Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Jan 1937 Ephraim Blacker Killed Ephraim Blacker, age 28, married, one child, employed as machine runner in No. 8 Mine, Rock Springs, was killed the night of December 16th by a slip of coal. Mr. Blacker was born at Cumberland, Wyoming, the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. George Blacker. He had been in the service of the company since 1924. He leaves to mourn his sudden taking off a wife and small child, two brothers, three sisters and his parents, now residents of Superior. The funeral was held December 20th from the L.D.S. Church, interment in Mountain View cemetery here. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Jan 1937 Mrs. E.W. Wilson Passes On December 16th there passed away at the family home in the Barracks, this city, Mrs. E.W. Wilson, beloved wife of one of the members of The Old Timers’ Association. She leaves to mourn her sad taking off a husband, one son (John, of our Mining Engineering staff) and three daughters. Funeral services were held at the Episcopal Church, December 19th, Rev. H.C. Swezy officiating; interment in Mountain View Cemetery. Mrs. Wilson was a native of England but had resided in Rock Springs for 18 years past. The sympathy of the community is extended to those bereaved. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Jan 1937 Obituary Mrs. Agnes Baronetti, widow of John Baronetti, a former employe of this Company at Rock Springs whose accidental death on August 3rd last, passed away at the Holy Cross Hospital, Salt Lake City, Sunday, November 22, after a brief illness, to which point she had recently gone for medical treatment. She was born in Turin, Italy, and came to the United States with her husband and children many years since. Her son and daughter were at her bedside when death intervened. The body was brought to Rock Springs for interment, funeral services at South Side Catholic Church, Rev. S.A. Welsh officiating, November 26. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Jan 1937 Superior Mrs. H.A. Wylam has returned to her home in Superior after two months spent in Puyallup, Washington. Mrs. Wylam was called to Washington because of the serious illness and subsequent death of her mother, Mrs. George Jones. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Jan 1937 Superior The community extends sympathy to Miss Addie Coffman, who was called to her home in Albuquerque, N.M., because of the death of her sister, on November 25. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Jan 1937 Reliance Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Val Kalan in the death of their infant daughter. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Jan 1937 Reliance Sympathy is extended to Mr. McPheators in the death of his wife, which occurred recently. Mrs. McPheators was formerly Miss Margaret Lane, and at one time lived here. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 1, 1937 Copyak Baby Dies; Funeral Saturday Kenneth Edward Copyak, three-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Copyak Jr., died Thursday at the family home, 732 Ridge avenue in Rock Springs. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m., Saturday, in Rogan Chapel. The body will be taken from Rogan Mortuary to the home at 5 p.m., Friday, where it will remain until 1 p.m., Saturday, when it will again be returned to the Chapel for services. Interment will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery. --- Green River Star, Jan 1, 1937 Mrs. Margaret Lenhart, Old Resident, Dead Mrs. Margaret Welsh Lenhart, one of Green River’s and Wyoming’s oldest residents, succumbed to a two-year illness Tuesday night at eight o’clock at her home. She was 75 years of age. A heart attack was stated as the cause of death. Mrs. Lenhart came to Wyoming when eleven years of age and to Green River as a bride of the late F. J. Lenhart, who died in November, 1926, in the year 1880, and has made her home here since that time to maker he local residence span a period of fifty-six years. Her residence in Wyoming totals 64 years. She was born in Scotland October 11, 1861, coming to the United States and directly to Wyoming at the age of eleven. In 1880 she was married to Frank J. Lenhart at Aspen, Wyoming, and came to Green River to establish their home. Eight children were born to the union, all of whom survive. They are Charles F., Abraham, Jacob, John and William Lenhart, all of Green River; David F. Lenhart of Denver; Mrs. Ruth Coope of Green River; and Mrs. Viola Kinney of Salt Lake City. Mrs. Lenhart was a past matron of Mystic Chapter No. 8, Order of Eastern Star, serving as worthy matron in the year 1909. She was a charter member of the local order of the Neighbors of Woodcraft and held membership in St. John’s Episcopal church. Funeral services will be conducted from the home, 460 West Railroad avenue, Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rev. Herald Swezy, rector of the Church of the Holy Communion, Episcopal, Rock Springs, will officiate. --- Green River Star, Jan 1, 1937 Mrs. Sorline Jensen Dies in Ogden Sunday Mrs. Sorline Ane Margrethe Gregersen Jensen, 73, well-known former resident of Green River and mother of S. G. and C. E. Jensen, died Sunday in Ogden, Utah at the home of a daughter, Mrs. George A. Hyde. Mrs. Jensen was born January 11th, 1863, in Denmark, a daughter of Soren and Maren Jepperson Gregersen, and was married in Denmark December 3, 1885. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen left Denmark in 1901, coming to Green River where her husband died April 1, 1914. Mrs. Jensen moved to Ogden in July, 1917, making her home there since that time. She was a member of the Lutheran church and of Hope Camp Royal Neighbors of America of Green River. Surviving are the following sons and daughters: Soren G. and C. Einard Jensen of Green River; James J. Jensen of Grand Junction, Colo.; Dora McCall of St. Paul, Minn.; Mrs. Leslie C. West and Mrs. George A. Hyde of Ogden, Utah; Mrs. Glenn A. Porter of Longmont, Colo.; and Mrs. C. R. Peterson, Salt Lake City. Funeral services were conducted in Ogden Tuesday afternoon at the Lindquist and Sons chapel with the Rev. Roy B. Carlson of the Lutheran church officiating. The body was shipped by train to Green River Wednesday morning, arriving here at one p.m., when a cortege of relatives and friends met the funeral body and attending relatives, accompanying the remains to Riverview cemetery where interment was made. Those accompanying the body on the train trip from Ogden were Mrs. L. C. West, Mrs. George Hyde, James Jensen and S. G. and C. E. Jensen. Pallbearers were Carl Evers, William Mortimer, Williams Rogers, J. A. Chrisman, Jas. Thomsen and C. L. Young. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 5, 1937 Gary Funeral Rites Are This Afternoon Funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock this afternoon in Rogan chapel for Mrs. Minnie Gary, 50, of San Bernardino, Calif., who died December 30 at Wyoming General hospital. The Rev. H. Hollis Hooks is to officiate. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery. A daughter, Mrs. Henrietta McEnheimez of Pittsburgh, Pa., will be here to attend services. Mrs. Gary also is survived by a sister, Mrs. Laura Mickens of Chicago, Ill. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 5, 1937 Former Physician at Dines Expires Dr. A.L. Pollard, former camp physician at Dines and father of Mrs. Carl S. Bell of Rock Springs, died at his home in Sedalia, Mo., Saturday, according to word received here. Dr. Pollard went to Dines as camp physician in 1920 and remained there several years. He had been in ill health for the two months preceding his death. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Amy G. Pollard; a son, Howard O. Pollard of Canon City, Colo.; a daughter, Mrs. Bell of Rock Springs; and three grandchildren, Howard, Barbara and George Bell of Rock Springs. Funeral services were held in Sedalia Monday. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 6, 1937 Mrs. Victor Maki Is Taken by Death Mrs. Matilda Maki, 53, of 803 Goble street, Rock Springs, died early Tuesday morning at Wyoming General hospital. Funeral services will be held from Rogan Chapel at 2 p.m. Sunday, with the Rev. Herald Swezy of the Episcopal church officiating. Mrs. Maki was born February 2, 1883 in Finland. She had made Rock Springs her home since 1903. She is survived by her husband, Victor; two sons, Raymond and Elmer; and one daughter, Martha Maki, all of Rock Springs; and four sisters, Mrs. H. Kinunen and Mrs. Hilma Matlilianen, both of Superior, and two sisters who live in Finland. An interesting circumstance in the life of Mrs. Maki was that, as had been the case with her mother, she did not have to change her last name when she married. Her mother had been Lahres Maki before she married Alex Kaunis Maki. The daughter, Matilda, whose death occurred Tuesday, also married a man with the surname that she bore. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 8, 1937 Reiva Last Rites Set for Saturday Funeral services for Mrs. Kathryn Reiva, 36, will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday, at the South Side Catholic church. The Rev. S.A. Welsh will officiate. Following services, Mrs. Reiva’s body will be sent to Denver for interment. Mrs. Reiva died Wednesday night at the family home, 413 Pine street. She is survived by her husband, Martin Reiva Sr., a son, Martin Jr.; a daughter, Josephine; her father, B. Galiardi, who lives in Italy; and two sisters, Mrs. John G. Georges of Kemmerer and another sister who lives in Italy. Local funeral arrangements are being carried on under the direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Green River Star, Jan 8, 1937 Husband of Former Resident Succumbs Word was received here Tuesday of the death of Edward A. Alf, husband of the former Marion Ferguson, a resident of Green River about fifteen years ago, at the family residence, 2421 West 38th avenue, Denver, Colo., last Sunday. Mrs. Alf is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferguson, the family residing here for several years where Mr. Ferguson was employed with the Union Pacific and was also deputy county treasurer. Funeral services were held Thursday. Friends of the family here have also been informed that Mrs. Alf is seriously ill. --- Green River Star, Jan 8, 1937 Lenhart Services Held Saturday Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret Welsh Lenhart, who died Tuesday, December 29th, were held Saturday, January 2nd, from the family home at 2 p.m. Rev. Herald Swezy, rector of the church of the Holy Communion, Episcopal, Rock Springs, conducted the service. Floral tributes were many. Members of the Order of Eastern Star and Neighbors of Woodcraft, of which she was a member, attended the services in groups and accompanied the remains to Riverview cemetery where interment was made. Rogan Mortuary of Rock Springs was in charge. Honorary pallbearers were George Yund, J.H. Jacobucci, E. A. Gaensslen, Otto Kaehler, C. H. Bedient and Wm. Rogers. Active pallbearers were Chas. Viox, S. G. Thornhill, Jas. Thomsen, W. S. Martimer, Jas. Chrisman and Louis Hines. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 9, 1937 Nicholas Bonome Dies In California Nicholas Bonome, 68, died Thursday afternoon at his home in Los Angeles, Calif., following a heart attack, according to word received late Thursday night by relatives in Rock Springs. Bonome was an uncle of Mrs. August Sarcletti of Rock Springs. He was very well known in Rock Springs, having visited here on several occasions. Surviving him are a daughter, Lynda, and two sons, Nick and Monte. Another son, Kenneth died about six months ago. Bonome was the father-in-law of Mrs. Nick Bonome, the former Miss Josephine Asson of Rock Springs. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 12, 1937 Maki Last Rites Are Held Sunday Funeral services for Eli Maki, 60, of Superior, were held at 3:00 o’clock Sunday afternoon in Rogan Chapel with Gust Sturholm officiating. Music was furnished by the Finish choir. Maki died early last Tuesday morning at his home in Superior but a few hours before he was to have been taken to Wyoming General hospital for treatment of an illness from which he was suffering. Interment was in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 12, 1937 Winton Youth Is Taken By Death Wilford Gregory Kmetich, 18-year-old Winton youth, died early Sunday morning at Wyoming General hospital. Funeral services will be held in the Episcopal church, Rock Springs, at 1 p.m., Wednesday, with the Rev. Herald Swezy officiating. Kmetich was born April 18, 1918, in Cumberland. He had lived in Winton since 1928 and was employed in the mines. He was a member of the S.N.P.J. lodge and of local union 3830, United Mine Workers of America. Surviving him are his mother, Mrs. Frances Kmetich; two brothers, Frank, who resides in Austria, and Louis of Winton; and three sisters, Mrs. Eli Kovacich and Mrs. Joseph Kamenski of Rock Springs and Mrs. Harold Morgan, Winton. Interment will be in Rock Springs cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 13, 1937 Well Known Local Butcher Expires Matt Laktic, butcher for many years in the meat department of the Miners Mercantile company, died early Tuesday night in Wyoming General hospital. Laktic was born 48 years ago in Yugoslavia. Upon entering the United States he went to Tooele, Utah, where he worked for a time in the smelters, Later he came to Rock Springs, first working for the Wyoming Meat Market, and then opening the market in the Miners Mercantile company. He is survived by his wife, Lucille, 208 M street, and a brother, George Laktic, living in Tooele. His brother and brother-in-law, Mike Melinkovich, and two sons, George and Joe Melinkovich, are expected to arrive in Rock Springs today to arrange for funeral services. His body is at Rogan Mortuary pending funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 13, 1937 90-YEAR-OLD RESIDENT OF CITY EXPIRES Mrs. Charles W. Ware, mother of Mrs. Al Husbands of Rock Springs, died at 10:25 a.m., Tuesday, according to word received here by her daughter. Mrs. Husbands left Rock Springs last night for Salt Lake City where funeral services will be held Thursday in the Desert Mortuary. Interment will be in Mount Olive cemetery beside the body of her husband, Charles Ware, who died in Rock Springs in April 1928. Mrs. Ware would have been 90 years old had she lived until her next birthday, February 12. In addition to Mrs. Husbands, she is survived by another daughter, Mrs. Lola B. Graham of Los Angeles, Calif., and a son, Reginald Stowell of Lewisotn, Maine. It is believed Mrs. Graham also will be present at funeral services. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 14, 1937 Laktic Last Rites Will Be Saturday Funeral services are to be held at 9 a.m. Saturday for Matt Laktic, who has been butcher for many years with the Miners Mercantile company and who died in Wyoming General hospital Tuesday evening. The services will be held in the North Side Catholic church, the Rev. Fr. Albin Gnidovec officiating. Burial will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery. Rogan mortuary is making the arrangements. Rosary services will be held beginning at 7 p.m. Friday at the family home, 208 M street. Surviving Mr. Laktic are his wife, Mrs. Lucille Laktic; two brothers, George Laktic of Tooele, Utah and Louis Laktic of Yugoslavia; and two sisters, Mrs. Kathryn Spalz and Mrs. Magdalen Balen, both of Yugoslavia. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 14, 1937 Ferlic Baby Dies Wednesday Night John Ferlic, nine-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ferlic of 811 Center street in Rock Springs, died Wednesday evening in Wyoming General hospital. His body is being held at the Rogan mortuary pending funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 14, 1937 Rites Are Arranged For Louis Del Monte Rosary services will be held at 7 p.m., Thursday in Rogan chapel for Louis Del Monte, 66, who died Sunday morning in the Sweetwater county infirmary in Rock Springs. Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. the following day in the South Side Catholic church with the Rev. Fr. S.A. Welsh in charge. --- Green River Star, Jan 15, 1937 J. A. Hitchcock, Former Resident, Dies in California J. A. Hitchcock, 62, former resident of Green River, died at his home in Chico, California, December 31st, it was learned here this week. The cause of death was not learned. Jacob Arthur Hitchcock was born in Illinois. He came to Green River with his family about 25 years ago, after several years’ residence in Colorado. The family made their home here until eight years ago, when they left to establish residence in California. Mr. Hitchcock was an electrician and was formerly employed as electrical engineer for the Green River Light & Power Co., before its consolidation with the Utah Light & Power Co. At the time of his death he was employed as an electrician by the Johnson Rock Plant at Chico and was also manager of the Hubbell apartment house. Mr. Hitchcock was a member of the Woodmen of the World Camp of Colorado. Funeral services were conducted at Chico January 2nd. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Blanche Hitchcock, of Chico; three children, Ila Hitchcock, Chico; Mrs. Gladys Jensen, Colorado; and Arthur Hitchcock, Sacramento; two sisters, Mrs. J. F. Post, and Mrs. Lou Cruse, and a brother, J. M. Hitchcock, all of Bakersfield, California, and five grandchildren. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 16, 1937 IREDALE RITES TO BE SUNDAY Funeral services for Mrs. Martha Sophronia Iredale, wife of William Iredale, who died Thursday evening at the family home, 324 B street, will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Masonic Temple. The local chapter of the Order of Eastern Star, of which she was a member, will be in charge of the services. The Rev. Herald Swezy, rector of the Episcopal church here, will officiate at the grave. Burial will be in Mountain View cemetery. Mrs. Iredale was in her sixty-first year. She was born in Laramie on June 21, 1876 and has lived in Rock Springs for the past 42 years. Wildermuth mortuary is making funeral arrangements. Surviving Mrs. Iredale are her husband; her mother, Mrs. Martha Biscom of Rock Springs; a daughter, Mrs. C.F. Wiederanders of Pinedale; two sisters, Mrs. Annie Clark and Mrs. Harry Brittian of Los Angels; four brothers, Robert Kellogg, George Kellogg, Howard Kellogg and Sam Kellogg, all of Rock Springs; a granddaughter, Mrs. Earl Bruce of Sidney, Ohio, and two grandsons, Jack Mudd of Pinedale and Ben Mudd of Rock Springs. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 19, 1937 AUGUST LINDEN DEATH VICTIM August Linden, prominent sheepman of southwestern Wyoming, died at 6 a.m. Monday, in Wyoming General hospital from an illness which had kept him bedfast in the institution for the past six years. He was 83 years old. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, in Wildermuth chapel with the Rev. Herald Swezy of the Episcopal church officiating. Pallbearers will be Charles Johnson, Sam Sorenson, Gust Larson, Gust Sturholm, Frank Wexelberger, and Frank Steinhour. Linden was born December 29, 1853, in Sweden. He had made Rock Springs his home for the past 50 years and had engaged in the sheep business in this vicinity for 35 years. In 1931, Linden suffered a paralytic stroke and was forced to enter the local hospital on November 19 of that year. He had been confined there since that time. Surviving him are two sons, Clarence and Arthur, both of Rock Springs. His wife and another son died several years ago. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 19, 1937 Pete Hanson Dies At Hospital Here Pete Hanson, 68, of Rock Springs died at 7 p.m. Monday in Wyoming General hospital. Hanson, born in Denmark, had lived in Rock Springs about 40 years. For some time he tended bar and later worked in Copenhagen mine at Superior. For the past nine years he has been unemployed. He is believed to be survived by relatives in Europe. His body is at Wildermuth Mortuary pending funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 21, 1937 Peter Hansen to Be Buried Today Funeral services for Zoren Peter Hansen, 68, of Rock Springs, will be held at two o’clock this afternoon in Wildermuth chapel. The Rev. Herald Swezy is to officiate. Hansen, resident of Rock Springs for the past 40 years, died Monday night at Wyoming General hospital. No relatives are known to survive him. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 22, 1937 Sam Helmes Dies Wednesday Night Sam Helmes, old-time resident of Rock Springs died late Wednesday night at his home, 519 Q street. He was 53 years old. Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday, at the South Side Catholic Church with the Rev. S.A. Welsh officiating. Rosary services will be held at 7 o’clock tonight at the family home. Helmes was born Nov. 23, 1884, in Illinois. He had lived in Rock Springs for the past 33 years. At the time of his death he was secretary of Barbers Local Union No. 739. He is survived by his wife, the former Sarah Lafferty, a member of a pioneer Rock Springs family; two daughters, Mrs. Irwin Rodda and Mrs. Earl G. Hawkins, both of Rock Springs; and three grandchildren. Interment will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery under direction of Wildermuth mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 23, 1937 Pneumonia Takes Carpenter Baby Arthur Wayne Carpenter, five-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Carpenter, 212 Grant street, died Friday at Wyoming General hospital. Pneumonia was given as the cause of death. Funeral services for the baby, who was born August 20, 1936, will be held at 3 p.m., Sunday, in Rogan Chapel with the Rev. Keenan Sheldon officiating. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 23, 1937 Thomas Costello Taken By Death Pneumonia proved fatal Friday to Thomas Costello, representative of the Frankfort Distillery and well-known in Rock Springs and Sweetwater county. Costello died in the hospital at Rawlins following the illness which he contracted less than a week ago. Costello was in Rock Springs about a week ago to visit George Halliday, representative of the Sehenley company, who died Thursday, January 14, at Wyoming General hospital. At that time Costello was worried over the condition of Halliday who was suffering with pneumonia and stomach ulcers. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 26, 1937 YEAR’S FIRST CAR FATALITY OCCURS HERE The first highway fatality in Sweetwater county in 1937 was registered here Monday with the death of Fred Miller of Rawlins. Miller died in Wyoming General hospital at 4:15 a.m. from injuries suffered Friday night, January 15, when the automobile in which he and Jack Lamb, also of Rawlins, were riding left the highway eight miles east of Point of Rocks and somersaulted twice. Miller suffered severe back and other injuries in the accident. Lamb, who suffered injuries to his head is making satisfactory recovery. Miller was born September 24, 1885 in Hanover, Germany, but had made Rawlins his home since he was eight years old. He is survived by his wife, Ruth. His body is at Wildermuth Mortuary pending funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 27, 1937 Miller Funeral To Be Thursday Funeral services for Fred Miller of Rawlins who died Monday at Wyoming General hospital from injuries suffered in an automobile accident near Point of Rocks January 15, will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at Wildermuth Chapel. The Rev. Herald Swezy is to officiate. Death of Miller was the first highway fatality to occur in Sweetwater county in 1937. Miller is survived by his wife, Ruth. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery, Rock Springs. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 27, 1937 Dines Resident Dies on Tuesday Erskin Harlin of Dines, husband of the former Ruth Lang of Rock Springs, died at his home at noon Tuesday from complications following an attack of influenza. Harlin, who was 32, came to Wyoming seven years ago from Tennessee. For the past three years he had been night watchman for the coal company at Dines. In addition to his wife he is survived by his mother and two brothers in Tennessee. Funeral arrangements are being made by the Wildermuth mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 28, 1937 Harlin Funeral to Be On This Friday Funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon in the Episcopal church for Erskin Harlin, 32, who died Tuesday noon at his home in Dines from complications following an attack of influenza. The Rev. Herald Swezy will officiate. Harlin was born September 27, 1904, in Red Boiling Springs, Tenn. He came to Wyoming seven years ago and for the past 4 ½ years made his home at Dines. He had been night watchman for the coal company at Dines for the past three years. He is survived by his wife, the former Ruth Lang of Rock Springs; his mother, Sarah Harlin; three brothers, Lankford, Gather and Raymond Harlin; two sisters, Mrs. Mae Prowell and Mrs. Cleo Gregory; a stepdaughter, Vivian Edwards; and a stepson, Clarence (Buddy) Harlin. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 28, 1937 One of Few Remaining Pioneers of Wyoming, P. C. Bridges, Dies Here One of the last few men who could be classed as real Wyoming pioneers died Tuesday night at Wyoming General hospital from infirmities of old age. He was P. C. Bridges of 126 Grant street. He was 98 years, 11 months, and 26 days. He came to Wyoming in 1865, two years before the Territory of Wyoming was created and 25 years before Wyoming was admitted to the union as a state. As was the case with many other men who remained in the West to create its history, he came here as a soldier. He passed through Wyoming on a march which took him all the way from Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to Fort Douglas, Utah. A short time after coming west he received an honorable discharge from the army and was married. After that he led a colorful life as a scout, trapper, and stock man in Utah and Wyoming. Mr. Bridges was born in Spartanburg, S.C., on Feb. 1, 1838. Surviving him are four sons, John W. Bridges of Pueblo, Colo., and C.H., Bert, and S. E. Bridges of Rock Springs. Funeral services will he held at 2 p. m., Friday in Rogan chapel. Burial will be in Mountain View cemetery. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 28, 1937 CHICK COLLINS, WAR VET HERE, DEATH VICTIM George H. (Chick) Collins, 41, well-known Rock Springs resident and World War veteran, died late Tuesday night at the U.S. Veterans Administration Facility hospital in Cheyenne from complications of asthma and heart trouble. Collins was a charter member of Yellowstone Post No. 2316, Veterans of Foreign Wars, in Rock Springs. He served with Supply Company, 815th Pioneer Infantry, in France during the World war and was wounded in the left leg while in action in the Meuse Argonne. He enlisted Aug. 3, 1918, at Green River and was honorably discharged July 2, 1919, at Fort D. A. Russell in Cheyenne. Born March 1, 1895, in Rock Springs, Collins had lived in this vicinity all his life. At the time of his death he was employed in No. 8 mine of the Union Pacific Coal companys in Rock Springs and, had he lived until June, would have been eligible for 20-year membership in the Old Timers association. He was a member of Local Union 2174, U. M. W. of A. Collins became ill late in December but believed at the time that his illness was of minor nature. His condition failed to improve, however, and he entered the Veterans hospital on January 15. His wife was notified Tuesday that his condition had become critical and she left here at once for the hospital. She was accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Doris Hughes. Surviving Collins are his wife, the former Sarah Dow; his mother, Mrs. Rose Collins; a sister, Mrs. Doris Hughes; brother, Emmett, six children, Henry, Emmett, Robert, Sanny Rose, Doris May and Jolina; and two nieces, Doris Hughes of Rock Springs and Rose Page of Salt Lake City. His body is to arrive in Rock Springs at 6:53 p. m. Thursday. It will be met by a delegation from the local V. F. W. post and conveyed to a local mortuary. Funeral arrangements will be announced following the return of Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Hughes. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 28, 1937 HEART ATTACK TAKES LIFE OF A.T. HENKELL A sudden heart attack Wednesday afternoon claimed the life of Art T. Henkell, general master mechanic of the Union Pacific Coal company and prominent Rock Springs resident. His death came as a distinct shock to his fellow employees and to his many friends in Rock Springs and throughout Sweetwater county. He had been ill the past few days but the nature of his ailment was not believed serious and he had returned to work Wednesday morning. Returning home at noon, he complained of not feeling well and a physician was called. His condition grew steadily worse, however, with his death occurring about 5 p.m. Born in Carbon, Wyo., Henkell had been in the employ of the Union Pacific Coal company for more than 30 years. He had held the position of master mechanic at Cumberland, Hanna, and Superior before accepting a similar position in Rock Springs in 1924. Later he was appointed general master mechanic. He is survived by his wife and a son, Arthur, who is attending the University of Wyoming. The son left Laramie immediately upon notice of the death of his father and was expected to arrive here late last night. The body of Mr. Henkell is at Wildermuth Funeral Home pending funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 29, 1937 MASON HERE HOLD SERVICE FOR HENKELL Masonic services for Arthur T. Henkell, widely known Rock Springs man who died Wednesday afternoon of a heart attack, will be held at the Masonic Temple here at 10 a.m. today. Pallbearers for the services here will be Eugene McAuliffe, George B. Pryde, I.N. Bayless, Matt Medill, George A. Brown, and Thomas H. Butler. Following the services the body of Mr. Henkell will lie in state at the temple from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The body then will be taken by train to Denver. Funeral services will be held in Denver at 2:30 p.m., Saturday, at the Olinger Mortuary at Sixteenth and Boulder. Interment will follow in the family plot in Crown Hill cemetery. The Rev. Joshua Gavitt, a Congregational minister in Denver, will officiate at the rites. Mr. Henkell, who was general master mechanic for the Union Pacific Coal company at the time of his death, was a member of the company’s Old Timers association. He first went to work for the company in 1901 at the store in Hanna. He left the company for two years to attend the University of Wyoming but returned to its employ immediately afterward, taking up mechanics in the shops at Hanna. He served as master mechanic at Cumberland, Superior, Hanna and Rock Springs before being made general master mechanic in 1933. He was a member of Rawlins lodge number five, A.F. and A.M. Members of the Rock Springs lodge plan to meet in a body to attend the local services. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 29, 1937 Bridges Funeral To Be Saturday Funeral services for P.C. Bridges, 98, of 126 Grant street, will be held at Rogan chapel at 2 p.m., Saturday, instead of Friday. Bridges, one of Wyoming’s real pioneers, was born February 1, 1838, in Spartansburg, S.C. He came to Wyoming in 1865 as a soldier. A short time later he received an honorable discharge from the army and was married. After that he led a colorful life as a scout, trapper and stockman in Utah and Wyoming. Surviving him are four sons, John W. Bridges of Pueblo, Colo., and C.H., Bert and S.E. Bridges of Rock Springs. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 29, 1937 William Syme of Lyman Dies Here William H. Syme, 35, of Lyman, Wyo., died Thursday at Wyoming General hospital. Syme was born July 15, 1901, in Lyman and had lived there all his life. He was a truck driver for the Lyman Implement and Auto company. Surviving him are his wife, Ada; a daughter, Norma Jean; three sons, James, Elwood and Gary Allen; his father, James H. Syme; and three sisters, Mrs. Clinton Bradshaw, Mrs. Everett Maxfield and Mrs. Wesley Wilson of Huntsville, Utah. His body is to be sent from Rock Springs by Rogan Mortuary to Lyman where funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday in the L.D.S. church. Bishop Willis J. Lyman will officiate. Interment will be at Lyman. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jan 30, 1937 Nottage Services Are This Morning Funeral services will be held at 10 o’clock this morning at Wildermuth Chapel for Mrs. Lena Nottage, 35, of Green River who died late Wednesday night at Wyoming General hospital. The Rev. Mr. Stoerker of the Congregational church at Green River will officiate. Following services here, her body will be sent by Wildermuth Mortuary to Laramie for interment. Mrs. Nottage was born July 16, 1901, in Kansas City, Mo. Surviving her are her husband, Arthur H. Nottage of Green River; a sister, Mrs. O.E. Monroe, and a daughter, Francis Nichols, both of Pratt, Kans. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Feb 1937 December Injuries EPHRAIM BLACKER, American, age 28, machine runner, Rock Springs No. 8 Mine, Section No. 7, Crushed chest. FATAL. Ephraim Blacker, machine runner and faceman, was helping to clean up the face of a blind crosscut, the coal having been prepared (that is undercut, drilled, shot and several cars loaded out) by the previous shift. He had assisted in setting a crossbar at the face and then commenced to clean up along the low side rib between the pan line and rib, when a large piece of overhanging rib coal settled down and turned over on him, crushing his chest and causing almost instantaneous death. Examination of the place showed that the low rib was undercut from one to two feet, for a distance of twelve feet, was overhanging and had one loose end, due to a slip caused by a sandrock intrusion from the floor, and that one leg of a crossbar had been dislodged by the large piece of coal (which weighed around two tons) when it turned over, and that about three inches of cap rock fell with the coal, the parting between the cap rock and roof being extremely slick. Investigation also developed that the previous shift had tried to pull down the rib, but could not with hand tools, as they had gone ahead and prepared the face (that is, undercut, drilled and shot) leaving this dangerous condition for the next shift. This accident did not just happen—it was caused—and could have, as all mining men know, been avoided. Do not leave a dangerous condition for the other fellow but Make It Safe yourself or at least notify the oncoming foreman or Unit Foreman of dangerous conditions in your working place. All workmen should know that overhanging rib or face coal is dangerous at all times and should be taken down before attempting to load out near it with hand tools. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Feb 1937 Mrs. Matilda Maki Dies Mrs. Matilda Maki, wife of Victor Maki, an employe in Mine No. 6 at Rock Springs and a member of the Old Timers Association, died at the Wyoming General Hospital, January 5. Funeral services were held from a local mortuary January 10, Rev. H. C. Swezy, of the Episcopal Church, officiating. Surviving are her husband, two sons and one daughter. Interment was at Mountain View Cemetery. Mrs. Maki was a native of Finland and had resided in this city since 1903. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved in their time of sorrow. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Feb 1937 Winton Sympathy of the entire community is extended to Mrs. Kmetich and family in the death of William Kmetich, which occurred on January 10, following an illness of a month’s duration. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Feb 1937 Reliance Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flaim in the death of their little daughter. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 3, 1937 The Winton community extends its sympathy to Albert Shlang and family. Mrs. Shlang died at the Rock Springs hospital Sunday. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 10, 1937 Superior Matron Expires Tuesday Mrs. Euphenia Robinson, wife of Ernest Robinson, of Superior, died Tuesday at Wyoming General hospital. Her body is at Rogan Mortuary pending funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 2, 1937 Powell Baby Dies Sunday Morning Griff Powell Jr., three-day-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Griff Powell of Superior, died Sunday at Wyoming General hospital. Funeral services were held at 4 o’clock Monday afternoon at Rogan chapel with the Rev. Herald Swezy of the Episcopal church officiating. Interment was in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 2, 1937 Luman Last Rites Held Here Monday Funeral services were held at 2:30 o’clock Monday afternoon in the Episcopal church, Rock Springs, for Mrs. Jeanette S. Luman, 69, old time resident of Pinedale who died last Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.F. Christensen, in Los Angeles. The Rev. Herald Swezy officiated. John Hay Jr., Robert Murphy, Claude Elias, Dr. E.S. Lauzer, Bennett Outsen and E.B. Hitchcok were pallbearers. Mrs. Luman left Pinedale several months ago to visit her daughter in Los Angeles. She became ill soon after her arrival. Her body was accompanied to Rock Springs by Mrs. Christensen who remained to attend funeral services. Other members of the Luman family present at services were her sons, Richard, a member of the state legislature; Kenneth and Robert, and a brother-in-law, Louis Myer, of Omaha. Mrs. Myer was unable to be present because of illness. Mrs. Luman was buried in the family plot in Mountain View cemetery. Rogan Mortuary was in charge of funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 2, 1937 WINTON MATRON EXPIRES SUNDAY Mrs. Nellie Schlang, 67, of Winton died Sunday morning at Wyoming General hospital. Funeral services will be held in Rogan chapel at 2 p.m., Thursday, with the Rev. Hubert Webster of the Methodist church officiating. Mrs. Schlang is survived by her husband, Albert, and a daughter, Mrs. T.E. Hughes, both of Winton; two sons, W.H. Toy and D.S. Toy, both of Redondo Beach, Calif.; and a brother, William A. Buckner of Crookston, Minn. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 5, 1937 Former Resident Of Springs Dies George Anstee, 41, former Rock Springs resident, died Wednesday night, January 27, in Chicago, Ill., according to word received by relatives in Rock Springs. Funeral services were conducted at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, January 31, with V.F.W. Post No. 1237 of Chicago in charge. Anstee left Rock Springs 16 years ago for Chicago and had made his home there since that time. He was an employee of the C.F. and I. railroad. He is survived by his wife, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anstee of Rock Springs; three sisters, Mrs. Hugh Gregory and Mrs. William Bennett of Winton and Mrs. Ed Genetti of Rock Springs; and a brother, Arthur Anstee of Rawlins. --- Green River Star, Feb 5, 1937 Laramie Services For Mrs. Nottage Funeral services for Mrs. Arthur H. Nottage of Green River, who died at the Wyoming General hospital at Rock Springs Wednesday, January 27th, were held from the Stryker Mortuary in Laramie Monday. Mrs. Nottage became suddenly ill January 17th, was rushed to the Rock Springs hospital for an emergency operation performed on the 18th, and she was a patient there until the time of death. She had lived in Green River for approximately two years, where Mr. Nottage is employed by the Union Pacific railroad. She was born July 16, 1901, in Kansas City, Missouri. American Legion Auxiliary services were conducted over the body at Rock Springs Saturday before shipment to Laramie was made. Rev. Theodor Stoerker of the Green River Congregational church officiated. She is survived by her husband, Arthur H. Nottage, of Green River; two daughters, Mrs. R. J. Barnes and Miss Georgia Hamilton, and a sister, Mrs. O E. Monroe, all of Pratt, Kansas. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 6, 1937 Mrs. Jelovchan Taken By Death Mrs. Elizabeth Jelovchan, 54, of 1205 Clark street, Rock Springs died Friday morning at Wyoming General hospital. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m., Sunday, in the North Side Catholic church with the Rev. Albin Gnidovec officiating. The body will be taken to the family home at 4 o’clock this afternoon and rosary services will be held at 8 o’clock tonight. Mrs. Jelovchan was born September 19, 1882, in Yugoslavia. She had made Rock Springs her home since 1907. Surviving her are her husband, Alex; four sons, Louis, Joseph, Frank and John; three daughters, Mrs. James Thomas and Mrs. Ronald Walker of Rock Springs and Mrs. Frank Likwartz of Superior; and two sisters living in Yugoslavia. Interment will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery under direction of Rogan mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 9, 1937 Medonich Services to Be Here Sunday Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m., Sunday, in Rogan chapel for Marko Medonich, 45, former Superior resident who died Friday at the Wyoming tuberculosis sanitarium in Basin. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 9, 1937 C.W. Congleton Of Superior Dies Charles Wesley Congelton, 54, of Superior, died Sunday morning at Wyoming General hospital in Rock Springs. Congelton, who was born in England on May 8, 1882, had made his home at Superior for the past 20 years. He was a member of the Local Union 2116 U.M.W.A. and was very influential in union affairs. Surviving him are three daughters, Mrs. C.A. Knudsen of Superior, Mrs. Robert A. Brown of Louistown, Mont., and Mrs. Charles Clark of Idaho Springs, Colo. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m., Sunday, from the Congregational church with the Rev. Keenan Sheldon officiating. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 10, 1937 Funeral Rites for Mrs. Hanna Hurst to Be Held Today Funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock this afternoon in the Congregational church for Mrs. Hanna Eleanor Hurst, 78, who died Monday at Wyoming General hospital from complications resulting from old age. The Rev. Keenan Sheldon is to officiate. Following service here, Mrs. Hurst’s body is to be sent to her former home in Aspen, Colo., for interment. The body may be viewed until 10 o’clock Wednesday night at Wildermuth Mortuary. Mrs. Hurst, who was born April 11, 1868 [sic], in Winterset, Iowa, is survived by two sons, Ted and Herbert Hurst, both of Rock Springs, and a sister, Mrs. Mattie Kirk, living in Iowa. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 10, 1937 Mrs. C.E. Swann’s Brother Succumbs C.E. Swann, chief mining engineer for the Union Pacific Coal company, left Rock Springs Tuesday for Denver where his brother-in-law, Henry Jones, and employee of the Midwest Oil company, died Monday. Mrs. Swann went to Denver Monday on receiving word that her brother was critically ill. She sent word here Tuesday of his death. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 11, 1937 ROBINSON RITES WILL BE FRIDAY Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m., Friday, in Rogan Chapel, for Mrs. Euphina June Robinson, 21, wife of Ernest Robinson of Superior, who died Tuesday at Wyoming General hospital. Bishop Harris of the L.D.S. church at Superior is to officiate. Surviving Mrs. Robinson in addition to her husband is a five-day-old daughter, Judith Marie; her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Boam of Superior; five brothers, Walter and Harry both of Superior, and John, Arthur, and Mose of Hanna; and three sisters, Mrs. John Kelly of Hanna, Mrs. John Wildes of Pasadena, Calif., and Mrs. William Haines of Rawlins. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 12, 1937 Mrs. Emma Bailey Is Taken by Death Mrs. Emma Bailey, 63, of 118 Noble Drive, Rock Springs, died early Thursday morning at Wyoming General hospital. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Methodist church with the Rev. Hubert Webster officiating. Mrs. Bailey was born in Rono, Ind., Jan. 11, 1874. Surviving her is her husband, Leonard; two sons, Cecil and John of Rock Springs; a daughter, Mrs. Alfred Leslie of Superior; two sisters, Mrs. Meda Persinger, Chicago, Ill., and Mrs. Henry Fusting, Troy, Ind.; four brothers, Albert Borer, living in Indiana; and Oscar, Clarence and Charles Borer of Coulterville, Ill. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Wildermuth Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 13, 1937 Mrs. Marachi to Be Buried Here on Monday Morning Funeral services will be held at the South Side Catholic church at 9 o’clock Monday morning for Mrs. Angela Marachi, who died Thursday morning in Ogden, Utah. Her body will arrive in Rock Springs early Sunday morning and will be cared for at Rogan Mortuary until time for services. Rosary services will be held at Rogan Chapel at 7 o’clock Sunday night. Mrs. Marachi is survived by three sons, Lewis, Oreste, and Leno, and two daughters, Mary and Frances. Interment will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 16, 1937 Victim of Family Shooting Expires Frank Finnegan, who, according to Lincoln county Sheriff Harvey Cottrell, was shot February 5 by his brother-in-law, Joe Kukoy, died Saturday at the LCM hospital in Kemmerer. Kukoy, according to information obtained by officers, fatally wounded Finnegan by firing a shot through the window of the Finnegan home and then turned the gun on himself. Kukoy died a short time later at the hospital. The wives of the two men are sisters, the sheriff was informed. Mrs. Kukoy and her husband had separated and she had gone to live at the home of Mrs. Finnegan. Kukoy was a brother of Mrs. Henry Willard of Rock Springs. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 16, 1937 Pinedale Matron Follows Mate in Death By Month Mrs. Marjorie Mocroft, 40, of Pinedale, died late Sunday night at Wyoming General hospital. Her death came less than three weeks following that of her husband, D.F. Mocroft, in Denver. Mrs. Mocroft’s body is to be taken to Pinedale today by Wildermuth Mortuary where funeral services are to be held this afternoon at 2 o’clock. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 19, 1937 Kuintina Services Will Be Saturday Funeral services for J.C. Kuintina, 74, who died Wednesday night at Wyoming General hospital, will be held at 9 a.m., Saturday, in the South Side Catholic church. The Rev. S.A. Welsh will officiate. Rosary services will be held Friday night at 7 o’clock in Rogan’s chapel. Kuintina is survived by two sons, Joseph F. and Enfrescie, living in New Mexico, and by two daughters. Interment will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Green River Star, Feb 19, 1937 Garth Blair Moss Is Pneumonia Victim Garth Blair, the two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moss of Cheyenne, died Tuesday night following a short illness, a victim of pneumonia. Mrs. Moss will be remembered in Green River as the former Marguerite Benz. Besides the parents, a brother, Robert, Jr., six years of age, survives. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hill, sister and brother-in-law of Mrs. Moss, attended funeral services held in Cheyenne Thursday. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 20, 1937 D.M. HACKETT EXPIRES HERE OF PNEUMONIA Daniel Martin Hackett, 31, well known Rock Springs miner and baseball player, died Friday at Wyoming General hospital following an attack of pneumonia. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m., Sunday, in the L.D.S. church with Bishop Cecil James officiating. Charles Kreiger, R.O. Stanton, Hugh Thomas, Guido Flor, Herman Peterson and William Reese are to be pallbearers. The body will be taken from the Rogan Mortuary to the family home, 1026 Pilot Butte Avenue, at 5 o’clock this afternoon where it will remain until shortly before time of services. Burial will be in the Eagles plot in Mountain View cemetery. Hackett was born June 22, 1905 in Bluffdale, Utah. He had lived in Rock Springs since 1923. He was a member of Rock Springs Aerie 151, F.O. Eagles, and of Local Union 2174, United Mine Workers of America. An ardent baseball enthusiast, Hackett had been a shortstop on Rock Springs leading teams ever since he came to this city. He began playing baseball in the old Southern Wyoming League soon after his arrival here 14 years ago. Last year he was a patient at Wyoming General hospital for several weeks suffering from a fractured skull received in practice. He was accidentally struck on the head by R.O. Stanton when he stepped in front of Stanton who was batting out flys. Hackett is survived by his mother, Mrs. Matt Morrison, two brothers, William A. of Rock Springs and David of Alhambra, Calif., and two sisters, Mrs. Frank Champion and Mrs. Foster Woods, both of Alhambra. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 23, 1937 Mrs. Anton Dolenc of Superior Dies Mrs. Frances Dolenc, 44, wife of Anton Dolenc of Superior, died Sunday at Wyoming General hospital. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m., Wednesday, in Slovenski Dom with the Rev. Herald Swezy officiating. Her body is to be taken from Rogan Mortuary to the Dom at 9 o’clock Wednesday morning. Mrs. Dolenc was born January 10, 1893, in Yugoslavia. She had made Superior her home since 1929 and had previously lived nine years at Cumberland. Surviving her, in addition to her husband, are a daughter, Stella; six sons, Joseph of Rock Springs and Anton, Albert, William, Max and Daniel, all of Superior; a brother living in Yugoslavia, and two grandsons, Ronald and Joseph. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under the direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 23, 1937 Gateman on Duty As Train Hits Car Expires Monday Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m., Wednesday, in Wildermuth chapel for James Alfred Reese, who died at Wyoming General hospital Monday night. The Rev. Keenan Sheldon of the Congregational church is to officiate. The body will be sent to Omaha for burial. Mr. Reese was a gateman at the C street crossing on duty last Thursday when Mrs. Sadie Smith Shultz narrowly missed death as her automobile was hit by a passenger train. The gateman was severely upset by the accident. The following morning he suffered a sudden stroke and was taken to the hospital at once. His physician said the particular type of illness he suffered probably was not caused by his experience at the time of the wreck. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 25, 1937 Superior Man is Taken By Death John Moberly of Superior died early Wednesday morning at Wyoming General hospital. His body is at Rogan Mortuary pending arrival of a son, John Moberly Jr., of Dawson, N.M., who will complete funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 25, 1937 RAY CHANDLER DIES OF PISTOL WOUND SELF INFLICTED FEB. 7 Gunshot wounds which he inflicted on himself early in the morning of February 7, took the life of Ray Chandler, 33, of 607 Young avenue, in Wyoming General hospital Wednesday afternoon. Chandler has been a patient in the hospital, his condition critical, since the shooting. He told police officers who took him to the hospital that he shot himself while under the influence of liquor. He gave no reason for the act. He had attended the “Days of the Gay 90’s” on Saturday night, February 6, the celebration held before the razing of the building which had housed A.C. (Doc) Stephenson’s gambling hall in the early days of Rock Springs. Going home shortly after midnight he walked through the house and to his room in the basement. Shortly afterward he came back to the main floor bearing a pistol. He shot five times into the baseboard and then walked out to the front porch where he reloaded the gun and shot himself, investigating officers were informed. With two wounds in the abdomen and another in the leg, he walked to the curb and threw the pistol into the street. Police had been called at the time of the shooting in the kitchen and they arrived as he was walking back toward the house from the curb. They estimated he had walked some 150 feet after shooting himself. He handed one of the officers the pistol holster, which he still was carrying, saying, “Here, take it.” Noting that he was wounded and about to collapse, the officers lifted him into the police automobile and took him to the hospital. His body is being cared for at the Rogan mortuary pending funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 27, 1937 John Moberly to Be Buried in Colorado The body of John Moberly Sr., of Superior, who died Wednesday at Wyoming General hospital is to be sent today by Rogan Mortuary to Walsenburg, Colo., for funeral services and interment. Moberly’s son, John Moberly Jr., of Dawson, N.M., arrived in Rock Springs Friday and completed funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Feb 27, 1937 Former Resident of Springs Dead Word was received here Friday of the death of Fred A. Schuler, former well known Rock Springs resident. Schuler died February 18 at his home in Parsons, Pa., after a brief illness of complications. He was 63 years old. Schuler, who was born in Parsons, had lived in Rock Springs more than 12 years and was an employee of the Union Pacific Coal company while here. He returned to Parsons about 19 years ago. He was a charter member of Rock Springs Aerie 151, F.O. Eagles. Surviving are his wife and three sons, Louis of Parsons, Harry of Newark, and Fred of Scranton; a sister, Mrs. Harry J. Miller and a brother Louis, both of Parsons. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Mar 1937 Death of Mr. John Cole There passed away on January 26, 1937, at Pasadena, California, Mr. John Cole, an old-time employe at Carbon and Hanna. Mr. Cole was born at Truckee, Nevada, in July, 1862, and married Miss Josephine Whitney at Elk Mountain, Wyoming, in 1889, who with one son and one daughter survive. In the early '80's, he was a range rider, stage coach driver, and cow puncher when the state was a cattle country. In later years he operated the Hanna Hotel and was well and favorably known through that connection. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Mar 1937 George H. Collins Dies George H. Collins (colored) employed in Mine No. 8 at Rock Springs, died January 26th at the U. S. Veterans' Hospital, Cheyenne. He was a married man and his widow, three daughters, three sons and his mother, Mrs. Rose Collins, survive. He was born in Rock Springs, March 1, 1895. He started to work as a Miner at Rock Springs in 1912, and was employed in both No. 4 and No. 8 here, as well as at Superior property; served as janitor of the Elks Building here two years; enlisted in the Army at Green River in 1918 and received an Honorable Discharge in 1920. In France, he was with the Supply Company of the 815th Pioneer Infantry; was wounded in the right leg in the Argonne engagement. He was a Charter Member of Yellowstone Post 2316, Veterans of Foreign Wars, a delegation from the organization having met the remains at the train here. He also belonged to Local 2174, U. M. W. A. The funeral was held from A. M. E. Church Sunday afternoon, January 31, Rev. H. H. Hooks, Pastor, officiating, the V. F. W. turning out in goodly numbers, their ritual exemplified at the graveside. Mr. Collins, had he lived, would have been eligible to become a member of the Old Timers Association at its forthcoming Reunion in June next. The sympathy of a large circle of friends and acquaintances goes out to the bereaved. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Mar 1937 Charles W. Congleton Dies Charles W. Congleton, age 54, an employe in “E” Mine at Superior, died at Wyoming General Hospital on February 7. Born at Hexham, England, May 8, 1882, he had made his home at Superior for twelve years. Was a member of U. M. W. A., local 2116, and was active in labor circles. Survivors are three daughters, Mrs. C. A. Knudson (Superior), Mrs. Robert A. Brown (Lewistown, Mont.), and Mrs. Charles Clark (Idaho Springs, Colo.). The funeral was held February 14 from the Congregational Church, services by the Pastor, Rev. Keenan Sheldon, interment in Mountain View Cemetery. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Mar 1937 Superior Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cox, and Miss Ismer Hartwig were called to Parma, Idaho, Tuesday, January 26, because of the death of the latter’s father, H.E. Hartwig, who passed away that morning. Mr. Hartwig was a former Superior resident. Leaving here about five years ago, he moved to Parma, Idaho, where he entered the dairy business. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Mar 1937 Superior The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Griff Powell passed away at the Wyoming General Hospital Saturday morning, January 30. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 2, 1937 Farmich Funeral to Be Here Wednesday Funeral services are to be held at 10 a.m., Wednesday, in the Greek church in Rock Springs for John Farmich, 52, of Winton, who died Saturday at Wyoming General hospital. Farmich, who was born in Russia, had lived in Winton since 1912. He was an employee of the Union Pacific Coal company and was a member of Local Union 3830, U.M.W. of A. He is survived by three brothers, Anton, Felix, and Ignt; two sisters, and his mother, Mrs. Agatha Farmich, all living in Poland. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 4, 1937 Philbrick Funeral Service Is Today Funeral services for James Wylys Philbrick, 67, who died Monday at his home in Green River, will be held at 2:30 o’clock this afternoon from the Episcopal church in Green River. The Rev. Herald Swezy is to officiate. Philbrick, who was born July 26, 1869 in South Pass, had spent his entire life in this section of the state. Surviving him are his mother, Mrs. Emma Philbrick, and a twin brother, Charles, both of Green River. His body is to be taken to the family home in Green River at 10:30 this morning where it will remain until shortly before time of funeral services. Interment will be in Riverview cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Green River Star, Mar 5, 1937 James Philbrick, County Pioneer, Claimed Monday Funeral services for James Wylie Philbrick, 67, pioneer Green River resident who died Monday at the home of his mother here, Mrs. Emma Philbrick, were conducted yesterday at 2:30 p.m. from St. John’s Episcopal church with Rev. Herald Swezy of Rock Springs officiating. Mr. Philbrick was born July 26, 1869, at South Pass, then one of Wyoming’s major cities, and has spent his entire life in southwestern Wyoming, the majority being a resident of Sweetwater county both before and after the split of the county area. He had been ill for approximately seven weeks, and was returned to his mother’s home here last Saturday from the Wyoming General hospital in Rock Springs. He is survived by his aged mother and twin brother, Charles Philbrick, both of this city. Pallbearers are the funeral service Thursday were Eldred Toone, Thomas A. Welch, Robert Anderson, J. J. Dankowski, Chris Jessen and Ray Morgan. Interment was made in Riverview cemetery. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 6, 1937 Chandler Rites to Be Held Sunday Funeral services will be held in Rogan chapel at 3:30 p.m. Sunday for Roy Chandler, 33, of 806 Young avenue, Rock Springs, who died February 24 at Wyoming General hospital from gun shot wounds self inflicted earlier in the month. All attempts to locate any surviving relatives of the man have proved unsuccessful. He will be buried in Mountain View cemetery. Local union 502 of the Culinary Workers alliance, of which he was a member, will be in charge of service. George Hadley, chaplain of the local, will officiate. Pallbearers will be Hadley, William Douglas, A.H. Brown, W. Frazier, Nick Manakos and Steve Hatzes. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 6, 1937 Reliance Miner to Be Buried Sunday Funeral services for John Kish, 46-year-old Reliance coal miner who died Thursday at Wyoming General hospital, will be held Sunday afternoon at 1 o’clock at Rogan Chapel. The Rev. Herald Swezy of the Episcopal church is to officiate. Six fellow workers, members of Local Union 905, U.M.W. of A., of which Kish was a member, are to act as pallbearers. They are John Boslich, Barton Grosso, William Sellars, Neal Thompson, James Sellars and Thomas Nanaze. Kish is survived by a cousin, Joseph Vhasz, of Cleveland, Ohio. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 6, 1937 JONES SERVICES SET FOR SUNDAY Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, in Rogan Chapel for J.H. Jones, father of J.A. Jones of Rock Springs, who died February 28 at his home in Denver. The Rev. Hubert Webster of the Methodist church will officiate. In addition to his son, Jones is survived by two daughters, Mrs. James Cottier and Mrs. Wesley Jones, both of Hartshorne, Okla. The body will be taken to the family home 1216 Eleventh street, at 5 o’clock this afternoon where it will remain until shortly before time of services. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 6, 1937 QUEALY MATRON EXPIRES FRIDAY Mrs. Justine Medevsk, 49, wife of Leo Medevsk of Quealy, died Friday morning at Wyoming General hospital. Funeral services will be conducted at 4:30 p.m., Sunday, at Slovenski Dom in Rock Springs with the Rev. Herald Swezy of the Episcopal church officiating. The body will be taken to the Dom at 10 a.m. Sunday. Surviving Mrs. Medevsk, in addition to her husband, is a son, Carl, and a daughter, Vida, both of Quealy; two brothers, Dominick Pocho of Kemmerer and Tony Pocho of Kelso, Wash.; and two sisters, one living in Montana and the other in Yugoslavia. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 9, 1937 Quarter Century Resident of Green River Dies Sunday Mrs. Annie Christina Sophia Rood, 54, died early Sunday morning at her home, 285 East Fifth North, in Green River. Born September 19, 1882 in Copenhagen, Denmark, Mrs. Rood had made Green River her home for the past 25 years. She was a member of the Neighbors of Woodcraft, the Royal Neighbors, and the S.B.A. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Christie Neilsen; four sons, Henry of Rock Springs and William, Leonard and Walter, of Green River; and a brother, Pete Neilsen of Cokeville. Funeral services are to be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, at the Congregational church in Green River with the Rev. T.F. Stoerker officiating. Her body will be taken to Green River Wednesday morning and will lie in state at the church from 10 o’clock until time for services. Interment will be in Riverview cemetery at Green River under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 9, 1937 SHEEPHERDER STRUCK BY TRAIN AND KILLED RACING TO CROSSING Percy Frank (Tex) Williams, 66-year-old Sweetwater county Sheepherder, was fatally injured early Saturday night when he was struck by a Union Pacific passenger train at the crossing near Granger. Williams, who was traveling on foot, was hit as he attempted to reach the crossing before the train, according to information given County Coroner J. Warden Opie. Mrs. M.C. Smith, wife of the pumpman stationed at the crossing, heard a call for help about 8:30 p.m., she told Coroner Opie. Going outside, she called, “Who’s there,” and was answered by Williams who cried, “Come over here, I’m hurt. A train hit me.” Tracing his call, Mrs. Smith made her way to Williams who was lying on his hands and knees about three feet north of the shoulder of the roadbed on the west-bound tracks. Williams, according to Mrs. Smith, told her had had been struck by the train as he attempted to race it to the crossing. He was returning from Granger to his sheep outfit near the airport when the accident occurred. Williams was taken to Wyoming General hospital in Rock Springs by Mr. Perea of the Granger hotel. His injuries caused his death at 1:35 a.m. Sunday. Williams was employed by the Homer Condick sheep company. Formerly he had been employed by the Linden and Broadbent sheep outfits. His body is at Rogan Mortuary while attempts are being made to locate relatives, believed to be living in Texas and Oklahoma. --- Green River Star, Mar 12, 1937 Services Held Wednesday For Mrs. Annie Rood Funeral services for Mrs. Annie Christina Neilsen Rood, 54, who died early Sunday morning at the family home here after a lingering illness of many months, were held from the Union Congregational church Wednesday afternoon with Rev. T. F. Stoerker officiating. Royal Neighbors of America conducted services at the grave in a beautiful tribute to a neighbor who had been a member of their society for many years. Born September 19, 1882, Copenhagen, Denmark, she came to America when eight years of age, settling first in Pennsylvania with her parents and later moving to Utah, where the family made their home at Randolph. She was married to Albert Rood in Randolph in 1900 where they resided for several years, later moving into Wyoming, establishing a home at Cokeville and Big Island before coming to Green River in 1912. Her husband preceded her in death by about five months, he having passed away September 22, 1936. Mrs. Rood is survived by her mother, Mrs. Kertsie Neilsen of Green River; a brother, Peter Neilsen of Cokeville; and four sons, Henry of Rock Springs, and William, Leonard and Walter of Green River. She was a member of the Royal Neighbors of America, Neighbors of Woodcraft and S. B. A. Pallbearers at the services Wednesday were W. A. Johnson, James Thomsen, N. E. Dixon, Otto Payson, John Simpson and Bert Manahan. Mrs. Elizabeth Jensen and daughter, Mrs. Wright of Pocatello, Idaho, cousins of Mrs. Rood and Mrs. Josephine Gore and three daughters, Verla, Viola and Hannah, of Salt Lake City, cousins, were here for the funeral in addition to all immediate survivors. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 13, 1937 Ratsinis Rites to Be Held Tuesday Funeral services for Gust Ratsinis 45-year-old Superior resident who died Tuesday morning at the state hospital at Basin, will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Greek Orthodox church in Rock Springs. The Rev. Mr. Pappas is to officiate. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 16, 1937 MAX BOZNER DIES SUNDAY Max Andrew Bozner, 29, of Rock Springs died Sunday at Wyoming General hospital. Born Oct. 12, 1907 in Rock Springs, Bozner had lived here all his life. At the time of his death he was employed in the No. 8 mine of the Union Pacific Coal company in Rock Springs. Surviving him are his wife, Helen; a son, Max Jr.; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bozner, of Rock Springs; five brothers, Louis of Green River, Carl, John, Alfred and Joseph, all of Rock Springs; and four sisters, Mrs. Frank Zupence, Mrs. Cyril Yenko and Annie and Mollie Bozner. Funeral services will be held at 9 o’clock Wednesday morning at the North Side Catholic church with the Rev. Albin Gnidovec officiating. His body will be taken to the home of his parents, 1404 Lowell street, at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday where it will remain until shortly before time of services. Rosary services will be held there tonight, beginning at 8 o’clock. Interment will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 17, 1937 McGaw Infant to Be Buried Here Today Funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock this afternoon in Rogan Chapel for James Edward McGaw, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William McGaw, who died Saturday at the family home in Dines. The Rev. W.W. Johnson of the Methodist church in Mountain View is to officiate. The infant, who was born May 14, 1935, is survived by a brother, William Andrew, in addition to his parents. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 18, 1937 Mother of Bunny Livingston Dies Harry C. (Bunny) Livingston left Rock Springs for Denver Wednesday on receipt of word that his mother, Mrs. Mary Livingston, had died there Tuesday night. Livingston had returned here from Denver Tuesday after visiting his mother in the hospital where she had undergone a major operation. It was though Tuesday her condition was satisfactory. Surviving Mrs. Livingston besides Harry are two other sons, Robert and Leo, and a daughter in California. Livingston was accompanied on the trip Wednesday by his wife and by Mrs. Jack Martin whose husband is receiving treatment in a Denver hospital. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 18, 1937 Dalquist Rites in Bridger on Friday Funeral services are to be held at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon in Fort Bridger for Andrew Dalquist, 77, who died Tuesday afternoon at Wyoming General hospital. Dalquist’s six sons, Oscar, Ernest, John, Nels, Carl and Henry, are to act as pallbearers. Dalquist, who was well known in Rock Springs, was born March 10, 1860, in Thorna Dulby, Sweden. He came to the United States 49 years ago and has made his home in the Bridger valley for the past 40 years. Surviving him in addition to his six sons are his wife, Mary; two daughters, Maria and Elna; and five grandchildren. His body is to be taken to Fort Bridger at 9:30 a.m. today and will lie in state at the family home there until time for services. Interment will be at Fort Bridger under supervision of Wildermuth Mortuary of Rock Springs. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 19, 1937 Facinelli Funeral Will Be Monday Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. Monday in the South Side Catholic church for Anton Facinelli, father of Joe Facinelli of Rock Springs, who died Monday at his home in Long Beach, Calif. The Rev. S.A. Welsh is to officiate. Facinelli’s body is expected to arrive in Rock Springs early Saturday morning. It will be taken to the home of Joe Facinelli, 702 A street Sunday where it will remain until time for funeral services. Rosary services are to be held at the home Sunday night. Facinelli, a former Rock Springs resident, is survived by his wife and a daughter, both living in Long Beach, in addition to his son. Interment will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery under direction of Rogan mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 19, 1937 GEORGE ACE, PIONEER RESIDENT OF ROCK SPRINGS, EXPIRES HERE George Ace, a resident of Rock Springs for the past 54 years, died early Thursday morning at Wyoming General hospital. He was 76 years old. One of the real pioneers of Rock Springs, Ace not only saw Rock Springs grow into a thriving community but took an active part in its development. He was the first licensed embalmer in the city and conducted a hardware and furniture business on Pilot Butte avenue for more than 40 years. His place of business, for years a landmark of the community, recently was torn down as a step in the project now under way to widen and straighten Pilot Butte avenue. Ace was born July 8, 1860, in Tunkhannock, Wyoming county, Pennsylvania. He left Pennsylvania in 1882 and came to Wyoming where he remained for a nine-month period, returning to Pennsylvania where he was married. Early in 1888 he returned to Wyoming, settling in Rock Springs where he had since made his home. He is survived by his wife and two daughters by a former marriage. An older sister living in Mishoppen, Pa., preceded him in death on Jan. 15, 1937. Funeral services are to be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, in the Congregational church with the Rev. Keenan Sheldon officiating. The Knights Templar are to be in charge of services. Members of Rock Springs Aerie 151, F.O. Eagles, are to take part in a funeral march to the cemetery and members of the Order of Eastern Star are to place flowers on his casket at the graveside. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Wildermuth Mortuary. --- Green River Star, Mar 19, 1937 Death Claims Sam Wilson Sam Wilson, 61, husband of the former Alice Viox of Green River, died in Los Angeles Thursday after a three-year illness, relatives of the family here were informed yesterday afternoon. Mr. Wilson was born in Laramie and lived his entire life in the state until moving to California approximately ten years ago. He married Miss Alice Viox in Green River, who survives him, and he also leaves two children, a daughter, Marie, and son, John. A brother, James E. Wilson of Cheyenne, also survives. James Wilson, accompanied by Frank Viox of Cheyenne and William Nolan of Denver, brothers-in-law, left Thursday night for California to attend funeral services. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 23, 1937 Green Riverite Dies Sunday in Colorado Richard Forristal of Green River died Sunday night in Denver, Colo. His body will arrive here early this morning and will be cared for by Rogan Mortuary awaiting funeral services which have been set of 9:30 a.m. Wednesday in the Catholic church at Green River. Rosary services will be held at 7:30 tonight at the Forristal residence, 299 Center street, in Green River. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 23, 1937 E.L. WETZEL, DESPONDENT OVER ILL HEALTH, COMMITS SUICIDE E.L. Wetzel, prominent Rock Springs business man and a resident of this community for the past 35 years, committed suicide Monday morning in the basement of his home on K street by shooting himself in the mouth with a 410-gauge shot gun. Despondency over his own ill health and that of his wife is believed to have caused him to take his own life. His body was found shortly before 2 p.m. by Lou Griffith who had gone into the basement to read the water meter. The gauge shot gun was found lying near his body. Investigation showed that Wetzel had placed the muzzle in his mouth and then had pulled the trigger. His physician estimated the shooting had been done between 10 and 11 a.m. Wetzel had returned to Rock Springs only a few days ago from the Mayo Brothers clinic at Rochester, Minn., where he and Mrs. Wetzel had gone to received medical treatment. His wife still is at the clinic where her condition is regarded as critical. News of Mr. Wetzel’s death is being kept from her as the shock undoubtedly would prove fatal. Wetzel was born in Vincennes, Ind., about 60 years ago. When he became of age, Wetzel enlisted in the United States army. He saw action in the Philippines during the Spanish-American war and was in China during the Boxer rebellion. During his enlistment, Wetzel also was a member of the 21st cavalry, stationed at Fort Russell. Following his discharge from the army, Wetzel worked for a time on a ranch near Burnt Fork. Leaving there he came to Rock Springs where for a time he worked in local tailoring establishments before opening his own place of business. Wetzel is survived only by his wife. A sister died in Indiana during the recent flood. His body is being cared for at Rogan Mortuary pending funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 25, 1937 WETZEL RITES ARE SATURDAY Funeral services for E.L. Wetzel, prominent Rock Springs business man who committed suicide Monday in the basement of his home by shooting himself in the mouth with a .410-gauge shot gun, will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the home and a 2:30 p.m. in the Congregational church. The Rev. Keenan Sheldon is to officiate. Pallbearers will be Albert Ward, Rex Erlewine, Hjalmer Carlson, Ambrose Hamilton, Alvy Smith, and John Ord. Wetzel was born in Vincennes, Ind., about 59 years ago and, after several years enlistment in the United States army during which he saw active service in the Philippines during the Spanish-American war and in China during the Boxer rebellion, came to Rock Springs about 35 years ago. He worked in a local cleaning establishment for a time before opening his own place of business. He is survived only by his wife who at present is in Mayo Brothers clinic, Rochester, Minn., receiving medical treatment. Her condition is felt to be critical and word of Mr. Wetzel’s death is being kept from her for fear the shock might prove fatal. Wetzel is to be interred in the Harvey mausoleum in Mountain View cemetery. Funeral arrangements are being directed by Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 25, 1937 Mrs. Julia Russold Is Taken By Death Mrs. Julia Russold, 73, of 1220 Lowell avenue, died Tuesday night at Wyoming General hospital. Funeral services are to be held at 9 a.m., Monday, in the North Side Catholic church with the Rev. Albin Gnidovec officiating. Mrs. Russold, who was born May 20, 1863 in Deutch, Austria, came to Rock Springs in 1906 and had lived here since that time. Surviving her are four sons, Fred, Alfred, and John of Rock Springs, and Edward of Jackson; a daughter, Mrs. Frank Stimes, Grass Valley, Calif., and a sister living in Germany. Interment will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 26, 1937 DYNAMITE KILLS BROTHER OF MRS. OWEN WEST AT MANILA Was Forestry Foreman at CCC Camp; Second Injured Man in Critical Condition at Hospital Here; Funeral is Sunday Frank R. Salmon, 46, brother of Mrs. Owen W. West of Rock Springs, died in Wyoming General hospital here Thursday morning as the result of injuries sustained in a premature explosion of dynamite at the Civil Conservation Corps camp at Manila, Utah, Wednesday. Leonard Mitchell, 19, of St. Louis, who also was injured in the explosion, is in critical condition at the hospital. He has only one month to serve in the CCC. Salmon was forestry foreman of the U.S. Forestry service and was attached to the camp’s technical personnel. He and Mitchell were taking a quantity of dynamite, which had been condemned because it was too old, to a spot one mile from the camp to destroy it, according to Capt. E. Bibb, camp commandant. It is presumed that a cap discharged prematurely and exploded the dynamite. The amount of explosive that was discharged is not known, Captain Bibb said. Both men were place in a CCC ambulance and were brought to the hospital here immediately. Salmon sustained a basal skull fracture and one leg was mangled. The leg was amputated at the hospital but all efforts to save his life were futile. His wife, Mrs. Martha Jones Salmon of Salt Lake City, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Salmon of Coalville, Utah, came here Wednesday night. They left for Coalville Thursday afternoon. His two brothers and a sister also came here. Salmon’s body will be taken to Coalville Friday night and will be taken to the home of his parents until Sunday when funeral services will be held in the L.D.S. church. He will be buried in the family plot in the cemetery there. Salmon was born in Coalville, attended the schools there and was graduated from the Summit Stake academy, now known as North Summit High school. He was married in 1913. No children survive him. He entered the United States Army with the first draft in October of 1917, was trained at Camp Lewis, and went overseas the following May, serving there for the duration of the war. He attained the rating of first sergeant. He was discharged from the army at Fort D.A. Russell in May of 1919. Although he took part in three of the biggest battles of the war as a member of the 362nd Infantry, he escaped being wounded. After the war he became foreman of the Wasatch coal mine at Coalville, serving there until 1930 when he entered the forest service. He helped in the construction of the forestry building in Ogden until the CC was established when he was assigned to that work. Salmon was a charter member of the Leroy E. Benson post of the American Legion at Coalville and was post commander for several years. He also was a member of the Forty and Eight and was a delegate from the Utah department to one of the national conventions of these organizations. He belonged to the Masonic lodge at Park City, Utah. Surviving him, besides his wife and parents, are two brothers, Earl W. Salmon of Coalville and J.L. Salmon of Burley, Idaho; and seven sisters, Mrs. Wilfred Simister of Coalville, Mrs. Frank Beckstead of Montello, Nev., Mrs. D.L. Bishop of Portland, Ore., Mrs. Irving C. Frost of Washington, D.C., Mrs. L.S. Bell of Morgan, Utah, Mrs. John Hayes of Evanston and Mrs. West. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 26, 1937 Notar Rites are To Be on Monday Funeral services are to be held at 10:30 a.m. Monday in the South Side Catholic church for Mrs. Helen Notar, 39, wife of Jerry Notar of Winton, who died Wednesday afternoon at Wyoming General hospital. The Rev. S.A. Welsh is to officiate. Her body is to be taken to the home of Mrs. Anton Starman, 1023 Eighth street, at 2 p.m. Sunday, where it will remain until shortly before time of services. Rosary services will be held at the Starman residence at 7 p.m. Sunday. Mrs. Notar had lived in Winton for the past seven years. In addition to her husband, she is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers of Hudson; three daughters, Barbara, Rosalie and Antonia; five brothers, Alex, John and Peter Rogers of Hudson, and Joseph and Thomas Rogers of Winton; and two sisters, Mrs. J. Christiando of Winton and Mrs. Victor Frapert of Hudson. Interment will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 26, 1937 Green River Infant Dies Here Thursday Phyllis Mae Walker, three-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kensley Walker of Green River, died Thursday at Wyoming General hospital. Pneumonia was said to have been the cause of death. Her body is at Rogan Mortuary pending funeral arrangements. --- Green River Star, Mar 26, 1937 DEATH CLAIMS COUNCILMAN R. FORRISTAL Funeral services for Richard Forristal, 46, member of the Green River town council and one of the city’s most popular civic leaders, were held here Wednesday morning. Mr. Forristal succumbed suddenly in Denver Mercy hospital at 3 o’clock Monday morning after a lingering illness for which he had sought wide medical advice, but not considered seriously endangering his life. He had gone to Denver for a thorough and final examination, first reports upon which received here indicated he was progressing favorably. An unexpected wire Saturday called Mrs. Forristal to the Colorado capital as he took a sudden relapse. Mr. Forristal was born in County Cork, Ireland, August 3, 1890, coming to his country when a small boy. He came to Green River in 1918, where he has since been employed by the Union Pacific railroad at the machinist trade. He married Minnie Rose Hack in Denver in 1920. He was elected councilman four years ago and his term would have expired this May. Beautiful services were held from the Catholic church at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday when Father H. Schellinger led requiem high mass with the Knights of Columbus choir of Rock Springs assisting. Pallbearers were Wm. Rogers, R. C. Cameron, James Maher, L. M. Mullen, C. H. Bedient and George Kienlen. Survivors are the widow and a half-sister, aunt and cousins in Ireland. --- Green River Star, Mar 26, 1937 INFANT DIES The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kensley Walker passed away in the Wyoming General hospital at Rock Springs Thursday. Pneumonia was given as the cause of death. The body is at the Rogan Mortuary. Funeral arrangements have not been made. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 27, 1937 Shields Funeral Service Sunday Funeral services are to be held at Wildermuth Chapel at 2 p.m. Sunday for Mrs. Mary Shields, 64, who died Wednesday at Wyoming General hospital. The Rev. Keenan Sheldon is to officiate. Her body is to be taken from Wildermuth Mortuary to the family home, 706 Randolph street, at 5 o’clock this afternoon where it will remain until shortly before time of funeral services when it again will be returned to the Mortuary. Mrs. Shields was born Jan. 1, 1873 in Howard county, Missouri, had lived in Rock Springs for the past 14 years. She is survived by her husband, Charles; and two daughter, Mrs. Georgia Baldridge and Mrs. Catherine Crawford, both of Oakland, Calif. Mrs. Baldridge arrived in Rock Springs Friday to complete funeral arrangements. She will return to Oakland following the service. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 30, 1937 HEART ATTACK IS FATAL TO JOE SHUSTER A heart attack Monday morning proved fatal to Joseph Anton Shuster Jr., 31, lifelong resident of Rock Springs. Death came to the well known local man at his home, 201 Gale street. Shuster had been ill but a few days and his death came as a shock to his many friends in Rock Springs and throughout the county. Shuster was born February 11, 1906, in Rock Springs and had spent his entire life here. A popular entertainer, Shuster was leader of the Drainer band, much in demand at various gatherings in Rock Springs. At the time of his death, Shuster was employed as bartender at John Mrak’s saloon. Previously he was employed in a similar capacity at the North Club and, before the repeal of prohibition, worked at the Rock Springs Commercial. He is survived by his father, Joseph Shuster Sr.; three brothers, John, James and William; and a sister, Mrs. Rudolph Anselmi, all of Rock Springs. His body is at Rogan Mortuary pending funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Mar 31, 1937 Rock Springs Infant Dies Monday at Home Larry Ben Ashlock, 26-day-old son of Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Ashlock, died early Monday afternoon at the family home, 128 L street. The infant’s body was sent Tuesday by Wildermuth Mortuary to Rawlins where funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock this afternoon from Collins Mortuary. Interment will be in the Rawlins cemetery. In addition to his parents, the infant is survived by a sister, Dolores Ray, six years old. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Apr 1937 John Famich Dies John Famich, an employe of the Company at Winton, died at the State Hospital here on February 27. Mr. Famich was a native of Russia and had been in our employ at Cumberland and Winton since 1907. He was single and leaves to mourn his departure his mother, three brothers and two sisters, all residing in Poland. The remains were interred in the local Mountain View Cemetery. He belonged to the Old Timers’ Association and was a member of U.M.W.A. Local No. 3830. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Apr 1937 Reliance Mrs. Eva Sterling, of Amarillo, Texas, is visiting with friends here. She also attended the funeral services for John Kish, March 7. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Apr 1937 Winton The W.H. Groutage family attended the funeral of a relative in Hanna, Wyoming. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Apr 1, 1937 W.R. GILPIN IS TAKEN BY DEATH HERE Civic Leader Had Been Ill Since September; Wyoming Pioneer Death Wednesday afternoon brought to a close the career of William R. Gilpin, pioneer Wyoming railroad man and prominent in school, sport, and political activities in Rock Springs. Gilpin died at 2:45 p.m. at his residence on Blair avenue following an illness which had prevented him from taking an active part in his many activities since last September. He was 67 years old. Mr. Gilpin was born Oct. 4, 1869 in Torquay, Devonshire, England. He came to the United States in September, 1889, and for a short time worked on the railroad in Colorado before going to Evanston, Wyo., in 1890. He was locomotive fireman for the Union Pacific railroad from 1890 until 1897 when he was promoted to locomotive engineer. He ran an engine over the old Evanston-Piedmont run from 1897 until 1909 when he was made traveling engineer. Further promotion came to Mr. Gilpin in 1910 when he was appointed assistant superintendent, a position he held until 1916. From 1916 to 1917 he again held the position of traveling engineer. Then he was named general air brake instructor, in which capacity he remained until 1920 when he was made road foreman of engines. In 1921 he was transferred to Rock Springs as general foreman, a position he held continuously until Sept. 1, 1936, when illness forced him to retired and seek medical attention at the hospital in Omaha, Neb. His son, Charles, was appointed as his successor. Mr. Gilpin served as a member of the city council in Evanston for 18 years and was president of Rock Springs city council for two years preceding his illness. He had served six terms as a member of Rock Springs school board, four years as clerk and the remaining eight years as treasurer. Always greatly interested in athletics, he did everything in his power as a member of the school board and the city council to improve recreational facilities not only for school children but for the townspeople as well. He took an active part in securing federal funds for construction of the new high school stadium and in years past, was the contributing factor in building the athletic field which now bears his name. While he personally was an ardent fisherman and was interested in high school football and basketball, it was probably basketball which he enjoyed most. He sponsored the Rock Springs team which in 1930 won the Union Pacific railroad system basketball tournament, which, through his efforts, was conducted in Rock Springs. Until illness forced his retirement, Mr. Gilpin was secretary-treasurer of the Sweetwater County Sportsman’s association and took an active part in all game regulations proposed by the group. He also was a member of Rock Springs Lions club and was a member of Lodge No. 4, A.F. and A.M. of Evanston. While living in Evanston, Mr. Gilpin met Miss Matilda Robinson and on June 28, 1892, they were married. His wife; three sons, Charles F. and Ralph A. Gilpin of Rock Springs and William J. Gilpin of Cheyenne; a daughter, Mrs. Ethel Huckett of Puyallup, Wash., still survive him. Another son, Clifford, died in 1932. A sister living in England and 11 grandchildren also survive him. His body is at Wildermuth Mortuary pending funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Apr 2, 1937 Mrs. Ellen Parr to Be Buried Sunday Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m., Sunday, in the Episcopal church for Mrs. Ellen Sheffield Parr, 68, of 609 Goble street, who died Wednesday night at Wyoming General hospital. The Rev. Herald Swezy is to officiate. Mrs. Parr was born June 1, 1868, in Lancaster, England. She had made Rock Springs her home since 1905. She was a member of the Royal Neighbors, the W.B.A. and the Star of Bethlehem. Surviving her are seven sons, Edwin, George, Richard, James, Frank, Fred and Joseph, all of Rock Springs; three daughters, Mrs. M.J. Desmond of Kemmerer; Mrs. William Rogers, Rock Springs and Mrs. Robert H. Buston of Seattle, Wash.; and a brother, William Sheffield of Clawson, Utah. Her body is to be taken to the family home at 10 a.m., Sunday, where it will remain until shortly before time of funeral services. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Apr 2, 1937 Shuster Funeral Is this Morning Funeral services are to be held at the North Side Catholic church at 9 o’clock this morning for Joseph Anton Shuster Jr., who died Monday morning at his home, 201 Gale street, following a sudden heart attack. The Rev. Albin Gnidovec is to officiate. Ben Taucher, John Demshar Jr., Eddie Bertagnolli, Harry Theusen, George Berta, and Frank Mrak are to act as pallbearers. Interment will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Green River Star, Apr 2, 1937 Alfred J. Davis Dies Monday in Vets’ Hospital Alfred J. Davis of Torrington, well-known former Green River resident, died at the U. S. Veterans’ hospital at Cheyenne Monday evening at 7 p.m. He had entered the hospital February 1st for treatment which was not considered serious, but gradual sinking spells sapped his vitality until his condition became most critical last week. Born in Chappell, Nebraska, he was 49 years of age. He came to Green River when about twenty years of age and lived here until 1918, when he settled upon a farm in the Torrington district. He returned to Green River in 1925 and remained here until about a year ago when he again took up his farm property. When first arriving in Green River Mr. Davis was employed with the old Green River Electric Light company; was elected to the state legislature as a Sweetwater county representative in 1914; edited a weekly newspaper, The Green River Sun, established by C. L. Young in 1916-17; was town police judge in 1915; enlisted in the Green River company February 20, 1918, for army service and served overseas, with headquarters Transportation Corps at Tours, France, being mustered out at Fort D. A. Russell as sergeant, first class; was police judge and justice of the peace 1933-35, filling the unexpired term of William Scott; and was minute clerk in the 22nd session of the state legislature in 1933. He was a prominent worker in American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars posts of Green River. Funeral services were conducted at Chappell Thursday, with Masonic and American Legion rites, with interment in the family plot there. Survivors include a brother, T. E. Davis, of Chappell, Nebraska, a sister, Mrs. S. A. McHolme, of Yoder, Wyo., and two sons. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Apr 6, 1937 HALF CENTURY RESIDENT OF SPRINGS DIES John Wendt, a resident of Rock Springs for the past half century, died following a sudden heart attack Monday morning while at work as elevator man at the North Side State bank. Wendt was the fourth man to die from heart failure while holding this position. Mr. Wendt was born June 14, 1869 in Poland. When nine years old he came to the United States, settling first in Nebraska where he lived until 1886 when he moved to Rock Springs. He worked for the Union Pacific Coal company, the Central Coal and Coke company, and the Lion Coal company for a number of years, later leaving the mining business to become an employee of the local post office. He remained at the post office for six years, then left to enter the employ of the North Side State bank about six years ago. He was employed as janitor at the bank until about two years ago when he was named elevator man following the death of Peter Hougard Sr. He is survived by four sons, Frank of Rawlins; John, Cheyenne; Joe, Sterling, Colo., and Stanley, of Rock Springs; three daughters, Mrs. Nellie Von Rembow and Mrs. A.R. Hamilton of Rock Springs, and Mrs. W.E. Burbank of Chicago; and a sister, Mrs. John Pensik, a former Rock Springs resident now living in Columbus, Neb. His wife died in 1929. His body is at Rogan Mortuary pending funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Apr 7, 1937 Wendt Funeral to Be This Thursday Final rites for John Wendt, a resident of Rock Springs for the past half century, will be held at 9 a.m. Thursday, in the North Side Catholic church. The Rev. Albin Gnidovec is to officiate. V.J. Facinelli, O.E. Bertagnolli, Dillwyn Ramsay, Harry Kent, James Vicars and George Stevens are to act as pallbearers. Wendt’s body will be taken to the family home, 618 Wendt avenue, at 1 p.m. Wednesday where it will remain until shortly before time of services. Rosary services will be held at the home at 7 p.m. Wednesday with the local council of Knights of Columbus in charge. Wendt, who died Monday morning following a sudden heart attack while at work as elevator man at the North Side State bank, is survived by four sons, Frank of Rawlins; John of Cheyenne; Joe, Sterling, Colo.; and Stanley of Rock Springs; three daughters, Mrs. Nellie Von Rembow and Mrs. Ambrose R. Hamilton of Rock Springs and Mrs. W.E. Burbank of Chicago; and a sister, Mrs. John Pensik, Columbus, Neb. Interment will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Apr 7, 1937 Drummond Rites This Afternoon Funeral services will be held at 3 o’clock this afternoon in Rogan Chapel for Robert Lee Drummond, 30, who died Monday morning in Wyoming General hospital. The Rev. Keenan Sheldon is to officiate. Drummond, who was born March 3, 1907, in Englewood, Colo., had lived in Rock Springs for the past 15 years. He was a member of Rock Springs Aerie 151, F.O. Eagles. Surviving Drummond are three sisters, Mrs. William Fleming and Mrs. Joseph Seppie of Rock Springs, and Mrs. Bob Jolly, Trinidad, Colo.; and a brother, Alva Drummond of Rock Springs. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery. The Eagles will be in charge of graveside services. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Apr 13, 1937 WOMAN KILLED IN CAR CRASH EAST OF HERE Mrs. Isabelle Crall, 56, widely known Laramie resident, was fatally injured early Saturday afternoon when the light coupe which she was driving left the highway 43 miles east of Rock Springs and overturned. She was picked up by Burt Kelly, also of Laramie, a short time after the accident occurred but died on the highway before she could be taken to Wyoming General hospital here for treatment. The accident occurred on a straight stretch of highway and according to an investigation carried out by county authorities, was said to have resulted from excessive speed. Car tracks at the scene of the accident showed that Mrs. Crall’s automobile had traveled on the right hand shoulder of the highway for a distance of nearly 200 yards, suddenly swerved to the left side of the road and back again to the right hand side where the right front wheel broke. The cart hurtled from the highway overturning twice and coming to rest again on its wheels. Mrs. Crall was en route from Laramie to California to visit her three daughters, Mrs. Louis Balleweg, Mrs. H.A. Griffith and Mrs. Ruth Lovenvale. She was the divorced wife of J.W. Crall of Laramie, former railroad engineer, and resided at 158 North 7th street, Laramie. The body is at Rogan Mortuary pending funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Apr 14, 1937 Burial for Crash Victim Arranged The body of Mrs. Isabelle Crall, 56, of Laramie, who was fatally injured Saturday afternoon when the automobile she was driving left the highway and overturned 43 miles east of Rock Springs, will be sent to Salt Lake City for cremation and then taken to Los Angeles, Calif. for interment. Two of Mrs. Crall’s daughters arrived in Rock Springs Tuesday to complete funeral arrangements. They were Mrs. Louis Balleweg and Mrs. H.A. Griffith, both of Los Angeles. Mrs. Crall’s body has been taken care of here by Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Apr 15, 1937 Sullivan Rites Will Be Friday Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Friday in the South Side Catholic church for Rose Sullivan, 59, who died suddenly at her home at the Gaston Erramouspe ranch, 65 miles north of Rock Springs, Monday night. The Rev. S.A. Welsh is to officiate. Rosary services will be held at 7:30 o’clock tonight at Rogan Mortuary for Miss Sullivan, who had been teaching at the Erramouspe ranch for the past three years. Miss Sullivan was born March 14, 1878 in Watseka, Ill. She came to Rock Springs in 1908 from Nebraska. Surviving her are four sisters, Mary Sullivan of Rock Springs, Lena I. Sullivan of Crook, Colo., Edna L. Sullivan of Salt Lake City, and Mrs. Wenfried Kent, of Santa Rosa, Calif.; three brothers, Phillip of Rock Springs, M.A. Sullivan of Bellview, Colo., and V.L. Sullivan of Pomdosa, Ore.; four nephews and two nieces. Following funeral services her body will be sent by Rogan Mortuary to Ravenna, Nebr., for interment. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Apr 16, 1937 Inquest Tonight In Tani Fatality An inquest will be held at 7 o’clock tonight in Rock Springs city hall to determine the cause of death of E. Tani, an employee in the Sweetwater mine of the Gunn-Quealy Coal company, according to Acting Coroner E.E. Johnson. Funeral services for Tani, who died Tuesday night at Wyoming General hospital from injuries suffered April 9 in a fall of rock in the Sweetwater mine, were held at 8:15 o’clock Thursday night in Rogan chapel. The Rev. Herald Swezy officiated. Tani’s body is to be sent today by Rogan Mortuary to Denver for cremation. He is survived by a wife and daughter living in Japan. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Apr 16, 1937 Matson Rites Are to Be This Sunday Funeral services for John Matson of 603 Noble Drive, who died Monday afternoon at Wyoming General hospital, will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, in Rogan Chapel. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Apr 17, 1937 Superior Child is Taken by Death Virginia Harris, 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Harris of Superior, died Thursday night at Wyoming General hospital. Funeral services will be held at 12:30 o’clock Sunday afternoon in Rock Springs L.D.S. church with Bishop Cecil James officiating. In addition to her parents, the young girl is survived by two brothers, Emmett and Nathan; and two sisters, Betty Josephine and Marlu. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Apr 17, 1937 Beveridge Services Will Be Held Sunday Funeral services for Charles Beveridge, 24, well known Rock Springs resident, will be held at 2:30 p.m., Sunday, at the Congregational church. The Rev. Keenan Sheldon is to officiate. His body will be taken from Rogan Mortuary to the family home, 324 B street, at 2 o’clock this afternoon where it will remain until shortly before time of services. Beveridge died Thursday afternoon at Wyoming General hospital following a sudden attack of pneumonia. He became ill Tuesday and was taken to the hospital where his condition was considered satisfactory until Thursday morning. He lapsed into unconsciousness about 10 a.m., Thursday, and did not regain consciousness before his death at 2:15 p.m. Beveridge was born July 30, 1912, in Rock Springs and had lived here all his life. At the time of his death he was an apprentice carpenter, employed by the Kellogg Lumber company. Surviving him are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beveridge; three sisters, Mrs. Florence Fitzgerald of Price, Utah, Mrs. George Berta, and Gertrude Beveridge of Rock Springs; and six brothers, Henry, Arthur, Jack, Robert, George and Wallace, all of Rock Springs. He was a grandson of Mrs. Mary A. Clark, city librarian. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Apr 20, 1937 FUNERALS FOR YOUNG MINERS WILL BE TODAY Fatal Accident is Held Unavoidable by Jury in Inquest Monday A jury called Monday night by County Coroner J. Warden Opie found “unavoidable” the accident in No. 8 mine of the Union Pacific Coal company which Friday night claimed the life of Edwin Parr, 20, and Edward Willson, 19, both of Rock Springs. A recommendation also was made by the jury that “in the future new men should be given proper training before being placed at the face work of mechanical loading” in mines in this area. The jury consisted of William S. Dyett, foreman, Ambrose McKenna, and Carlo Graziadei. Parr, a machine operator, and Willson, a faceman helping him were killed at 9:43 p.m. Friday by a fall of rock in sixth south entry, number one plane, of No. 8 mine. The mine was well timbered at that point, it is said. Funeral services for Edward Willson will be held at 2 o’clock this afternoon at the family home in No. 6 and at 2:30 p.m. in the Congregational church with the Rev. Keenan Sheldon officiating. Jack Taylor, Harvey Taylor, Jack Rae, Donald Leavitt, Richard Cook and Jack Hesketh are to act as pallbearers. Willson was born November 3, 1917, in Rock Springs and had lived here all his life. He was graduated from Rock Springs high school with the class of 1936. Surviving him are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Willson; five brothers, Albert of Amarillo, Texas, and Wilfred, John, William and Charles of Rock Springs; and two sisters, Mrs. Howard Johnson and Emma Willson of Rock Springs. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. Final rites for Edwin John Parr, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Parr, 302 D street, will be held at 12:30 p.m., today in the L.D.S. church with Bishop Cecil James officiating. Wilford Matson, Charles Keller, Edward Phillips, George B. Harrison, Matt Wilde and George Rodda are to be pallbearers. Following services here, Parr’s body will be sent to Lehi, Utah, for funeral services and interment on Wednesday. Wildermuth mortuary will be in charge of local services. A native of Rock Springs, Parr was born October 7, 1916. In addition to his parents, he is survived by two brothers, George and Earl, and Charles William Parr; and four sisters, Mrs. Jane Deneley, Mrs. Grace Herrin and Evelyn and Florence Parr, all of Rock Springs. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Apr 23, 1937 SERVICES FOR MRS. MAGAGNA THIS MORNING Funeral services will be held at 9 o’clock this morning in the South Side Catholic church for Mrs. Clementina Magagna, 62, wife of Stephen Magagna, 414 M street, who died Wednesday at Wyoming General hospital. The Rev. S.A. Welsh is to officiate. Mrs. Magagna, who had lived in Rock Springs since 1898, is survived by her husband; two sons, Fred L. and Joseph Magagna, both of Rock Springs; two sisters, Mrs. John Rizzi of Kemmerer and Miss Josephine Magagna who lives in Italy; and two brothers, Valentine Magagna of Rock Springs and Angelo Magagna of San Francisco. The Union Mercantile company, of which her son, Fred, is manager, will be closed from 9 to 10 o’clock this morning during the funeral services for Mrs. Magagna. Interment will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Apr 24, 1937 Henderson Baby Funeral Sunday Funeral services are to be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, at Rogan Chapel for Elmer Glenn Henderson, one-day-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Henderson of Winton, who died Thursday at Wyoming General hospital. The Rev. Hubert Webster of the Methodist church is to officiate. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Apr 24, 1937 Mrs. Grace Hasson Oldest Resident of County Dies Friday Mrs. Grace Hasson, the oldest and one of the most beloved residents of Sweetwater county, died early Friday morning at her home, 424 A street. Mrs. Hasson would have been 92 years old on her next birthday, Friday, April 29. Born April 29, 1845, in Crawford, Scotland, Mrs. Hasson had made Rock Springs her home for the past 50 years. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Robert D. Murphy and Mrs. R.J. Buxton; a son, Joseph Hasson; and eight grandchildren, all living in Rock Springs. A sister, Margaret French, who resides in Mrs. Hasson’s family home in Glasgow, Scotland, also survives. Her husband, John Hasson, died April 22, 1900. Funeral services for Mrs. Hasson will be held at the family home at 2:30 p.m., Sunday, with the Rev. Keenan Sheldon of the Congregational church officiating. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Wildermuth Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Apr 27, 1937 ITINERANT KILLED WHEN HIT BY TRAIN NEAR GREEN RIVER An unidentified man was fatally injured Sunday afternoon when he was struck by a west-bound freight train on the Union Pacific railroad tracks one mile west of Green River. County authorities, attempting to discover some trace as to his identity, describe him as being of a southern European nationality, possibly Spanish, about 40 years of age, weighting 175 pounds, and wearing a moustache. It is believed the man was hit about 12:40 p.m. as he was attempting to board a west-bound freight train. His body was discovered on the right side of the west-bound track about 2:20 p.m. by H.T. Lane, engineer of another Union Pacific train. He was brought to Wyoming General hospital at 4:10 p.m. where he died at 1:45 a.m. Monday. In a conversation the preceding day with George Fox, special agent at Green River, the man told Fox he was en route from Chicago, Ill., to Logan, Utah. No identification papers of any kind were found in the man’s clothing by investigating officers. Deputy Sheriff Dillwyn Ramsay took his fingerprints and has forwarded them to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Washington in the hopes of learning the man’s name. His body is at Rogan Mortuary pending funeral arrangements. No inquest is to be held, according to County Coroner J. Warden Opie. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, May 1937 WILLIAM R. GILPIN William R. Gilpin, General Foreman, Union Pacific Railroad Company here for many years past, died after a lingering illness on March 31 at his residence. Born in Torquay, England, October 4, 1869, he came to the United States in his twentieth year, securing employment in Colorado, moving to Evanston in 1890 where he engaged with the Union Pacific as Fireman, Engineer and Traveling Engineer. Later he served as Air Brake Instructor, General Foreman, etc. Mr. Gilpin took an active interest in municipal and school affairs having been a councilman at Evanston 18 years, also as President of the local council for several years, as well as being on the School Board here a long term. He was greatly interested in athletics, was an ardent fisherman, having acted as Secretary-Treasurer of the Sweetwater County Sportsman's Association. His widow, three sons and a daughter survive, and to them goes the heartfelt sympathy of the community. Services were held in the High School Auditorium on Sunday, April 4th, interment being in Riverview Cemetery at Green River, Wyoming. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, May 1937 Death of Mrs. Ellen S. Parr There passed away on March 31 at the Wyoming General Hospital in Rock Springs Mrs. Ellen S. Parr, relict of the late John T. Parr. She was a native of Lancashire, England, and had made her home in this city since 1905. Upon the 50th Anniversary of their wedding, January 1, 1934, their children assembled and the group picture of the entire family shown here was taken and published in our February magazine of that year. Seven sons and three daughters survive, most of the former being connected with our company. Mrs. Parr was active in church and charitable work and also belonged to several fraternal orders, Royal Neighbors, W. B. A., Star of Bethlehem, etc. The funeral services were conducted at the Episcopal Church, Rev. H. C. Swezy in charge, on Sunday, April 4th, a large turnout of friends and acquaintances in attendance to testify to the esteem in which she had been held. Interment was in Mountain View Cemetery. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, May 1937 Mrs. Mary Shields, wife of Charles Shields, colored, after an illness of several months, passed away at the Wyoming General Hospital, Wednesday morning, March 24. To mourn her loss are her husband and two married daughters. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon, March 28, services at a local chapel, Rev. K. Sheldon officiating. “Charlie” is a member of the Old Timers’ Association and his many friends about town extend sincere sympathy. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, May 1937 Winton Mrs. Jerry Notar died at the Rock Springs hospital on March 24, 1937, after an extended illness. The community extends its sympathy to the bereaved family. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, May 4, 1937 Train Victim is Buried in Utah The body of Dan Groebli was sent Saturday by Rogan Mortuary to Logan, Utah, where funeral services and interment were held Monday. Groebli, a transient, was fatally injured Sunday afternoon, April 25, when he attempted to board a Union Pacific freight train west of Green River. He died early the following morning at Wyoming General hospital. Groebli’s body lay for several days in Rogan Mortuary while county authorities attempted to discover his identity. Identification was established Thursday by the federal bureau of investigation in Washington, D.C., after fingerprints of the dead man had been sent the bureau by county officials. Groebli, it was learned, has a brother, J.A. Groebli and a sister, Mrs. L.A. Scott, living in Salt Lake City. They were contacted and completed funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, May 4, 1937 Green River Hotel Operator Expires M.P. McIntire, 53, died Sunday at the Green River Hotel in Green River following a sudden heart attack. McIntire, who was manager of the hotel, had been ill but a few days. Born December 30, 1883, McIntire has made Green River his home for the past 15 years. He was a retired railroad engineer. Surviving him are his wife, Merlind; two sons, Roland of Los Angeles, Calif., and Bud of Green River; and a half-brother, Patrick Markey of Roosevelt, Utah. His body is at Rogan Mortuary. Funeral services will be arranged following word from Roland McIntire. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, May 5, 1937 McIntire Rites This Afternoon Funeral services will be conducted at 2 o’clock this afternoon in the Congregational church at Green River for M.P. McIntire, 53, who died Sunday at the Green River hotel following a sudden heart attack. The Rev. Mr. Stoeker is to officiate. McIntire’s body will be taken to Green River at 9 o’clock this morning and will lie in state at the Congregational church awaiting services. McIntire, who was manager of the Green River hotel, is survived by his wife, Merling; two sons, Roland of Los Angeles, Calif., and Bud of Green River; and a half-brother, Patrick Markey of Roosevelt, Utah. Interment will be in Riverview cemetery at Green River under the direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, May 6, 1937 Charles Bridges Taken by Death Charles Henry Bridges, 58, died early Wednesday morning at his home, 114 Noble Drive. Bridges, who was born June 2, 1878 in Salt Lake City, Utah, had made Rock Springs his home for a number of years. A World War veteran, Bridges was a member of Yellowstone Post No. 2316, Veterans of Foreign Wars. Bridges enlisted May 17, 1917, at Kemmerer and saw action overseas with Company H, 3rd Wyoming Infantry. Among those surviving him is a brother, Samuel E. Bridges, also a World War veteran, who lives at the family home 114 Noble Drive. Bridge’s body is at Rogan Mortuary pending funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, May 7, 1937 Bridges Services Will be Saturday Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m., Saturday, in Rogan Chapel for Charles Henry Bridges, 58, who died Wednesday morning at his home, 114 Noble Drive. Bishop J.B. Young of the L.D.S. church will officiate. Bridges, who was born June 2, 1878, in Salt Lake City, Utah, had lived in Rock Springs for the past 40 years. He is survived by two brothers, Bert Bridges and S.E. Bridges, both of Rock Springs. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, May 7, 1937 MAN IS KILLED NEAR HERE AS LEAVES TRAIN Hans Harderson, 83, of Clinton, Iowa, was fatally injured early Thursday morning when he fell or jumped from a Union Pacific passenger train one mile east of Thayer Junction. The accident is believed to have occurred at 1:15 a.m. Harderson, a passenger on train No. 818, was returning to his home in Clinton from Seattle, Wash., where he had been visiting a son. The elderly man probably was killed when his body struck the ground after leaving the speeding train. He fell on the west bound tracks and his body was run over by several trains that came along during the early morning, investigators said. The body, horribly mangled, was discovered at 8 a.m. by Ellis Keltz, conductor on an east bound freight. It is believed no inquest will be held, according to a statement issued Thursday night by County Coroner J. Warden Opie. Harderson’s body is being cared for by Rogan Mortuary. It will be sent Saturday to Clinton for funeral services and interment. In addition to his son living in Seattle, the aged man is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Clara Vogel of Clinton. --- Green River Star, May 7, 1937 Sudden Heart Attack Claims P. M. McIntire Funeral services for M. P. McIntire, who died Sunday at his quarters in the Green River Hotel following a sudden heart attack, were held here Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m. from Union Congregational church. Rev. Theodor F. Stoerker officiated. Mr. McIntire, who was 53, had worked the second shift in a local business house the night before, returning around midnight to his apartment in the hotel that he and his wife have managed for several years. He complained to Mrs. McIntire that he did not feel well, and retired immediately. Early Sunday morning his wife and son noted his heavy breathing and upon going to his bed found he could not speak to them even in a whisper. A physician was immediately called by resuscitation efforts were in vain and he expired within an hour. He was born December 30, 1883, and had lived in Green River approximately 15 years. He is survived by his wife, Merling; two sons, Ronald of Los Angeles, Calif., and Lester of Green River; a half-brother, Patrick Markey of Roosevelt, Utah. Interment was made in Riverview cemetery. Pallbearers were S. F. Woods, H. Mucho, C. W. Wright, QA. E. Elder, Hans Larsen and W. Layton. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, May 14, 1937 John Overy Dies In Nampa, Idaho Mrs. Jake McDonald received word Thursday of the death of her nephew, John Overy Jr., in Nampa, Idaho. Overy died at 3 a.m. Thursday. Accompanied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Overy Sr., he left Rock Springs for Idaho while still a child. At the time of his death he was 39 years old. Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. James Overy Sr., left Rock Springs Thursday night for Nampa to attend funeral services. --- Funeral Services For John Smith Held Sunday P.M. Funeral services for John Thomas Smith were held Sunday from the L.D.S. church with Bishop J. Williams officiating. The services were attended by many friends of the Smith family and there were many floral tributes. John and Earle Fackrell of Lyman; Raymond Hooten, Carl Haffner, Paul Lamb and Legrande Wardle, of Rock Springs, were pallbearers. Mr. Smith had lived in Rock Springs for the last 12 years and was an employe of the Gunn Quealy Coal company at Sweetwater. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith of 109 Liberty street, and was born at Castlegate, Utah, in 1897. He married Miss Eva Fackrell in Evanston Dec, 22, 1921. His wife and a son, Warren, age 8 years, with his parents survive him; also, four brother and one sister. The brothers are Reynold C., Robert., Edward L., and Raymond; and his sister is Miss Alice Smith, all of Rock Springs, excepting Robert Smith who lives in Miami, Ariz. Mr. Smith was a victim of miners' asthma with which he had suffered for the last year. During the greater part of the time he was ill he remained here with his parents with the exception of three moths he spent in Arizon in an effort to regain his health. Among the out-of-town relatives to attend the services Sunday were the decedent's 80-year-old grandfather, J. T. Smith, and the latter's daughter, Miss Selen Smith of Inkon, Ida.; and Thomas Griffiths of Springville, Utah, brother of the decedent's mother; and Mr. and Mrs. James Fackrell and family of Lyman, parents of his wife. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, May 18, 1937 Rites for Infant to Be Held Today Funeral services will be held at 1:15 p.m. today in the South Side Catholic church for Sarah Barrera, four-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Barrera, who died Saturday at the family home, 520 P street. The Rev. S.A. Welsh is to officiate. Interment will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, May 21, 1937 Julio Borga Dies At Los Angeles Julio Borga, a proprietor of the Fountain Club in Rock Springs for the past 13 years, died Thursday morning in Los Angeles, Calif. Borga’s partner, Joe Vit, left Rock Springs Thursday afternoon for Los Angeles to be present at funeral services to be held Saturday. Borga, 43, had been in ill health for some time. He left Rock Springs April 6 for Los Angeles in an effort to regain his health. A resident of Rock Springs since 1918, Borga for at time was employed at the roundhouse before opening the Fountain Club with Vit. He is survived by a brother and two sisters, all living in California. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, May 26, 1937 FORMER MAYOR EDGAR EXPIRES H.H. Edgar, a former mayor of Rock Springs, died May 20 at his home in Tacoma, Wash., according to word received here Tuesday by his sister-in-law, Mrs. Eleanor Webster. Funeral services were conducted Saturday afternoon. Edgar was a builder and contractor in Rock Springs and was the proprietor of the H.H. Edgar Lumber company. He was one of the first men to serve as a member of Rock Springs city council after the city was incorporated and also served as mayor of Rock Springs in 1895 and 1896. He left Rock Springs in 1900 for Everett, Wash., later moving to Tacoma where he since had made his home. He had been ill for some time before his death. Surviving him are his wife; two daughters, Mrs. J.R. Modahl of Hoquiam, Wash., and Mrs. J.B. Neish of Seattle; and a son, William E. Edgar of Seattle. Four grandchildren also survive. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Jun 1937 April Injuries EDWIN J. PARR, JR., American, age 22, single, machine man, Rock Springs No. 8 Mine, Section No. 8. FATAL. EDWARD WILLSON, American, age 20, single, faceman, Rock Springs No. 8 Mine, Section No. 8. FATAL. Edwin and Edward were working in a crosscut at the face of 6 South Entry, 1 Plane. At the time of the accident there was about one car of coal left at the face of the third cut. The place was 8 feet wide, 5 feet 6 inches high, and the face of the crosscut was about 21 feet from the haulage entry. Before the third cut was shot down, two timbers, one on each side of the pan line, were set, and a third timber had been set at the face as the coal was cleaned out. There was a concealed slip running along the right rib which intersected another slip flush against the face. The boney top, which was about 6 to 8 inches and covering nearly the entire area of the crosscut, let go along these slips knocking out the timber and catching the two workmen, probably killing them instantly. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Jun 1937 Obituary Miss Anna Tarris, daughter of Mrs. Andrew Tarris, Jr., and sister of Helen Tarris, of the General Office staff, died at Sacred Heart Villa, Danville, Pennsylvania, May 5. After graduation from the local high school she took holy orders and assumed the name of Sister Mary Callista. Just previous to her assignment at the convent she had been specializing in art and science at Holy Cross College, Columbus, Pennsylvania. The many friends of the family extend sincere sympathy in their hour of bereavement. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Jun 1937 Superior Virginia Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris, passed away at the Wyoming General Hospital in Rock Springs, Friday, April 16th, following a major operation. The sincere sympathy of the entire community is extended to her family. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Jun 1937 Winton The community extends sincere sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Henderson following the death of their infant son. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jun 2, 1937 CHILD KILLED IN CAR CRASH WEST OF CITY A five-year-old girl was killed, two women were badly injured, and a man was slightly hurt in an automobile crash three miles east of Church Buttes on the Lincoln highway about 6:30 p.m., Monday. All were riding in a car driven by Sergt. Andrew Thompson of the United States Army stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash. The dead child was Betty N. Schnedler. Her mother, Mrs. William G. Schnedler, received fractures of both arms and her left leg. Mrs. Thompson received fractures of an arm and a leg. Thompson received contusions about the head. A three-year-old son of Mrs. Schnedler was not injured badly. Sheriff M.J. Dankowski of Sweetwater county, who was in the vicinity, was the first officer on the scene. He took the injured persons to Lyman after a physician had given them first aid. The crash was described to Sheriff Dankowski by C.W. Creager, railroad section foreman at Verne, Wyo., who witnessed it. Creager was driving between 40 and 45 miles an hour when the Thompson machine went around him at high speed, he told the sheriff. The Thompson car went too far to the left, he said, and ran for a distance on the shoulder. Then it swerved back to the right side and swerved back and forth on the right shoulder for some 75 yards before going into the borrow pit. In the pit the car struck a three-foot pile of rock, catapulted 15 feet in the air and traveled 36 feet before it struck the earth again, landing on its top and turning over. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jun 3, 1937 Bowser Funeral This Afternoon Funeral services are to be held in Rogan Chapel at 1 p.m. today for John Bowser, 91, who died Tuesday morning at his home in South Pass. Bowser was born Jan. 17, 1846, in Pennsylvania. For the past 12 years he had made his home in South Pass. He had resided a year in Rock Springs before going to South Pass. Surviving him are a brother and sister, Calvin and Emily Bowser, living in Pennsylvania, and a nephew, J.R. Baine of South Pass. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jun 10, 1937 Green River Man Discovered Dead James Walkup, 51, switch engine foreman at Green River, was found dead in bed Wednesday afternoon in his room in the basement of the Art Smith residence in Green River. Walkup’s body was discovered at 5:45 p.m. by Leo Lantz, another roomer at the Smith residence. Death is believed to have resulted from natural causes. No inquest is planned, it was stated Wednesday night by County Coroner J. Warden Opie. Walkup was born June 10, 1885 in Bevier, Mo. He had made Green River his home for the past 13 years. Surviving him are his wife, Edith; a son, Edward; and a daughter, Jean, all living in Centerville, Iowa; one brother, Harry Walkup of Rock Springs; and three sisters, Mrs. William Foust of Ardmore, Mo., and Mrs. Mae Adams and Mrs. Pearl Walton, both of Bevier, Mo. His body is at Rogan Mortuary pending funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jun 10, 1937 Durant Funeral Services Friday Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. Friday, in the South Side Catholic church for Mrs. Juana Virginia Durant, 60, who died Tuesday at the family home, 506 R street. The Rev. S.A. Welsh is to officiate. Rosary will be held for Mrs. Durant at 7 o’clock tonight at Rogan Chapel. Mrs. Durant, who had made her home in Rock Springs since 1924, was born November 17, 1876 in Questa, New Mexico. She is survived by her husband, Joe; two sons, J.R. Durant of Brighton, Colo., and Phillip Durant of Rock Springs; a daughter, Mrs. John P. Gold of Rock Springs; two brothers and two sisters living in New Mexico; and 10 grandsons and 11 granddaughters. Interment will be in St. Joseph’s Cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Green River Star, Jun 11, 1937 Attend Funeral Of Relative In Utah Mrs. Alfred Stokes of Coalville, Utah, mother of Mrs. Howard Jesson and aunt of Ed Jessop, both of Green River, died Friday evening at her Utah home. Funeral services, held Monday in Coalville, were attended by the relatives here. Mr. Jessop’s mother passed away there three weeks ago. --- Green River Star, Jun 11, 1937 James Walkup Dies Suddenly; Found In Bed A victim of a heart attack, James Walkup, 51, a resident of Green River for 13 years, was found dead in bed Wednesday evening at his rooming quarters in the A. E. Schmidt home. The body was found by Leo Lantz, another roomer, when going to Walkup’s room to arouse him for a light lunch that had been prepared by John W. Baird. Mr. Baird is the father of Mrs. Schmidt, who with Mr. Schmidt are now on a vacation trip in the south. Walkup, a switch engine foreman for the Union Pacific, had been in poor health for several weeks. He was born in Bevier, MO., June 10, 1885. Had he lived by one day longer he would have been 52 years old. Walkup is survived by his wife and two children, Howard and Jean Walkup, who reside in Centerville, Ia.; one brother and three sisters. The sisters are Mrs. William Foust of Ardmore, Mo.; Mrs. Mae Adams and Mrs. Pearl Walton, both of Bevier, Mo. The brother, Harry Walkup, resides in Rock Springs. Funeral arrangements will not be made until after the arrival here today of Mrs. Walkup and their children. --- Green River Star, Jun 11, 1937 Chas C. Johnson, Former Resident, Buried In Utah Funeral services for Charles Gustave Johnson, 60, former resident of Green River and well-known here, were held in Salt Lake City Sunday. Mr. Johnson died early Friday morning at his home in Salt Lake, 632 South First West street following a short illness. He had been in Utah but one month, going there from Rock Springs to join his family. He was born May 23, 1877, in Malmo, Sweden. During his youth he was a professional high diver, and performed here on one or two occasions. For the past thirty years he had been a painting and decorator contractor, the last ten of which, after leaving Green River, were spent in Rock Springs. Mr. Johnson emigrated to Chicago in 1894, moving west to Baggs, Wyoming, the following year. In 1920 he came to Green River, residing here until about 1927, when he moved to Rock Springs. His family had made their home in Salt Lake City for several years. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Lois May Buckland Johnson, and two daughters, Lola and Violet Johnson, of Salt Lake; a brother, Fred Johnson, of Dixon, Wyoming; a sister, Mrs. Laura Johnson of Wilmington, Calif., and two other sisters in Sweden. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jun 12, 1937 Kvasnak Funeral Services Sunday Funeral services for Mrs. Anna Victoria Kvasnak, 59, who died Thursday night at her home in No. 6 will be held at 10:30 a.m. Sunday at the North Side Catholic church. The Rev. Albin Gnidovec is to officiate. Her body will be removed to the family home at 4 p.m. today. Rosary services will be held at the house tonight at 8:30 o’clock. Mrs. Kvasnak was born May 1, 1878 in Czechoslovakia. She had lived in Rock Springs for the past 30 years. Surviving her are three sons, Victor, Steve and Alex; two daughters, Mrs. Albert Smith of Reno, Nev., and Matilda Kvasnak of Rock Springs; and a brother and sister living in Czechoslovakia. Interment will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jun 12, 1937 Charles Mettam Expires Friday Charles Mettam, 84, well known Rock Springs resident, died at 9:05 a.m. Friday at Wyoming General hospital followed a week’s illness. Funeral services will be held at 4:30 o’clock this afternoon from Wildermuth chapel. The Rev. Keenan Sheldon is to officiate. Following services his body will be sent to Ocean Side, Calif., for interment. Mettam was born July 3, 1852, in Taddington, Eng. He came to the United States 28 years ago and for the past 18 years has resided in Rock Springs. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. A. Mallalieu of Cheyenne, Mrs. Fred Robinson of Superior, and Mrs. D.K. Wilson of Rock Springs; two sons, Joe Mettam of Superior and N.B. Mettam who lives in California. Seven grandchildren also survive. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jun 16, 1937 CRASH VICTIM IS SENT HOME The body of Benjamin A. Coe, 22, who was fatally injured Monday afternoon when the automobile he was driving left the Lincoln highway 38 miles east of Rock Springs and overturned seven times, will be sent today by Rogan Mortuary to his home in Mapleton, Iowa, for funeral services and interment. The accident was said to have occurred at 11:40 a.m. Coe was brought in an ambulance to Wyoming General hospital in Rock Springs where he died at 3 p.m. from a broken neck, fractured left arm, fractured left leg, crushed chest and internal injuries. Coe’s body will be accompanied to Mapleton by Hubert Manthei of Plummeth, Wis. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jun 17, 1937 Wilson Funeral Rites To Be Held Saturday Funeral services are to be held at 2 p.m. Saturday in Rogan Chapel for Jack Wilson, 16, who died Tuesday in Lander. The Rev. Mr. Rodda of the Nazarene church is to officiate. Wilson is survived by his mother, Mrs. Ella Howell; a brother, James Howell; and two sisters, Catherine and Dorothy Howell, all of Rock Springs. Interment will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jun 18, 1937 Howell Funeral Rites are Today Funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock this afternoon in Rogan chapel for William Howell, old-time resident of Rock Springs who died Tuesday at Wyoming General hospital. Bishop Cecil James of the L.D.S. church will officiate, assisted by Sam Ward. Howell was born July 12, 1855 in Sweden. Since 1905 he had made his home in Rock Springs. No relatives are known to survive him. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jun 18, 1937 Karvonen Baby To Be Buried Today Funeral services will be held at 4 o’clock this afternoon in Rogan Chapel for Mary Anna Karvonen, four-day-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.R. Karvonen, 347 Gale street, who died Tuesday in Wyoming General hospital. The Rev. Keenan Sheldon is to officiate. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Green River Star, Jun 18, 1937 Accident Victim’s Body Is Shipped The body of Benjamin A. Coe, 22, who was killed in an automobile accident 38 miles east of Rock Springs Monday, was shipped to his home at Mapleton, Iowa, Wednesday. Coe is the fourth motor accident victim in Sweetwater county since the first of the year. He was enroute to California on a vacation trip. State Highway Patrolman Mike Maher inspected the smashup. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jun 23, 1937 Former Springs Man Buried Here Masonic graveside services were held at 2 p.m. Monday at Mountain View cemetery for Andrew Pederson, 74, a former Rock Springs resident who died last Thursday at his home in Salt Lake City. Pedersen was born August 10, 1862 in Norre Sniddstrup, Sjalland, Denmark. He entered the United States on Jan. 4, 1888, coming to Rock Springs February 2 of the same year. While in Rock Springs he was employed by the Union Pacific Coal company and at Tim Kinney’s store. He left Rock Springs in 1903 and at the time of his death, was employed by the American Smelting company. Prominent in lodge work both in Rock Springs and in Salt Lake City, Pedersen was a member of Lodge No. 48 of the Danish Brotherhood and Excelsior Lodge No. 9, I.O.O.F., in Rock Springs; Rocky Mountain Lodge No. 12, A.F. and A.M. and was affiliated with Mount Mariah A.F. and A.M. in Salt Lake City. He also was a member of Utah Consistory No. 1 and of the Shrine. Surviving him are six daughters, Mrs. Hannah Cook of Montpelier, Idaho; Mrs. Marie Larsen of Lincoln, Neb.; Louise, Ellen, Elizabeth and June Pedersen, all of Rock Springs, and two sons, Louis and Harold Pederson, both of Rock Springs. Services were held Sunday in Masonic Temple at Salt Lake City. His body then was taken to Rogan Mortuary in Rock Springs which was in charge of interment in the local I.O.O.F. plot in Mountain View cemetery. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jun 25, 1937 Funeral Services For Frank Conklin To Be on Saturday Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in the Congregational church for Frank R. Conklin, 28, of Rock Springs who died suddenly Wednesday in Denver where he had been employed for the past year. The Rev. Keenan Sheldon will officiate. Conklin, who was born Feb. 4, 1909, in Cassanovia, Wis., is survived by his mother, Mrs. Robert Conklin and a brother, Robert Jr., both living at 214 Logan street, Rock Springs. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jun 29, 1937 BRYSON CHILD DIES SUNDAY Russell Bryson, six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Bryson of Dines, died at Wyoming General hospital Sunday evening from complications following an operation for appendicitis. The child had been ill for a week before it was thought an operation would be necessary. The operation was performed Sunday morning. The boy’s father is widely known throughout this area and in national coal mining circles. He is manager of operations of the Colony Coal company. Other survivors of the lad are his three brothers, David, William and Hugh. Funeral services will be held at 4 p.m. Tuesday, in the South Side Catholic church with the Rev. Fr. S.A. Welsh officiating. Burial will be in Mountain View cemetery. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jun 29, 1937 Bergandi Rites to Be Thursday Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday, in the South Side Catholic church for Fortunato Bergandi, 36, who was killed instantly Saturday morning when he was struck by a hoist cable in the Dines mine of the Colony Coal company. The Rev. S.A. Welsh is to officiate. Rosary services will be held at 7 o’clock tonight in Rogan chapel. Bergandi was born May 11, 1901 in Italy. He came to Dines in 1935 from Colp, Ill., and was a member of Local Union No. 4376, United Mine Workers of America. Surviving Bergandi are his wife, Grace; a daughter Rose Marie; a son, Richard; two sisters, on living in St. Louis, Mo., and the other in Chicago, Ill., and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bergandi of Herring, Ill. Interment will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jun 29, 1937 Bury Salt Wells Man In Local Cemetery Graveside services were held at 4 p.m. Monday at Mountain View cemetery for Mike Kocimba, 64, who died Thursday at Wyoming General hospital from a cerebral hemorrhage. Kocimba was born Jan. 20, 1873, in Austria. At the time of his death he was employed by Anton Debotoli at Salt Wells. He is survived by a wife living in Austria. No known relatives are said to live in this country. Wildermuth Mortuary was in charge of funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jun 30, 1937 Father of Local Woman Dies Here Martin D. Green, 81, a resident of Rock Springs for the past four months, died at 9:10 p.m. Monday, in Wyoming General hospital following a brief illness. Green, who was born April 19, 1856, in Kringslin, England, had made his home here with a daughter, Mrs. Mabel Krake, at 845 Ridge avenue. He also is survived by two other daughters, Mrs. Fannie Dorens and Mrs. Zelma Nash, both of whom live in Colorado. Green’s body is to be sent today by Wildermuth Mortuary to Fort Morgan, Colo., for funeral services and interment. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Jul 1937 Obituary of Aaro Kroger Aaro Kroger, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kroger, died at the Hanna Hospital April 23 from a heart ailment resulting from an illness of a year ago, at which time his parents took him to a specialist in Denver. He recovered and was able to attend school, but became ill again and was at the hospital just a few days when he passed away. Aaro was born in Carneyville, Wyoming, January 20, 1919, and had lived most of his life in Hanna, where he had a host of friends, who were deeply saddened by his passing. Funeral services were held at the Finn Hall, Sunday, April 25. Mr. Hiibacka, of Rock Springs, and Mr. S. L. Morgan, of Hanna, officiated. Interment was made in the Hanna Cemetery. Many relatives attended the funeral. --- Green River Star, Jul 2, 1937 INFANT SON LAID TO REST The two months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Krause died Friday morning of whooping cough in Ogden. The little one was brought to Green River Saturday morning and funeral services were held at the Mormon church Saturday afternoon and interment in Riverview cemetery. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jul 6 and 7, 1937 William Smith Dies After Half Century Residence in City Funeral services will be held at 10 o’clock this morning in the Episcopal church for William Smith, 71, resident of Rock Springs for the past 55 years. Smith had been owner of the Rock Springs Steam Laundry before its sale a week ago to the American Towel and Supply company. Born June 17, 1866, in England, Smith came directly to Rock Springs upon his entry into the United States and had made his home here for the past 55 years. He died Monday at Wyoming General hospital. Surviving him are his wife, Florence; two daughters, Mrs. Eva Mae Shores and Mrs. Irene Taliaferro; five brothers, Sam, John, Harry, Jonathan and Steve; and four sisters, Mrs. Sarah Winder, Mrs. Theresa Holmes, Mrs. Clara Norland and Mrs. James Stebbins. Rock Springs Master Masons are to gather at 9 o’clock this morning to attend services in a body at the Episcopal church. Masonic rites also will be held at the graveside in Mountain View cemetery. Interment is under the direction of Wildermuth Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jul 6 and 7, 1937 24-Year Resident of Springs Dead Funeral services will be held at 9 o’clock this morning in the North Side Catholic church for Mrs. Jennie Stefoin, 56, of 1012 McCabe street, who died July 4 at Wyoming General hospital. The Rev. Albin Gnidovec is to officiate. Mrs. Stefoin was born Dec. 26, 1880, in Austria. She had made Rock Springs her home for the past 24 years. Surviving Mrs. Stefoin are her husband, Matt; three daughters, Mrs. Anna Mivshek and Frances and Mary Stefoin; and two sons, Rudolph and William, all of Rock Springs; a brother, Jack Hribar of Walsenburg, Colo., and a sister living in Austria. Interment will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jul 8, 1937 INQUEST TO BE HELD FRIDAY IN MYSTERIOUS LOCAL SLAYING An inquest into the death of Valentine Bozovichar, aged WPA worker of Rock Springs, will be held at 7 p.m. Friday, in Rogan Mortuary, it was announced Wednesday by County Coroner J. Warden Opie. A jury consisting of Sam Sorenson, James McPhie and Nels Carlson has been named by County Coroner Opie to hear the testimony. Bozovichar died at 12:30 a.m., Monday, June 21, in Wyoming General hospital from what an autopsy showed to be a cerebral hemorrhage caused by a skull fracture. County authorities believe Bozovichar’s skull was fractured from some heavy instrument wielded by an unknown assailant. Lawrence Benedict, 53, arrested last Friday by county authorities and held for investigation regarding Bozovichar’s death, is one of a large group of county residents being subpoenaed for appearance at the inquest. Bozovichar was found in an outside toilet on Gale street early Saturday morning, June 19, according to county authorities. The toilet was said to be locked form the inside. At the time Bozovichar was found, it was not thought that he was injured and at his request, it is said, the person who found him left. Later Saturday morning, it is said, Bozovichar walked to his home at the rear of 359 H street. At this time, according to information given county authorities, Bozovichar still was not believed to be injured. Sunday afternoon, it is said, Bozovichar summoned a physician who upon examining him, ordered him removed immediately to Wyoming General hospital where Bozovichar succumbed to his injury at 12:30 a.m. Monday. Funeral services for Bozovichar were held June 23 and he was interred in Mountain View cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Green River Star, Jul 9, 1937 Father of Margaret Sweeney Claimed L. J. Sweeney, father of Miss Margaret Sweeney, a teacher in the Green River schools, died at the family home in Rifle, Colorado June 18th, word received by friends here this week stated. --- Green River Star, Jul 9, 1937 D. C. Segraves, Former Resident, Buried In Utah Funeral services for Dudley Chase Segraves, 74, who died Friday afternoon in a Salt Lake City hospital, were held Tuesday morning at the Mount Ogden funeral chapel in Ogden. Mr. Segraves, a retired plumber who formerly lived in Green River and at Kemmerer for the past five years, recently moved to Salt Lake City with Mrs. Segraves. He had been associated in the operation of the Kemmerer Hotel with his son-in-law, Ben F. Petre. Death was attributed to a heart ailment. He was born December 27, 1862 in Logansport, Indiana. Most of his life was spent in Wyoming. Surivving are his widow, Mrs. Rose Nettinger Segraves, and a daughter, Mrs. Ben F. Petre, both of Salt Lake, and a sister, Mrs. Ed Hagenbuck, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Evers and Mrs. Howard Petre of Green River attended the funeral services. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jul 10, 1937 Man Seriously Ill Here Learns Son Expires at Home Unexpected death of his eight-month-old son, Donald Lee, came as a severe blow to William Neebling who is receiving treatment at Wyoming General hospital for a serious illness. A short time after he was admitted Thursday evening at the hospital, Neebling received a telephone call from his wife in Deadwood, S.D., stating that Donald Lee was seriously ill with pneumonia and asking that he leave immediately. Later Thursday night, Neebling received another phone call in which he was told that his son had died. It will be several days before Neebling is recovered sufficiently to leave the local hospital for Deadwood, it is said. Neebling, whose home is in Deadwood, has been employed here by George Hower, local contractor and decorator. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jul 13, 1937 Clarence Ball Dies in Denver, Funeral Is This Afternoon Clarence W. Ball, 26, gas dispatcher for the Mountain Fuel Supply company in Rock Springs, died at the home of his mother in Denver last Saturday after six months’ illness. Mr. Ball came to Rock Springs in 1929 and resided here continuously until his illness last January. He was taken at once to the home of his mother, Mrs. George D. Ball. Surviving him in addition to his mother, are three brothers, George and Ralph of Denver and Carl, now living in California, and two sisters, Betty and Alice, both of Denver. He was born in Fort Collins, Colo., on Dec. 30, 1910. His funeral will be held at 2:30 p.m., today in Fort Collins and burial will be there. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jul 13, 1937 Father of Joseph Weppner Expires Funeral services for Albert M. Weppner of Omaha, father of J.S. Weppner of Rock Springs, were held at 9 a.m., Monday, in St. Cecelia cathedral in Omaha. The elder Weppner expired at 2 p.m., last Friday, in Cheyenne where he had gone for a visit. Mrs. J.S. Weppner and son Joseph left here immediately b automobile and Mr. Weppner left that night. The elder Mr. Weppner was well known in Rock Springs through visits here. After the funeral services in Omaha, he was buried there. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jul 14, 1937 Blood Poisoning From Bump Takes Lyman Boy’s Life Blood poisoning which resulted from an injury received July 4, proved fatal at Wyoming General hospital Tuesday to Kenneth Meeks, five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph William Meeks of Lyman. The youth, it is said, bumped his knee severely against a door at his home July 4. He didn’t complain of his injury to his parents and continued to walk around until the following day when the injury became worse and was noticed by his parents. Blood poisoning resulted from the bruise and the child was brought to Wyoming General hospital July 9 where efforts of attending physicians to save the boys life proved futile. Surviving the lad, in addition to his parents, are two brothers, Jackie and Eugene; and three sisters, Carrol, Margaret and Marylin. His body is to be taken to Lyman at 8 o’clock this morning by Rogan Mortuary for funeral services and interment. --- Green River Star, Jul 16, 1937 Albert J. Tyteca Falls to Death In River Here Death struck suddenly here Wednesday afternoon when Albert J. Tyteca, 42, foreman of the Standard Timber company operations here, was drowned in the Green river after falling from the upper tie boom as he was supervising loading work after the record tie run to this point. Tyteca was accompanying M. I. McQuaig, superintendent of the company, on an inspection of the boom and the loading work. McQuaig, who had stepped to the railing of the loading wharf, tunred around to say something to his foreman only to see him suddenly disappear into the water. No cry was uttered. Help immediately stood near to rescue Tyteca when he came up, but when this failed to happen within a minute or so pikes and hooks were immediately brought into use. His body was recovered in about fifteen minutes, approximately 75 feet from where he first went under and directly in front of the loading wharf between the upper and lower booms. Resuscitation efforts were employed at once to no avail, and a pulmotor, hurried from Rock Springs by the Union Pacific Coal company, also proved fruitless. After the body had been examined by County Coroner J. Warden Opie it was found to have a severe bruise at the base of the skull. It is thus surmised Tyteca was thrown against one of the logs and knocked unconscious in his fall, and thus the reason why he did not rise from the water. No one saw the immediate fall, and it is presumed he slipped from the boom railing. Tyteca had been a permanent resident of Green River for about three years, moving here from Granger where he had made periodic visits for the timber company in supervising local work. He is a former mayor of Granger and had been employed by the Standard Timber firm since 1929. He is a World War veteran, serving overseas with American forces, and was a member of both the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was born in Belgium and spoke Belgian, French and English fluently. He is survived by Mrs. Tyteca, two sons, Albert, Jr., and Lester, all of Green River and a sister and two brothers living in Belgium. Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at nine o’clock from the Catholic church, with services at the grave being conducted jointly by the V. F. W. and American Legion. The body will lie in state this afternoon and until services tomorrow morning at the Union Pacific Social Hall. Burial will be made in the Veterans plot at Riverview cemetery, a request made by Mr. Tyteca before his death. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jul 16, 1937 To Hold Services Saturday at Green River for Tyteca Funeral services for Albert J. Tyteca, 42, Standard Timber company foreman who was drowned Wednesday when he slipped and fell from the tie boom at Green River, will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday in the Catholic church in Green River. The Rev. H. Schillinger will officiate. Tyteca’s body will be taken to Green River this afternoon by Rogan Mortuary. Rosary services will be held this evening. Services at the graveside will be conducted by the Green River posts of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion. Death of Tyteca was accidental and no inquest will be held, it was stated Thursday by County Coroner J. Warden Opie. Tyteca, who had been foreman for the timber company at Green River since 1929, is survived by his wife, Verna and two sons, Albert Jr. and Lester, all of Green River; two brothers and a sister living in Belgium. Interment will be in Riverview cemetery at Green River under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jul 16, 1937 Mother of Karl Winchell Expires Mrs. Clara Winchell, mother of Karl F. Winchell, principal of Rock Springs High school, died July 10 following a sudden heart attack at her home in Santa Clara, Calif. Winchell and his family, and a sister, Mary Winchell of Seattle, were present at the time of death. Mr. and Mrs. Winchell and their two daughters had gone to Santa Clara on July 4 to spend a few weeks visiting his mother. Mrs. Winchell, who was 82, was subject to heart attacks. Her death came without warning. She was known by a large number of Rock Springs residents following several visits here, the last of which was three years ago. Winchell returned to Rock Springs Wednesday afternoon en route to Loveland, Colo., where funeral services and interment were held Thursday afternoon. He is expected to return to Rock Springs today. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jul 20, 1937 CALL INQUEST INTO DEATH OF MAN THURSDAY An inquest will be held late this week to determine the cause of death of Vigilio Pecoraro, 47, of 821 Rugby avenue, it was stated Monday by County Coroner J. Warden Opie. Pecoraro died early Saturday morning in Wyoming General hospital where he was taken after he had fallen down the stairs of a local rooming house Thursday night. The local man was rendered unconscious by his fall and never fully regained his senses. No bones were broken in his fall. A lung complication is said to have been the cause of death. Funeral services for Pecoraro are to be held at 9 o’clock this morning in the South Side Catholic church with the Rev. S.A. Welsh officiating. Pecoraro was born in July, 1890, in Tyrol, Austria. He had lived in Rock Springs since 1914 and was employed as a coal miner. He was a member of Rock Springs Aerie 151, F.O. Eagles, and of the Italo-American Society. Surviving Pecoraro are two daughters, Evelyn and Annie, and a son, Frank, all living in Rock Springs, and two brothers in Italy. Interment will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery under direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jul 21, 1937 Local Youth Dies From Long Illness William Richard Cook, 19, well known Rock Springs youth, died early Tuesday morning at his home in No. 6 camp after a long illness. Born in Nebraska on Feb. 8, 1918, Cook had made Rock Springs his home for the past six years. He was graduated from the local high school with the class of 1936. Surviving Cook are his mother, Mrs. Florence Cook; and three sisters, Mrs. Walter Guy, and Jessie and June Cook, all of Rock Springs. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday in Rogan Chapel with the Rev. Mr. Stoerker of the Congregational church officiating. Rock Springs Aerie 151, F.O. Eagles, of which the youth was a member will have charge of services at Mountain View cemetery. Interment will be under the direction of Rogan Mortuary. --- Green River Star, Jul 23, 1937 5-Year-Old Child Only Survivor of Family of Four A five-year-old child, Marie Eddings, sole survivors of a family of four from an automobile accident near Sacramento, California, July 4th, accompanied her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Eddings of Burntfork, to their ranch home south of here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Eddings were returning from attending funeral services at Sacramento for their only son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Asa C. Eddings, and grandchild, Betty Jean, aged 7. They were the victims of a head-on auto collision at Yuba Pass, five miles west of Cisco on the main highway to Reno. The car, driven by Mr. Eddings, crashed into a large sedan driven by a negro chauffeur of Sacramento. A coroner’s jury found the chauffeur’s vehicle to be on the wrong side of the highway at the time of the accident but failed to set definite blame. The crash was so terrific, press statements declared, that the radiators of the two vehicles were wedged together, with the one on the Eddings machine driven back to within six inches of the windshield panel. The mother was killed instantly, the father and child dying of injuries several hours later. Marie will make her home with the grandparents. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jul 27, 1937 W. Willard, Farson Camp Employee, Dies William Willard, about 55, Farson CCC camp employee, died at the Wyoming General hospital at 2:15 p.m. yesterday. He had been working at the Farson camp for several months. The body was taken to the Rogan Mortuary where funeral arrangements are being made. Willard lived at No. 2 Camp at Rock Springs, although he had worked for the CCC camp for some time. He was born in Fostoria, Ohio. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Willard; two sons, Paul and Henry of Rock Springs; two daughters, Aileen and Virginia of Rock Springs; and a sister, Mrs. C.J. Hastings of Denver, Colo. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jul 28, 1937 Willard Funeral Rites Thursday Funeral services for William Alvin Willard, 45, who died in the hospital here Monday, will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday, from the home at No. 29 in No. 2 camp. The Rev. C.K. Blunt will officiate. Burial will be in Mountain View cemetery. Mr. Willard was a resident of Rock Springs for 21 years. He was born November 25, 1882, in Fostoria, Ohio. He went to the Big Piney country when he first came to the west. He then moved to Sublette, Wyo., where he remained until 1917 and then moved to Rock Springs. He was married in 1911 to Mary Kukoy at Sublette. Besides his widow, surviving are two sons, Paul and Henry, and two daughters, Virginia and Aileen. Mr. Willard was employed at the Central Coal and Coke company here until two months ago, and for the last eight weeks was employed at the CCC camp at Fremont Lake. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jul 29, 1937 Matt Rumph Dies In Salt Lake City Matthew Rumph, well known Rock Springs resident until two months ago when ill health forced him to leave the city, died in Salt Lake City and was buried there Wednesday. Mr. Rumph had been a partner in the Smoke House here. He disposed of his interest in the business when a malignancy undermined his health. He sought relief at the Mayo clinic in Rochester but the physicians there were unable to help him. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Wednesday. He was burin in [line missing] cemetery. --- Green River Star, Jul 30, 1937 Matt Rumph Dies Monday In Utah Funeral services for Mathew Rumph, 70, former Green River and Rock Springs old time resident, who died at his home at 1211 8th East street, Salt Lake City, Monday, were held Wednesday afternoon at Murray, Utah, a Salt Lake suburb. He was buried beside his son who predeceased him five years. Mr. Rumph had been ill for several months, and had widely sought medical attention. Both Mr. and Mrs. Rumph have been closely associated with this section of Wyoming since they were married in Green River 50 years ago. Had he been in good health they planned to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary this month. He came to Green River as a school teacher 50 years ago and her met Mrs. Rumph. Moving to Rock Springs, they left there several years ago to make Salt Lake their home, but returned in 1926. They again left Rock Springs last June. He is survived by his wife and two grandchildren, a son and a daughter of a son who preceded him in death. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jul 30, 1937 Robert J. Berg Of Farson Dies Robert J. Berg, 85, a resident of Farson for 16 years, died at the Savage ranch there yesterday. Mr. Berg was born in Kansas March 2, 1882. He has no known relatives surviving. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday from the Rogan chapel. The Rev. C.K. Blunt, Baptist pastor, will officiate. Burial will be in Mountain View cemetery. --- Green River Star, Jul 30, 1937 Father Of Orville Beckstead Succumbs William John Beckstead, 83, father of Orville Beckstead of Green River, died at the family home in Avonlea, Saskatchewan, Canada, July 16th. His wife predeceased him two years ago. Besides his son here, he is survived by two other sons, Ebray and Murray, Avonica, Saskatchewan, and two daughters, Florence and Ruby, of Avonlea. Mr. Beckstead attended funeral services for his father, returning here Saturday. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jul 30, 1937 John Oberg Dies, Funeral Sunday John Oberg, 86, of 342 H street, died yesterday afternoon in the Wyoming General hospital. Mr. Oberg had been a resident of Rock Springs for many years. He was born in Sweden. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Matilda Anderson of Phoenix, Ariz., and Mrs. Isaac Fletcher of Rock Springs. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday from the Congregational church. Burial will be in the family plot in the Mountain View cemetery. Rogan Mortuary is in charge of the arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jul 31, 1937 Oberg Funeral Will Be Sunday Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m., Sunday from the Congregational church for John Oberg, 86, long-time resident of Rock Springs who died at the Wyoming General hospital Thursday. Mr. Oberg was born in Skoening, Sweden, on August 13, 1850. When a young man he moved to Kiel, Germany, where he married Miss Johanna Johannas. He was a blacksmith by trade. He emigrated to the United States in 1880 and settled first in Omaha, Neb. He then moved to Greeley, Colo., and to Idaho, and then settled in Rock Springs in 1882. He was employed as a blacksmith at the mines here and operated his own blacksmith shop for several years. In 1903, he sold his shop and went to Weiser, Idaho, where he farmed until 1918. That year he moved back to Rock Springs and made his home with a daughter, Mrs. Mathilda Anderson, who now lives in Phoenix, Ariz. Later he made his home with another daughter, Mrs. Isaac Fletcher of 342 H street, where he lived until his death. His wife died in 1887 and was buried in Mountain View cemetery here. Two sons, George and Axel, and a daughter, Agnes, preceded him in death. Burial will be in the Mountain View cemetery. Rogan mortuary is in charge of arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Jul 31, 1937 Eugene C. Lee Is Found Dead In Automobile Eugene C. Lee, former Rock Springs resident, was found dead in his automobile two miles north of Wheatland early Thursday morning, according to word received here yesterday by relatives here. Mr. Lee lived at Billings, Mont., and was manager for the Singer Sewing Machine company for the state of Montana. According to press reports, C. Stewart Dennis, Platte county coroner, said death was due to carbon monoxide gas and was apparently suicide. Lee had covered the exhaust of his car with a grease can and had run a tube from the motor into the car, it was reported. His body was found by a farmer who passed by where he had parked his automobile. He left no notes, the coroner said. Mr. Lee left Rock Springs about five years ago. While here he was a salesman for Standard Brands and Fleischmann Yeast. He moved here with his parents from Salt Lake City when he was a young man. His father, I.E. Lee, lives at the Park hotel. Besides his father, he is survived by his widow, the former Dorothy Irene Smith who was a teacher in the Rock Springs high school; a brother, Al, of Rock Springs; and a sister, Mrs. Ambos of Omaha, Neb. His widow is in a Billings, Mont., hospital friends here said yesterday. Funeral arrangements have not been made. His mother died two years ago and is buried here. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 3, 1937 JAMES LIBBY IS INTERRED IN CHEYENNE James L. Libby, assistant chief engineer for the Union Pacific Coal company, was laid to rest beside his mother in the Cheyenne cemetery Monday afternoon. Mr. Libby, died at his home, 8 Wardell court, here Friday evening after an illness that began last January. In addition to his duties with the coal company, he was secretary of the Rock Springs section of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers and took an interest in construction of religious and other service buildings here. Funeral services were held at the home here at 4 p.m. Sunday under the direction of Rogan Mortuary. J.B. Young of the L.D.S. church officiated. His body was sent to Cheyenne Sunday night. Graveside services were held there Monday afternoon. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 4, 1937 VISITING INFANT SUCCUMBS HERE William Lawrence Newcomb, 21-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Newcomb of Livingston, Mont., died at the Wyoming General hospital at 4 a.m. yesterday. The boy was admitted to the hospital July 24, suffering from pneumonia. The Newcombs were visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Loder, at Green River when the child took ill. The body was taken to the Rogan Mortuary and was sent to Denver early today for burial. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 5, 1937 49-Year Resident Of City Succumbs Mrs. Sarah Ellen Whaten, 73, resident of Rock Springs since 1888, died at her home at 408 Bridger Avenue, early last night. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. David Macey of Rock Springs, and Mrs. Thomas Coughlin of Denver, Colo.; and a son, Harry of Rock Springs. She was the widow of Thomas Whalen who died here several years ago. Funeral arrangements, in charge of the Rogan Mortuary have not been made. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 6, 1937 Whelan Rites to Be Held Sunday Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Ellen Whalen, 73, long-time resident of Rock Springs who died Wednesday, will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday from the South Side Catholic church. The Rev. Father S.A. Welsh will officiate. Rosary for Mrs. Whalen will be said at the family home at 408 Bridger avenue at 7 p.m. Saturday. The body will be taken to the home Saturday afternoon where it will lie in state until time for services. Burial will be in the family plot in St. Joseph’s cemetery. The Rogan Mortuary is in charge of arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 10, 1937 BLAIRTOWN MINER KILLED AS HE FALLS AND STRIKES HEAD Finis Barton, 31, a loading-in man in No. 5 mine at Blairtown, was fatally injured early yesterday morning and died shortly after noon in the Wyoming General hospital. Bartons’ death was apparently accidental, County Coroner J. Warden Opie said after a preliminary investigation. An inquest will be held at 7 o’clock tonight at the Rogan Mortuary, he said. Opie said that Barton was walking in the second north tunnel of the mine carrying an empty powder box. He fell, striking his head against the side wall of the mine or the railing. John Kuisma told the coroner he heard the noise when Barton fell. Barton still had on his miner’s hat when aid reached him, Opie said. He had struck his temple. At the hospital it was said that Barton’s death was caused by concussion of the brain. He was taken to the hospital about 9 a.m. and died shortly after noon without regaining consciousness. Barton and his wife moved here a little more than a year ago from Higbee, Mo. Funeral arrangements have not been made. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 10, 1937 DIGS FOR BASEMENT HERE AND FINDS BODY IN CASKET Angelo Turcato, 228 H street, was not little bit surprised Saturday night when he dug into an old casket with a corpse inside while he was excavating under his house for construction of a basement. Turcato uncovered one end of the rough box in which the casket and corpse were contained and left the rest until Sunday morning. The he called Sweetwater County Coroner J. Warden Opie who went to the house and helped finish digging out the corpse and casket. Opie took the corpse and pieces of the casket to the Rogan Mortuary awaiting the decision of the county commissioners before disposing of the skeleton. Opie, who investigated, said that Turcato’s residence is located over a section of what at one time was a cemetery here. The cemetery has been abandoned for 50 years. The body was that of a woman, and about all that remained was a skeleton. The box in which the body had been buried looked to be in a good state of preservation, but when it was moved it crumbled. There are no means of identifying the body, Opie said, and that it would be kept at the mortuary until commissioners decide whether or not to bury it in the city cemetery. Turcato said that he had purchased the house about two months ago and was planning to put in the full basement and do other remodeling. Turcato said he found another small piece of bone in another place where he was excavating. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 11, 1937 Superior Miner Expires Tuesday Archangelo Delsasso, 49, Superior miner, died at the Wyoming General hospital early Tuesday morning. Delsasso had been admitted to the hospital Sunday for surgical treatment. Delsasso, who was born in Italy, has no relatives in this country. He was not married. Arrangements are in charge of Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 12, 1937 Delsasso Rites Will Be Sunday Funeral services for Archangelo Delsasso, 50, who died Tuesday at the Wyoming General hospital, will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday from the South Side Catholic church with the Rev. Fr. S.A. Welsh officiating. Rosary will be said at 7 p.m. Saturday at the Rogan Mortuary where the body will lie until time for the services. Burial will be in the Italian-American society plot in St. Joseph’s cemetery. Delsasso was born in Tyrol, Italy, on January 28, 1887. He came to this country in 1914 and settled at Superior where he had been employed as a miner. He was not married. He was a member of the F.O.E. Fratelanza Operaia, local 2316, and a member of the Catholic church. The Fratelanza Operaia will hold short services at 1:30 p.m. Sunday at the mortuary, preceding the church rites. Surviving are two brothers, Ettore and Guiseppe, both of Tyrol, and a sister, also of Tyrol. He has no relatives in this country. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 12, 1937 JOHN MRAK JR. EXPIRES HERE John Mrak, Jr., 33, died at the Wyoming General hospital yesterday after an illness of three days. Mr. Mrak went to Big Piney Sunday to visit and was stricken while there. He entered the hospital for treatment Monday and expired yesterday morning. Mr. Mrak was well known in Rock Springs. He was born here on Sept. 7, 1903, and received his education in the Rock Springs public schools. He was married to Mary Galicich, sister of County Attorney Joseph H. Galicich, and was the father of three children. At the time of his death he was proprietor of the Mrak garage. Besides his widow, surviving are his two daughters; a son, a brother, Frank; and his father, John Mrak, Sr., all of Rock Springs. His mother died about a year ago. Funeral services will be held at the North Side Catholic church at 9 a.m. Saturday, with solemn requiem mass. Burial will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 12, 1937 GUS E. STURM EXPIRES HERE Gus E. Sturm, 62, city weighmaster, died Wednesday morning at the Wyoming General hospital after an illness of a week. Mr. Sturm entered the hospital for treatment August 5 and passed away there yesterday. He lived at 130 Channel street. The body was taken to the Wildermuth Mortuary. Funeral arrangements had not been made late last night. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 13, 1937 Mrak Rites to Be Held on Saturday Funeral rites for John Mrak Jr., prominent Rock Springs automobile dealer who died Wednesday, will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday from the North Side Catholic church. Solemn requiem mass will be said. At 7 p.m. tonight St. Joseph’s lodge K.F.K.J., of which Mr. Mrak was a member, will say rosary at the home, 418 M street. Mr. Mrak is survived by his widow, two daughters, and a son, and his father, John Mrak Sr. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 13, 1937 Funeral Services For Gus E. Sturm Sunday Afternoon Gus E. Sturm, 32, city weighmaster who died Wednesday, will be buried at 2 p.m. Sunday, with funeral services to be held at the family residence, 1116 Pilot Butte avenue. Pallbearers will be Sam Ramsay, John Zuick, John Solan, Jack Peters, Bill Ashey, and Ole Anselmi. The body will be taken to the home at 1 p.m. Saturday, where it will lie in state until the time for the services. Mr. Sturm was born Dec. 27, 1873, and has been a resident of Rock Springs for 36 years. During the past two years he has occupied the position of city weighmaster. Previous to that he operated his own shoe repair establishment here for many years. Surviving him are a son, Edward; a daughter, Mrs. James R. Gilday; a brother, Julius; and three sisters, Mrs. Chris Duln, Mrs. Ollie Weyand, and Mrs. Ida Miller. Wildermuth Mortuary is in charge of arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 13, 1937 Called to Arkansas By Brother’s Death Vernon L. Brugneaux of Winton was called to LaFollett, Ark., Thursday by the death of his brother, E.J. Brugneaux, 54. The brother, who formerly lived in Albia, Iowa, was a member of the Rainbow division in the American Expedionary Force during the World war. He was known in Rock Springs and Winton through several visits here. Military funeral services will be accorded him at LaFollette of Friday. --- Green River Star, Aug 13, 1937 JAMES M. RUMSEY DIES As we go to press word is received that James M. Rumsey of Rock Springs, general manager of Stock Growers Mercantile Co., passed away at 9 o’clock this morning in the Wyoming General hospital. Mr. Rumsey has been in the hospital the past two weeks. Funeral arrangements have not been made. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Ward returned Sunday from Rossville, Kansas, where they were called Wednesday owing to the death of Mrs. Ward’s mother, Mrs. J. T. Haslet. --- Green River Star, Aug 13, 1937 CARROLL DIES IN LETHAL GAS ROOM FOR BARNARD MURDER Paul H. (Perry) Carroll, 37-year-old convicted slayer of C. C. Barnard of Green River, division superintendent of the Union Pacific, went to his death at the state penitentiary at Rawlins shortly after midnight this morning, after Governor Leslie A. Miller refused to interfere with the court’s finding when Carroll’s petition for commutation of sentence to life imprisonment was refused. Carroll is the first man to die in the new lethal gas chamber, substituted for hanging by the legislature in 1935. The governor said he had reviewed the evidence of the trial and read the records of the supreme court appeal and was in accord with the findings, and that accordingly “the decree that Carroll shall be executed as provided by the laws of the state will not be set aside.” Carroll, allegedly holding a grudge for dismissal from service, shot and killed Barnard in the Cheyenne depot as the superintendent was preparing to board a train for Green River. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 14, 1937 J.M. RUMSEY DIES FRIDAY RITES TODAY Head of Stock Growers Was Leading Business Figure In Wyoming James M. Rumsey, 75, owner of the Stock Growers Mercantile company and one of western Wyoming’s leading business men for the past 53 years, died at Wyoming General hospital Friday morning after an illness that had required his hospitalization a week ago. Mr. Rumsey was born March 14, 1862 at Portsmouth, Ohio, the son of J.M. and Harriett A. Rumsey. His father was a well known tutor preparing pupils for Princeton university. He was educated in the public and private school of Ohio. Beginning his business life as a bill clerk with Reid, Murdoch and Company at Chicago in 1875, he advanced to the position of assistant credit manager by 1883. He came west in 1884 and located at Rawlins as cashier and confidential man for the J.W. Hugs and Company bank which later became the First National Bank of Rawlins. Afterward he organized the Stock Growers National Bank at Rawlins. During 40 years residence in Rawlins he was identified with the banking business and livestock industry throughout that area, his holdings extending as far as Baggs. He was married April 16, 1890 to Miss Mary E.C. Ramsay. He came to Rock Springs in 1924. The following year, on the death of his brother, John G. Rumsey, he took control of the Stock Growers Mercantile company. He was a thirty-second degree Mason, a past grand master of the A.F. and A.M. of Wyoming, a past grand commander of the Knights Templar of Wyoming, was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and was a life member of the Rawlins lodge of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. Mr. Rumsey was known for his regular contributions to the support of all Rock Springs churches. Surviving him are two daughters, Mrs. Bruce McWilliams of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Mrs. Jean Rumsey Thompson of Rock Springs, and a sister, Miss Eliza Rumsey of Pasadena, Calif. Mrs. McWilliams came here Sunday night to be with her father. Mrs. Thompson, who had been visiting in Pasadena, arrived here last Friday while Miss Rumsey arrived here Saturday. Masonic funeral services will be held for Mr. Rumsey at 2 p.m. today in the Masonic Temple. Singers will be Leroy Johnson, who will sing “Abide With Me” at Mr. Rumsey’s request, and the Congregational church choir. The Stock Growers Mercantile company will be closed only during the funeral in accordance with Mr. Rumsey’s request. The body of Mr. Rumsey will be taken to Denver tonight. He will be buried there in the Rumsey family plot in Fairmount cemetery beside the body of Mrs. Rumsey who died in 1931 in Pasadena. Only a prayer will be said at the graveside services to be held at 10 a.m., Monday. Lewis H. Brown will accompany Mrs. McWilliams, Mrs. Thompson and Miss Rumsey to Denver for the burial. Active pallbearers at the services here today will be men employed in the store. Honorary pallbearers will be the following: John W. Hay Sr., John Bunning, Lewis H. Brown, Dr. E.S. Lauzer, J.L. Dykes, Joe Vit, T.S. Taliaferro, Dr. G.R. Breighna, Claude Elias, William Chilton, E.B. Hitchcok, John taylor, James Dewar, F.B. Crumley, Dr. Frank Bertoncelj, Robert D. Murphy, J.S. Weppner. John S. Murphy, Frank Parton, Joseph H. Galicich, W.H. Gottsche, William Stroud, Dr. E.B. Sturges, Guy Rife, Dave G. Jones, C.P. Hetzler, Jack Martin, S.S. Yahner, Howard Kellogg, Parley Draney, L.B. Howard, V.J. Facinelli, George W. Turnes, James LeMarr, H.J. Boice, W.A. Muir, George Pryde, D.D. Spani, C.K. Haines, A.L. McCurtain, Dr. L.D. Shaeffer and George L. Earhart. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 18, 1937 GRENVILLE CHIVINGTON KILLED AS PLANK FALLS FROM OIL RIG Grenville Chivington, 23-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. L.H. (Doc) Chivington, widely known rancher of the Powder Wash area south of Rock Springs, was killed instantly Tuesday morning while he was working on the newest well to be started in the nearby Clay Basin oil and gas field. A heavy plank, falling from a scaffold 80 feet above the floor of the derrick, struck and crushed his skull. Mr. Chivington was employed as a floorman on the Keith Smith well number one being drilled by the Rocky Mountain Drilling company for the Mountain Fuel Supply company. The well is in Daggett county, Utah, near Manila. The coroner of that county, when informed of the circumstances of the tragedy, said no inquest will be held. He allowed the body to be brought to Rock Springs by the hearse of the Rogan mortuary as soon as it arrived at the scene. Justice of the Peace E.E. Johnson of Rock Springs, acting coroner in the absence of Coroner J. Warden Opie, accompanied the hearse to the death scene because local authorities were not sure, when notified of the accident, whether it had occurred in this county or in Utah. The accident occurred at 9:45 a.m. Mr. Chivington was the oldest son of his parents. His death was such a shock to his parents that they could not believe he was dead until his mother had viewed his body. The death came as a double shock to the parents in view of their plans for a twenty-fifth wedding anniversary celebration which was to have been the cause for a family reunion in Green River Tuesday afternoon. The young man was well known in Rock Springs. He had partly finished his college education and was planning to return to college this fall. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 19, 1937 Chivington Rites To Be Here Friday Funeral services for Granville Brazzill Chivington, 23, of Powder Wash, Colo., who was killed accidentally at Keith Smith well number one in Clay Basin, Utah, Tuesday, will be held at 10 a.m., Friday, from the Christian Science church. Burial will be in the family plot at Craig, Colo. Mr. Chivington was killed when a heavy plank fell from the structure striking him on the head and crushing his skull. He died almost instantly. He was employed by the Rocky Mountain Drilling company. Relatives of the youth said yesterday that they were undetermined whether they would ask Utah officials to hold an inquest into the accident. Justice of the Peace E.E. Johnson, acting coroner of Sweetwater county, said the death was accidental. The accident occurred just across the Sweetwater county line in Daggett county, Utah. Surviving Mr. Chivington are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Chivington; three brothers, E. Paul, John M., and Joseph H.; and three sisters, Mrs. R.L. Fitzmonis, and Miss Mary Chivington, both of Green River, and Miss Florence Chivington. The Rogan Mortuary is in charge of funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 19, 1937 GUST HAUTALA EXPIRES HERE Gust Hautala, 56, Rock Springs miner, died at 3:45 a.m., Wednesday, at the Wyoming General hospital after an illness of a week. Mr. Hautala entered the hospital for treatment August 10. He was born in Finland. He had been a resident of Rock Springs for 22 years and was employed at the Little Megeath mine. He lived at 336 H street. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Mary Hautala; a daughter, Jennie of Rock Springs; three sons, Ben and Wayne of Butte, Mont., and Roy of Rock Springs; and one grandson. Funeral services will be held Sunday at the Rogan Mortuary chapel. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 20, 1937 Hautala Services Will Be Sunday Funeral rites for Gus Hautala, who died Wednesday at the Wyoming General hospital, will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, from the Rogan Mortuary. The Rev. Kennan Sheldon, pastor of the Congregational church, will officiate. John A Kiviaho will speak at the services. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 20, 1937 RETIRED COAL MINER LATEST VICTIM OF C STREET CROSSING James Riley Killed Instantly When Struck by Passenger Train; Disregarded Gates, Say Witnesses; Body Thrown Over 30 Feet James Riley, 81, retired coal miner, was killed almost instantly at 2:24 p.m. yesterday when he was struck by Union Pacific train second 14 on the C street crossing here. According to witnesses, Riley either crawled under or walked around the crossing gates that were down as the east bound passenger train approached. When he got to the center of the track on which the train was coming, he looked up but was unable to get out of the way of the engine, witnesses said. He was struck by the engine that hurled him about 30 feet to the station platform. Coroner J. Warden Opie said the train was going about 18 miles an hour when it struck the man. The train whistled at the far end of the crossing as it approached, but apparently Riley could not get out of its way, he said. Witnesses to the accident were Robert Gillum, county welfare director; John M. Thomas, crossing watchman in the tower; Chris Coffey, Nick Hayden and a number of Girl Scouts. Riley had been a resident of Rock Springs for about 40 years. He had been under the care of the county for several years. He was a resident of the county infirmary and since March, 1936, had been receiving an old age pension. He has no relatives, county relief workers said. County Coroner Opie said he did not know whether an inquest would be called. The body was taken to the Rogan Mortuary. --- Green River Star, Aug 20, 1937 Oil Well Worker Is Killed South of Here A heavy plank, falling 80 feet from an oil well derrick on the new Keith Smith lease in Daggett county, Utah, instantly killed Grenville Chivington, 23, Tuesday morning. Chivington, who was the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Chivington, ranchers at Powder Wash, near the Colorado-Wyoming line southeast of here, was employed as floorman at the well. The Daggett county coroner determined that no inquest was necessary and the body was brought to Rock Springs, where funeral services were held today. Chivington was a brother of Mrs. R. L. Fitzmorris of Green River. --- Green River Star, Aug 20, 1937 Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Fitzmorris were called to Rock Springs Tuesday owing to the accidental death of Mrs. Fitzmorris’ brother, Granville Chivington. Funeral services were held this morning at 10 o’clock at the Masonic Temple. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 21, 1937 Betty Jean Scott Dies at Hospital Betty Jean Scott, seven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott of 506 First street, died about 8:45 o’clock last night at the Wyoming General hospital. The child had been seriously ill in the hospital for several days. The body was taken to the Rogan Mortuary. Funeral arrangements had not been made late last night. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 24, 1937 Rites for Child Held on Monday Funeral services for Betty Jean Scott, seven, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott of 506 Fourth street, were held from the Rogan Chapel at 1:30 p.m., Monday. Burial was in Mountain View cemetery. Betty Jean died at the Wyoming General hospital Friday night following a long illness. Besides her parents, survivors include two brothers, Harry Jr., and Robert, and three sisters, Mildred, Evelyn and Lottie. The Rev. Kennon Sheldon officiated at the services. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 24, 1937 Conductor on U.P. Dies in Green River Charles Andrew Schoonmaker, 59, Union Pacific railroad conductor, was found dead in his bed at the Union Pacific clubhouse at Green River Sunday. He had died in his sleep Saturday night of heart disease. Schoonmaker, whose home was at 3078 Wall avenue, Ogden, Utah, is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ann M. Schoonmaker, Mrs. Ora M. Forbes [sic]; two sons, Carl H. and John A.; three sisters, Mrs. Jennie Berrisford of Ogden; Mrs. Pearl Berrisford of Ogden; Ohio; [sic] and Mrs. Elmira Brent of Burbank, Calif.; a granddaughter, Kay Forbes; and a grandson, John Schoonmaker. The body was brought to the Rogan Mortuary and sent to Ogden Sunday night. Funeral services will be held in Ogden and burial will be there. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 24, 1937 TRUCK KILLS JOHN ROBERTS, NEARBY RESIDENT 30 YEARS John Roberts, 59, rancher living near Rock Springs, was killed instantly about 2:30 p.m. Sunday, when he was struck by the motor truck driven by Morris Chapman, CCC camp employee, seven miles north of Rock Springs on highway No. 185, in front of a neighbor’s home at which he was to attend a wedding. Chapman was held in the city jail here Sunday but was released Monday. County Coroner J. Warden Opie, who investigated the accident, said that Roberts had received a ride from his ranch, 10 miles north of Rock Springs, for three miles south of the neighbor’s home. When he was let out of the car he walked around to the rear of the car and into the path of the CCC camp truck. The car from which Roberts got out was headed south and the truck was going north, Chapman said. Chapman was held in the jail as a material witness but was released on orders from the county coroner. An inquest has been called for 7 p.m. Tuesday, at the Rogan Mortuary where the body was taken. Roberts was born in Wales and had lived in the vicinity of Rock Springs since 1907. He had operated several ranches in Sweetwater county north of Rock Springs. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Edith Roberts, and one sister who lives in Wales. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 25, 1937 Joseph Hegedus Expires Tuesday Joseph Hegedus, 39, Union Pacific Coal company miner, died at the Wyoming General hospital shortly before noon Tuesday. Mr. Hegedus had been admitted to the hospital Monday for medical treatment. He was born in Austria and had been a resident of Rock Springs since 1920. He was employed as a miner at the U.P. Coal company mine at Reliance. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Amelia Hegedus, and three daughters. The body was taken to the Rogan Mortuary. Funeral arrangements had not been made late last night. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 26, 1937 Hegedus Rites to Be Held Saturday Funeral services for George Hegedus, 39, Union Pacific Coal company miner who died at the Wyoming General hospital Tuesday, will be held from the North Side Catholic church at 9 a.m. Saturday with the Rev. Fr. Albin Gnidovec officiating. The body will be taken to the family home at 621 Euclid avenue Friday where it will lie in state until the time for the services. Mr. Hegedus is survived by his wife, Mrs. Amelia Hegedus; three daughters, Viola, Welma and Winfred; three sisters, Mrs. John Stevens of Rock Springs, Mrs. Celia Yager of Denbo, Pa., and Mrs. Annie Hanzok of Czechoslovakia; and his mother, Mrs. Mary Hegedus of Czechoslovakia. The Knights of Columbus lodge will say rosary for Mr. Hegedus at the family residence at 7:30 p.m. Friday. Funeral arrangements are in charge of the Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 26, 1937 Roberts Funeral To Be Held Today Funeral rites for John Roberts, 59, Sweetwater county rancher killed seven miles north of Rock Springs Sunday when he was struck by a truck, will be held at 2 p.m. today from the Rogan Mortuary chapel with the Rev. Keenan Sheldon officiating. Honorary pallbearers will be John Christie, John W. Hay Sr., W.H. Gottsche, V.J. Facninelli, Bob Murphy, Claude Elias, Harry G. Parker, T.S. Taliaferro Jr., T.S. Taliaferro III, Frank Ord, Henry Wilkes, John Kent, Hughie Sweeney, John Kappes, Henry Kappes, Guy T. Rife, H.J. Boice, Albert Walters, Henry Brooks and Adam Cooper. Active pallbearers will be Ben Harvey, Arthur Clegg, Mike Bolan, Steve Bolan, William J. Griffiths Jr., and Leon Doan. Mr. Roberts is survived by his wife, Mrs. Edith Roberts, and a sister who lives in Wales. Burial will be in Mountain View cemetery. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 27, 1937 Accident Victim To Be Buried Saturday Funeral services for James Riley, 81, killed when he stepped into the path of the east bound Union Pacific passenger train second No. 14 last Thursday on the C street crossing, will be held at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, from the Rogan Mortuary chapel with the Rev. Keenon Sheldon officiating. Burial will be in Mountain View cemetery. Riley has no relatives. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 27, 1937 Herd Infant Dies At Hospital Here Little Annabelle Herd, the two-month and seven-day old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Herd of Winton, died at the Wyoming General hospital yesterday after being seriously ill since shortly after her birth June 9. Besides her parents, one brother, Dave Lee, survives. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday from the L.D.S. church with Bishop Cecil James officiating. Burial will be in Mountain View cemetery. Arrangements are in charge of the Rogan Mortuary. --- Green River Star, Aug 27, 1937 Rev. Abraham Died At Thermopolis The many Green River friends of Rev. Robert E. Abraham will deeply feel the passing of that splendid man, who for many years gave much of his life of helpfulness to his fellow men, to the residents of this community, while rector of the Episcopal church of this city. He was one of God’s noblemen, whose every act and utterance was for the cheering of the less fortunate, and his many deeds of guidance made him stand out a prominent disciple of his Creator, and his passing will be mourned by many, who knew him for his true manhood and deeds of mercy and exemplary life. He passed away at Thermopolis Tuesday, cause of his death being given as heart disorder following an illness of several months, at the age of sixty years. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 28, 1937 Reliance Matron Dies Here Friday Mrs. Mary Porenta, 49, wife of John Porenta of Reliance, died at the Wyoming General hospital early yesterday following an illness of several months. Mrs. Porenta was admitted to the hospital for treatment March 22 and expired August 27. She had been a resident of Reliance for 24 years. Besides her husband she is survived by two sons. Frank and John; one brother, Joseph Pivic of Cleveland, Ohio; and four sisters. Funeral services will be held at 9 a. m. Sunday from the North Side Catholic church with the Rev. Fr. Albin Gnidovec officiating. Burial will be in St. Joseph's cemetery. Arrangements are in charge of the Rogan Mortuary. Rosary for Mrs. Porenta will be said in the Slavinian language at 8 p. m. tonight, at the Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 28, 1937 Unidentified Man Dies of Overdose of Sleep Medicine An overdose of sleeping medicine was given last night as the cause of the death of an unidentified man who expired in the charity rooming house at Green River at 6 p.m. Friday. The man entered the establishment at 3 a.m. Friday. Because of his peculiar actions during his sleep in the afternoon, a physician was called. Treatment was administered but was unavailing. County Coroner J. Warden Opie said last night he will take the man’s fingerprints and send them to the bureau of investigation in Washington in an effort to identify him. The coroner said the man was six feet one inch tall, weighed 165 pounds, was dark complexioned, had grey-hazel eyes and appeared to be between 35 and 40 years of age. He wore overalls. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Aug 31, 1937 Mrs. Henry Wilk Dies Here Sunday Mrs. Annie Mary Wilk, 70, wife of Henry W. Wilk, rancher living eight miles south of Rock Springs, died in the Wyoming General hospital Sunday after an illness of several weeks. Mrs. Wilk was admitted to the hospital for treatment on July 2. She was born in Germany May 6, 1867. She lived in the vicinity of Rock Springs since 1902. Surviving besides her husband is one son, Henry F. Wilk. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. today, from the Rogan Mortuary with the Rev. Keenon Sheldon officiating. Burial will be in Mountain View cemetery. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Sep 1937 Arcangelo Dalsasso, Miner for this Company at Superior, passed away at the Wyoming General Hospital on August 10th, following a brief illness. Mr. Dalsasso was born January 28, 1887, at Cavalesc, Austria, and started to work at Superior as a Loader May 7th, 1914. He was a single man and, as far as is known, had no relatives in this country. He was a member of the Old Timers' Association, and was looked upon as a loyal and faithful employe. Funeral services were held from the South Side Catholic Church August 15th, with interment at St. Joseph Cemetery. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Sep 1937 Demise of James L. Libby Although it was known for several months that Mr. Libby’s condition was serious, his death was a shock to his many friends, not only in The Union Pacific Coal Company organization, but in Rock Springs, where he was widely known. Uncomplainingly he endured the long days of pain and exhibited the most remarkable courage during the entire period of his illness. Everything possible was done to restore his health, specialists were consulted, and a journey was undertaken to Omaha, but to no avail, his passing coming suddenly at his home in Wardell Court on Friday, July 30th. Graduating from the Colorado School of Mines at Golden, Colorado, as a Mining Engineer, he joined the Engineering staff of The Union Pacific Coal Company, continuing in that department, except during a short period when he was employed by the Lion Coal Company. In 1926, he was advanced to the position of Assistant Chief Engineer of the Coal Company, holding this position until his death. All construction work was under his supervision, and the fine buildings he designed and the construction which he supervised will remain monuments to his skill as an Engineer and Architect. His funeral was held from his home at Wardell Court, Rock Springs, Sunday, August 1, Patriarch John B. Young and Bishop James, of the Mormon Church, officiating. The same evening his body was taken to his old home in Cheyenne, where he was buried in Lakeview Cemetery, beside his mother, who passed away a year ago. The services were in charge of Rev. H. A. Bolle, of the Baptist Church. To his widow, his father, and other relatives, The Union Pacific Coal Company family, of which he was an Old Timer, extends its sincere sympathy. In his passing we have lost an able associate, a kind and genial friend. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Sep 1937 Obituary—Frank Austin Manley Word came from Pottsville, Pennsylvania, on August 2 of the death of Frank Austin Manley, who until August 1919 was Vice President and General Manager of The Union Pacific Coal Company, Omaha and Rock Springs, when he left the service to join the forces of the O'Gara Coal Company at Chicago. Mr. Manley was born at Larue, Ohio, in March, 1867. His education was received in the public schools of Lincoln, Nebraska, where he later attended the State University, graduating in 1889 with a Bachelor of Science degree. His first employment was on the Engineering force of the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska, after which he accepted a position with the coal department of the Union Pacific Railroad in November 1889. He was made Chief Engineer a few years later and held that position until February 1903, when he moved to Kemmerer, Wyoming, joining the staff of The Kemmerer Coal Company, but shortly thereafter came back to the Union Pacific fold. Was made Mine Superintendent at Superior in January 1906, also acting as Construction Engineer, remaining in that district until June 30, 1909, having then been made Assistant General Manager at Omaha and a few years later Vice President and General Manager upon the retirement of Mr. D. O. Clark. Of recent years, he was with the Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Company at Pottsville. He married Miss Wood Hocker at Evanston, Wyoming, in 1899, who, with three married daughters, survive. Their many friends in this section extend deepest sympathy to the afflicted family. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 1, 1937 Green River Lady Buried in Laramie The body of Mrs. Gladys Enbon, 21, of Green River, who died in the Wyoming General hospital here Saturday, was sent to Laramie Monday for burial. Mrs. Enbom, the wife of Walter Enbom, was admitted to the hospital early Saturday morning and expired that afternoon. Besides her husband she is survived by two small children and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar E. Larson of Green River. Arrangements were in charge of Wildermuth Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 3, 1937 Rites for Standley Infant To Be Today Funeral services for Robert Joseph Standley, three-day-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Standley of Ogden, Utah, will be held at 2 p.m. today from the Rogan Mortuary with the Rev. Father Schellinger of Green River officiating. Little Robert expired at Ogden yesterday and was brought here last night for burial. Mr. and Mrs. Standley are former residents of Rock Springs and vicinity. --- Green River Star, Sep 3, 1937 Funeral Services At Laramie For Mrs. Gladys Enbon Burial services for Mrs. Gladys Enbon, 21, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar E. Larson of Green River, were held in Laramie Tuesday. Mrs. Enbon died Saturday in the Rock Springs hospital. Besides her parents she is survived by her husband, Walter Enbon, and two small children. She was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Larson, the father being employed here as foreman for the Standard Timber Co. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 8, 1937 Dead Transient Here Identified The man, about 35 years old, who died in the Green River transient camp August 27, from an overdose of sleeping tablets, has been identified as Chris Kulm of Spokane, Wash., according to County Coroner J. Warden Opie. Opie said identification was made through fingerprints sent to the federal bureau of investigation in Washington, D.C. A telegram to Opie from J. Edgar Hoover said that the prints of the man were identical to Chris Kulm, arrested by the sheriff of Gooding, Idaho, August 16 last year on drunkenness charges. His birthplace was Warden, Wash., the telegram stated. Funeral services will be held at the grave here at 2 p.m., Thursday, Opie said. A Mrs. George Kulm of Rosalia, Wash., notified Opie to bury the body here. The message stated that the man’s father was dead and that his mother was unable to come. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 8, 1937 Lowe Rites to Be At Manila Today Funeral services for Charles Herbert Lowe, 30, of Linwood, Utah, who died in Wyoming General hospital here Saturday, will be held at 2 p.m., today, at Manila, Utah. Rites will be held from the L.D.S. church in Manila with Bishop Christensen officiating. Lowe was born in Philadelphia, Pa., April 4, 1907. Survivors include his wife, Beulah; three sons, Fred, Robert and Bruce; two daughters, Sallay and Jean; one brother, Amos S. Lowe of Green River; and a sister, Mrs. Clarence Parea of Granger. Burial will be at Manila. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 9, 1937 Lindroos Infant Burial Is Sunday Funeral services for Shirley Jean Lindroos, two-and-one-half year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Lindroos of 931 Eighth street, who died at the Wyoming General hospital Monday, will be held at 1:30 p.m., Sunday, from the Rogan Mortuary chapel. The Rev. Keenon Sheldon will officiate. Besides her parents, Shirley Jean is survived by a brother, Donald and a sister, Betty. Burial will be at Rock Springs. --- Green River Star, Sep 10, 1937 Charles Lowe Succumbs To Long Illness Funeral services for Charles Herbert Lowe, 30, of Linwood, Utah, well-known former Green River resident, were held Wednesday at Manila, Utah, where burial was also made. Mr. Lowe, who had been suffering for many months with a cancerous growth upon his neck, died Saturday in the Rock Springs hospital where he had been rushed the same day for emergency treatment. Despite the severe and continuous pain to which he was subject in the past year, he never lost hope of healing and was always pleasant and amiable. Despite his handicap, he also took care of regular duties at the ranch. Services were held Wednesday at the Manila L. D. S. chapel with Bishop Christensen officiating. Mr. Lowe was born in Philadelphia, Pa., April 4, 1907, coming to Green River with his parents when but an infant. He lived here until approximately ten years ago. He is survived by his wife, Beulah; three sons, Fred, Robert and Bruce; two daughters, Sally and Jean; a sister, Mrs. Mabel Parea of Granger; and brother, Amos Lowe, of Green River. --- Green River Star, Sep 10, 1937 Prints Identify Dead Transient Identified as Chris Klum of Spokane, Wash., the man who died here August 27th at the transient camp was buried Thursday in Rock Springs by direction of relatives. Kulm was identified through fingerprints sent to the federal bureau of investigation in Washington, D. C., it was stated today by Sheriff M. J. Dankowski. The prints were found to be the same as those of a man arrested in August of 1936 at Gooding, Idaho, on charges of drunkenness. From the file complete identification was available. Relatives in Washington were reached, with a sister-in-law authorizing burial, stating his father was dead and his mother was unable to make the journey. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 11, 1937 Mrs. W. Westcott Dies at Salt Lake Mrs. William Westcott, 56, former Rock Springs resident, died at her home in Salt Lake City about 4 p.m. Friday, according to word received by relatives here last night. Mrs. Westcott was the daughter of Mrs. Ed Oliver of 410 Blair avenue. A sister, Mrs. George Hanson, also in Rock Springs. Other survivors include her husband; two sisters, Reba Hanks of Winton and Mrs. Annoe Hillier of Salt Lake City; a brother, Ed Oliver Jr., of Cheyenne; and a niece, Mrs. William Medill of Rock Springs. Mrs. Westcott will be buried in Ogden, Utah, Monday, word received by relatives here said. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 11, 1937 Rites for Walter Short Held Today Funeral services for Walter Short Sr., 64, who died Tuesday following a sudden heart attack, will be held at 2 p.m., today, from the Congregational church with the Rev. Keenon Sheldon officiating. The body will be taken to the family home at 410 Walnut street at 10 a.m. today. It will be removed to the church at 1 p.m., where it will lie in state until time for the services. Burial will be in Mountain View cemetery. Rogan Mortuary is in charge of arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 14, 1937 DEATH TAKES WOLF COHEN ON SATURDAY Wolf Cohen, prominent Rock Springs merchant and leader in civic affairs, died about 4 a.m. Saturday at Mercy hospital in Denver following a long illness. Members of his family were present when he died. With him were his wife, his daughter, Mrs. N.H. Oremland, and his son, Jake Cohen, all of Rock Springs. Dr. Oremland, Mrs. Mary Hoffman, his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. V.J. Facinelli, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Weiss, and Bertha Hoffman went to Denver Saturday. Funeral services for Mr. Cohen were held at 11 a.m. Sunday, in Denver. Dr. E.S. Lauzer, the Cohen family physician here, was summoned and went to Denver Wednesday. He returned here Friday. Mrs. Cohen and Mrs. Oremalnd had been in Denver with Mr. Cohen for seven weeks. Jake Cohen and his mother returned to Rock Springs last night. Mr. Cohen was the found of the old Chicago Bazaar, now the firm of Wolf Cohen and Son, one of Rock Springs leading men’s furnishings store. The original store was in the same location as the present establishment. In the early days the sidewalk of the store was the approach to the old K street bridge over Bitter creek, before the channel was changed. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 17, 1937 Pelkonen Funeral Service Sunday Funeral service for Archie Pelkonen, 20, who died in Basin Tuesday, will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday from the Rogan Mortuary chapel with the Rev. Keenon Sheldon of the Congregational church officiating. Burial will be in Mountain View cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Pelkonen of Rock Springs, his parents, survive. The youth had been ill for eight months. He was born in South Range, Mich. --- Green River Star, Sep 17, 1937 MRS. WILLIAM WESCOTT IS BURIED IN OGDEN Mrs. Wm. Wescott, well-known former Green River resident, died suddenly Friday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Amie Hilliard of Salt Lake City. She was laid to rest in the Ogden cemetery by the side of her daughter, Norma, last Sunday. Mrs. Wescott has been in poor health the past year and was in the Salt Lake City hospital for several weeks. On Wednesday she was taken to the ome of her sister and on Friday passed away, as stated above. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 22, 1937 Mrs. Alex Henetz Dies Here Tuesday Mrs. Vera Henetz, 48, wife of Alex Henetz, died suddenly at her home at 1212 Eleventh street yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Henetz had lived in Rock Springs since 1920. Her husband is a driller for the Union Pacific Coal company. Besides her husband, survivors include there sons, Alex Jr., of Cheyenne, Fred of Laramie, and Mike of Rock Springs; three daughters, Mrs. Henry Welsh of Rock Springs, Miss Mary Henetz of Chicago, and Miss Alice Henetz of Rock Springs. Funeral arrangements, in charge of the Rogan Mortuary, had not been made last night. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 23, 1937 Superior Baby to Be Buried Today Funeral services for Donald Guy Tom, nine-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tome of Superior will be held at 2 p.m. today, from the Rogan Mortuary chapel with the Rev. Herald C. Swezy, rector of the Episcopal church officiating. Burial will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery. Donald passed away at the family home in Superior Tuesday. He was born at the Wyoming General hospital in Rock Springs Jan. 16, 1937. Surviving besides his parents is a twin brother, Ronald Lee. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 24, 1937 Oblock Services Saturday Morning Funeral services for Tony Oblock, 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Oblock of 414 Tisgale avenue, who died in Cheyenne Wednesday, will be at 10 a.m. Saturday from the North Side Catholic church with the Rev. Albin Gnidovec officiating. Oblock died at the Ft. Warren hospital. He had been employed at the Casper Mountain CCC camp. Besides his parents Oblock is survived by two brothers, Paul and Louis and two sisters Mrs. Charles Highley and Miss Elsie Oblock, all of Rock Springs. The body will be taken to the family home at 4 p.m. today and rosary will be said at the home at 7 o’clock this evening. Burial will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery. The Rogan Mortuary is in charge of arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 24, 1937 Stalick Funeral Will Be Sunday Funeral rites for Jerneg (Jerry) Stalick, 54, who died at the Wyoming General hospital Wednesday, will be held from the North Side Catholic church at 10 a.m. Sunday with the Rev. Albin Gnidovec officiating. Stalick is survived by a sister, Mrs. Irvin Jelovsek, and a cousin, Martin Stalik, both of Rock Springs. The body will be taken to the Martin Stalick home at 840 Sixth street, at 4 p.m. Saturday. Rosary will be said at the residence at 8:30 p.m. Saturday. Burial will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery. The Rogan Mortuary is in charge of arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 24, 1937 Henetz Rites Will Be Held Saturday Funeral services for Mrs. Alex Henetz, who died at her home at 1212 Eleventh street Tuesday, will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday from the Church of the Holy Communion (Episcopal) with the Rev. Herald C. Swezy officiating. The body will be taken to the family residence at 4 p.m. Friday where it will lie in state until time for services. The Rogan Mortuary is in charge of arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 28, 1937 Overy Infant Dies Soon After Birth The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Overy of 310 O Street, born at the Wyoming General hospital at 3:30 p.m. Monday, died a few hours later. The baby is survived, besides its parents, by a two-year-old sister, Yevonne. The body was taken to the Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 28, 1937 Reliance Man Killed in Crash CAR, TRUCK SIDESWIPE NEAR HANNA Nick Statakis, 40, of Reliance, was injured fatally in an automobile accident on an overpass six miles west of Hanna late Friday night, Mrs. Athena Statakis, 38, also of Reliance, is in a critical condition from injuries, as is Bessie Bekakis, 16, of Rock Springs. Statakis died a short while after the accident. He was rushed to a hospital in Hanna by passing motorists. J. Warden Opie of the Rogan Mortuary here left last night for Hanna to return the body here for burial. Services will be held in Rock Springs. John Apostalakic, 55, of Winton, was seriously injured in the crash. Other persons in the automobile who suffered minor injuries were Jim Statakis, 44, husband of Mrs. Athena Statakis; their sons, Nick, 13 and Tony, 5, and daughter, Mary, 11. The accident occurred when an automobile driven by Nick Statakis sideswiped a truck driven by V.A. Vandeventer of Burley, Idaho, on the overpass. The Statakis car, carrying seven passengers in addition to the driver, struck the box of the Vandeventer truck with such force that both vehicles overturned. C.A. Lane, state highway patrolman, said Statakis was attempting to pass the truck on the curved overpass. He said he was traveling at a high rate of speed. Vandeventer and his wife, Loveta, 32, were not seriously injured. They were en route to Burley from Enterprise, Kan., with a load of household goods. Statakis was en route to Hanna from Rock Springs. Statakis’ death brought the state’s highway toll to 101 for the year and to six for September. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 29, 1937 Body of Reliance Crash Victim Is Brought to City The body of Nick Statakis, 40, of Reliance, fatally injured in an automobile accident onto he overpass six miles west of Hanna Friday, was returned to Rock Springs Monday night. Pending arrangements, the body is at the Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 29, 1937 RECENTLY BORN TWIN DIES HERE One of the twin sons born to Mr. and Mrs. Verne Sather of 714 Rugby avenue at Wyoming General hospital Monday night, died Tuesday afternoon. The boys were born an hour apart, the first at 9:30 p.m. Monday and the second at 10:30 p.m. The infant passed away about 3 o’clock Tuesday afternoon at the hospital. The body was taken to the Rogan Mortuary, pending arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 29, 1937 Funeral for Overy Child Was Tuesday Funeral services for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Overy of 310 O street, who died a few hours following birth at the Wyoming General hospital Monday, were held at 3 o’clock Tuesday afternoon from the Rogan Mortuary. Burial was in the Mountain View cemetery. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 29, 1937 JOHN STESANON TAKEN BY DEATH John Stesanon, about 50, of 118 Thomas street, died at the Wyoming General hospital Tuesday night. He had been admitted to the hospital for treatment Saturday. He had been ill for some time. The body was taken to the Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 30, 1937 Stefenon Funeral To Be this Friday Funeral services for John Stefenon, 64, of 118 Thomas street, who died at the Wyoming General hospital Tuesday, will be held at 9 a.m. Friday, from the South Side Catholic church. The Rev. S.A. Welsh will officiate. Stefenon, a coal miner, was born on June 8, 1873, and died September 28, 1937. He had been ill for some time. Surviving are his wife, Mary E., two daughters, Mrs. Edward Cole of Argenta, Mont., and Mrs. Ralph Slaven of Molt, Mont.; and a son, Martin Stefenon of Cody, Wyo. Rogan Mortuary is in charge of arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Sep 30, 1937 Rites for Sather Infant are Today Funeral rites for one-day-old Robert Bruce Sather, son of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Sather of 744 Rugby avenue, will be held at 10 o’clock this morning from the Rogan Mortuary chapel. Burial will be in Mountain View cemetery. The infant died at the Wyoming General hospital Tuesday, a day after birth. A twin brother and the infant;s parents survive. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Oct 1937 Obituary DEATH OF JOSEPH HEGEDUS Joseph Hegedus, age 39, a miner employed at Reliance, died at the Wyoming General Hospital here on August 24th, following a brief illness. He was a native of Austria and had been in the service of the Company since 1920. Surviving are his widow and three daughters. The funeral was held from the North Side Catholic Church August 28th, Rev. Albin Gnidovec officiating. The Knights of Columbus conducted the Rosary service at the family residence. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Oct 1937 Reverend Robert E. Abraham Dies at Thermopolis Rev. Robert Emmet Abraham passed away from a heart attack following an appendectomy in a Thermopolis, Wyoming hospital Monday evening, August 23rd. Funeral services were held at Trinity Church, Thermopolis, Thursday, August 26th. Shortly thereafter the remains were shipped to Cincinnati, Ohio for cremation, a brother of Reverend Mr. Abraham, his only surviving relative, meeting the remains at Cincinnati, thereafter depositing the ashes in the family burial ground in Ashville, N. C. [sic] Rev. Mr. Abraham was born in Kentucky, Nov. 25, 1877. Had he lived until November next he would have been 60 years old. He was educated at Kenyon Theological seminary in Ohio. Following his graduation he served as rector of Trinity church in Brooklyn, N. Y. In 1918 he accepted a call to the Wyoming missionary diocese, becoming a rector of the parish at Encampment. The following year he was transferred to Green River and in 1922 he accepted a call to the Rock Springs parish. In 1930 he returned to Green River, remaining there until 1931, when he transferred to Thermopolis. Since that time and up to his death he was rector of Trinity Episcopal church in that city. Rev. Mr. Abraham was a quiet, unassuming Christian clergyman, noted even more for the sympathetic work done among the people in his parish than for preaching showy sermons, responsive to every call made by the sick, dying and unfortunate. his sympathetic, kindly manner lightening the heart-loads of many. Rock Springs has enjoyed the administration of many fine clergymen, representing various denominations, who have moved or passed away. Among these the memory of Rev. Mr. Abraham will live long in the hearts of those who knew him. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Oct 1937 Reliance Sympathy is extended to the John Porenta family in the death of Mrs. Porenta, which occurred at the Wyoming General Hospital in Rock Springs. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Oct 2, 1937 Lyman Baby Dies At Hospital Here Clyde Wayne Urie, three and one-half year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Nimrod Urie of Lyman, Wyo., died at the Wyoming General hospital yesterday afternoon. Besides his parents, Clyde is survived by a brother, Floyd and three sisters, Florence May, Shirley and June. The body will be taken to Lyman at 5 p.m. today and services will be held Sunday afternoon from the L.D.S. church there. The body was taken to the Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Oct 5, 1937 Mother of Emil Branch Expires Mrs. Indelcia Branch, 68, of 819 Center street, died at the Wyoming General hospital Monday afternoon. She had been ill for some time. Mrs. Branch was born in New Mexico on May 1, 1869. She had been a resident of Rock Springs for 22 years. Surviving are three sons, Alfred of Rawlins, P.R. of Laramie, and Emil of Rock Springs; and daughter, Mrs. John Rosetti of Rock Springs. The body will be taken to the family home at 2 p.m. today and mass will be held form the South Side Catholic church at 9 a.m. Wednesday. Immediately following the church service the body will be taken to the home of Alfred Branch in Rawlins where it will lie in state. Burial will be in the Rawlins cemetery. The Rogan Mortuary is in charge of arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Oct 6, 1937 Long Resident of Rock Springs Dies Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Brawley, 68, died at her home at 733 Ridge avenue Tuesday afternoon. She had been ill for some time. Mrs. Brawley was born in Holmesdale, Pa., on Feb. 14, 1869. She had been a resident of Rock Springs since 1900. Survivors include her husband, James J. Brawley; four sons, James, Thomas, John and Hugh, all of Rock Springs; four daughters, Mrs. Sadie Hodge, Mrs. Harry Stewart, Mrs. Joseph Salardino of Rockville, Colo., and Mrs. Jack Schultry of Sacramento, Calif.; and a sister, Mrs. Agnes Grimes of Death Valley Junction, Calif. Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. Friday from the South Side Catholic church with the Rev. S.A. Welsh officiating. Rosary will be said at the Rogan Mortuary chapel at 7 p.m. Thursday. Burial will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Oct 7, 1937 MARY PILCH OF SUPERIOR DIES Mary Pilch, 28, of Superior died in Salt Lake City, Utah, Wednesday from pneumonia, according to word received in Rock Springs. She had been in Salt Lake for about six weeks, looking for employment. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Pilch of Superior. Besides her parents she is survived by three brothers, John, Raymond and Paul; three sisters, Erma, Susie and Rosie; and a daughter, Rose Mary. Miss Pilch had been married and was divorced. The body will be brought to Rock Springs today and services probably will be held Sunday. The Rogan Mortuary is in charge of arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Oct 9, 1937 Mary Pilch Rites To Be On Sunday Funeral services for Mary Pilch, 28, of Superior, who died in Salt Lake City Wednesday, will be held at 2 p.m. from the Rogan Mortuary chapel, with the Rev. Herald C. Swezy of the Episcopal church officiating. Miss Pilch, who had been in Salt Lake seeking employment, died from pneumonia. Her parents, three brothers and three sisters survive. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Oct 12, 1937 Granger Resident Is Buried Monday Funeral services for William Riley Curren, 75, who died at his home in Granger Friday, were held at 2 p.m. Monday from the Granger school house. The Rev. Mr. Stoecker of Green River officiated. Burial was in the Granger cemetery. Curren was born in Indiana on Sept. 6, 1862. He had lived at Granger since 1919. Survivors include his wife, Clara; a son, Mack Curren of Kansas; four daughters, Mrs. T.H. Ruble of Manila, Utah, Mrs. A.T. Minin of Jefferson, Ind., Mrs. William Montgomery and Mrs. L.L. Shaw, both of Topeka, Kan. Arrangements were in charge of the Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Oct 12, 1937 W.S. OELAND CONTRACTOR DIES IN FALL Wallace S. Oeland, 54, contractor of Pinedale and Rock Springs, was injured fatally at the Hiawatha camp of the Mountain Fuel Supply company where he was working on construction of a house, Monday morning. Oeland fell through a stair opening on the first floor to the concrete floor of the basement. At first workmen did not believe Oeland to be seriously injured as he regained consciousness a few minutes after the fall. However, a short while after the fall Oeland complained to other workmen of his head hurting. He was brought to the Wyoming General hospital and was unconscious when he arrived. He died a few hours later without gaining consciousness. The accident occurred just as Oeland was starting work, about 8 a.m. The accident occurred in Moffat county, Colo., and it was not learned here last night whether an investigation would be made by authorities of that county. The body was taken to the Wildermuth mortuary. Oeland is survived by his son, A.E. Oeland, Pinedale attorney, who came here when notified of the accident. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Oct 16, 1937 McDonald Rites To Be on Sunday Funeral services for Jacob McDonald, 64, who died in the Wyoming General hospital Thursday, will be held at 2 p.m., Sunday, from the L.D.S. church. Mr. McDonald had been ill for two weeks. He had been a resident of Rock Springs and vicinity for 50 years. He was employed as a tire boss in the mines of the Union Pacific Coal company here. He had worked for the company 45 years. He was a member of the United Mine Workers and a member of the I.O.O.F. Surviving are his wife, Mary; his mother, Mrs. Eliza Davis of Portland, Ore.; three brothers, Walter of Portland, and Charles and William, both of Seattle. The body will be taken to the family residence at 616 Massachusetts avenue at noon today where it will lie in state until time for the services. Burial will be in Mountain View cemetery. Rogan Mortuary is in charge of arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Oct 21, 1937 Oscar Feldscher Dies In Salt Lake Oscar Feldscher, old time resident of Rock Springs, died in Salt Lake City Tuesday, according to word received here. When he lived in Rock Springs, Mr. Feldscher lived at the corner of Pine and D streets. Years ago he was employed at the Rasmussen store at the corner of Pilot Butte avenue and K street. After that he was a member of the partnership of Feldscher and Sapersetin where the Workingman’s Commercial company and the Big Four second hadn store were located before they moved back for the recent widening of Pilot Butte avenue. Mr. Feldscher moved from Rock Springs about seven years ago and has been engaged in business in Salt Lake City since then. He has a son, Willard, who is an ensign in the Navy. Another son lives at home. His daughter, Edith, was married last summer. --- Green River Star, Oct 22, 1937 Father of Mrs. T. E. Rogers Succumbs To Long Illness D. R. Davis, father of Mrs. T. E. Rogers of Green River, died in a Sacramento hospital October 15th after a prolonged illness of more than two years resulting form complications after suffering a broken hip. Funeral services were held in Ogden, Utah, the old family home, last Monday at 2 p.m., burial being made in Ogden City cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers attended the services. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Oct 23, 1937 Former Springs Miner Killed BY Rock Fall In Utah Frank Taucher, about 40, former Rock Springs miner, was fatally injured in a mine of the United States Smelting Refining and Mining company at Copperfield, Utah, Thursday afternoon when tons of slab rock fell from the wall of the mine, crushing him. Miss Katherine Taucher, a cousin, left here Friday for Salt Lake to attend funeral services for Taucher. Taucher suffered fractures of the skull, both legs, a shoulder and a punctured lung. He died at Bingham hospital a few hours after the accident. Taucher was born in Austria and was a resident of Rock Springs for several years. He left here three years ago and went to Copperfield. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Oct 26, 1937 Mike Yerkovich Dies on Street After Collapse Mike Yerkovich, about 58, of 703 Euclid avenue, died suddenly in the business section of Rock Springs Monday afternoon. Yerkovich collapsed in front of a store on a downtown street shortly before 3 p.m., and was rushed to the Wyoming General hospital by Robert Stuart and Bud Gilmore, who saw him topple to the sidewalk. He was dead when he reached the hospital, attendants said. He is survived by two sons, Mike and Spiro, both of Rock Springs. County Coroner J. Warden Opie said he would investigate the death today. It was believed Yerkovich expired from a sudden heart attack. The body was taken to the Rogan Mortuary. Funeral arrangements had not been made late Monday night. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Oct 27, 1937 Retired Railroad Man, 82, Expires John W. Baird, 82, retired Union Pacific railroad worker, died at his home in Green River late Monday. He had been a resident of Green River since 1901. He was born in Scotland on May 28, 1855. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Myrtle Schmidt of Green River and Mrs. Pansy Miller of Los Angeles, and a sister, Mrs. Susie Holbrook of Los Angeles. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m., today, from the family home in Green River. The body will be sent to Wheaton, Ill., for burial. The Rogan Mortuary is in charge of arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Oct 28, 1937 Leonard Arnoldi Rites on Sunday Funeral services for Leonard Arnoldi, four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Arnoldi of Superior, will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday from the South Side Catholic church with the Rev. S.A. Welsh officiating. Burial will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery. Leonard died at the Wyoming General hospital Tuesday after being seriously ill for several days. He was born May 18, 1933. Besides his parents, Leonard is survived by three sisters, Josephine, Florence and Eleanor, and a brother, Joe Junior. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Oct 28, 1937 Yerkovich Rites Are this Morning Funeral services for Mike Yerkovich, 67, who died suddenly on Monday, will be held at 9 a.m. today, from the North Side Catholic church with the Rev. Albin Gnidovec officiating. Burial will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery. Survivors include two sons, Nick and Spiro, both of Rock Springs; a brother and six sisters of Yugoslavia; and a nephew, Tony Aljinovich of Rock Springs. A cousin, Spiro Yerkovich and Mrs. Mary Mihanovich and Mrs. Lljubrica Mihanovich also survive. Yerkovich was born in Znovnica, Dalmatia, Yugoslavia. He was a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, the Croatina Fraternal Union and the South Slovonic Union. Rosary was said at the family residence at 703 Euclid avenue at 8 p.m. Wednesday. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Oct 29, 1937 DAVID REAVILL, LONG A LEADER HERE, EXPIRES David Allen Reavill, 72, of 30 years a leader in legal, political, and civic affairs in Rock Springs and Wyoming, died Thursday morning at his home in Denver from the effects of a stroke of paralysis which he had suffered Wednesday. He was ill a week ago. His son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Tobey O. Reavill, went from Rock Springs to Denver last Friday on receipt of word that he was seriously ill. He recovered sufficiently from that illness to be up and the younger Reavills returned to Rock Springs last Tuesday. Word of his stroke was telegraphed here Wednesday night. His son left here immediately by train but did not arrive in Denver before the father had died. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m., Saturday, in Denver. The body will be cremated. Mr. Reavill was an earnest Democrat and always took an active part in politics. He stood for interests which were a matter of civic virtue and pride. He served as city attorney of Rock Springs and county attorney of Sweetwater county. In 1899 he was a state senator from Sweetwater county. He left here to reside in Denver in 1919. He was a member of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity and was identified with the Wyoming State Bar association and the American Bar association. Mr. Reavill was born in Flat Rock, Ill., May 11, 1865, a son of A.J. and Martha A. (Seaney) Reavill. His grandfather, David Reavill, was a descendant of a French soldier, came to America with the Marquis de Lafayette to aid the colonists in their struggle for independence. He was educated in the district schools near Flat Rock and spent two years in the preparatory department and four years in the collegiate department of Depauw University at Green Castle, Ind., from which he was graduated in 1887, winning degrees of Master of Arts and Bachelor of Philosophy. After graduation he took up the study of law in the office of ex-Governor Palmer of Illinois. He first came to Rock Springs Jan. 19, 1889, where he actively followed his profession for 30 years, except for a period of four years, 1893-1897, when he engaged in the law practice in Logan, Utah. On Jan. 14, 1892, Mr. Reavill was married in Robinson, Ill., to Miss Claudia Olwin, a native of that state and a daughter of Judge Jacob C. and Anna Olwin. Mr. and Mrs. Reavill became parents of two children, Tobey Olwin Reavill who lives in Rock Springs, and Mrs. J.C. Ransom of Gambler, Ohio. In addition to his wife and two children he is survived by five grandchildren. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Oct 29, 1937 Springs Resident Expires In Basin Mrs. Geneva McQuaid, 23, of ??? Hancock street, died Thursday at the Wyoming state tuberculosis sanitarium at Basin, according to word received here. She had been a patient at the hospital several months. She was born in Illinois on March 23, 1914. Survivors include her husband, Howard McQuaid of Rock Springs; a son, Louis Lyle, two sisters, Mrs. Goebel McLain and Mrs. Howard Dean of Olney, ???., and two brothers, Henry Cowan of Rock Springs and Arthur Cowan of Pinckneyville, Ill. The body was brought to Rock Springs Thursday night and will be sent to Pinckneyville for burial. --- Green River Star, Oct 29, 1937 Death Claims John W. Baird Here Monday Aged Resident, One-Time Railroader, Here 16 Years Funeral services were held this afternoon at Wheaton, Illinois, the old family home, for John Willard Baird, 82, father of Mrs. A. E. Schmidt, who succumbed Monday night at 10:45 at the Schmidt residence to an extended illness resulting from complications attending old age. Mr. Baird, who had been suffering periodic illness periods for the past three years, requiring special care, became seriously ill a week ago Monday, at which time he was forced to his bed. Since the following Wednesday he had lain in a semi-conscious state, having difficulty in recognizing relatives and friends and although constant medical aid was rendered him there was nothing his attending physicians could do to prevent the slow ebbing of life. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon from the Schmidt home with Rev. Guy Churchill of Union Congregational church officiating, after which the body was shipped to Illinois from interment in the family plot, where his wife, daughter and two sons are buried. Pallbearers at the home service here were T. G. Jones, Henry Walters, William Mortimer, Leo Lantz, Chris Jessen and Raymond M. Davis. A mixed quartet of Mrs. Herman Furen, Mrs. Bert Ellis, Don Kellogg and Thomas Coope sang “Lead Kindly Light” and “Rock Of Ages.” Mrs. E. A. Elliott accompanied. Mr. Baird was born in Connock, Ayshire, Scotland, May 28, 1855. When two years of age he came to the United States with his sister to join their father, preceding them to this country, at Lamoille, Illinois. In 1864 the family first moved to Wyoming, living at Cheyenne, but returned to Illinois within three years. In 1870 the family again came to Wyoming, settling at Laramie. John Baird and his sister soon returned to Illinois, taking up residence at Wheaton, where Mr. Baird married Miss Ina P. Curtis on January 1, 1877. To this union five children were born, two boys and three girls, with the sons dying in infancy, and one daughter, Jessie Baird Padden, succumbing in Rock Springs in 1910. Mrs. Baird died in 1905, also in Rock Springs. The Bairds moved to Laramie in 1883, from which time, with the exception of a few years spent on a farm in Nebraska, Wyoming was the family home living in Laramie, Rock Springs and Cheyenne. Mr. Baird had approximately 35 years of service with the Union Pacific railroad, leaving his employment in 1911 at Rock Springs when a strike of Carmen failed. In 1913 he accepted employment at Shafter, Nevada, with the Nevada Northern railroad, working there for eight years. In 1921 he returned to Green River to live with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Schmidt, and his home has been here continuously since that time except for a few summers spent on an Idaho farm for the benefit of his health. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Myrtle Baird Schmidt of Green River and Mrs. Pansy Baird Mellor of Los Angeles, Calif.; a sister, Mrs. Susan Baird Holbrook of Los Angeles; five grandsons, three granddaughters, and one great-granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt accompanied the body to Illinois, while Mrs. Mellor, who has been in Green River since Thursday of last week, remained here to look after business interests requiring her attention before returning to California. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Nov 1937 Mrs. Vera Henetz died at the family home, 1212 Eleventh Street, on September 21st. She was the wife of Alex Henetz, a driller in Mine No. 4 at Rock Springs, and had been a resident of this city since 1920. Surviving are her husband, three sons and three daughters. The funeral services were held at the local Episocpal church, September 25th, Rev. H.C. Swezy officiating, interment in a local cemetery. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Nov 1937 There died at No. 8 Wardell Court Tuesday evening, September 28th, Mrs. Elizabeth Mason, following an illness of several weeks. Funeral services were held at the local L. D. S. Church, Bishop James officiating, on Saturday morning, October 2nd, the remains taken to Almy for interment. Mrs. Mason was a native of Scotland and had resided in this city and vicinity for over fifty years. Surviving are her daughters, Mrs. J. Rafferty (Reliance) and Mrs. James L. Libby; three sons, Charles (Lewiston, Montana), Andrew (Blackfoot, Idaho) and David of Rock Springs. The many friends of the family extend deep sympathy to those bereft in their time of sorrow. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Nov 1937 Findley P. Gridley died at a hospital at Ogden, Utah, on October 17th, following an illness of a year. Born April 10, 1854, at Parkman, Ohio. He leaves to mourn his loss a widow, one son and one daughter, besides several grandchildren and great grandchildren. He came to Utah in 1893, and of late years had resided with his son. In July, 1893, he was agent and Superintendent of the Pleasant Valley mines of The Union Pacific Coal Company (Scofield, Utah) and served in those capacities for several years. His last occupation, as far as known, was City Purchasing Agent at Ogden. The funeral services were conducted from an Ogden mortuary on October 20th, with interment in the City Cemetery at that point. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Nov 1937 Mrs. Sarah Brawley Passes Away After a lengthy illness, there passed away at the family residence, 733 Ridge Avenue, Rock Springs, on October 5th, Sarah Elizabeth Brawley (wife of James J. Brawley, one of our Old Timers). She was born in Holmesdale, Pennsylvania, February 14, 1869, and has resided in this vicinity since 1900. Surviving are her husband, four sons, James, John, Thomas and Hugh; and four daughters, Mrs. Sadie Hodge, Mrs. Harry Stewart, Mrs. Joseph Salardino, (Rockville, Colorado) and Mrs. Jack Schultry, Sacramento, California), besides one sister, Mrs. Agnes Grimes, living in California. Funeral services were held October 8th at the South Side Catholic Church, Rev. S. A. Welsh officiating, with interment in the local St. Joseph Cemetery. The many friends and acquaintances of the family extend deep sympathy to the bereaved in their hour of sorrow. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Nov 1937 Obituary—Jacob McDonald A resident of this community for over forty years, there passed away on October 14th at the Wyoming General Hospital, Jacob McDonald, after a brief illness. "Jake," as he was familiarly known, was born in Ohio in 1873 and began to work for the company early in life at Rock Springs, later at Cumberland and Superior, and, for a short period, at Frontier. Preceding his last illness, he was employed as Gas Watchman in No. 8 Mine, here. He married Miss Mary Overy in 1896, daughter of a pioneer family in Rock Springs. Surviving are the widow, his mother and three brothers. He was a member of the Old Timers' Association, and fraternized with the local Odd Fellows. The funeral services were held at the L. D. S. Church on Sunday, October 17th, Bishop James officiating, interment at Mountain View Cemetery. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Nov 1937 Death of Local Youth There passed away on September 22, 1937, at the Cheyenne Military Hospital, Anton Oblock, 25, after a prolonged illness. He was born in Rock Springs May 11, 1912, and was the son of Mr. and Mrs.-Anton Oblock. Besides his parents he is survived by two brothers, Paul and Louis, and two sisters, Mrs. Charles Highley and Elsie. His father is one of our old Timers and is employed at the No. 3 Mine. Deep sympathy is extended to the bereaved by his numerous friends and relatives. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Nov 1937 John Hill Dies in California John Hill, who was retired on a pension, August 1, 1928, died at Reedley, California, September 26, 1937. Mr. Hill was born at Waasa, Finland, April 30, 1864. His first employment with the Company was at Carbon in June, 1894, where he remained until 1896, removing thence to Hanna where he worked until 1902. He then came to Rock Springs and engaged in No. 7 Mine for ten years, transferring to Cumberland in 1912, staying there one year, transferring to Reliance in 1913, coming to this city in 1914 securing employment in No. 9 Mine and at time of his illness in April, 1928, he worked in No. 4 Mine, practically 35 years of service. He was a widower, his wife having predeceased him in 1913. One son (John, Jr.) was employed in the coal mines at Coal Center, Pennsylvania; one daughter (Mrs. Hilma Anderson) residing at the same place, and one daughter (Mary Hill Kallio) has been living with him in California. While in Rock Springs his home was at 115 M Street. He was also in the service of the Union Pacific Railroad at Green River and Point of Rocks for about 1½ years doing concrete work at the pump houses at the points mentioned. The many friends and acquaintances of the family will learn with regret of his passing. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Nov 1937 Reliance Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Morrow in the death of their infant son, which occurred recently at the Wyoming General Hospital in Rock Springs. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Nov 2, 1937 ONE KILLED THREE HURT IN CRASHES NEAR HERE One person was dead, three were in the hospital from injuries, and another was fined in justice court here Monday as the result of weekend automobile accidents in Sweetwater county. The dead was Martin lees, 56, mine carpenter at Dines. Lees was killed when the automobile he was driving struck a truck without lights on the Rock Springs-Dines road and overturned in the ditch 11 miles north of Rock Springs shortly after 6 p.m. Sunday. His wife was in the hospital Monday suffering from minor injuries and shock. She was released from the hospital Monday night. Officers last night were seeking identity of the truck and driver. County Coroner J. Warden Opie said an inquest would be held later in the week. Highway Patrolman Mike Maher was investigating the accident. Lees, immediately after the accident, did not believe he was seriously injured, according to Mrs. Jim Pinter of Dines who helped to extricate Lees and his wife from their overturned automobile. She said Monday that Lees thought he had a broken rib. Friends said that Lees planned to go to work Monday. He died from a broken rib and punctured lung, hospital attendants said. He was brought to the Wyoming General hospital at 8 p.m. Sunday and died shortly after noon Monday. The body was taken tot the Wildermuth mortuary. Tom Wilde of Winton and Mrs. Emma Daniels, also of Winton were in the Wyoming General hospital Monday. They suffered minor injuries when the automobile in which they were riding overturned on a curve on the Rock Springs-Winton road about 1 mile north of Rock Springs late Saturday night. Three other persons in the car escaped with minor scratches and bruises. Tom Collins, Negro, of Dines, was fined $15 by Justice of the Peace E.E. Johnson Monday night when he pleaded guilty to charges of reckless driving. The car driven by Collins, and in which eight other persons were riding, struck headon with the automobile of Paul Ryan, Rock Springs junior high school principal, early Sunday morning near Green River. Collins admitted driving on the wrong side of the road at the time of the collision. Both cars were going slow at the time of the crash. The cars were badly damaged but none of the occupants of either car were injured. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Nov 2, 1937 JOSEPH OVERY DIES SUNDAY; SICK 10 YEARS Joseph Overy, 43, Rock Springs coal miner, died at his home on Number 43 in Number Two camp Sunday. He had been ill for 10 years. Mr. Overy was born and raised in Rock Springs and lived here throughout his life. He was prominent in civic affairs and in state labor organizations. He died from complications from an illness of 10 years ago. He was an officer in the state United Mine Workers of America. He was employed in the Central Coal and Coke mine here before his illness. Surviving are his wife, Florence; a son, Joseph of Rock Springs; a daughter, Mrs. Thomas McMillian of Rock Springs; five brothers, Frank, James and Claire of Rock Springs, Arthur and Edward of Salt Lake City; and two sisters, Mrs. Cecil Black of Salt Lake and Mrs. Murray Bryhson of Hollywood, Calif. Funeral services will be held at 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, from the L.D.S. church with Bishop Cecil James officiating. Burial will be in Mountain View cemetery. The arrangements are in charge of the Rogan Mortuary. The body will be taken to the family home at 2 p.m., today, where it will lie in state until time for services. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Nov 3, 1937 Services for Kangas Infant to Be Today Funeral services for the two-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Kangas of 322 I street will be held at 1:30 p.m. today from the Rogan Mortuary chapel with the Rev. Keenan Sheldon officiating. The infant, Gary, died at the Wyoming General hospital Monday. He was taken to the hospital for treatment shortly before he died. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Nov 3, 1937 FATAL CRASH ACCIDENTAL, SAYS REPORT Dalbert Sisk of Winton, driver of the truck into which Martin Lees of Dines crashed Sunday evening fatally injuring himself, Tuesday explained the cause of the accident to officers. Sisk, when he learned officers were seeking him Tuesday, told them the accident was unavoidable. Driving his father-in-law’s truck, Sisk took a short cut to Winton from Eden Valley and when he came upon the highway at Hay junction, the lights on his truck went out. He started to pull to the side of the road, he told officers, when the automobile driven by Lees crashed into him, overturning the Lees car in the ditch. With Sisk were his wife and William and Dorothy Ingle, his wife’s brother and sister. He was carrying a load of 25 sacks of potatoes from the ranch of his father-in-law, Charles Ingle, near Eden. Ingle lives in Winton. As soon as Sisk found out the Lees were injured, Dr. K.E. Krueger of Winton was summoned, but when the doctor arrived at the scene of the accident the Lees had been removed to Dines. Lees suffered a fractured rib and punctured lung in the accident which occurred 11 miles north of Rock Springs on the Dines road about 6 p.m. Sunday. He died in the Wyoming General hospital shortly after noon Monday. Mrs. Lees suffered shock and minor injuries. She was released from the hospital Monday evening. Funeral services for Lees will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday, from the Methodist church with the Rev. Hubert Webster officiating. Burial will be in Mountain View cemetery. The Wildermuth mortuary is in charge of arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Nov 5, 1937 Pulos Rites to Be Held Sunday Funeral services for Mike Pulos, about 72, of the Young hotel, who died at the Wyoming General hospital Wednesday, will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, from the Greek Orthodox church with the Rev. Thorotheos Pappas officiating. Burial will be in Mountain View cemetery. Pulos was born in Greece and was a resident of Rock Springs for 29 years. There are no survivors. Arrangements are in charge of the Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Nov 6, 1937 PIONEER EDEN VALLEY WOMAN EXPIRES HERE Mrs. Lottie Sims of Farson, pioneer resident of the Eden valley and head of one of the valley’s outstanding families, died in Wyoming General hospital Friday night, one day after her sixty-ninth birthday. She was born Nov. 4, 1868. She had been a resident of Farson since 1909. Her death came after a long illness. Members of her family were at her bedside. Surviving Mrs. Sims are three sons, Louis, Clifford and William, all of Farson; three daughters, Mrs. Andrew Arnott, Mrs. Jess Engle and Mrs. Fred Meyer, all of Farson; three brothers, George Welch of Ford City, Pa.; and four sisters, Mrs. Mary Cunningham of Dayton, Pa., Mrs. Lydia Bowser of Smicksburg, Pa., Mrs. H.E. Rowland of Dayton, Pa., and Mrs. K.E. Knowlf of Dayton, Pa. Mrs. Sims was the widow of John F. Sims. Funeral arrangements are being made by the Rogan mortuary. The time has not been set. Burial will be at Farson. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Nov 9, 1937 JURY VERDICT IS LEES DEATH WAS ACCIDENT A coroner’s jury last night declared the death of Martin Lees, who was fatally injured in an automobile accident October 30 on the Dines road, was caused by an unavoidable accident, but recommended that the truck with which his car collided be prohibited from use of the highways for six months. The jury, at the inquest called for Monday night by County Coroner J. Warden Opie, returned the verdict which read: “We the jury feel that Mr. Lees’ death was caused by his car hitting the certain truck belonging to Charles Ingle and driven by Mr. D. Sisk at the time of the accident and from the testimony of witnesses we consider that Mr. Lees’ death was caused by an unavoidable accident, but we do recommend that said truck that he hit be taken off the road and not used for six months on account of his light not working properly at the time of the accident.” The verdict was signed by J.H. Brison, foreman, Barney Taggert and O.L. Thomas, and Coroner Opie. Lees was fatally injured when the automobile he was driving struck the truck, overturning the Lees’ car in the ditch about 6:30 p.m. October 30. The accident occurred 11 miles north of Rock Springs. Lees died from a punctured lung. His wife was injured slightly in the accident. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Nov 9, 1937 PULOS FUNERAL HELD ON SUNDAY Funeral services for Mike Pulos, 72, of Rock Springs who died Wednesday, were held at 1 p.m. Sunday, from the Greek church with the Rev. Thorotheos Pappas officiating. Burial was in the Mountain View cemetery. The Rogan Mortuary was in charge of arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Nov 9, 1937 MRS. T. OLSON DIES MONDAY Mrs. Tekla Olson of 833 Seventh street died at her home here Monday night. She was born May 19, 1873. Survivors include a daughter Mrs. J.A. Hoff of Rock Springs, and a brother and sister who live in Sweden. The body was taken to the Rogan Mortuary pending funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Nov 9, 1937 Mrs. Sims Buried Monday at Farson Funeral rites for Mrs. Lottie A. Sims, 69, long-time resident of Eden valley who expired at the Wyoming General hospital Friday, were held at Farson Monday afternoon with the Rev. Bruce K. Blunt officiating. Burial was in the Farson cemetery. The Rogan Mortuary was in charge of arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Nov 9, 1937 EMILE BROUTIN EXPIRES HERE Emile Broutin, 75, of 828 Seventh street, died at his home Sunday night following a brief illness. Mr. Broutin suffered a heart attack Saturday night and Sunday apparently was rallying. Late Sunday he suffered another attack which proved fatal. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Henry Anselmi, of 828 Seventh street, and four brothers who reside in France. Mr. Broutin was born in France. He had been a resident of Rock Springs since 1924. The body was taken to the Rogan Mortuary pending funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Nov 10, 1937 Mrs. Tekla Olson Buried Thursday Funeral services for Mrs. Tekla Olson who died at her home at 833 Seventh street Monday, have been set for 4 p.m., Thursday, at the Congregational church with the Rev. Keenan Sheldon officiating. The Rogan Mortuary is in charge of arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Nov 10, 1937 Broutin Rites to Be Held Thursday Funeral services for Emile Broutin, 75, who died at his home Sunday, will be held from the family residence at 828 Seventh street at 2 p.m. Thursday, with the Rev. Bruce K. Blunt officiating. The body, in charge of the Rogan Mortuary, will be taken to the home at 4 p.m. today. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Nov 17, 1937 Mrs. Oliver Dies In Green River Mrs. Freda M Oliver, 45, died at her home in Green River Tuesday night. She is survived by her husband, Walter; a daughter, Elizabeth of Green River; three sisters and one brother. She had been a resident of Green River nine years. Funeral arrangements in charge of the Rogan Mortuary had not been made late last night. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Nov 17, 1937 KALAN INFANT IS BURIED TUESDAY Funeral services for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Kalan of Reliance were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday from the North Side Catholic church with the Rev. Albin Gnidovec officiating. Burial was in St. Joseph’s cemetery. The infant was born Monday afternoon at the Wyoming General hospital and lived but a few hours. Arrangements were in charge of the Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Nov 18, 1937 Mrs. Walter Oliver Funeral Is Sunday Funeral services for Mrs. Freda M. Oliver, 45, who died at her home in Green River Tuesday will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday from the Rogan Mortuary chapel with the Rev. Herald C. Swezy, Rector of the church of the Holy Communion, Episcopal, officiating. Burial will be in the Canadian Legion plot in Mountain View Cemetery. Mrs. Oliver was born in England July 4, 1892. She had been a resident to of Green River for nine years. Survivors include her husband, Walter; a daughter, Elizabeth; three sisters, Mrs. H. Bartlem, Mrs. E. Hartshorn, and Mrs. J. Harvey, all of England; and one brother, Frank Perry, of Rhodesia, South Africa. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Nov 18, 1937 AUTO-TRUCK CRASH KILLS MAN AND WOMAN EAST OF ROCK SPRINGS Two persons were killed instantly in an automobile-truck headon crash 60 miles east of Rock Springs near Red Desert late Wednesday afternoon. The dead: John Weiham, about 50, of Sioux Falls, S.D. Miss Laura Johnson, about 32, of Brookings, S.D. According to County Coroner J. Warden Opie and State Highway Patrolman Mike Maher, who investigated the accident, Weiham was apparently traveling at excessive rate of speed and lost control of his car when he crashed headon into a gasoline transport truck of the Covey company of Little America, driven by Eldon Vickers of Pocatello, Idaho. Opie said that Weiham, when he apparently lost control of his automobile, applied the brakes and slid on the road but was unable to avoid the crash. Weiham was driving a Buick coupe and was going east at the time of the accident. The truck was going west. Vickers tried to avoid the oncoming automobile and turned his truck off the road and ran it into a borrow pit. The tank truck was loaded. Riding with Vickers in the truck was Carlton Argo, also of Pocatello. Neither of the occupants of the truck was injured. The bodies of Weiham and Miss Johnson were brought to the Rogan Mortuary here. Late last night Coroner Opie said that he was attempting to contact relatives of the two dead persons in South Dakota. He said than an inquest would probably be held at a later date. --- Green River Star, Nov 19, 1937 Mrs. Walter Oliver Services Sunday Mrs. Walter Oliver passed away at her home here early Wednesday morning. Mrs. Oliver had been ill for the past two years and but recently was in the Wyoming General hospital where everything humanly possible was done to relieve her suffering. Freda M. Oliver was born in England July 4, 1892. She has been a resident of Green River the past 9 years. Survivors are her husband, one daughter, Elizabeth; three sisters in England and a brother in South Africa. Funeral services will be in Rock Springs from the Rogan Mortuary Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock, the Rev. H. C. Swezy of the Episcopal church officiating. Interment will be in the Rock Springs cemetery. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Nov 23, 1937 FELIX REMC KILLED AS AUTO HURTLES FROM ROAD, TURNS OVER, THROWS HIM OUT TOP Felix Remc, 20, of 31 Third street, was killed almost instantly about 2 a.m. Sunday, when his car left the road and overturned a mile and a half west of Rock Springs. Remc’s body was found laying by the roadside by Orville Standter of Rock Springs and Joe Peterson of Green River at 2:30 a.m., Sunday, County Coroner J. Warden Opie said. Remc apparently was thrown through the top of his convertible coupe, Opie said, and died almost instantly. After an investigation it was believed that Remc went to sleep driving his car, left the road and ran for 309 feet along the shoulder of the highway, Opie said. The car struck a rock, overturning and throwing Remc from the machine. The accident occurred between 1:30 a.m. and 2:30 a.m. Sunday. He was alone in the car at the time of the accident. The car was traveling east. Remc was last seen in Rock Springs about 1 a.m. Sunday. Opie said he was believed to have taken a couple of young men to the Log Inn and was on his way back when the accident happened. Surviving are Remc’s mother, Mrs. Frances Lovsche; two brothers, John and Frank; and three sisters, Mrs. J. Porenta of Superior and Marjorie and Ida of Rock Springs. Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m., Thursday, from the North Side Catholic church with the Rev. Albin Gnidovec officiating. Burial will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery. Arrangements are in charge of Rogan Mortuary. Remc was born June 22, 1917 in Rock Springs and spent most of his life in Rock Springs. He was graduated from the Rock Springs high school where he played on the football team. He was a service station attendant. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Nov 30, 1937 John Austin of Lyman Dies Here John Leslie Autin, 44, of Granger, Wyo., died in the Wyoming General hospital here Monday morning. Survivors include his wife, Ruth; two sons, John Leslie Jr. of San Diego, Calif., and Robert Glen of Granger; a daughter, Mrs. Jean Vercinak of Carter, Wyo.; three brothers, Wallace of Alberta, Calif., H. Glen of Lyman, Wyo., and Ernest V. of Lyman; and a sister, Mrs. Blanche Holmes of Lyman. Tentative funeral arrangements have been made for services on Thursday at the Evanston Catholic church. Arrangements are in charge of the Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Nov 30, 1937 Mrs. John Menghini Funeral Wednesday Funeral services for Mrs. Rose Steffi Menghini, 49, who died at her home here Sunday, will be held at 9 a.m. Wednesday, from the South Side Catholic church with the Rev. S.A. Welsh officiating. Burial will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery. Mrs. Menghini was the wife of John D. Menghini, driver for the Union Mercantile and Supply company. She had been a resident of Rock Springs for 31 years. Survivors include her husband; three daughters, Edith, Josephine, and Virginia, all of Rock Springs; a sister, Mrs. Mary Corazza of Rock Springs; a brother of Minneapolis; an uncle, Mike Toresani of Rock Springs; and an aunt, Mrs. Henry Bertagnolli of Denver. The body will be taken to the family home at Number 6 Harding Court at 4 p.m., today. Rosary will be said at the family residence at 7 o’clock tonight. Arrangements are in charge of the Rogan Mortuary. --- Union Pacific Coal Company Employes’ Magazine, Dec 1937 Superior Leonard, the four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Arnoldi, died at the Wyoming General Hospital on October 19th, of pneumonia. Funeral services were held in Rock Springs the following Sunday. The family has the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Dec 1, 1937 48-Year Resident of Springs Expires Here on Tuesday Cornelius J. Simpkins, 68, retired Rock Springs coal miner, died at his home at 19 Sixth street Tuesday morning. He had been a resident here for 48 years. Simpkins suffered the loss of a leg in a mine accident several yeas ago. He made his home for the last several years with his daughter, Mrs. Elsie Soulsby. Besides his daughter, he is survived by a brother, E.J. (Ted) Simpkins of Rock Springs. The body was taken to the Rogan Mortuary pending funeral arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Dec 1, 1937 Kemmerer Man Dies In Springs Tuesday William Shelby, 55, of Kemmerer, died in the Wyoming General hospital here Tuesday. He had entered the hospital Friday for treatment. Survivors include his wife, Emma; and four daughters, Mrs. Myrtle Griffiths of Rock Springs, Mrs. Carpus Hale of Superior, and two others. The body was taken to Kemmerer for burial. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Dec 1, 1937 Austin Funeral to Be at Granger Thursday Funeral services for John Leslie Austin of Granger who died at the Wyoming General hospital Monday will be held Thursday at the Evanston Catholic church. Burial will be in the Evanston cemetery. The Rogan Mortuary is in charge of arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Dec 1, 1937 Mrs. John Menghini To Be Buried Today Funeral rites for Mrs. John Menghini, 49, who died at her home Sunday, will be held at 9 a.m. today from the South Side Catholic church with the Rev. S.A. Welsh officiating. Burial will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery. Arrangements are in charge of the Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Dec 2, 1937 Body of Evanston Man Taken Home The body of John Leslie Austin, 44, of Granger, who died at the hospital here Saturday, was taken to Evanston Wednesday for burial. Services will be held at 10 a.m. today, from the Evanston Catholic church and burial will be in the Evanston cemetery. Arrangements are in charge of the Rogan mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Dec 2, 1937 Fontenelle Matron Expires Wednesday Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Hamp, 50, of Fontenelle, died at the Wyoming General hospital Wednesday where she had been a patient for several days. Mrs. Hamp was the wife of Alfred C. Hamp and had been a resident of Fontenelle for 28 years. Survivors, besides her husband, include a son, Fred Hamp of Pinedale; a brother, Amos Philips of Nevada; and two sisters, Ruth Philips and Mrs. Elva Kutcher, both of Nevada. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, from the L.D.S. church in Green River. Burial will be in the Green River cemetery. The Rogan mortuary is in charge of arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Dec 3, 1937 Simpkins Rites to Be Held Saturday Funeral rites for Cornelius Simpkins, 68, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Elsie Soulsby, 819 Sixth street, will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, from the Soulsby residence. The Rev. Keenan Sheldon will officiate. Burial will be in Mountain View cemetery. Arrangements are in charge of the Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Dec 2, 1937 Superior Man to Be Buried at Almy Funeral services for Lorenzo Rowbottom, 81, who died at his home in Superior Wednesday, will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, from the Rogan Mortuary with Bishop Cecil James of the L.D.S. church officiating. Rowbottom is survived by his wife, Maria; a son, Richard of Superior and five daughters, Jane and Ann of Superior, Becca and Alice of Kemmerer, and Mary of Ogden, Utah. Burial will be at Almy, Wyo. --- Green River Star, Dec 3, 1937 Austin Funeral Held At Evanston John Leslie Austin, 44, of Granger, who died Monday at the Wyoming General hospital at Rock Springs, was interred at Evanston Thursday after services from the Catholic church in that city. He is survived by his wife, Ruth; two sons, John Leslie, Jr., of San Diego, Calif., and Robert Glen of Granger; a daughter, Mrs. Jean Vercinak of Carter, Wyo.; three brothers, Wallace of Alberta, Calif., H. Glen of Lyman, Wyo., and Ernest V. of Lyman; and a sister, Mrs. Blanche Holmes of Lyman. --- Green River Star, Dec 3, 1937 HAMP FUNERAL SERVICES HERE Funeral services will be conducted from the L. D. S. church here Saturday afternoon for Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Hamp, 50, wife of Alfred C. Hamp of Fontenelle, who died in the Rock Springs hospital Wednesday after an extended illness. Services will be at 2 p.m. and burial will be in Riverview cemetery. Besides her husband she is survived by a son, Fred Hamp of Pinedale; a brother, Amos Phillips of Nevada; and two sisters, Ruth Phillips and Mrs. Elva Kutcher, both of Nevada. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Dec 4, 1937 Gilpin Infant Dies After Few Hours The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gilpin of Clay Basin died at the Wyoming General hospital early Friday morning. The infant was born Tuesday night and lived but a few hours. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m., today, from the Wildermuth Mortuary chapel with the Rev. Fr. S.A. Welsh officiating. Burial will be in the Riverview cemetery at Green River. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Dec 7, 1937 Mrs. Atkinson of Superior Expires Mrs. Renee Elizabeth Atkinson, 23, of Superior, died in the Wyoming General hospital here Monday. She had lived in Superior all her life. Survivors include her husband, Lewis Atkinson; a son, Lewis Carl; her mother, Mrs. Lucy Profaizer of Ogden, Utah; two brothers, Charles and Frank Profaizer, both of Ogden; and a sister, Mrs. Ralph Hiner of Superior. Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. Thursday, from the South Side Catholic church with the Rev. Father S.A. Welsh officiating. Burial will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery. Rosary will be said at the Rogan Mortuary chapel at 7 p.m. Wednesday. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Dec 14, 1937 Mother of Local Woman Dies Here Mrs. Rebecca Ellen Street, 75, expired at her home at 906 Dewar drive Saturday. She had been a resident of Rock Springs for a year. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. George Hadley of Rock Springs and Mrs. Clara Winter of Vici, Okla.; three sons, Archie of Pierce, Colo.; Rufus and Edward of Ft. Collins, Colo.; 16 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, from the Balmers Mortuary at Fort Collins. The Rogan Mortuary was in charge of arrangements here. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Dec 14, 1937 Mrs. Thomas Kos Expires Saturday Mrs. Edna Kos, 30, of 1015 Eighth street, died at her home Saturday. She had been a resident of Rock Springs all her life. She is survived by her husband, Thomas; two sons, Thomas and Frank; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Pervik of Louisville, Colo., Mrs. Albina Miklancic and Mrs. Jennie Subic, both of Rock Springs; two brothers, Frank Dolence and Fred Dolence of Rock Springs; and her mother, Mrs. Agnes Dolence. Funeral services will be held at the North Side Catholic church at 9 a.m. Wednesday, with the Rev. Father Albin Gnidovec officiating. Burial will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery. Rosary services will be held at the family residence at 7 p.m. Tuesday. Arrangements are in charge of the Rogan Mortuary. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Dec 18, 1937 Peter F. Dorrence Expires on Friday Peter F DOrrence, 72, of 131 J street, passed away at the Wyoming General hospital Friday afternoon. He is survived by his wife, Katherine; two sons, John and William, both of Rock Springs; and seven daughters, Mrs. Tony Behring, Mrs. Harry Warriner, Mrs. Harry Sadler, Mrs. Dan Tullio, Mrs. Lester Doak, Mrs. Orlo Clark, and Miss Rose Dorrence. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m., Sunday, from the South Side Catholic church with the Rev. Father S.A. Welsh officiating. Burial will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery. The Rogan mortuary is in charge of arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Dec 18, 1937 INQUEST SCHEDULED TONIGHT IN COASTING DEATH THURSDAY An inquest into the death of David Spicer, five, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Spicer, who lost his life in the city’s first coasting accident this year, will be held at 7 p.m., tonight, at the Rogan Mortuary, County Coroner J. Warden Opie said Friday. The inquest will be merely a routine matter, Coroner Opie said, as the boy’s death appeared to be accidental and unavoidable, according to the stories of witnesses. Meanwhile, Richard Smith, five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A.R. Smith of 632 Second street, who was riding on the sled with the Spicer boy, was recovering in the Wyoming General hospital from injuries he received in the accident. Hospital attendants said Friday that his condition was improved. He suffered brain concussion and a fracture of the forearm. Funeral services for the Spicer lad will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, from the L.D.S. church. Bishop Cecil James will be in charge of the services. Pallbearers will be friends of the boy. They are Buddy Hatt, Clifford Clark Jr., Fred Landeen, Earl Daniels, Gordon Jensen and Harold Overy. The body will be taken from the Wildermuth mortuary to the family residence at 621 Gobel street this evening where it will lie in state until time for the services. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Dec 18, 1937 Mother of Springs Resident Succumbs Mrs. Clarence Seeburg Thursday received word of the death of her mother, Mrs. Sarah Evoy, in St. John’s hospital at Springfield, Ill. Mrs. Evoy, who had visited in Rock Springs several times, died of a heart ailment. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Dec 21, 1937 Dorrence Funeral Rites Held Sunday Funeral services for Peter F. Dorrence, 72, were held at 2 p.m. Sunday, from the South Side Catholic church. The Rev. Father S.A. Welsh officiated. Burial was in St. Joseph’s cemetery. Dorrence is survived by his wife, two sons and seven daughters. The Rogan Mortuary was in charge of arrangements. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Dec 22, 1937 Snowden Funeral Rites Are Today Funeral services for James Donald Snowden, 54, long time resident of Rock Springs, will be at 2 p.m., today, at the Rogan Mortuary chapel. Services will be in charge of the Rev. Keenan Sheldon and the Rock Springs aerie 151 of the F.O. Eagles. Burial will be in Mountain View cemetery. Snowden is survived by his wife, three sons and two daughters, all of Rock Springs. --- Green River Star, Dec 24, 1937 Garey, Former Resident, Dead L. H. Garey, 59, former resident of Green River, died Monday at San Gabriel, California, it was learned here Tuesday, and funeral services were held Thursday in Cheyenne, where the family resided for almost twenty years after leaving Green River. Mr. Garey had resided in California for about a year, going there for his health last fall. He was master mechanic for the western division of the Union Pacific here for several years, during which time his wife and mother resided with him. Mrs. Garey died in Cheyenne about two years ago. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Dec 25, 1937 Former Resident of Rock Springs Dies in Idaho Wednesday Mrs. Flora Bair, 70, former resident of Rock Springs, passed away December 22 at Rupert, Idaho. She is survived by one son, William Bair of Rock Springs, and a daughter, Mrs. Steve Barrass of Rupert, Idaho. Mrs. Bair lived in Rock Springs for many years but left about eight years ago to live with her daughter. She is a Gold Star mother, her son, Charles, having been killed in action during the war. Her husband preceded her in death 15 years ago. She had been ill for some time. The body will arrive Saturday morning to be buried in the family plot in Mountain View cemetery. Funeral services will be held Sunday from the Rogan chapel at 2 p.m. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Dec 29, 1937 Services Held for Mrs. Flora Bair Funeral services for Mrs. Flora Bair, 71, who died in Rupert, Idaho, December 22, were held at 2 p.m. Sunday, from the Rogan Mortuary chapel. The Rev. Robert N. Johnstone, pastor of the Methodist church, officiated. Burial was in the Mountain View cemetery. Mrs. Bair was the mother of William Bair of 329 I street. Another son, Charles, was killed in action during the World War. A sister [sic], Mrs. Steve Barrass, also survives. --- Rock Springs Daily Rocket, Dec 31, 1937 Manila Rancher Is Death Victim Here William James Nelson, 54, a rancher at Manila, Utah, died on Thursday at Wyoming General hospital after an illness of two years. He entered the hospital last Sunday. Mr. Nelson was born Jan. 25, 183 at Beaver, Utah. Surviving him are his wife, Rozina; six sons, Joseph, Laurel, Alfred, Ervin, Ralph and Malin, all of Manila; two daughters, Vernalia and Elva; and five brothers and six sisters. The body will be taken to the home in Manila Friday afternoon. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday at the L.D.S. church in Manila and burial will be in Manila. Wildermuth mortuary is in charge of arrangements. --- Green River Star, Dec 31, 1937 Long Illness Clamis Rancher William James Nelson of Manila, prominent rancher of that district, died Thursday at the Wyoming General hospital in Rock Springs. He had been ill for a period of several months, and entered the hospital Monday. He was 54 years of age. Funeral services will be held Saturday at Manila for the L.D.S. chapel. Surviving him are his wife, Rozina; six sons, Joseph, Laurel, Alfred, Ervin, Ralph and Malin, all of Manila; two daughters, Vernalia and Elva; and five brothers and six sisters. ---