This is not a complete list of German word abbreviations, this is a partial list of abbraviations I have encountered while
doing genealogy research. If you have come across a German word that is not listed here, please send it along and I will
add it to the list. It can be e-mailed to Debie
Abbreviations | == | Translation |
AE / { ae } | == | Age |
Bez. { Bezirk } | == | district |
d. a. { der Ältere } | == | the older |
d. j. { der Jünere } | == | the younger |
err { errechnet } | == | approximated |
Ev. { Evangelisch } | == | Evangelical |
geb. { geboren } | == | born |
gest. { gestorben } | == | died |
get. { getauft } | == | christened |
K. B. { Kirchenbuch } | == | church book |
Kath. { Katholisch } | == | Catholic |
Kr. { Kreis } | == | county, district |
LKW | == | Truck |
Luth. { Lutheranisch } | == | Lutheran |
s. v. { Sohn von } | == | son of |
t. v. { Tochter von } | == | daughter of |
u. d. { und der } | == | and the |
verh. { verheiratet } | == | married |
wwe. { Witwe } | == | widow |
wwer. { Witwer } | == | widower |
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