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Sheboygan County Deaths Vital Index "Zimmermann & Variations"

* No "corrections" have been made to the original Index, it is transcribed as originally written, Variations from the Index to the record are noted in Brackets { }
* Look for many spelling variations of each surname
* This posting is not intended to be an official document
* Once your family is found, obtain an original copy of the Record from the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds Office for citations and official records

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NameDeathdateVol.PageParentsSpouseBirthdateBurial Location
Zimerman, {Female}March 1, 1893629-116Jakob Zimmermann
 March 1, 1893Wildwood Cemetery
Zimermann, Alfred {A. W.}Dec. 18, 1896730-177E. F. Zimmermann
Emilie Henning
 June 18, 1895Lutheran Cemetery
Zimermann, Emma A.Jan. 24, 18925424-1694    
Zimermann, JakobDec. 2, 18915403-1609Jakob Zimmermann
 Dec. 1, 1891Wildwood Cemetery
Zimmerman, OlgaAug. 19, 19039211-1263William Zimmermann
 Aug. 11, 1903Lutheran Cemetery
Zimmermann, {Male}Jan. 11, 18966453-1811John Zimmermann
 Jan. 11, 1896Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
Zimmermann, {No Gender Listed}May 29, 1892619-75August Zimmermann
 May 29, 1892Town of Wilson Cemetery
Zimmermann, AbrahamJune 29, 1897767-399    
Zimmermann, AnnieApril 10, 18966408-1629    
Zimmermann, AugustaAug. 22, 18905270-1077    
Zimmermann, CarolineFeb. 26, 19008233-1385    
Zimmermann, ChristianJuly 28, 1901932-188    
Zimmermann, ChristinaDec. 15, 1901952-309Wm. Eisenberger
None Listed
{John Zimmermann}Feb. 2, 1820Town of Rhine
Zimmermann, ChristinaSept. 2, 1897813-74Martin Brehm
Fried ZimmermannDec. 23, 1825Lutheran Cemetery
Zimmermann, ChristineJuly 29, 18916366-1460None ListedFred ZimmermannJuly 2, 1827Lutheran Cemetery
Zimmermann, ConradJune 1, 19039222-1328    
Zimmermann, EllenoraSept. 13, 18895197-786    
Zimmermann, EmanuelNov. 24, 18988118-705    
Zimmermann, FriederickAug. 7, 18956328-1310    
Zimmermann, FriederikaOct. 25, 1880281-244    
Zimmermann, HarveyApril 15, 19009142-849    
Zimmermann, HeinrichMay 20, 19008249-1481    
Zimmermann, HenryJan.26, 18771143-240    
Zimmermann, HenryNov. 23, 1881375-224    
Zimmermann, JohannisAug. 19, 1901950-295    
Zimmermann, JuliusJan. 21, 1898879-474    
Zimmermann, KatharineAug. 10, 18946235-938    
Zimmermann, LilianAug. 15, 18998199-1180    
Zimmermann, LouisAug. 17, 1884469-207    
Zimmermann, NormanJuly 27, 19008266-1580    
Zimmermann, TillieSept. 17, 18956292-1164    
Zimmermann, TillyAug. 27, 19029149-893    

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