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Florida State Genealogical Society,Inc.
and her sister counties
Santa Rosa,Okaloosa and Walton
AGUSTINA ALLEN, Jesse Carter ARD, George BARKLEY,George W BARROW, Abigail BOBE,Margarita BOBE, Thomas BONIFAY, Joseph BOWER, Joseph BRONNUM, Severin Christian CABRERA, Josefa CAMPBELL, Edward CARO, Benito CASTRO, Jose (Joseph) CASTRO, Julian COBB, Athal Seaborn COCHRAN, SARAH DE LA RUA,Francisco Xavier DE LA RUA, Juan deROCHEBLAVE,Drausin DeSIERRA,Ana Maria De DORR, Eben IV ESCABI, Ysabel FALCON, Josefa FILLINGIM, Robert B GARRETT, Robert GOMEZ, Juan GONZALEZ, Manuel GUERRA, Sabador HADLEY, Benjamin HARRISON,George Washington HARRISON, William Washington HIDALGO, Ysabel INNERARITY, James(Santiago) KELKER, Jacob MAURA, Jose McCURDY, Elijah MEDINA, Merced MILES, James MILES, James Andrew MILES, Margaret MORENO, Francisco MORGAN, John ORDONEZ, Don Manuel ORDONEZ, Marina PEADEN, Barlett PEADEN, Samuel PERPALL, Juan Atensio PINGROW, Mariana QUINA, Desiderio, Jr QUINA,Desiderio Sr. ROSIQUE,Esabella(Isabella) ROSIQUE, JOHN SAVELL, Jeremiah SIERRA, Ana Marie de SIERRA, Eugenio Antonio SPRAWLS, Ann TOWNLEY, Luke WARD, Elijah WARD, Sarah Jane WARD,William Marion WILLIAMS, John Lee Yniestra, Pedro |
JUPITER,DelAlexa Eagan JUPITER, Ernest Alexander JUPITER, Lolita Marie McINTOSH,Carolyn Rosa Jupiter SHEPPARD,Vivian Cecile Kelker WILSON,Chandra Tameiko WILSON, Jason Tyrone WILSON, Reuben, Jr. ALLEN, Raymond Frederick ALLEN, Terence Christopher CONNER, Martin Sennette Clinton CONNER,Martin Sennette Clinton Jr CONNER, Shane Gaylan MASON, Bettrice A Conner NELSON, Linda Faye SALONKO, Marilynn Shultz SHULTZ,Thelma Irene Murphy KEMP, Mary Carla McGrath NELSON, Linda Faye SHULTZ, Thelma Irene Murphy QUINA, Herbert Rull (co) QUINA, Herbert Rull (state) QUINA,Herbert Rull GAINER, Violet Bonifay COLLEY, Vickie Lynn Pressley ROSASCO,Anthony Christian ROSASCO,William Sebastian III HARE, Madge MarieHatton(co) HARE, Madge MarieHatton(state) JAMESON,ElizabethTheresaHatton both State and co. CAMPBELL, Clay Reese CAMPBELL, Cuyler Hubert CAMPBELL, Cynthia Juanita CAMPBELL, Rufus Clay JENKINS,Carol Jean Campbell MATTHEWS, Roger Dale SAUNDERS,Rita Helen Humphreys KOCAN, Edward Leonard (co) KOCAN, Edward Leonard (state) VOELTZ,Mary Isabel Richard KOCAN, Edward Leonard (co) KOCAN, Edward Leonard (state) MORGAN, Thomas GIllis, Jr. NOA, Dorothy Jane Morgan DOVE, SadieViolaWardMarchelos state and county KOHR, Lila Lucille Hibbs MARCHELOS,GeorgeFranklin state and county DE LA RUA, Maxwell DE LA RUA, Maxwell, Jr. GREENWELL,AudreyAnnetteDELARUA HAYES, Delores DELARUA state and county MEADOWS,Michael Maxwell state and county MEADOWS,SherriHeminghaus state and county GREENWELL,AudreyAnnetteDELARUA state and county HURT,Christopher Robert LORUSSO, Priscilla Crain QUINA, Herbert Rull KEMP, Mary Carla McGrath KOCAN, Edward Leonard both State and County GREENWELL,AudreyAnnetteDeLaRua SCHILLER, Janette Gayle SCHILLER, Joseph SCHILLER,MaryJanetteFillingim WEATHERS,SuzanneKathleenGriffith DAVIS,Jane Rhenel White WHITE, Grace Eleanor McKee WHITE,Judy Charlene JUPITER, Del Alexa Eagan JUPITER, Ernest Alexander JUPITER, Lolita Marie McINTOSH, Carolyn Rosa Jupiter WILSON, Chanra Tameiko WILSON,JasonTyrone WILSON, Reuben Jr. GREENWELL,AudreyAnnetteDeLaRua HARE, Madge Marie Hatton JAMESON,Elizabeth Theresa Hatton both county and state STOKES, Carl Elery HARRISON, Lewis Golson EDEWAARD, Vesta Harrison HARRISON, Belinda Ann HARRISON, Emily Carole HARRISON, LEWIS Golson HARRISON, Lewis Golson, JR WILKINSON, Frances K Harrison SAUNDERS,Rita Helen Humphreys both county and state ENNIS, Lorraine Gaston JUPITER, Del Alexa Eagan JUPITER, Ernest Alexander JUPITER, Lolita Marie McINTOSH, CarolynRosaJupiter SHEPPARD,VivianCecileKelker WILSON, Chandra Tameiko WILSON, Jason Tyrone WILSON, Reuben Jr JUPITER, Del Alexa Eagan SAUNDERS,RitaHelenHumphreys McCURDY, Richard Melvin McCURDY, William Henry MEDINA,Merced KOCAN, Edward Leonard both county and state HUBBARD, Burgess Arthur McKAY, JoAnn Williams, John Heywood Williams, John Heywood BRUCE,LauraElizabeth Moreno MORGAN, Thomas Gillis Jr. NOA, Dorothy Jane Morgan QUINA, Herbert Rull both county and state QUINA, Herbert Rull both county and state PEADEN, Heather Kathan BOTH COUNTY AND STATE PEADEN, Heather Kathan both state and county PEADEN, Porter Lee PEADEN, Porter Lee Jr PEADEN, Ted Everett both state and county PEADEN, Ted Lamar both state and county PEADEN, Heather Kathan both state and county PEADEN, Ted Everett both state and county PEADEN, Ted Lamar both state and county BIRCHMIRE, Louise Perpall GAINER, Violet Bonifay GREENWELL,AudreyAnnette DeLaRua both county and state MAASS, Maud Lee Bonifay QUINA, Herbert Rull both county and state BURGOYNE, DorothyAnnePetterson both county and state KNOX,Edwina Willig PETTERSEN, William Raoul both county and state QUINA, Herbert Rull both county and state QUINA,Herbert Rull QUINA,Herbert Rull SAVELL, William Hughes QUINA, Herbert Rull CARSON, Nita EleanorLeonard both county and state HUPE, Nita Patricia Carson both county and state PEADEN, Heather Kathan both county and state PEADEN, Ted Everett both county and state PEADEN, Ted Lamar SCOTT, BrendaKaySuggsMimms DOVE,SadieViolaWard Marchelos KOHR, Lila Lucille Hibbs both county and state MARCHELOS,GeorgeFranklin(county) MAYES, MaxieEstelleWard KOHR, Lila Lucille Hibbs KOHR, Lila Lucille Hibbs CARSON, Emily Elisabeth Kelly CARSON, Lauren Elizabeth CARSON, Spence KELLY, Edward Spence GREENWELL, AudreyAnnette DElaRu |