This is not a complete list of German words, these are a list of German words I have encountered while doing genealogy
research. If you have come across a German word that is not listed here, please send it along and I will add it to the
list. It can be e-mailed to Debie
German Word | = | American Translation |
Gattin | = | wife |
Geb. | = | Born |
Gest. | = | Died |
Mutter | = | Mother |
Vater | = | Father |
sohn | = | Son |
Tochter | = | daughter |
Januar | = | January |
Februar | = | February |
März | = | March |
April | = | April |
Mai | = | May |
Juni | = | June |
Juli | = | July |
August | = | August |
September | = | September |
Oktober | = | October |
November | = | November |
Dezember | = | December |
Montag | = | Monday |
Dienstag | = | Tuesday |
Mittwoch | = | Wednesday |
Donnerstag | = | Thursday |
Freitag | = | Friday |
Samstag | = | Saturday |
Sonntag | = | Sunday |
Rest im Frieden | = | Rest in Peace |
Ruhe Sanft | = | Peace Gentle |
Alt | = | old |
Alter | = | age |
Altest | = | eldest |
Am | = | on the |
Aufgebote | = | proclamation |
Bauer | = | farmer |
Beerdigung | = | burial |
Bemerkungen | = | remarks |
Brautigam | = | bridegroom |
Braut | = | bride |
Bruder | = | brother |
Copulation | = | marriage |
Datum | = | date |
Dorf | = | village |
Ehe | = | marriage |
Ehefrau | = | wife |
Enkel | = | grandson |
Enkelin | = | granddaughter |
Enkelkind | = | Grandchild |
Eheman | = | husband |
Eltern | = | parents |
Familie | = | family |
Frau | = | madame / wife / woman |
Fraulein | = | miss, young lady |
Gatte | = | husband |
Gattin, Gatten | = | wife |
Geboren | = | born |
Geborenen | = | formerly (maiden name) |
Geburt | = | birth |
Gestorben | = | died |
Getauft | = | christened |
Grossmutter | = | Grandmother |
Grossvater | = | Grandfather |
Hier Ruhet | = | Here Rest |
Heirat | = | marriage |
Im | = | in the |
Im alter von | = | aged |
Jahr | = | year |
Kind | = | child |
Kinder | = | children |
Kirche | = | church |
Kirchengemeinde | = | church parish |
Kleinkind | = | infant |
Knabe | = | boy |
Kreis | = | county / district |
Land | = | Country |
Madchen | = | girl / maiden |
Madchenname | = | maiden name |
Mann | = | husband |
Monat | = | month |
Mutter | = | mother |
Name | = | name |
Neffe | = | Nephew |
Nichte | = | Niece |
Onkel | = | Uncle |
Ort | = | town, place |
Pfarramt | = | parish / parishoffice |
Pfarrer | = | pastor |
Schein | = | certificate |
Schwester | = | sister |
Sohn | = | son |
Sohne | = | son |
Staat | = | state |
Genealogie | genealogy | |
Genealogiebaum | genealogy tree | |
Stammbaum | = | Family tree |
Stadt | = | town / city |
Stand | = | Stood |
Besetzung | = | Occupation |
Standesamt | = | registers office |
Starb | = | died |
Starb Kinderlos | = | died without issue |
Sterb | = | death |
Tag | = | day |
Tauf | = | christening |
Taufen | = | christen |
Taufpaten | = | Godfather |
Tochter | = | daughter |
Tod | = | death |
Tante | = | Aunt |
Trau | = | marriage |
Trauen | = | marry |
Vater | = | father |
Verbergen | = | bury |
Verbindung | = | Connection |
Verheiratet | = | married |
Verstorbenen | = | deceased |
Vorname | = | given name |
Witwe | = | widow |
Witwer | = | widower |
Wohnen | = | live / reside |
Wohnhaft | = | resident |
Wohnort | = | dwelling place |
Zeuge | = | witness |
Zeugen | = | witnesses |
Zuname | = | surname |
Gott | = | God |
Gevatterin | = | Godmother |
Gevater | = | Godfather |
Gott-Elternteil | = | God Parent |
Elternteil | = | Parents |
Zustand | = | Condition / State |
Bedingung | = | Condition |
cemetery | = | Friedhof |
weiblich | = | female |
männlich | = | male |
Geschwister | = | siblings |
Urenkelin | = | great-granddaughter |
Urenkel | = | great-grandson |
Urgroßvater | = | great-grandfather |
Urgroßmutter | = | great-grandmother |
verwitwet | = | widowed |
Witwe | = | widow |
Witwer | = | widower |
Patentochter | = | goddaughter |
Patensohn | = | godson |
Patenkind | = | godchild |
Patenkinder | = | godchildren |
Patentante | = | godmother |
Patenonkel | = | godfather |
Großtante | = | great-aunt |
Großonkel | = | great-uncle |
Schwiegermutter | = | mother-in-law |
Schwäger | = | brother-in-law |
Schwägerin | = | mother-in-law |
Schwiegervater | = | father-in-law |
Schwiegersohn | = | son-in-law |
Schwiegertochter | = | daughter-in-law |
Stiefvater | = | stepfather |
Stiefmutter | = | stepmother |
Stiefkind | = | stepchild |
Stiefsohn | = | stepson |
Stieftochter | = | stepdaughter |
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Copyright 1997 - 2005 by Debie Blindauer
All Rights reserved