Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Sheboygan County Marriages Vital Index "Oa - Ok"

All grooms and brides are cross indexed by listed surname. At the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds, they are only indexed by the grooms surname.

* No "corrections" have been made to the original Index, it is transcribed as originally written, Variations from the Index to the record are noted in Brackets { }
* Look for many spelling variations of each surname
* This posting is not intended to be an official document
* Once your family is found, obtain an original copy of the Record from the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds Office for citations and official records

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BrideGroomMarr. dateVol.PageBride's ParentsGroom's Parents
Oahr, M.Gerbing, HeinrichJan. 21, 18775110-2083  
Oakes, MinnieWest, Archie W.May 25, 18896407-2429  
Oates, Jane B.Sprath, Lucke Jr.June 17, 1869525-441  
Obbink, BlancheBruggink, AlgernanJune 15, 192218550  
Obbink, CynthiaDulmes, WalterJan. 26, 191110823  
Obbink, D.Obbink, GerritMarch 2, 18876273-1626  
Obbink, DeliaVanderJagt, AdolphOct. 3, 18957368-2186  
Obbink, DoraEsselink, Hendrik J.Jan. 10, 19101055  
Obbink, DorothyWalvoord, Melvin E.Sept. 6, 193025135  
Obbink, H.Nienhuis, John R.June 28, 18977483-2880  
Obbink, J.Menting, A.Feb. 18, 18795136-2598  
Obbink, MabelDe Pagter, Rainy R.Nov. 11, 192622192  
Obbink, MaryBrusse, NicholasApril 23, 192420141  
Obelink, J. P.Verdoun, A. D.Aug. 12, 1875593-1744  
Obenhofer, TheresaLiebenstein, HenryNov. 16, 18937254-1520  
Oberbeck, IdaMelcher, FriderichApril 11, 18937217-1302  
Obereich, BerthaDallenbach, William C.Aug. 3, 18815178-3430  
Oberest, Frances M.Burton, Albert M.June 17, 193326337  
Oberink, Anna E.Rauwelink, Jan H.May 18, 18602109-326  
Oberink, DinaJanisse, PieterDec. 25, 18937262-1570  
Oberle, MarcellaDickman, EmilAug. 5, 193326419  
Obermeier, BerthaBruns, HenryFeb. 4, 18825174-3358  
Oberreich, AntoniaWerther, Wm. P.Jan. 18, 1883625-149  
Oberreich, EmilieBerth, KarlMay 10, 18957345-2068  
Oberreich, LenaClark, Otis H.Jan. 21, 18866234-1393  
Oberreich, LizzieWitte, ErnestDec. 10, 1873585-1574  
Oberreich, M.Dieckmann, T.Jan. 9, 18785120-2285  
Obertin, MaryCaldeux, AnthonyApril 25, 18937222-1327  
Obhoff, SophiaApken, Conrad F.Aug. 8, 1853138-114  
Obink, DoraHeinen, Arned JanJune 14, 19068436-2608  
Obrine, Bridget P.Taft, JosephAug. 17, 1854181-241  
Obrink, HendrikaJensema, GeorgeMarch 14, 18997588-3509  
Obrink, J. B.Bill, J. P.Oct. 18, 18765105-1981  
Obrink, JannaDirksen, JacobusApril 21, 18977470-2805  
Obrink, MaryHuibregtse, Gerrit J.Jan. 3, 1900810-56  
Obrink, WannaWeeks, William R.Dec. 20, 19058406-2434  
Ochs, BerthaHasche, F.Oct. 20, 18795146-2783  
Ochs, EstherOswald, ElvinJuly 10, 192823318  
Ochs, Hulda L. B. Kammann, HeinrichNov. 2, 18846133-790  
Ochs, MarthaBender, Fred Jr.May 10, 191916232  
Ochs, MarthaSchreiber, Louis F.Aug. 25, 18987554-3309  
Ochs, Mathilda M. A.Beuchel, Ernst W.Feb. 18, 1883636-214  
Ochs, W. J.Siemers, A. F.March 26, 18765101-1903  
Ochsenkuhn, RosaUrban, MichaelNov. 5, 18957380-2266  
Odell, JaneLester, FieldingFeb. 22, 18551106-318  
Odell, MinervaArmstrong, JosiahSep/ 26, 1853144-132  
Odenbrett, EttaVon Geltsch, WaldemarJune 20, 191211767  
Odenbrett, MarjorieVan Allen, William J.July 7, 193024615  
Oeder, CarolineSchwalbe, SimonApril 23, 18571223-668  
Oeder, CatharineWheeler, Rufus L.March 15, 18947274-1639  
Oeder, IdaDegner, AugustOct. 15, 19028186-1113  
Oeder, IdaParrish, John O.Feb. 8, 1883628-168  
Oeder, LizzieGuyett, Edw. July 16, 18846114-679  
Oefn, SercineHelgessen, AntonJuly 7, 18805154-2956  
Oehl, KatharinaImig, PeterApril 1, 18866206-1223  
Oehl, MariaMeves, CarlFeb. 15, 18937207-1240  
Oehler, LouiseBethke, GustavJan. 5, 1884682-486  
Oehlmann, LouisaAhrens, LouisApril 23, 18927145-868  
Oehmichen, Ellen L.Wagner, Melvin F.Oct. 1, 192722645  
Oehmke, A.Oehmke, Aug.Nov. 12, 18896442-2638  
Oehmke, Anna F.Bruessow, Carl F.Oct. 16, 18917114-681  
Oehrlein, JosephineHammes, AntonOct. 22, 18856175-1043  
Oehrlein, LenaWarrens, John Jac.Aug. 22, 18937240-1437  
Oel, ClaraPruyne, PeterSept. 10, 1882614-84  
Oelting, AmandaStiebig, Wm.April 30, 1871547-827  
Oertel, ClaraSchoen, Wm.June 16, 19068441-2638  
Oetking, EmilieSchlotzhauea, Geo. J.Jan. 31, 1884687-516  
Oetking, FriedaKuffel, JosephJan. 30, 19078484-2892  
Oetking, IdaKnoblock, Chas. Dec. 26, 1882620-119  
Oetling, HelmaDexheimer, GustaveOct. 26, 19018121-724  
Oetling, LouiseKalk, F. JuliusApril 16, 18643143-429  
Oetling, WilmaSchneider, OttoJune 17, 192823269  
Oetlinger, CarolineBehnke, Friedrich W.Feb. 25, 1900818-106  
Oetlinger, EmilieBuss, JohannOct. 20, 19068462-2762  
Oettking, SophiaHeinemann, AugustDec. 21, 1858249-147  
Oetzel, AnnieWestmore, Ole L.May 12, 18977479-2860  
Oferbeck, IdaSchuchert, ReinholdOct. 10, 18896434-2591  
Ogie, FloraWidmer, HansSept. 18, 191715515  
Oglan, Emma C.Riley, EdwardJune 6, 18896409-2442  
Ogle, Anna S.Willard, Warren G.Dec. 6, 18927196-1174  
Ogle, Charlotte M.Dillman, John G.Nov. 21, 18947313-1875  
Ogle, L.Peterson, DavidApril 28, 18856154-919  
Ogle, MargaretLong, WilliamSept. 14, 18987559-3338  
Ogle, Marie E.Wenstadt, Julius S.Aug. 1, 192218656  
Ogle, Mary J.Campion, Thomas F.Dec. 28, 18876325-1936  
Ogle, MaryKinnidy, CharlesNov. 21, 186654-67  
Ogle, MarySchumaker, WilliamJune 28, 19048302-1810  
Ogle, Mrs. LauraDietsch, JohnJuly 8, 18825179-3456  
Ohde, HildaDyke, Eugene L.Sept. 3, 192118303  
Ohde, KarolineBrandt, GuntherSept. 4, 18805155-2988  
Ohde, Maria H. Kaesermann, JacobAug. 14, 1866412-35  
Ohde, W. Munch, F. AugustMay 14, 18653190-567  
Ohlmann, LouiseEisner, FredMay 5, 19068432-2589  
Ohlschmid, AnnaHosemann, JosephApril 5, 18937214-1284  
Ohlschmidt, JosephineEntringer, BernardAug. 6, 192924177  
Ohm, A. F. E.Rosenthal, H.Nov. 5, 18795145-2775  
Ohm, AmeliaWillemite, OttoMarch 14, 191413128  
Ohm, AnnieThiel, Edward Jr.July 21, 19068446-2669  
Ohse, ElisabethHammelmann, WilhelmMay 31, 18987546-3257  

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