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Sheboygan County Marriages Vital Index "Gri - Gt"

All grooms and brides are cross indexed by listed surname. At the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds, they are only indexed by the grooms surname.

* No "corrections" have been made to the original Index, it is transcribed as originally written, Variations from the Index to the record are noted in Brackets { }
* Look for many spelling variations of each surname
* This posting is not intended to be an official document
* Once your family is found, obtain an original copy of the Record from the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds Office for citations and official records

NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the Owner, Debie.

BrideGroomMarr. dateVol.PageBride's ParentsGroom's Parents
Grieblin, JuliaKlein, F. Feb. 1, 18795135-2584  
Griesbach, A. L.Titel, F.March 24, 1875589-1659  
Griesbach, Anna L.Titel, FrederickMarch 24, 1874577-1421  
Griesbach, AnnaChristianson, JohnMarch 25, 190910341  
Griesbach, EllaGoehringer, Louis C.July 29, 19058378-2263  
Griesbach, EmilieLimburg, PhilipJan. 2, 18896387-2309  
Griesbach, Emma L.Sinz, Wm.April 24, 18825176-3386  
Griesbach, Ida C.Ladenberger, C. C.Jan. 6, 18815159-3065  
Griesbach, Minna S. Aderhold, Edward G. Oct. 16, 1890751-306  
Griese, J.Pfranc, EdwardJune 18, 1871550-891  
Griese, MariaEberhardt, WilhelmApril 24, 1891783-496  
Griessmeyer, SylviaFecteau, GeorgeMarch 21, 193125172Fred Griessmeyer
Frieda Zastrow
William Fecteau
Clara Guilbault
Grievink, L.Nysse, MartinSept. 11, 19068454-2720  
Griffith, Agnes C.Stewart, EdgarJan. 5, 18846100-595  
Griffith, DeliaCrocker, Ara D.Dec. 1, 1868520-354  
Griffith, Eliz. AnnaWitte, Gustave W.Aug. 27, 18947297-1781  
Griffith, LydiaRassel, H. Wm.May 11, 1867465-192  
Griffith, MaryCourson, Milford M.July 20, 1874582-1527  
Griffith, Mattie AnnBliss, Irving N.Nov. 27, 18602135-403  
Griffiths, CatharineWeeden, Frederick S.May 19, 18987546-3259  
Griffiths, ElizabethFaulkner, WilliamAug. 26, 1900846-274  
Grigaiter, MaryTaukiavycia, Wm.Aug. 18, 191413330  
Griggs, C.Payne, ClarkJan. 1, 18805150-2874  
Griggs, SusanPayne, StephenMay 16, 1868513-211  
Grimes, AnnFlynn, DavidOct. 26, 18633227-677  
Grimes, CeceliaScannell, John F.Nov. 30, 191614560  
Grimes, FlorenceCain, William P.June 27, 18937230-1378  
Grimes, M.Noland, JohnNov. 13, 18603115-343  
Grimes, WinefredDevoy, JohnMay 19, 18967414-2469  
Grinnagel, MariaStrassburger, LouisNov. 3, 18846128-764  
Grinnell, OliveDrewry, EdwardDec. 7, 18866247-1472  
Griswold, DociaCrane, RobertJuly 5, 18997612-3654  
Gritt, ElizabethCurtiss, William J.June 26, 192823291  
Grobelink, AppoloniaCokan, FranzMay 29, 19058361-2164  
Grobman, EvelynBury, Alfred J.Oct. 12, 193528219  
Grobman, IdaBorges, WalterFeb. 23, 191110935  
Groene, Bertha C.Reichart, AlfredFeb. 24, 19068417-2495  
Groene, CarolineKlemme, Carl T. Oct. 5, 18957370-2218  
Groene, Emma H.Schroeder, Louis A. J.Nov. 7, 19038256-1533  
Groene, IdaMeyer, HeinronymusNov. 5, 191010714  
Groene, Susanna C.Steitz, Louis F.Jan. 25, 19028139-830  
Groene, Wilhelmine S.Schmidt, HermanApril 18, 18977469-2800  
Groenefeld, Mary E. Kampmann, PeterFeb. 6, 1883630-178  
Groenefeldt, GertrudeWalsh, JohnNov. 24, 18917115-689  
Groener, EmilieKleinschmidt, AlbertFeb. 18, 18967401-2389  
Groeneveldt, CarolineMurphy, DanielApril 19, 18987604-3610  
Groeneveldt, JuliaJohnston, CassiusJune 14, 1900838-223  
Groeneveldt, RoseEby, GeorgeAug. 9, 18967430-2566  
Groenzin, Clara M. B.Schmidt, Karl A.Aug. 27, 18896421-2512  
Groenzin, MurielWangemann, Elmer A.June 23, 192521156  
Groeschel, CorindaBecker, August T.May 29, 192319330  
Groessmann, CatharineGraf, WenzelMay 19, 1854166-198  
Groh, Clara E.Boller, JosephApril 8, 18997597-3565  
Groh, ElisabethWilson, AugustNov. 14, 19068477-2853  
Groh, EmmaVandeVaart, JohnNov. 12, 18957382-2279  
Groh, FriederickeFreyberg, AlbertJuly 27, 1874581-1509  
Groh, HattieMoeckli, UrichOct. 10, 18957372-2230  
Groh, LauraElliot, Carl E.Dec. 21, 19121222  
Groh, LauraSanville, JohnAug. 17, 18967433-2582  
Groh, LazettaVanderVaart, JohnAug. 4, 191111203  
Grohs, MarieBarmann, ClarenceJuly 19, 191715221  
Grohskopf, AnitaEhrenreich, Harvey A.Sept. 11, 1930256  
Grohskopf, AnnaHein, FrankMarch 24, 18977465-2775  
Grohskopf, ElsieEickberg, WilliamJuly 26, 192420324  
Grohskopf, HelenEggebeen, MartinSept. 25, 193528175  
Grohskopf, HuldaBerth, Herman H.Aug. 10, 193528109  
Grohskopf, IreneBender, FrederickNov. 1, 191916497  
Groll, Albertine (Mrs.) Guehlstorf, JohannSept. 10, 18927171-1026  
Groll, Ida A. E. Armbruster, WilhelmMarch 18, 18997591-3530  
Groll, MargaretRamenger, AndrewJune 10, 1869525-438  
Groll, Myrtle L.Blust, Harry J.Sept. 9, 191413157  
Gromann, E. Marschall, E. Oct. 17, 19048325-1950  
Gromann, Emilie M.Wilsnack, Herman A.Nov. 14, 18977513-3064  
Gromoll, FriedaWert, WilliamJuly 20, 192924160  
Grones, M.Nack, F.March 13, 18977468-2789  
Groom, Mary JaneRounsevell, SylvesterMarch 8, 18663261-777  
Groomis, Mary J.Long, Robert E.March 30, 18886339-2021  
Grooms, AdelaideTurner, Elmer A.June 8, 192038329  
Grooms, M.Nicholson, JamesNov. 8, 18927
Grooms, Marguerite A.Carnes, George R.June 6, 19078507-3033  
Grooms, Mary AnnTrowbridge, Wm.Jan. 1, 18663261-776  
Grootenhuis, C.Maat, ter Jan
{Also indexed under Ter Maat}
May 25, 18825177-3423  
Grootenhuis, CatherineTer Maat, Jan W.May 25, 18825177-3423  
Grootenhuis, JennieHuibregtse, S. EdwardJune 29, 19048307-1841  
Groschke, BerthaKoehn, WilhelmMay 27, 18987541-3229  
Groschke, H.Oldenburg, OttoMay 13, 19058359-2149  
Groschke, LenaWolf, WilliamJuly 28, 191715516  
Groschke, MarthaGensch, GustavSept. 14, 19018113-674  
Groschke, ValeskaWieck, ErwinJune 27, 192924110  
Groskamp, GersinaMorell, PieterDec. 21, 18987576-3438  
Gross, FriedaWodrich, AugustMay 18, 191211546  
Gross, MarieNeuwirth, JohannesJan. 16, 19068412-2467  
Gross, MathildeObbereich, OskarMarch 20, 19068421-2522  
Gross, SophiaErtel, ChristAug. 14, 192017385  
Grossgloss, KatharineJaeger, WilhelmSept. 27, 1890733-193  
Grosshusch, E. Maurer, F. May 27, 18805153-2939  
Grosshush, Johanna B.Brugger, LudwigAug. 23, 18815167-3214  
Grosskopf, A.Ottensmann, H.Oct. 23, 18977507-3027  
Grosskopf, AlbertinaBruesso, AugustMarch 30, 19101018  
Grosskopf, AlmaBrooke, PiusNov. 1, 191614595  
Grosskopf, LouiseLittle, Roscoe A.March 31, 1900825-149  
Grosstick, C.Mc Farlane, HermanJuly 9, 18815178-3429  
Grote, FriedaFahl, HugoApril 6, 191211431  
Grote, Lillie L.Stieghorst, JohnSept. 22, 18977501-2989  
Grotegut, LouisaSchaefer, Aug.March 20, 1883639-229  
Grotenhuis, A.Prange, Arend J.Sept. 14, 1888723-134  
Grotenhuis, AmyBroderson, FredFeb. 5, 191412594  
Grotenhuis, AngelineDe Munk, JamesOct. 21, 192118302  
Grotenhuis, Dershen TeDe Smith, WilliamJan. 28, 1871545-783  
Grotenhuis, Gesiena A.Te Kronie, Gerrit J.July 16, 1874581-1506  
Grotenhuis, JennieTe Ronde, JohnMarch 3, 191010247  
Grotenhuis, Joanna E.Ter Maat, Gerrit H.April 27, 18866208-1238  
Grotenhuis, SaraVeldhorst, BernardJuly 30, 18957361-2163  
Grothe, C.Prigge, JohnJan. 11, 1870534-575  
Grothe, TheresaUhrig, CharlesJune 6, 192218617  
Grothklaus, Sophia F. W.Bruss, Johann G.Dec. 4, 1862367-199  
Grotjahn, WilhelmineKunze, FriedrichNov. 2, 18896436-2603  
Grotzahn, Augusta J.Winscher, Christian G.Aug. 26, 1891799-589  
Grotzinger, MargaretDavis, GeorgeNov. 8, 19048337-2021  
Grove, Ina MayRose, George J.June 27, 1900839-232  
Grover, JennieGrover, Thomas B. Nov. 5, 18846123-732  
Groves, C.Nutt, CharlesMay 13, 18551110-330  
Grube, A.Nack, Wm.Jan. 18, 18643132-396  
Grube, EstherWedemeyer, FredAug. 23, 192924219  
Grube, MinnieKaufmann, WilhelmMay 26, 18947284-1702  
Grube, SarahKrummel, Wm. Sept. 2, 18957365-2186  
Gruber, FrancesAschenbrenner, LouisFeb. 6, 1900815-87  
Grubner, LouisaJacobs, PeterSept. 5, 1869533-561  
Gruden, AnnaBorn, Walter J.Nov. 26, 1927233  
Gruebner, HildaHeronimus, MilfordAug. 20, 19028178-1066  
Gruebner, Mary L.Dahl, HelmerMarch 3, 191715225  
Gruenberg, AntonieRinne, AdolfAug. 25, 18977495-2954  
Gruenberg, HeleneDettman, FritzNov. 9, 18927192-1149  
Gruenberg, LizzieStiller, AntonApril 3, 19028155-929  
Grueneisen, EmmaGlaeser, Carl W.Dec. 30, 18987579-3455  
Grueneisen, K. Michell, JosephMay 29, 1884695-563  
Gruenewald, AlmaBettner, Arthur G.March 26, 1908912  
Gruenewald, AugustaBramstedt, HeinrichJune 4, 18765102-1914  
Gruenewald, BerthaThierbach, CarlOct. 30, 18886377-2253  
Gruenewald, E.Nitschke, AdolphJan. 5, 1883624-140  
Gruenewald, ElisabethHertel, AdamOct. 10, 18997628-3749  
Gruenewald, WilhelmineHeckert, AlexanderAug. 4, 18927166-993  
Gruenke, MathildaFox, JohnApril 8, 18967411-2453  
Gruenke, RosaStauber, JosephJan. 13, 18947264-1579  
Gruennagel, Anna M.Strassburger, ErnstApril 1, 1891773-436  
Gruenoch, LauraBerger, Floyd C.March 18, 193125170  
Gruenwald, ConradineHeermann, ErnstNov. 10, 18947312-1867  
Gruenwald, IdaDurtee, John A. Jr.Sept. 23, 18886366-2182  
Gruenwaldt, ElizabethWeiskopf, Peter A.June 3, 191312295  
Grummerwoldt, MaryZalltheis, Chas. C.Nov. 29, 18846134-798  
Grunagel, M. Kegler, Chr. April 27, 18846106-628  
Grundermann, Anna F.Schlemer, JohannAug. 16, 18967429-2558  
Grundler, AnnaSemmelbauer, RichardFeb. 7, 18937209-1249  
Grundmeier, A. W.Schuetz, A. B. F.Oct. 26, 18785130-2479  
Grundmeier, A.Degenkolbe, Herm.Oct. 11, 18815168-3232  
Grundmeier, A.Rosenthal, J. H.Dec. 24, 18765108-2043  
Grundmeier, Caroline H.Tassler, Louis O.Sept. 24, 18937242-1452  
Grundmeier, EmilieKlemm, WilhelmJune 4, 18927158-945  
Grundmeyer, AlwineFrangs, SimeonApril 27, 18896402-2401  
Grunewald, EleanorBoeldt, Herbert F. F.Nov. 5, 191614535  
Grunewald, ElsieIllig, NorbertNov. 17, 19232012  
Grunewald, EmmaZimmermann, GeorgeMay 17, 1900834-201  
Grunewald, FredaWagner, ArmondOct. 31, 190910266  
Grunewald, IdaZimmermann, Wm.May 16, 190910661  
Grunewald, LydiaFink, ArthurApril 23, 1921186  
Grunewald, Myrtle E.Conrad, Raliegh H.June 15, 193527619  
Grunewald, SillaWesener, RobertSept. 28, 191312338  
Grunewald, WilhelminaBrendel, HermanOct. 8, 18765106-2009  
Grunewald, Wilhelmine Glasow, ChristophApril 17, 1872 5 57-1029  
Grunitz, M.Philipowsky, FerdinandJuly 16, 18927341-2041  
Grunow, ClaraRademacher, FriedrichOct. 10, 19038250-1498  
Grunow, LizzieFischer, HubertSept. 15, 190910372  
Gruntke, CharlotteEbelt, MaxApril 18, 1901893-555  
Grunwald, Anna C. Kolberg, AlbertSept. 29, 19038247-1481  
Grunwald, GertrudeWipperman, Milton A.Dec. 6, 193025133  
Grunwald, HermineBlock, JosephSept. 26, 192521230  
Grupe, EleanoreOehmke, PaulJune 7, 193024554  
Grupe, LauraAthen, WilliamJan. 5, 19242092  
Grupe, LydiaAshmann, JohnJune 30, 190910290  
Grupe, P. Krakenberg, F. C. June 17, 1875592-1733  
Grupe, ViolaDiers, HaroldSept. 17, 192722546  

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