Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Sheboygan County Marriages Vital Index "Du - Dz"

All grooms and brides are cross indexed by listed surname. At the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds, they are only indexed by the grooms surname.

* No "corrections" have been made to the original Index, it is transcribed as originally written, Variations from the Index to the record are noted in Brackets { }
* Look for many spelling variations of each surname
* This posting is not intended to be an official document
* Once your family is found, obtain an original copy of the Record from the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds Office for citations and official records

NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the Owner, Debie.

BrideGroomMarr. dateVol.PageBride's ParentsGroom's Parents
Du Mez, AliceTe Lindert, Wm.March 2, 191312122  
du Mez, J.Lubbers, ArendJuly 12, 18561184-550  
Du Mez, JennieUlrich, Henry W.Oct. 24, 191211609  
Du Mez, S.Douglass, E.Oct. 8, 18785129-2454  
Dubben, BerthaHornberg, KarlMarch 21, 18876281-1672  
Dubmann, MarySteingart, JosephSept. 6, 19068451-2699  
Dubry, MargarethWallingford, HarryNov. 30, 18977525-3133  
Duch, K.De Bruin, DennisSept. 8, 18795142-2720  
Duchatean, JennieSpeiles, John N.Oct. 17, 19038252-1511  
Duchow, EmilyBoenisch, AlfredJan. 28, 191110838  
Duchow, Helen A.Uchner, HaroldJuly 20, 192924157  
Duchow, HenriettaDuchow, RudolphOct. 2, 192017464William Duchow
Marie Beiersdorf
Fred Duchow
Wilhelmina Muchow
Duchow, MariaBeiersdorf, FriederickOct. 8, 19048321-1926  
Duchow, MaryMajewski, HermanJune 2, 19151412  
Duchow, MaryWunscher, HermanSept. 28, 19078525-3137  
Duchow, MinnaWesenberg, FritzJan. 24, 19038208-1243  
Duchow, PaulaZehm, FrankApril 21, 191715319  
Duckert, DorothyNauschultz, Wm.May 10, 191715278  
Duckow, A.Mahlke, JohnAug. 28, 190910482  
Duckow, AlmaWeber, WilliamDec. 16, 191111292  
Duening, MarthaSchroeder, Wm.April 11, 19252159  
Duenk, JennieTe Ronde, Arend JanJuly 21, 18977488-2910  
Duenk, M.Plekenpol, JanMay 4, 18997598-3573  
Duenkel, Auguste M.Wolf, Johan CasperJuly 30, 18876299-1785  
Duenkel, EmilieBoehmer, JosephDec. 15, 18815171-3301  
Duesenberg, JohanneMueller, CarlJune 13, 18947288-1724  
Duessing, AnitaBelitz, WallaceJune 25, 192722457  
Duewert, M.Mc Clements, JohnOct. 11, 1883699-590  
Duffy, Ida M.Gellespie, Frank F.June 15, 18957355-2130  
Duggan, Eliz. H.Solar, Chas. M.June 24, 18846111-662  
Duggan, NancyMc Donald, HectorOct. 2, 1883663-373  
Duishe, Aleida J.Wevers, Jan H.Dec. 9, 18561205-614  
Dulmes, ArlieVeenendaal, WalterApril 12, 192823199  
Dulmes, CynthiaTen Haken, Benj.March 25, 19089494  
Dulmes, DinaJensema, AbelOct. 24, 18947303-1816  
Dulmes, EstherEbbers, Harvet JohnOct. 16, 191817345  
Dulmes, FlorenceTen Haken, Wm. H.Aug. 17, 192722532  
Dulmes, G.Walvoord, H. J.April 21, 1875590-1687  
Dulmes, GertrudeWisselink, JohnMay 12, 192017266  
Dulmes, GraceDaane, JerryFeb. 21, 191211299  
Dulmes, H.Ongna, WilliamMay 13, 1874580-1493  
Dulmes, HendrikaHesselink, BarendNov. 22, 18937255-1529  
Dulmes, J. W.Wyskamp, B. W.Dec. 12, 18775119-2264  
Dulmes, J.Neerhoff, JohnNov. 12, 18896437-2609  
Dulmes, JannaHeinen, Arned J.June 1, 18866217-1290  
Dulmes, MaryVan Ess, Wm.Sept. 21, 191614497  
Dulmes, MinnaBruggink, Wm. H.Dec.12, 18896443-2647  
Dulmes, MinnaBuggink, Wm. H.Dec. 12, 18896443-2647  
Dulmess, Aleida G.Huibregtre, JacobNov. 3, 1870543-738  
Dumez, Elisabeth J.Huibregtse, AdrianMarch 15, 1883640-237  
Dumez, ElisabethHockema, Henry A.Aug. 1, 1863Misc. C592  
Dumez, SuzannaRamaker, Arnold J.March 20, 1901884-504  
Dumner, EmmaCaswen, MyronJune 14, 192823223  
DuMont, EmmaBarbas, VernMarch 3, 19349446  
Dumpprop, Matilda J.Forey, George G.Jan. 11, 1862325-73  
Dumprop, LucyBuzzell, PhilanderMarch 17, 1869525-435  
Dumprope, ElizabethWilson, SamuelAug. 21, 1872560-1087  
Dumprope, Mary J.Bigford, ThomasJan. 31, 1863370-209  
Dunck, AleidaJagering, Jan W.March 31, 1874577-1429  
Dunck, HendrickaTe Ronde, Derk W.Dec. 13, 1859290-270  
Dunk, A. Mrs.Huibregtse, WilliamApril 14, 18765100-1882  
Dunk, AliceNyhoff, Wm.March 23, 191010172  
Dunk, BienaVan Es, Jan C.June 8, 18937229-1371  
Dunk, EmmaFonteine, AdrianMay 12, 18967412-2459  
Dunk, Harriemena T.Te Ronde, JohannesDec. 5, 18633114-341  
Dunk, JannaLemkuil, Garrit JanFeb. 26, 18571218-652  
Dunk, JohannaHeyink, Gerrit WillemJuly 17, 18561187-560  
Dunk, JohannaWisekamp, Gerrit J.Dec. 29, 18633127-381  
Dunn, E. S.Taplin, M. L.Jan. 1, 18795134-2553  
Dunn, E.Culver, Lewis F.Feb. 16, 1875588-1648  
Dunn, GenevieveFeierstein, Fred L.Aug. 25, 192521238  
Dunn, K.Mc Kenna, BernardMay 4, 18927148-888  
Dunn, MahalaBurgess, WingetApril 19, 1874578-1436  
Dunn, MargaretLamb, Thomas H.April 21, 1891788-525  
Dunn, Mary E.Florian, Louis E.Feb. 14, 193125153  
Dunn, MaryCrowley, WilliamNov. 28, 1883678-466  
Dunn, MattieOwen, EugeneSept. 26, 1900852-309  
Dunn, PearlGeorge, Edgar A.April 23, 18967410-2447  
Dunn, Sarah A.Tibbits, LemuelAug. 17, 1862350-148  
Dunne, AnnieChambers, DanielNov. 25, 18967450-2682  
Dunnewaldt, HannaLuitscher, Rud. J.Nov. 20, 1883674-439  
Dunson, MinnieMuchow, ClemensNov. 5, 18957382-2276  
Durbin, EdnaVordenbruggen, LouisSept. 12, 192924272  
Durbin, EdnaVordenbruggen, LouisSept. 12, 192924272  
Durfey, MaddieHuckins, SamuelApril 20, 189072-7  
Durken, ElizabethDexheimer, AntonSept. 20, 18551128-382  
Durking, L.Mayer, PeterDec. 23, 18602140-419  
Durler, MarySchiller, MaxFeb. 18, 18927137-819  
Durow, ClaraBeiersdorf, EwaldMay 11, 19211835  
Durow, LouiseSchraut, AdamJuly 18, 1854175-224  
Durr, Eva C. Kaspar, ChristophAug. 31, 18643232-690  
Durrow, AugusteAugspurger, FrederickMay 29, 1854170-210  
Durst, AnnaElmer, BeatMarch 23, 18957331-1982  
Durst, NaneDuenkel, HermanMay 21, 19028157-942  
Dusek, AnnieBambas, JosephNov. 26, 18957386-2304  
Dusek, TeresaZoharik, ThomasJuly 11, 18896417-2490  
Dusenberger, J. C. E.Bandmann, H.F. AdolphFeb. 17, 1869521-362  
Dutcher, CatharineTupper, HenryDec. 25, 1861324-70  
Dwyer, MargaretFitzgerald, DennisMay 3, 191614312  
Dwyre, KatherineO'Laughlin, Leo T.April 18, 191715160  
Dye, A.Jones, W.Aug. 22, 18775115-2182  
Dye, AdelaideDe Groff, William H.May 4, 1868512-199  
Dye, Anna E.Chandler, Willis W.Sept. 14, 18987556-3319  
Dye, MarthaLindsay, Thomas B.Sept. 5, 1866424-71  
Dykema, Ch. K.Reed, AlfredSept. 10, 18815167-3216  
Dykhuizen, Alice MaeOppeneer, AlfredJuly 20, 192118165  

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