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Petition Signers in Pensacola, FL 1889.

This file was contributed by Janet Myers The names were left in the original order since that might help identify relatives who might have signed the petition at the same time.

The article was found in the Pensacola Daily News on Mar. 5, 1889. It read as follows:

Petition for License. Pensacola, FLA.,
February 13, 1889. To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners, for the County of Escambia and State of Florida.
GENTLEMEN: -- The undersigned respectfully requests of your Honorable Board license to sell liquors, wines and beer in the county of Escambia from the 1st day of March, 1889, to October 1st, 1889, as authorized by Act of the Legislature, approved March 3d, 1883. (This date was 1883) Very respectfully, WM. YATES

We, the undersigned registered voters of election Precinct No. 13, in Escambia County, ask that the above petition be granted:

the attached names...
James     O'Neil
Louis C   Apley
James     Murray
Mose      Holly
Joseph    Brown
Jas       Kelly
T         Burns
Jas       Buckley
Den       Bergin
Jno       Burns
Gregory   Bell
Jno       Dominick
Dan       Williams
M W       Keatinge
J G       Walter
Henry     Johnson
Mitchell  Pearson
Martin    Butler
John E    Pendola
Edmond    Clark
Jas       Farinas
John      Baker
Daniel    Webb
James N   Clark
James T   Clark
Jno A     Kelly
Salvador JSilva
Manuel    Farinas
Phelp     Lopez
John      Deir
Jno       Daeila
John      Reiley
Geo       Seirra
Wm H      Johnson
Chas      Avery
Thomas    Chiayrella
Rudolph   Hernandez
Henry     Martin
Wm        Engrem
Thos      Pious
John      McClaskey
L J       Griffin
F E       Commyns
Ed        Ditmars
Jas       Wilkins
Toney     Seymore
A J       Giddens
W J       Giddens
Geo W     Smith
Joe       Flauros
Robt      Mason
Alfonzo   Thomas
Chas      Prida
John      Prida
D         Henricks
Joaquin   Farinas
Jacob H   Johnson
James     Dorsey
John E    Stokes
James  A  Hall
R Henry   Rauls?
Thos      Graham
Edward    Hart
Sebastian Antoine
John      Raymond
J         Degrass
Peter     Kanen
M         O'Leary
J E       Tucker
J         Conklin
Richard   Riggs
George W  Robinson
Miguel    Borras
Joe, Jr   Rosique
P         Moloney
Jos H     James
Henry W   Thomas
James W   Thomas
Willie W  Thomas
W M       Sparling
Milton G  Cole
Raly      White
Martin    Short
H         Peterson
L W       Marshall
Achilla   Francis
Joshua    Edwards
Mack      Andrews
George    Spiry
Jose      Berga
Manuel    Marks
Sylvert   Carnet
H         Antoine
Chas Jr   Burke
Pat       Dooley
Chas      Burke
J F       Bille
H         Breswitiz
Pink      Davis
Shed      Green
W         Richardson
F         Paggoni
R         McClain
S         Green
Ed        Jones
G         Fountain
Jake      Malone
A         Kist
A G       Mead
H         Handrop
S         Fountain
F         Blutcher
Jas       McCloskey
P         Olsen
M         Lopez
M         Dominiques
T         Anderson
J         Ventura
Bartola   Borras, Jr
J M       Tarpello
Domingo   Lopez
Silva     Florece
Ventura   Florece
G W       Kelley
Thos A    Robinson
Rudolph   Hernandez, J
Geo       Kennedy
Geo       Williams
A J       Andersen
O         Bronnum
Geo       Stalworth
Louis     Murray
Geo C R   Holmes
Nelson    Vaughn
Jno       Langdon
Robt      Henderson
Tilman    Smith
Fritz     Zirkelbach
General   McNeal
Frances   Oliver
Jack      Carzulus
W S       Bell
John      Marshall
J M       Langley
E H       Whitehead
F W       Walters
Joseph    Commyns
Jno H     Smith
John      O'Connor
John      Hanson
Hugh      Miller
Elias     Daniels
Wm        Lopez
C P       Bell
Thos      Johnson
Wm        Olson
James     Coleman
Thomas    Mullen
Chas J    Johnson
Thos __   Johnson
Mathew    McClosky
Peter     Cooper
Richard   Robb
John      West
Joshua    Young
Benj      Young
E G       Robinson
D A       Collins
Wm        Williams
Wm        Ruben
John      Campbell
Robert    Johnson
Frank     Kramer
Albert    Reache
John O    Bryan
Rob       Milton
William   Callwell
G E       Sharid
Rudolph   Tonell
?ike      Reel
R         Warfield
Willis    Austin
Arthur B  Conway
John      Reed
Harry     Newman
King      Jordan
Thornton  Minor
A         Perkins
Lewis     Butler
Jno       Boyle
N         Condon
Joe       Betina
Gabriel   Bauns
Hy        Donnelly
Flew      Forbes
Fred      Humphreys
L         Oakfield
N         Hilton
Fred      Fredrickson
M         Vaughn
Joe       Wagner
Jas K     Walker
Jno       Dooley
Thos P    Moloney
Frank     Benjamin
Frank     Mulleme
James     Clark
Felix     Glackmeyer
Junius    Butler
Jackson   Butler
Jacob A   Butler
D A       Collins
Jos       Robinson
Jens      Anderson
Daniel    McElherne
Sam       Baldric
C         Williams
S         Bosemen
W H       Baker
J H       Ford
F         Butler
H         White
Thos J    Williams
John      Saragossa
Jos       Tweed
A         Solari
R         Taylor
Ben       Shavers
J         Peters
J         Smith
J         Ward
Paul      Martin
E T       Martin
Jno       Pleasant
Dave      Wilson
Ed        McGovern
Emile     Bell
Robt      Broadbent
B         Cragg
Quinas    Holmes
Thos      Goumarin
Ed        Vaughn
Joe       Miles
Allen     Miles
Hy        Miles
E         Forunt
C L       Creedon
Robt      Keeler
Haney     Robinson
Tom       Harvey
G         Castlebery
Manuel    Rubien?
G W       Ball
Philip    Faust, Jr
Jno       Bosario?
John      White
J E       Weeks
J A       Vaughn
Jas  ___? Furlong
R         Gagnet
Frank B   Lee
Soloman   Pierce
Chas H    Davis
Frank     Robinson
A M       Nobles
C         Brux
Paul      White
Wm        Yates