Obituary Index
Walton County, FL

This particular page exists for the purpose of indexing obituaries of individuals born in Walton County, Floirda.
Name Born Age Birth Place Died
Carter, Geraldine C. ( Mrs. ( 03/15/1932 74 Paxton, FL 03/24/2006
Cederstrom, O. Vernon 12/13/1924 77 DeFuniak Springs, FL 07/08/2002
Croft Burnham, Anna Lee [ Liberato ]   91 Freeport, FL 03/07/2002
Croft, Anna Lee [ Liberato ]   91 Freeport, FL 03/07/2002
Cuchens McBee, Roy E. 03/12/1927 74 Freeport, FL 03/09/2002
DeShazo Hattaway, Robin Wade 06/02/1956 53 DeFuniak Springs, FL 01/10/2010
Douglas, Jeannette J. ( Mrs. ) 05/18/1936 68 Paxton, FL 03/03/2005
Gainey, Fraincine C. ( Mrs. ) 08/26/1925 75 Defuniak Springs, FL 11/01/2000
Gomillion, Myrtice [ Kirkland ] 09/13/1922 80 Walton County, FL 02/04/2003
Hall, James William 08/15/1945 64 DeFuniak Springs, FL 01/10/2010
Hardy Grant, William Henry 11/20/1946 62 DeFuniak Springs, FL 11/19/2009
Holley, Ethel Lorene   81 DeFuniak Springs, FL 12/15/2004
Howell Lindsey, Mae Bell [ Infinger ] 09/24/1930 79 DeFuniak Springs, FL 12/24/2009
Howell, Alva Ray   80 DeFuniak Springs, FL 05/17/2000
Martin, Rewl J. 05/05/1919 80 Glendale, FL 10/14/1999
McLaulin, Scott Lucille [ Dwyer ] 06/15/1920 85 Defuniak Springs, FL 07/22/2005
Norris Brooks, Irene [ Alberson ] 10/15/1929 80 Lakewood, FL 01/08/2010
Ray, Alva   80 DeFuniak Springs, FL 05/17/2000
Stewart Mapoles, Jimmie Frank 06/02/1936 66 DeFuniak Springs, FL 06/25/2002
Underwood Andrews, Betty Ruth 11/30/1946 63 DeFuniak Springs, FL 12/26/2009
Williamson, Ellie Lee ( Mrs. )   94 Walton County, FL 06/22/2002

Florida Obits Index

Copyright © for FLGenWeb With Thanks to the Legacy and Memory of Jose Rivera Nieves

Transcriptions of most of the obituaries are available free online at HeritageHub through most libraries.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.”
1 Corinthians 13:4-5