Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Sheboygan County World War I Veterans Memorial

Albrecht, Richard H.Franke, Reinhold A.O. (MIA)Kjelson, EmanuelPagel, Henry A.
Allman, Walter K.Fredericks, FerdinandKleinhesselink, HenryPotts, Francis E.
Ambelang, Lisle P.Gershimel, Alfred E.Kolb, Ervin E.Prescott, Oliver W.
Artman, AlexanderGlaeser, Allen E.Kolberg, Herman C.Risch, Jacob
Aupperle, JamesGruenewald, Noah E.Kreis, JacobRosenthal, Edward L.
Bayens, PeterGrunow, Richard R.Kupfahl, Walter E.Sass, Paul A.
Beitz, Otto F.Hamm, Charles N.Kurtz, Alexander J.Scheib, Walter A.
Bergner, William C.E.Hand, Edward R.Laabs, Edward F.Schipper, Peter
Bosshardt, Henry J.Hand, Gilbert P.Ladewig, Walter S.Schmidt, John E.H.
Bowen, EdwardHannert, Milton A.Lammers, JohnSkakunas, Mikle
Brasser, PeterHartman, Edgar J.Landgraf, Louis F.Stanisch, Arthur
Browne, Joseph C.Haslee, HerbertLau, Alvin A.Thierman, Ervin E.
Buechle, Robert L.Heese, Louis F.Lautenbach, Alfred J.Thomas, Walter E.
Depies, HenryHerman, GottliebLeimetz, FredTrester, Frank P.
Doering, Herman F.Higby, Herbert S.Lemkuil, Harry G.Truhler, Joseph V.
Dreps, Anthony J.Hilleman, Martin T.Lubbers, William G.Van Der Jagt, Morris C.
Dupras, EugeneHoffman, Frank M.Ludens, JohnVan Der Ploeg, John J.
Ebelt, Oscar H.Hoffman, TheaboldMaertz, HenryVan Handel, Rudolph
Elwell, Robert H.Hollenberger, FloydManthey, BernardVerhage, Phillip C.
Engelhardt, Arthur L.Holling, Harold H.Meyer, HenryVerVelde, Garrett W.
Engelhardt, CarlHutchison, William C.Mueller, HermanWalford, Arthur
Ertl, MaxIppel, SebastianNelson, George E.Wissink, Walter T.
Fitzpatrick, JosephJensen, Louis W.Oeldrich, ClarenceZinkgraf, Clarence
Flaig, Edwin P.King, Frank V.Olsen, Olaf H. 

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