Carbon County Wyoming Genealogy Research Family History

Carbon County Wyoming Genealogy Research Family History

Carbon County Wyoming Genealogy Research Family History




 If you have any information to share about Carbon County Wyoming please feel free to email me: Rebecca Maloney

Calamity Jane Biography




Mrs Jane Bruke, Martha Jane Canary, or as she is best known, Calamity Jane, was a famous Sharpshooter, Storyteller, Frontierswoman, and general troublemaker. Her occupations included but were not limited to Explorer, Army scout, pioneer, storyteller, sharpshooter performer, dance-hall girl, and alleged prostitute across Wyoming, South Dakota, and Montana. In her 38 years in the Wild West, she rustled up quite an intriguing reputation for herself.
Because she refused to live by the rules of the day, she carved out her own spot in history, and subsequently in pop culture. Calamity Jane has inspired multiple Movies and television shows, a documentary, plays and books, music, and even games.
But did you know this Wild Woman of the West spent a good amount of time in our very own Rawlins Wyoming?
Calamity came to Rawlins in 1870 and worked at a local hotel as a waitress, unfortunately, that did not last very long as she was fired for her conduct.
She then went to Fort Steele and made herself very well known by performing incredibly daring acts in front of those stationed there. She was regarded by the locals as absolutely fearless.
Calamity was also regarded as quite a beautiful woman.
Of the many husbands she had throughout the years one was William Steers, whom she married right here in Rawlins. This was a short but turbulent 6 year marriage that culminated in Jane divorcing him after he struck her with a rock and threatened her life with a knife.
Jane was also known to have quite a soft spot for alcohol and could often be found Roostered on Front Street. As a result, she would often end up spending the night in the Rawlins Jail. With her troublesome behavior, it was inevitable that she was eventually ordered out of town by police officer Thomas Hanks.
Thus ends her more significant impact on Rawlins's history.
She did stop in Rawlins a couple times after being run out of town, however, it was never for very long.
Photographs in order:
1). Calamity Jane is printed on the bottom of the photo from the development process.
Written on the back in black ink: From the collection of Clarence S. Paine. Donated by A. R. McMicken
2). The picture is the only known picture of her in women's clothes. She presented this picture to the late A.R. McMicken many years ago. Donated by Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brimmer
3). Writing on back in black ink: From the collection of Clarence S. Paine? Donated by A. R. McMicken
4). Written on the back in black ink: From the collection of Clarence S. Paine. Donated by A. R. McMicken
(photo information from Past Perfect Catalog system.)

She was around Lander quite a bit--her younger sister Lena Canary married John Borner in 1874 and they had a ranch southwest of town in what became known as "Borner's Garden". My Jean Hauger's great grandfather remembered Calamity going by in a buggy to see her sister (when she knew John was gone).




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Carbon County Wyoming Genealogy Research Family History

Carbon County Wyoming Genealogy Research Family History

Carbon County Wyoming Genealogy Research Family History

Carbon County Wyoming Genealogy Research Family History

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