James W. Earnest

            Robert McSimmon

            Loftin Cotton


1840    John Morgan

            Daniel Causwell

            Seaborn Cobb (Eastern Escambia County)

            Silas Jernigan (Eastern Escambia County)


1841    Taskill M. Caskill

            Wm. W. J. Kelly

            Jas. W. Everest

            Richard Vaughan

            Thomas M. Blount

            Micajah Crupper

            Luther Taylor

            Joseph E. Caro

            Elijah Sayton


update: 19 July 2002

1842    Reuben Bozeman
        William W. J. Kelly
        David Saint
1843    B. D. Wright
        G. G. Patterson
        Joseph E. Caro
        William W. J. Kelly
        Micajah Crupper
        Henry D. Wiggins
        Charles N. Jordan
1844    Reuben Bozeman
        David Saint
1845    Thomas B. Safefin
        David Saint
        Henry J. Wiggins
        Charles N. Jordan
        Felix Grundy Mason
        Micajah Crupper
        William W. J. Kelly
        Joseph E. Caro