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On 12 April 1960, Mr. . Frances T. Hayden President of the Park County Chapter of the Wyoming State Historical Society, wrote to Mr. Vincent P. Foley, then the Executive Secretary of the Wyoming State Historical Society. He encloseof a copy of on the Primitive Necropolis #1 Cemetery written by Charles Hartung. He indicated that the Cemetery was fenced enclosed in the early 1970s and a sign put up indicating the names of the people buried there. At that time the cemetery seeme to be in fair shape and it is approximately 4 miles Northwest of Cody, Wyoming. Other inforrmation places the Cemetery on a high bench of land between Trail Creek and Dry Creek . This Cemetery should not be confused with the Newton Cemetery as that cemetery was abandoned and moved to Cody, Wyoming Riverside Cemetery.
The headstones at the cemetery says there are seven pioneer graves in the cemetery, but there are actually eleven. Little is known about the occupants at the graves "and what is known is subject to dispute. All but one of the graves have only have large rocks for headstones. (see last entry for Child's grave of wooden cross).
The typed data below is quoted from the report sent sent by Mr. Hartung, Primitive NECROPOLIS #1 by Charles Hartung. It should be noted here however, that an article in the Cody ENTERPRISE dated 23 June 1983, page 4, on the Trail Creek Ranch Cemetery, gave a quote from Mr. Brownie Newton concerning the Hartung report: "a lot of that was in his imagination."
"In the departure of time it almost seems to be essential to leave a record of the graveyard located on a high bench of lanof between Trail Creek and of Dry Creek which now the writer has attempted to respond to the many inquiries of this age. A brief record of those that lie unmolested, in this Primitive Necropolis, seems to be all that is to be obtainable now.
It all happened years ago, then when this country was just sparcely settled " and now a very few remain and they can tell only what they remember. It was not the custom in this western country to ask a man his name; in fact it was against the rules of western etiquette. So for years someone would be known as Jack, or some other suitable colloquial nickname; for whence he came, seldom no one knew, or cared; it was his personality that counted.
So in most cases, little is known at this age of those that have left the scene of this life and were buried in this, then lonely, section of Uncle Sam's domain.
HEFFNER, TOM, a cowboy who had been working for Henry Lovell (The ML outfit) went to the DeMaris Springs to bathe for rheumatism in the spring of 1882, got gassed there at the springs. John, Hank, and Andy Chapman saw his horse grazing around with the saddle on. They investigated and found him in the hot spring, face down dead. He was the first person buried on Trail Creek (SUNDANCE GAZETTE 14 Nar 1885).
LINCOLN, JOHNNIE: Three Chapman's wintered on (now) the E.P. Heald Ranch in 1881 and 1882. During their abode there a man by the name of Bill Vickers shot a man by the name of Johnnie Lincoln in the spring of 1882. Bill took aim from the celler and shot Johnnie's brains out. Lincoln was expecting him from another direction. Lincoln was the second one buried on Trail Creek. (Note: another version, printed in the above noted Cody Enterprise newspaper, stated that Lincoln climbed on top of the roof and began shooting through it into the saloon. Vickers began returning the fire and one of his shots took fatal effect. (from Bruce Walters). Another version from Brownie Newton states the shooting occurred after the two got into a fight at the bar. Lincoln went outside and climbed on top of the roof of the building to get the drop on Vickers. A clod of dirt dropped off the roof as Vickers came out and the two men fired at once -- killing both of them, according to Newton.)
BRETACHE, BABY. Paul Bretache, foreman for the Crown outfit, who lived (now) on the E.P. Heald Ranch, buried his baby on Trail Creek
ENZOR, MRS. PETE ("BLACK PETE") AND BABY: Enzor lived on the Corbett Ranch, which was on upper Trail Creek, was married to a woman whose maiden name was Thompson. She died, also the baby died, and they were buried in separate graves on Trail Creek.
The first location for the town of Cody was selected on the land east of and opposite the DeMaris Springs and subsequently, H.P. Arnold embarked in the merchantile business. Later a blacksmith shop was built by Charles Butcher after these enterprises in about 1900, a saloon was opened by George Nash to quench the thirst of the equestrian traveller.
UNKNOWN MAN; One night at a late hour, after partaking of the elixer of life, a pedestrian left this establishment seeking a camp near by, but in the darkness lost his bearings, and was attracted by the light of the springs, went directly toward it and walked over the river bank, falling a distance of over a hundred feet: to the river bottom. The corpse was taken to the west side of the river and he was buried in Trail Creek.
EOICK, CLARENCE VERNON; son of Mr. and Mrs. William Edick, between the age of 16 and 17, died at the DeMaris Springs. The cause of his untimely death was an internal injury caused by jumping across the narrow row channel of the river at the Springs. (Note: The above noted Cody Enterpise stated by Newton that: Edick hit the other side right in his midriff "It: drove his ribs into his lungs and he bled to death." At low water, the entire river passed through a narrow raw gorge by which pedestrians crossed by jumping a distance of six feet. Clarence Vernon Edick was born in Adrian County, (unreadable) Nov. 1884. He was buried on Trail Creek
UNKNOWN GIRL; Long ago, date and name forgotten, a woman living in either Red Lodge or Park City, brought her invalid daughter to the DeMaris Springs. She died there at the springs, and she was buried on Trail Creek. H.K. Barbee made the coffin.
CLOSE, MRS.; In 1903 M s. Close about 50 years old who had been living with her son, Bill Close, in Red Lodge went to the DeMaris Springs to bathe, was overcome with gas and died in the hot spring. She was buried on Trail Creek. The casket: was opened at the graveyard for her relatives who arrived late from Montana.
WILDE, LEWIS: who lived in Greybull, and had his stock branded with the cotton hook, went to DeMaris Springs to bathe for his health, died at the springs and was buried on Trail Creek
Credit is due to the vigilance of those in selecting a place which would be non-profitable for any other prupose. Therefore those who lie in their resting places will remain unmolested, waiting for the Final Roundup.
"So in the passing of time, we encounter many things in life. Not only among events are the departures of associates and dear ones -- but a Departing Age." --- Charles Huntung, undated.
UNKNOWN CHILD; "One tiny grave has a small wooden cross with the following inscription: "Bud, may you live forever." CODY ENTERPRISE, above date.