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Submitted by Del Jupiter

Isabel Bertran      1840

1840 census      Escambia Co FL      p. 14


Isabel Bertrand      1850

1850 Census, Escambia Co FL Dwelling 24, p. 236 in household of Sylvestre Gomez. 45 years


Isabella Bertran      1879      4:47

daughters: Amelia Garetta, wife of John Garetta; Merced Gonzalez.

grandchildren:  Leonise Gomes, Abbe Gomes, children of her son Lem? Gomes.  Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) v. 1&2.  FHL microfilm 0941009.


Irene Gomez      1830

was left Negro girl Teresa by Rosalia Perez  1830.  She was named as the daughter of Dovalia [sic] Barer (this could be Dorothea Baros). Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2, p. 47  FHL microfilm 0941009.


Irene Gomez      1847

bequeathed 500.00 for the use of her two youngest children by Charles C. Keyser.  Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2.  FHL microfilm 0941009.


Dorothea Bara  1830

1830 census 24-36 years;  1840 census p. 19;  mother of Francisco Gomes and believed to be the mother of Irene Gomez.


Irene Gomez      1845-1847 

Irene Gomez appears on the Escambia Co. Tax rolls. 


Irene Gomez      1839-1845

appears as the buyer and seller of slaves in the Escambia Co Deed books.


Clara 1830

freed by Rosalia Perez in her will.


Isabelle Durante      1850

1850 census 42 yrs. Dwelling 35 p. 237  1200 real estate;


Isabelle Durante

legatee in Ferdnando Moreno's will,  Will Books p. 154.


Maria Carlota Ruby      1823

free Negress, will books 1823 p. 25  daughter of Felise Thompson - never married, her children Joseph Ruby, Casimino Ruby Celestino Ruby, Benjamin Ruby, Maria Teres Ruby, Susanna Ruby, Candida Ruby, Felicino Ruby, Juana Ja Ruby.  inherited her property from Salvabas Ruby.  Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2.  FHL microfilm 0941009.


Celestino Ruby 1830 census


Joseph Rouby 1830 census


Maria Garetta

legatee in Francisco Llopis will p. 73

her children by him  - Franciso Maria, Magdalena, Maria de La Concepcina.  He freed Manuella Granpera dau of Rita Granperra, slave to the widow Granperra. 


Maria Garetta      1820  

1820  Spanish Census seems to be one and the same Maria Francisco in the Household of Francisco Llopis.


Maria Garetta      1845

1845 Court Case C 3336.  (Maria Garetta and Francis Llopis)


Mary Robinson      1850

1850 Court Case Escambia Co FL C 3529.  Gilbert Llopis, free, legitimate son of Francisco Llopis (he seems to be the Francisco Maria mentioned in the will of Francisco Llopis) and Catherine Barrios   1850 census p. 249 Dwelling 137


Don Pedro de Alba  1835      1:169

To Angelica, his godchild, daughter of his grandson, John, a female mulatto child, Florentine, about 4 years old, daughter of the Negro woman slave, Margarita

Codicil to his grandson, John de Alba, his wife and children.

slaves:  Maria Rosa, Felix, Louiana, Felicite, Pauline Feliciano, her mulatto child, Antonio, free from birth

Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) v. 1&2, p.66,  FHL microfilm 0941009


F.T. Commyns vs. E. Latady 1819

J. Alba, P. Alba, extrs.  Property given to his son on the eve of his marriage to Constance LeSassier.  Negro woman mulatto, Isadore 22 yrs., Felicite, 18 yrs., Maria Rosa 22yrs., Negro girl, Margarita 9 yrs.  Escambia County Court 2842 CA-01 1819.  Someday, I need to request this file and examine.


Estijamia Caro  1847   2:73

her sister, Eme Alba. She appears in the baptismal records as Estijamia Alba.  Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) v. 1&2, p 143, FHL microfilm 0941009


Carmelite Madeline Bertrand      1848   2:136

children:  Gabriel Marcos Bertrand, Josephine Armantine Bertrand, Joseph Regino Bertrand

husband: Victorie Bertrand, executor of her estate

Wit:   C. Evans, Gabriel Bertrand, Joseph Balada.  Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) v. 1&2. p 162, FHL microfilm 0941009


Eme Alba      1849  2:125

sister:  Estijamia; no children; nephew: Carlos Pindar; a very aged mother, (Mamine - 1850 census, Escambia Co FL; City of Pensacola, p. 252. slave girl, Elizabeth - never to dispose of her, but to secure her freedom, for her faithful service.

Maria Rosa Alba, for the affection we have for each other and a mememto of our friendship.  Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) v. 1&2, p. 177,  FHL microfilm 0941009;


C. Tala DeVilliers      1849  2:122

widow of the deceased Charles Coalen DeVilliers, native of LA now residing in Pensacola, 62 years old, legitimate daughter of Jean Tala and Charlotte Le Sassier, Widow Tala.  3 children from her marriage.

Her Negroes:  Sophia, a free woman; slave girl, Maria, daughter of Victoria Madame Manuella.  Negro man, Augusta, 49 years, his freedom.  Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2.  FHL microfilm 0941009;  p 179.


Constance Tala de Alba        2:199

her nephew, Clement Ramos; slaves:  Felicite 42 yrs., Katrina 32 yrs their freedom.  Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2.  p 227; FHL microfilm 0941009


Joseph Balada      1854  2:170

Widower, native of New Orleans.  no children. parents deceased.  Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2. p 212; FHL microfilm 0941009


Felipe Prieto      1824      3:49

natural children:  Charles 17 yrs, Isabella 15 yrs, children of free woman of color, born from a man of color of the third degree and an Indian woman.  Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2. p ; FHL microfilm 0941009


Domingo Gonzalez      1824 3:38

Mary Bellow, free black woman.  Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2. p;  FHL microfilm 0941009


Mariana Bonifay      1825      3:106

Her slaves:  Pedro, black; Janvier, black; Bautists, black; Pate, black girl; Sophia, black girl and her daughter, Josefa.  Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2. p;  FHL microfilm 0941009


Pedro Mendoza           3:120

freedom to Juanillo; house & lot to free colored woman, Martina Yomas.  Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2. p;  FHL microfilm 0941009


Adelaide Botrel      1827      1:219

free black woman, legitimate wife of Vizentos Vellon (alias Martenon), a free black man.  their daughter Teresa, 14 yrs. of age.  Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2. p;  FHL microfilm 0941009


Francisco Llopis            3:73

native of Catalonia, Spain, a batchelor. 3 natural children - Francisco, Maria Magdalena & Maria de la Concepcion with the colored woman, Maria Garetta (Maria Francisca Garetta).  Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2. p ;  FHL microfilm 0941009


D. Walton         3:132

to her granddaughter, Nancy and her two daughters, Cornelia and Fancy Rosetta and her two children Chloe & John.  To her grandson Robert W. Walton - Sibria and her four children, Mary Ann, William, Henry, Julia & Robert, also Augustin, the son of Nancy.  To said grandchildren to share and share alike, Charlotte and her children, David, Sanders, Susannah, Cecilia F. Lewis, also Priscilla and her son Joseph.  Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2. p ;  FHL microfilm 0941009


Pricenti Vicento      1828      3:83

free black woman Susana Crespo.  Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2. p 38;  FHL microfilm 0941009


Louis Maestro      1829      3:93

2 female children by free Negro woman, Anna, Hortense 24 yrs and Marie 21 yrs.  his propety - 7 slaves  2 Negro fellows & 1 Negro woman with 3 children ( one boy & 2 girls) 1 black woman with no children.  Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2. p ;  FHL microfilm 0941009


Adelaide Jnojasco      1832      3:155

the free mulatto Felicite Campo.  Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2. p 58;  FHL microfilm 0941009


Don Pedro de Alba  1835      1:169

his slaves:  In---, Es---, Maria Rosa, Margaretta Pat---, Florentine, one Negro boy Felix and Lan---

I declare to have sold in the year thirty-three last passed a mulatto woman named Felicite with her two daughters, Felicia and Mary and her son Antonio was free the proceeding year, his freedom was signed by my son and his wife Constance Tala.


The female slaves and their increase to Constance Tala

      Maria Rosa - Felix and Louians

      Felicite - Pauline Feliciana and Mary, her mulatto child             Antonio (free from birth)

To Angelica, daughter of my grandson, John, a female mulatto child, named Florentina, aged about four years and daughter of the Negro woman slave, Margarita. 



Elizabeth Suarez  1835, Book 1:176.  Negro girl, Mary 8 yrs., Negro boy Sam 5 yrs., Mary Ann Frank, Francis, Alphonso. Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2. p66; FHL microfilm 941,009.


p. 87

Pedro Bacla  1837. Book 1:223. Maria Louisa Bobe, slave of Mrs. Coulson. Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2. p66; FHL microfilm 941,009.


p. 108

Margaret de la Rua  1840 Book 2:34.  Theodore, Jack, Caroline. Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2. p66; FHL microfilm 941,009.


p. 109

Felicite LaValle, Widow Gagnet  1840 Book 2:35. Peter 63 yrs., his  wife 45yrs., Celestine 21 yrs. Baptiste 19 yrs., Michel 14 yrs., Jeane 12 yrs.,  Euphannin 23 yrs., Maria 17 yrs., Angelique, 10 yrs., Marie 7 yrs. Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2. p66; FHL microfilm 941,009.


p. 114

Francisco Collins 1841 Book 2:205.  Ellen Baudian free colored woman, 12 children by her. Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2. p66; FHL microfilm 941,009.


Begin p. 128 Escambia Co FL Wills (1832-1898) V 1&2. p66; FHL microfilm 941,009.




Lola Lee Daniel Bruington.  Records of St. Michael’s Cemetery, Pensacola, Fla.  Presented to the national Library of the Daughters of the American Revolution by the Pensacola, Regent, 1938.  Fhl microfilm 850,397.


GOMEZ 1879

Isabell Gomez d. May 26, 1879 103 years Records of St. Michael’s Cemetery Pensacola, Fla. (probably same as Isabella Bertrand above and Isabella Gomez residing in household of Sylvestre Gomez in 1850) Records of St. Michael’s Cemetery Pensacola, Fla. p.38, Fhl microfilm 850,397.


GARETTA      1909

John Garretta b in Pensacola, Fla. March 25, 1832 d. Jan 30, 1909. Records of St. Michael’s Cemetery Pensacola, Fla. p.38, Fhl microfilm 850,397.


GARRETTA      1909

Emily Garetta b. Pensacola, Fla. May 25, 1829 d. Jan 30, 1909. Records of St. Michael’s Cemetery Pensacola, Fla. p. 38, Fhl microfilm 850,397.


GARRETTA      1912

Annie Garretta, wife of G. Gingotta b. Pensacola July 26, 1853 d. May 16, 1912 Records of St. Michael’s Cemetery Pensacola, Fla.p. 38, Fhl microfilm 850,397.


GARRETTA      1897

Irene Marie Garretta b. Sept 6, 1855 d. August 1, 1897. Records of St. Michael’s Cemetery Pensacola, Fla. p.38, Fhl microfilm 850,397


CALDWELL      1852

Robert Cunningham Caldwell b. Oct 1, 1810 d. Nov 13, 1852.  (He purchased the slave Joe from F. Christin.  Judith Tomlin Fauntleroy, widow of R.C. Caldwell b. In Va. May 21, 1815.d. Pensacola Jan 25, 1866. Records of St. Michael’s Cemetery Pensacola, Fla. P. 52, Fhl microfilm 850,397


VAUGHAN      1878

Tabitha J. Vaughan, b. Gainesville, Miss. May 7, 1819 d. in Pensacola, May 11, 1878.  Ambrose Vaughan b. Fredericksburg, VA Oct 5, 1808 d. Pensacola, Fla. Jun 11, 1883. Records of St. Michael’s Cemetery Pensacola, Fla.p. 79 Fhl microfilm 850,397


QUIGLES      1883

Michael Quigles b. Sept. 29, 1808 d. Oct 7, 1862.  Mannet Quigles, wife of M. Quigles b. Jan 1, 1820 d. March 22, 1883.  Mannet was the daughter of Pierre Marsan and maybe the daughter of Charlotte, slave of Victoire LeSassier Noriega. Records of St. Michael’s Cemetery Pensacola, Fla. P. 123, FHL microfilm 850,397