Maps & Places

Histrory is full of places that have come and gone. In learning of our forefathers, it is important to have a working knowledge of the local area. If the newspaper said they were living in Rairden, where exactly is that? These maps and resources should make it a bit easier to understand the small communities of the past.

Post Offices

The location of post offices really highlighted the ebb and flow of communities. The interactive map below shows Washakie County post offices in 1920. This list is from the United States Official Postal Guide from 1920 which you can find for free on Google Books.

Interactive Map

There are a lot of independent little communities outside the city limits. Check out this map to see historical communities, census areas, registered historial places, and post offices.

Click on the box and arrow icon in the upper left hand corner of the map to easily turn off and on markers.



Other Historic Maps

University of Wyoming Digital Library has a wonderful collection of Wyoming Historic Maps. Here are just a few from Washakie County.

Washakie County - 1900

Map of Washakie County - 1937

"Showing oil & gas fields, land net, state land, primary & secondary roads, drainage, other features."

Trails of Chief Washakie - 1930

"Shows trails of buffalo chase, 1874 and travel to General Crook's camp, 1876."


