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Sheboygan County Deaths Vital Index "Su - Sz"

* No "corrections" have been made to the original Index, it is transcribed as originally written, Variations from the Index to the record are noted in Brackets { }
* Look for many spelling variations of each surname
* This posting is not intended to be an official document
* Once your family is found, obtain an original copy of the Record from the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds Office for citations and official records

NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the Owner, Debie.

NameDeathdateVol.PageParentsSpouseBirthdateBurial Location
Sucha, Aug. 2, 190610108-643    
Sucha, JosephAug. 27, 1912131064    
Suchisich, AntonOct. 16, 19039228-1367    
Suchow, KatherineDec. 12, 191719209    
Suck, Feb. 14, 19051020-119    
Suckou, Edna E.May 13, 18998145-869    
Suckow, Hildegard A.Dec. 16, 191013361    
Suemnicht, Alfred H.Feb. 22, 19061058-347    
Suemnicht, AlvinOct. 23, 19039245-1466    
Suemnicht, BabyMarch 5, 191718228    
Suemnicht, Charles Jr.June 11, 191113152    
Sufski, AntonMay 6, 191617454    
Suhr, GeorgeAug. 24, 191617511    
Suhrke, BerthaJan. 4, 191819207    
Suhrke, Clarence J.April 26, 19039192-1148    
Suhrke, Erva M.Dec. 12, 190912269    
Suhrke, HenriettaMarch 7, 190710274-1582    
Suhrke, Hugo F.Aug. 22, 19008269-1601    
Suhrke, Louise W.April 4, 191012240    
Suimnicht, AugustaApril 11, 18833140-417    
Sukawatey, RaymondMay 30, 190912223    
Sukins, AliceMarch 21, 190610109-650    
Sukoll, WilhelminaSept. 14, 189677-42    
Sukoreptesz, JohnMarch 5, 191617255    
Sukowaty, William B.Sept. 29, 1912131073    
Sulflohn, K. H. W. 1136-219    
Sullivan, March 9, 191617252    
Sullivan, Sept. 25, 19039188-1123    
Sullivan, BridgetJuly 10, 191113165    
Sullivan, Daniel F.July 5, 19018372-2219    
Sullivan, JerryNov. 13, 18915489-1954    
Sullivan, John F.Oct. 9, 19121454    
Sullivan, MichaelDec. 19, 1887581-324    
Sullivan, PatrickMarch 2, 190710183-1093    
Sully, H. M.June 13, 19049269-1609    
Sully, WilliamJuly 12, 18956323-1291    
Sumrock, FrankJuly 18, 19049281-1680    
Suscha, InfantJan. 3, 190812148    
Sutter, AnnaJan. 12, 191516158    
Sutter, Emilie E.Dec. 24, 19039258-1544    
Sutter, Jacob Sr.March 31, 190812138    
Sutter, JohnOct. 26, 191012832    
Sutter, JuliaOct. 23, 19008310-1843    
Sutter, LouisaAug. 19, 18905268-1070    
Sutter, MaryJan., 18906350-1398    
Sutter, MaryJune 1, 191314430    
Swalbe, HenryFeb. 1, 18998131-786    
Swan, Mrs. NoraApril 14, 191819408    
Swann, RobertJan. 17, 18998124-744    
Swanton, RobertAug. 18, 190912234    
Swart, Alfred L.June 28, 191113166    
Swart, ElisabethJan. 29, 18998143-854    
Swart, EmaretteJune 24, 191012672    
Sweda, JosephNov. 20, 191113698    
Sweder, WentzelNov. 30, 18988121-723    
Sweemer, AllettaOct. 13, 18833193-576    
Sweemer, Jan L.March 2, 1885489-265    
Sweemer, JohnApril 6, 190710218-1300    
Sweemer, JohnMarch 30, 190610147-875    
Sweemer, WilhelminaJune 27, 189674-22    
Sweenson, Ella E. F.Sept. 27, 18833175-523    
Sweeny, PatrickNov. 22, 19039245-1465    
Sweet, LottieJune 30, 190710220-1309    
Sweet, MichaelNov. 4, 1916188    
Sweet, ScottApril 10, 19059367-2197    
Sweet, SylvesterJan. 16, 1898843-254    
Sweeting, DewittFeb. 28, 1897825-150    
Sweeting, JuliaApril 14, 191718297    
Swerhardt, Laura M.July 7, 18833190-567    
Swichtman, AbrahamJune 29, 19008258-1536    
Sylverster, HenrietteJan. 13, 1888573-289    
Synold, June 8, 18905264-1055    
Syron, H. D.July 16, 191617365    
Syron, H. D.July 16, 191617466    
Szprejda, Anton W.April 27, 1902989-534    
Szwirchina, MarieAug. 12, 190610138-822    
Szydlaukas, AgataOct. 31, 1912131071    

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