Obituary Index
Polk County, FL

This particular page exists for the purpose of indexing obituaries of individuals born in Polk County, Florida. 
MacDonell, Ruby [ Gruendemann ]10/03/191589Lakeland, FL04/08/2005
Macedo Barrios, Isabel Junior01/21/198317Bartow, FL06/01/2000
Macklin, Roger Stacy10/10/196138Winter Haven, FL06/11/2000
Macpherson, Eleanor S. ( Mrs. ) 70Winter Haven, FL01/01/2003
Maines, Opal L. ( Mrs. )10/13/194556Winter Haven, FL06/06/2002
Manning, William H. "Cowboy" 57Bartow, FL06/21/2000
Markle, Charlotte ( Mrs. )06/01/194064Fort Meade, FL07/09/2004
Martin Asbell, Norma Mathew02/07/193573Lakeland, FL05/17/2008
Martin, Martha Louise [ Rivera ] 37Lakeland, FL12/24/1999
Massey, Gary Earl11/03/194658Lakeland, FL01/04/2005
Maultsby, John Preston02/14/192970Lake Alfred, FL09/16/1999
Mayorga Anaya, Lilliana04/03/199919mWinter Haven, FL11/22/2000
McCeldry Burgner, Jess Willard "J.W."07/28/195256Lakeland, FL11/08/2008
McClellan, Harlan "Little Sam" 12Bartow, FL07/12/2002
McComas, Brandon Albert01/23/2002InfLakeland, FL01/23/2002
McDaniel, Frieda Mae 66Lakeland, FL02/06/1999
McElroy, William Eugene "Spider"07/04/193564Frostproof, FL08/25/1999
McGowan, Marion06/14/193367Lakeland, FL12/18/2000
McKenzie, Darren09/26/196534Lake Wales, FL05/15/2000
McLemore Williams, Walter A.02/18/192484Polk County, FL09/24/2008
Mejia, Jesus Daniel04/15/198119Bartow, FL09/05/2000
Mellen, Kimberly Ann [ Ortiz ]05/06/197524Lakeland, FL07/26/1999
Merchant, Elmer C. "Red" 79Bartow, FL11/03/2001
Merritt, Joseph Myers11/24/195348Winter Haven, FL07/15/2002
Merritt, Joseph Myers "Mickey" 48Winter Haven, FL07/15/2002
Mobley, Theodies "Jerry"02/02/193566Winter Haven, FL09/26/2001
Monday, Roy Lee 53Auburndale, FL07/14/2002
Monday, Roy Lee11/10/194853Auburndale, FL07/14/2002
Moore, Handsome02/20/191981Bartow, FL06/12/2000
Moore, Louise [ Tucker ] 77Lakeland, FL03/14/2006
Moore, V.L. "Bud"05/11/191887Auburndale, FL01/31/2006
Moran, Georgia Elizabeth ( Mrs. )12/20/192282Frostproof, FL06/17/2005
Myers, Demona ( Mrs. ) "Tootsie"01/15/194559Fort Meade, FL08/10/2004
Nelson, William Franklin05/31/194454Lakeland, FL05/24/1999
Nettles, Jerry James04/22/197228Lakeland, FL11/05/2000
Nixon, Joe Willis09/02/192079Nichols, FL09/19/1999
O'Steen, Louise03/13/191188Lakeland, FL09/21/1999
Odom, William James "Billy"10/22/196140Lakeland, FL04/03/2002
Olguin, Austin05/16/1999InfLake Wales, FL05/16/1999
Olvera Forte, Christian Antolin11/20/19991mWinter Haven, FL12/22/1999
Pagan, Jerelean ( Mrs. )02/08/194660Winter Haven, FL03/10/2006
Paige, Collen [ Bradley ]08/28/192474Homeland, FL05/20/1999
Palmer, James E. "Buddy"04/24/193466Winter Haven, FL11/01/2000
Patton, Jerol Dean "Jerri"12/14/192969Auburndale, FL08/24/1999
Perkey, Ruth F. 98Homeland, FL12/29/2000
Phillips, Betty [ Wood ] 75Lakeland, FL10/14/1999
Phillips, James M.06/10/194159Winter Haven, FL07/08/2000
Phillips, Mark A.01/19/198615Winter Haven, FL11/04/2001
Pittman, Thearle Jerome08/15/197226Bartow, FL06/20/1999
Porter, Sheryl Lynn ( Mrs. )11/07/195546Lakeland, FL06/28/2002
Powell, Calvin J. "C.J."05/10/197227Winter Haven, FL09/25/1999
Powell, Henry Euron05/28/192280Lakeland, FL05/02/2003
Presley, Lillie Mae ( Mrs. )04/02/192379Lake Wales, FL02/22/2003
Priest Sumption, Betty L. [ Adams ]05/04/192084Winter Haven, FL06/27/2004
Quick, James "Bo"11/29/192774Medulla, FL06/06/2002
Raulerson, Doris Lucille ( Mrs. )06/28/191387Lakeland, FL11/01/2000
Redgrave, Josephine L. ( Mrs. )09/08/191883Frostproof, FL06/05/2002
Redmond, Patrick J.12/06/198018Winter Haven, FL06/25/1999
Reed, Mark Vincent07/10/20003mWinter Haven, FL10/30/2000
Register, Alton Caroll "Buddy" 70Eagle Lake, FL12/31/2002
Rehberg, Samuel F.07/23/193269Lakeland, FL07/13/2002
Reints, John Stephen09/18/192772Winter Haven, FL07/07/2000
Rex, Jason Scott07/23/198518Lakeland, FL07/13/2004
Reynolds, Griffin "Roy"03/17/193070Lakeland, FL11/06/2000
Rhoden, Arthur04/12/193468Frostproof, FL10/14/2002
Richardson, James Allen "Sharphead"05/12/195053Bartow, FL01/20/2004
Ritter, Clarice [ Gay ]01/14/191786Lakeland, FL05/03/2003
Roberts, Olivia [ Townsend ]05/09/191789Lakeland, FL01/28/2007
Robertson, Mabel [ Rice ] "Sis"10/11/192579Auburndale, FL06/22/2005
Robinson, Shirley Ann03/06/196139Lake Wales, FL10/30/2000
Roebuck, Inez G. ( Mrs. ) 84Loughman, FL05/25/1999
Rollins, Connie08/22/194851Winter Haven, FL04/29/2000
Rollins, Samuel09/30/192375Lake Wales, FL07/17/1999
Russ, James Albert02/24/191188Fort Meade, FL01/27/2000
Santiago Cruz, Juan Javier01/26/2005InfDavenport, FL02/09/2005
Scott, Mary T. 48Lakeland, FL05/16/2000
Scott, Perry R.01/07/194854Bartow, FL10/08/2002
Screen, Helen Caroline ( Mrs. )07/11/192970Lake Wales, FL04/16/2000
Seanor Young, Gladys Victoria [ Wiley ]11/11/191881Davenport, FL01/27/2000
Seay Graves, John David "Capitan Hook"0716192307/16/192385Bartow, FL10/19/2008
Sellers, Isaiah S.04/16/20003dWinter Haven, FL04/19/2000
Shaw Lane, James Lamar01/22/193569Lakeland, FL01/06/2005
Shaw Lane, James Lamar "Butch"01/22/193569Lakeland, FL01/22/1935
Sheppard, Leslie Willard11/16/192970Winter Haven, FL01/27/2000
Sikes, Robert L.02/27/196534Winter Haven, FL12/20/1999
Simons, Frankie Mae02/06/195644Bartow, FL04/13/2000
Simpkins, Corrine10/23/191088Mulberry, FL05/19/1999
Skinner Knight, Melissa Kay [ Williams ]08/24/196840Bartow, FL06/30/2009
Skinner, Milton L.09/30/193966Haines City, FL10/28/2005
Skipper Goble, Martha [ Camm ]03/12/191980Bartow, FL01/06/2000
Slaton, Mark James12/01/196835Lakeland, FL08/10/2004
Smith, Clarence03/22/192379Brewster, FL03/18/2003
Smith, David Lee03/17/195348Davenport, FL10/31/2001
Smith, Emmy Lou03/19/196147Bartow, FL07/23/2008
Smith, Jack Adam12/27/196539Lakeland, FL11/24/2005
Smith, Jerry Estel10/10/194355Auburndale, FL07/29/1999
Smith, Linzie Bernard02/18/195842Bartow, FL06/30/2000
Smith, Ralph B.12/15/192773Lake Wales, FL02/08/2000
Soto Beeman, Leinah Marie06/20/2003InfLakeland, FL06/20/2003
Sprott, Arthur L. 74Lakeland, FL02/08/2000
Starling, Bernard Dee "Bernie"03/03/195943Winter Haven, FL02/03/2003
Stokes Parnell, Eli Julius08/01/19996mLake Wales, FL02/18/2000
Stokes, Daniel W.09/04/192278Fort Meade, FL02/12/2000
Stortz, Rebekah Lea06/04/198919Bartow, FL09/14/2008
Story, Jerald John10/18/194562Bartow, FL04/12/2008
Streeter McCray, Michelle Renee04/19/196535Bartow, FL01/01/2001
Stubbs,Willie10/28/194852Winter Haven, FL10/28/2000
Sturgis, Ira W.09/15/193171Fort Meade, FL11/14/2002
Sunka, Ellen A. ( Mrs. ) [ Agner ]10/19/191592Mulberry, FL09/26/2008
Swartz, LeShe01/16/197923Bartow, FL01/11/2003
Swift, Christopher Sean10/08/197028Lakeland, FL05/17/1999
Szydlo, Debbie ( Mrs. )10/25/195447Winter Haven, FL11/05/2001
Taylor, Theatus [ Woodham ]08/21/191882Lake Wales, FL10/29/2000
Teal, Mary [ Scott ] 48Lakeland, FL05/16/2000
Thomas, Ralph09/28/192871Auburndale, FL12/26/1999
Thompson, Alexander11/21/195148Winter Haven, FL04/17/2000
Thompson, Evelyn V. [ Alexander ]06/08/191980Lakeland, FL08/24/1999
Thompson, Lawrence Paul "Larry"11/04/195745Lakeland, FL02/27/2003
Thompson, Raymond Ray12/27/193763Lake Alfred, FL10/01/2001
Tillman, Helen ( Mrs. ) 50Lakeland, FL06/04/2002
Tolson, Jeff09/12/192578Lakeland, FL03/12/2004
Turlington, Steven Warren 38Winter Haven, FL07/14/2002
Turner, James Lee10/20/195445Bartow, FL06/12/2000
Tyson Lockhart, Leroyal "Teddy" 51Lake Wales, FL04/26/2003
Tyson, Doris [ Heidt ] 80Bartow, FL04/29/2000
Vaughan, Taylor11/16/1998InfLakeland, FL04/14/1999
Venable, William H.02/16/193468Lakeland, FL07/13/2002
Von Eiff, Valarie Kae10/05/199110Bartow, FL11/03/2001
Walker, William Earl07/07/192977Frostproof, FL04/26/2007
Wall, James H. 67Winter Haven, FL07/27/1999
Wallace, Mattie Bell (Mrs.)01/10/191783Lakeland, FL11/26/2000
Waltz, Patsy C. 63Kathleen, FL10/17/2001
Watson, Ruth [ Cochran ]01/11/192383Fort Meade, FL03/15/2006
Weingard, John Lee12/22/193663Frostproof, FL07/02/2000
Welch, Ludie Lee ( Mrs. )01/15/191584Lakeland, FL10/12/1999
Wheeler, Paul Eugene 36Frostproof, FL03/15/2002
Whidden, Henry P. "Shorty"04/05/194060Lakeland, FL06/11/2000
Whidden, James F.04/28/191785Bartow, FL02/26/2003
Whitaker, Lucille ( Mrs. )12/02/191092Bartow, FL02/24/2003
White, Wanda12/13/194952Winter Haven, FL07/04/2002
Wiggins, Charles L.01/23/192182Bartow, FL05/07/2003
Willey, Shawna Lynn09/15/197530Lakeland, FL08/18/2006
Williams Davis, Mary A. [ Hearn ]12/09/191291Highland City, FL02/11/2004
Williams, Benjamin "Ben"09/02/191587Bartow, FL02/23/2003
Williams, Connie L.04/18/194658Bartow, FL07/01/2004
Williams, Emma Jane 56Winter Haven, FL10/26/2005
Williams, Emma Jane ( Mrs. ) 56Winter Haven, FL10/26/2005
Williams, Evelyn LaTressa09/26/197132Bartow, FL08/09/2004
Williams, James Keith09/26/195154Haines City, FL08/21/2006
Willis, Frances Estelle ( Mrs. ) [ King ]04/10/193470Bartow, FL07/10/2004
Wilson, James Edward10/21/192771Fort Meade, FL08/26/1999
Wood, Betty Phillips ( Mrs. ) 75Lakeland, FL10/14/1999
Woodard, John Robert05/29/192774Eagle Lake, FL10/02/2001
Wright, Otis05/18/194952Winter Haven, FL10/30/2001
Wright, Roger Scott12/28/196831Winter Haven, FL01/12/2000
Young McKennon, Jimmy Lewis03/02/194158Lake Wales, FL07/19/1999
Young, Hallie J. ( Mrs. )10/31/191485Lakeland, FL02/10/2000
Yowell, Allie [ Torbert ] "Munk Munk"08/07/192972Lake Wales, FL09/30/2001

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Florida Obits Index

Copyright © for FLGenWeb 2025 With Thanks to the Legacy and Memory of Jose Rivera Nieves

Transcriptions of most of the obituaries are available free online at HeritageHub through most libraries.