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Sheboygan County Deaths Vital Index "Sk - Sl"

* No "corrections" have been made to the original Index, it is transcribed as originally written, Variations from the Index to the record are noted in Brackets { }
* Look for many spelling variations of each surname
* This posting is not intended to be an official document
* Once your family is found, obtain an original copy of the Record from the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds Office for citations and official records

NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the Owner, Debie.

NameDeathdateVol.PageParentsSpouseBirthdateBurial Location
Skaff, FerrisAug. 19, 19273013    
Skakunas, MikleApril 2, 19182991    
Skalter, MaryDec. 23, 191820355    
Skappers, ElizaJune 16, 18925488-1947    
Skatt, MarcellaNov. 17, 191921340    
Skegemann, Nov. 23, 192325458    
Skelton, April 9, 192426114    
Skelton, AliceFeb. 11, 19059348-2083    
Skelton, AnnaJune 4, 191921107    
Skelton, ElizabethMay 19, 191012399    
Skelton, ElizabethOct. 6, 192224246    
Skelton, Henry A.Sept. 21, 191113309    
Skelton, Robert P.March 17, 19242637    
Skelton, RobertJuly 5, 191617368    
Skelton, WilliamNov. 9, 192527604    
Skill, PaulinaOct. 13, 19051054-321    
Sklander, MarieOct. 28, 191820123    
Skok, AdolphAug. 30, 191921280    
Skok, Carl P.July 26, 191113302    
Skok, JohnMay 19, 191213804    
Skroulis, FerdinandApril 4, 191314435    
Skrube, Ludig {sic}Feb. 15, 192021509    
Skuchek, FrankSept. 3, 191921267    
Skufca, AnnaOct. 29, 192831210    
Slag, JosephAug. 15, 191718609    
Slapnik, AntonNov. 9, 192527599    
Slapnik, JohnMay 1, 190812162    
Slatinsek, IgnatzMarch 1, 191819327    
Slattery, CatharineNov. 21, 191820126    
Slattery, Edmund MichaelOct. 5, 190610136-810    
Slattery, John L.July 31, 191113164    
Slattrey, {sic} Martha E.July 25, 191921104    
Sleinbork, April 27, 192628269    
Sleyman, JohnOct. 17, 1874215-45    
Sloan,  4124-372    
Sloan, May 17, 19018358-2130    
Sloan, JennySept. 27, 18956326-1300    
Sloan, WilliamAug. 5, 192426353    
Slodi, Oct. 28, 191921283    
Slotboom, Janna G.Dec. 22, 18936126-503    
Slotboom, StevenDec. 29, 18998223-1326    
Slyfield, JamesMarch 26, 192527126    
Slyfield, Lena L.April 24, 19232531    
Slyfield, MarthaMarch 26, 18915314-1253    

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