Carbon County Wyoming Genealogy Research Family History 

Wyoming Genealogy 

Carbon County Wyoming Genealogy Research Family History 

Carbon County Wyoming Genealogy Research Family History 

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 If you have any information to share about Carbon County Wyoming please feel free to email me: Rebecca Maloney

Carbon County was organized in 1868.

Carbon County, which, like the town, earned its name from coal, became one of the original five counties of Wyoming Territory. It was created on Dec. 16, 1868 by the Eighth Dakota Territorial Legislature Assembly. Like the other four first counties, Carbon stretched north across the entire territory, from Colorado to the Montana line. In succeeding decades, Sheridan, Johnson, and Natrona Counties were carved out of Carbon County’s original extent.

The county holds more incorporated towns — 10 — within its boundaries than any other county in Wyoming. In addition to Rawlins, still the county seat, they include Baggs, Dixon, Elk Mountain, Encampment, Hanna, Medicine Bow, Riverside, Sinclair and Saratoga.

Carbon County, Wyo., in the south-central part of the state, stretches north about 95 miles from the southern border, and, in a not-quite-oblong shape, roughly 83 miles east to west. In those 7,896 square miles, the county contains rich natural resources, gorgeous mountains, scenic vistas and precious rivers and streams. Indians and, later, trappers and mountain men appreciated the rugged beauty and recognized the potential economic value of this place.




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Biographies and Bibliography

Cemeteries and Obituaries

Census - Transcriptions


Wyoming Wagon Train Attack





Gazetteers, Land Records & Maps


Museums & Genealogy Societies    

Look Up Assistance



Until we have some look up volunteers for this site, the following sites may be of help:

Genealogy Resources by State

Historic Highway Marker Database

Hometown Locator

Mailing List at Rootsweb

Officers Killed in the Line of  Duty

Queries at Ancestry

UsGenWeb Genealogical Events

Western States Marriages

Wyoming Inventors

Wyoming Trademarks



Neighboring Counties


Wyoming Genealogy 

Wyoming Genealogy 

Carbon County Wyoming Genealogy

Being a County or State Administrator is fun and rewarding. If you have an interest in the history of Wyoming and the genealogy of it's residents please consider it. If you think "there is no way I can do this" there are many people ready, willing and able to help you. It's not near as difficult as you might think.

 "Links to web sites that are not part of the USGenWeb Project are provided for your convenience and do not imply any endorsement of the web sites or their contents by The USGenWeb Project."

Do you have information you'd like to share?  Or would you like to help us?  Please volunteer to help the WYGenWeb Project.

The WyGenWeb Project
Colleen Pustola, State Coordinator
Billie Walsh, Assistant State Coordinator
Rebecca Maloney, Assistant State Coordinator

AVAILABLE – County Coordinator

Carbon County Wyoming Genealogy Research Family History

Carbon County Wyoming Genealogy Research Family History

Carbon County Wyoming Genealogy Research Family History 

Carbon County Wyoming Genealogy Research Family History

Carbon County Wyoming Genealogy Research Family History

Carbon County Wyoming Genealogy Research Family History



    This page updated June 2019.