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Sheboygan County Marriages Vital Index "Fa - Fd"

All grooms and brides are cross indexed by listed surname. At the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds, they are only indexed by the grooms surname.

* No "corrections" have been made to the original Index, it is transcribed as originally written, Variations from the Index to the record are noted in Brackets { }
* Look for many spelling variations of each surname
* This posting is not intended to be an official document
* Once your family is found, obtain an original copy of the Record from the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds Office for citations and official records

NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the Owner, Debie.

BrideGroomMarr. dateVol.PageBride's ParentsGroom's Parents
Faas, Anna P.Back, PieterMarch 17, 1869523-404  
Faas, AnnaVan Driest, Wm.Nov. 29, 191715526  
Faas, CobaArnold, FrankNov. 16, 18805161-3089  
Faas, KatharinaBerendschot, GerritJan. 30, 18775110-2088  
Faas, LenaVlengel, CorneliusApril 17, 191211346  
Faas, MarthaDe Zwarte, MichaelMarch 26, 191916344  
Faas, Mayme C.Heidenreiter, Ernest P.July 24, 19018107-641  
Faas, Susie M.Wynveen, George W.Sept. 18, 191211585  
Faas, SusieTen Pas, Benj.March 6, 19078485-2903  
Faase, MinnieBoeger, AntonApril 17, 1908916  
Faber, CatherineDexheimer, JohnJan. 28, 18663254-754  
Faber, Mary K.Russmueller, IgnatzDec. 5, 18947315-1887  
Faber, SophiaFitzgibbon, GarretFeb. 14, 18937206-1232  
Fabian, GustaAldag, ErnstJune 20, 19038233-1395  
Fabian, PaulineBlise, HeinrichJune 29, 1891792-552  
Fabian, Vilah G.Wilson, ForrestNov. 21, 192823555  
Fabiszak, BereniceConnors, JohnMay 4, 19292411  
Faboon, KatharineBrekheimer, EdwardApril 4, 18967410-2445  
Fachow, C.Stahl, C. F.Jan. 29, 18795135-2589  
Fadom, EmmaFelten, WilliamJune 24, 18957356-2132  
Fagan, EllenWelston, ThomasFeb. 8, 18633225-670  
Fahl, AnnaKohlhagen, EdwardDec. 9, 19058408-2445  
Fahl, E.Naumann, AdolphMay 20, 1900831-185  
Fahl, LucyDittes, LouisOct. 23, 19038251-1502  
Fahning, HildaWilbert, RolandSept. 27, 191312569  
Fahres, BarbaraConrad, PeterMay 27, 1908959  
Fahres, ClaraKronzer, JosephJune 21, 1900842-248  
Fahres, FrancesKribs, Geo. June 18, 19078511-3057  
Fairbrother, Mary E.Jackson, Elvin E.Feb. 12, 18896394-2355  
Fairchild, Mary S.Cheesman, William R.Jan. 1, 18653179-535  
Fairchild, S. A.Slater, S.Dec. 21, 18765108-2051  
Fairweather, AliceWilson, Geo. W.Nov. 21, 1883673-436  
Fairweather, CarolinaAcker, JacobFeb. 7, 18856142-842  
Fairweather, EdnaWedepohl, Edw. J.March 29, 19048284-1701  
Fairweather, HelenYehle, JosephJune 5, 191916320  
Fairweather, LucyHopkins, IraJan. 14, 18927131-784  
Fairweather, LuellaDaane, John J.Sept. 14, 192924229  
Fairweather, MarthaCarter, Harvey F.Oct. 16, 18633214-638  
Fairweather, Mary A.Cole, NathanAug. 21, 18977534-3185  
Fairweather, MaryOlmsted, StephenMay 26, 18623109-325  
Fairweather, Rosa LeaWeigand, PaulDec. 26, 18927197-1180  
FairweatherPierce, LevieSept. 18, 18896423-2526  
Falbe, MyrtleChampeau, AlvinMay 20, 193326311  
Fale, JohannaSusa, AntonJune 12, 19058366-2194  
Falk, Anna F. L. Abraham, Ernst J. Aug. 16, 18846117-694  
Falk, AugusteAbraham, Wm. Dec. 11, 18815172-3310  
Falk, Bertha A. L. Abraham, Herm. F. Dec. 15, 18886385-2299  
Falk, DorothyZimmermann, LelandJune 2, 192823285  
Falk, EdnaArbuckle, RalphJune 6, 19252185  
Falk, HattieNelson, NelsApril 28, 19151422  
Falk, IdaVorpahl, CharlesJuly 27, 19028175-1045  
Falk, LeonaBlanke, ClarenceJan. 12, 192218507  
Falk, Louisa M.Witte, HermanJune 26, 18866220-1306  
Fally, KatieHerhald, FerdinandNov. 19, 1888726-153  
Famse, F.Rickmeier, C. F.Nov. 19, 18795145-2794  
Fancher, F.Harnden, J.Jan. 1, 18775109-2062  
Fansch, ElizabethSinner, Chas. A.Nov. 9, 191111520  
Farnsworth, A.Longfellow, W.July 24, 18785126-2412  
Farnsworth, CharlotteTreat, E. B.Feb. 6, 18643130-389  
Farnsworth, EllaWaful, Edward E.June 30, 19089529  
Farnsworth, M.Churchill, E. D.June 12, 18795140-2681  
Farr, Nellie M.Roth, John W. F.Oct. 10, 19068459-2747  
Farrell, Martha A.Cain, Patrick H.Nov. 18, 192219134  
Farver, M.Mc Locklin, D.Oct. 20, 1859287-259  
Farvour, J. Kurtz, Benj. March 26, 1884696-570  
Fass, SarahMelendy, ErnstApril 14, 18876279-1662  
Fasse, AlmaReinke, Carl F. W.Oct. 29, 18987564-3368  
Fasse, Anna M.Stuckmann, CarlMay 17, 18947283-1693  
Fasse, EmilieKirchheck, FriedrichFeb. 12, 18866197-1174  
Fasse, EmmaThiel, SimonOct. 21, 190910253  
Fasse, FlorentineKissan, HeinrichFeb. 22, 18663260-774  
Fasse, Johanna S. W.Burkhard, Johann H.March 9, 1860298-293  
Fasse, Lydia J.Zschetzsche, AugustOct. 21, 19058392-2350  
Fasse, SophieStuckmann, FriedrichApril 11, 18947276-1653  
Fasse, W. Kletzien, Carl F. June 28, 19058369-2207  
Fasse, ZellaBoeger, Ernst F.Jan. 10, 18957324-1940  
Fath, ElizabethSherwood, ArthurApril 8, 191413116  
Fatts, L.Mead, Chas.March 21, 1883639-231  
Faucher, DenoniaBrooks, R. F.Jan. 7, 1876598-1841  
Faulkes, ClaraChapman, AlexanderFeb. 16, 18876302-1800  
Favell, JessieDiehl, FrankJune 29, 19018102-608  

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