Albany County Wyoming Free Genealogy Research Information

Civil War

Albany County Wyoming Free Genealogy Research Information

Source: List of Pensioners on the Roll, January 1, 1883; giving the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the post-office address, the rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance, as called for by Senate Resolution of December 8, 1882. Vol. IV, page 858.

Certif. No. Name of pensioner Post Office Addr.Cause for which pensioned Monthly rate Date of orig. allowance
128, 768 Kearney, Francis J. Deer Creek inj. Spleen $4 00 June, 1874
25, 697 Sleeper, Daniel Fort Fetterman w. l. hand 2 00Dec., 1864
9,370Boyd, JohnFort Fetterman var. veins legs 8 00.
107, 840 Wheelock, Benjamin C. Fort Fetterman rheu. & debility 2 00Feb., 1871
102, 622 George, Peter Fort Fetterman g.s.w. r. knee 4 00Apr., 1870
182, 615 Doolan, Thomas Fort Fetterman minor of 16 00Dec., 1882
17, 223 Goode, John P.Laramie g.s.w. l. leg 6 00 Sept., 1863
117, 463 Burk, William K. Laramie g.s.w. l. shoul. 4 00June, 1872
49, 205 Harper, George Laramie g.s.w. l. arm 6 00Sept., 1865
48, 826 Bailey, James E. Laramie loss l. arm 24 00.
72, 811 Coult, George Laramie g.s.w. l. hip 12 00Oct., 1866
116, 103 Donnellan, John W. Laramie g.s.w. r. leg & thigh 30 00.
159, 154 House, Addison J. Laramie g.s.w. l. leg, inj. to abdomen 8 00Apr., 1879
153, 712 Kenrick, James Laramie dis. heart 8 00June, 1878
146, 758 Jones, Edw'd Laramie g.s.w. r. forearm 4 00 June, 1877
211, 998 Olmstead, F. L. Laramie shell w. breast, g.s.w. r. foo4 00 June, 1882
89, 468 Yelton, Oliver P.Laramie inj. to abd., g.s.w. r. thigh10 00 Mar., 1868
. Schenk, William Laramie g.s.w. head 8 00Apr., 1878
21, 450 Sodegreen, Charles Laramie g.s.w. r. foot 6 00Dec., 1863
. McLennon, Mary Laramie widow 8 00.
25, 273 Wheeler, Elizabeth Laramie widow 8 00.
71, 469 Phillips, Amelia Laramie mother 8 00Apr., 1866
. Taylor, Wm. Rock Creek g.s.w. r. hand & shoulder 18 00.

Transcribed and submitted by Alice Miller for the WYGenWeb

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