
If you have records that you would be willing to do lookups for others, please directly contact the specific county coordinator you can assist, or the Assistant State Coordinator.

Be sure to check the individual county websites for other information available for each county.


General Wyoming
bullet Wyoming Place Names by Mae Urbanek.  Contains names of discontinued post offices and places no longer on any maps.
bullet An index only to Wyoming, A Guide to Its History, Highways, and People, American Guide Series, Compiled by workers of the Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of Wyoming, Sponsored by Dr. Lester C. Hunt, Secretary of State, Oxford University Press, New York, 1941.
On site. Click on the given link.


Individual County Look Up Assistance Pages
Albany Hot Springs Sheridan
Big Horn Johnson Sublette
Campbell Laramie Sweetwater
Carbon Lincoln Teton
Converse Natrona Uinta
Crook Niobrara Washakie
Fremont Park Weston
Goshen Platte Wind River Reservation





  The WYGenWeb Project
Colleen Pustola, State Coordinator
Rebecca Maloney, Asst State Coordinator

Copyright © by The WYGenWeb Project. All Rights Reserved.