Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Sheboygan County Marriages Vital Index "Sa - Sb"

All grooms and brides are cross indexed by listed surname. At the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds, they are only indexed by the grooms surname.

* No "corrections" have been made to the original Index, it is transcribed as originally written, Variations from the Index to the record are noted in Brackets { }
* Look for many spelling variations of each surname
* This posting is not intended to be an official document
* Once your family is found, obtain an original copy of the Record from the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds Office for citations and official records

NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the Owner, Debie.

NameSpouseMarr. dateVol.PageBride's ParentsGroom's Parents
Saak, August W.Degenkolbe, L.May 1, 1875591-1712  
Saalfeld, HermanSiebermann, PaulineOct. 21, 1873572-1320  
Saar, Henry FrankThankholdt, Frieda C.Aug. 23, 19028177-1058  
Sachs, Johan C.Schniedewind, Emma D. W.Aug. 31, 18896424-2530  
Sachse, Carl F.Schrader, Emma C.Dec. 11, 18977520-3103  
Sachse, John G.Rossberg, PaulineAug. 5, 1858232-94  
Sachse, LouisSteinhaus, RosaFeb. 24, 1900823-133  
Sachse, WilhelmPoppe, LizzieDec. 31, 19038269-1614  
Sachsen, JacobLangkabel, MaryNov. 21, 18947322-1927  
Sachtler, F.Kuhne, A.Sept. 8, 18785128-2437  
Sadler, MichaelHoward, Mary C.Oct. 14, 1870543-740  
Saemann, NoahKeller, Alma J.April 15, 18866211-1256  
Saemann, Wm. C.Gebler, PaulinaMarch 24, 1868510-164  
Saewert, Otto F.Pfeffer, Bertha M.Nov. 1, 19058396-2374  
Safford, Henry D.Tiffany, Florence G.July 16, 18967430-2564  
Sager, JohnRandegger, EmilieAug. 1, 18937237-1421  
Salchert, PhilipKoch, EmilyAug. 18, 19038239-1433  
Salisbury, Marion A.Mallory, ViolaJune 6, 1863386-258  
Salmon, Wm.Dittmann, AnnaMarch 28, 18967404-2411  
Salomon, AugustBuege, AnnaAug. 21, 18927173-1035  
Salverson, AndrewPaulson, Olive S.Oct. 18, 1872561-1112  
Salzer, Leonard F.Never, Eliz. D.Sept. 28, 19048319-1911  
Salzmann, ChristMueller, Wilhelmine P.June 20, 1853132-96  
Samann, John M.Brazetton, Sarah H.Dec. 20, 1866511-180  
Samann, JohnNone ListedJuly 15, 18561185-554  
Sammer, Carl F.Baumann, Auguste S.July 21, 18653198-588  
Sampson, James L.Barton, Esther A.Sept. 22, 1868517-292  
Samse, C. T. A. C.Minkuer, D.Jan. 8, 18775112-2119  
Samse, HenryHecker, EmilieJan. 12, 18825173-3328  
Samse, WilhelmBaumann, BerthaDec. 12, 18917121-725  
Samsen, Garret J.Cullen, EmmaFeb. 16, 1874576-1403  
Sand, JohnSteinmetaer, CatharinaJan. 12, 18866191-1136  
Sand, Karl M.Koehler, MaggieJune 24, 19058375-2246  
Sandee, P.Brugink, A. A.April 6, 1875589-1669  
Sander, HeinrichZicha, EleonoreMay 14, 18927152-908  
Sander, Johanne W.Kenscher, Anna MargarethaApril 18, 1891776-454  
Sander, PeterBallentin, Anna L.April 9, 18997594-3545  
Sanders, M. V.Rose, Julia A.Aug. 14, 186751-15  
Sanders, Simon J.De Groote, AnnaMarch 1, 1867451-152  
Sandersann, CarlBoedecker, F. S.March 29, 18805150-2886  
Sandmeier, J. JohnMeier, Dorothea A.Oct. 23, 186759-144  
Santmann, FredWehrmann, HenrietteMay 12, 18571228-681  
Santrak, GeorgeToepel, MelangeOct. 2, 18805156-3001  
Sanville, DavidSanville, MaryJan. 6, 18967391-2333  
Sanville, EphraimMoers, MargaretheOct. 31, 18967450-2684  
Sanville, EphraimSanville, LucyFeb. 27, 19038211-1265  
Sanville, EugeneDrain, MamieJuly 2, 18957362-2167  
Sanville, JohnGroh, LauraAug. 17, 18967433-2582  
Sanville, JosephRausche, EdithJuly 6, 18937235-1406  
Sanville, JosephSanville, EmilyOct. 13, 18947307-1842  
Sarau, HeinrichBraun, LouiseDec. 7, 18896446-2666  
Sareeting, J. Theo.Brown, LorindaMarch 10, 1868510-160  
Sargeant, JohnMarse, AnnaMarch 2, 18785136-2607  
Sargent, FrankKwekkeboom, LaviniaFeb. 18, 18997584-3489  
Sass, Edward A.Eggert, Emilie A. Johanne E.Sept. 21, 18896423-2528  
Sass, ErnstWieck, WilhelmineOct. 1, 18917107-642  
Sass, Franz H.Wertensteiner, MariaMay 28, 1891784-502  
Sass, HermanGraefe, ElisabethNov. 28, 19038264-1583  
Sass, LouisMeyer, Mary L.Oct. 7, 18947300-1797  
Sattler, AntonPowers, Eliz.June 1, 1873575-1375  
Sattler, GeorgeKocherer, MaryMay 4, 18876285-1699  
Sattler, HansSchatz, Maria A. C.June 22, 18866222-1322  
Sattler, MichaelWurzinger, MagdaleneMarch 21, 1858220-59  
Sauer, ConstanzOrth, MaryJune 1, 18866225-1337  
Saupe, Clemens A.Ahrens, Hermine S.Aug. 26, 1883661-362  
Saut, PeterWiskong, MathildaOct. 25, 1883667-397  
Sauteo, Joseph S.Sharp, Helen M.Feb. 19, 1873566-1196  
Sauter, AlbertKoch, AlmaNov. 8, 19058402-2410  
Sauter, Fredrich W.Capelle, Sophia E.Dec. 31, 1882621-122  
Sauter, ThaddeusBaum, CatherineNov. 3, 18653221-658  
Sautter, FriedrichBrand, ChristineNov. 25, 18561209-625  
Savens, Simon S.Boyer, Ella L.Oct. 2, 1869527-482  

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