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Sheboygan County Deaths Vital Index "El - Eo"

* No "corrections" have been made to the original Index, it is transcribed as originally written, Variations from the Index to the record are noted in Brackets { }
* Look for many spelling variations of each surname
* This posting is not intended to be an official document
* Once your family is found, obtain an original copy of the Record from the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds Office for citations and official records

NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the Owner, Debie.

NameDeathdateVol.PageParentsSpouseBirthdateBurial Location
Eldridge, ByronApril 23, 1884411-32    
Elfert, CatherineJan. 3, 19061072-430    
Elias, Feb. 21, 1892519-73    
Ellenbecker, RosaMay 12, 1897741-241    
Ellengson, ThomasAug. 26, 1897811-66    
Ellingson, ElleryJune 5, 19049310-1856    
Ellis, AllieJuly 1, 1893668-271    
Elmer, ElizabethJuly 26, 189269-35    
Elmore, J. A.Jan. 9, 19018334-1987    
Eloers, AnnaSept. 27, 18864168-504    
Elvison, OlgaJan. 28, 18895156-620    
Elwell,  830-177    
Elwell, Nov. 30, 18915424-1692    
Emley, FrederichNov. 15, 19039336-2014    
Emley, PhillipSept. 25, 1893678-311    
Emmer, FrankJan. 8, 19049244-1459    
Emmer, RosyFeb. 4, 19049243-1454    
End, EdgarSept. 22, 1897818-107    
End, GeorgeJuly 18, 19051043-253    
End, HenryMarch 18, 18833164-490    
Engel, AmandeOct. 29, 188656-24    
Engel, AnnaMarch 27, 18791168-316    
Engel, BerthaFeb. 15, 18925466-1861    
Engel, FerdinandApril 21, 19039227-1359    
Engel, GottfriedApril 22, 18915369-1474    
Engel, MariaJune 15, 1901919-111    
Engelardt, KarlNov. 7, 1884471-211    
Engelhard, CarlNov. 7, 1884464-191    
Engelhardt, AugustSept. 1, 19039214-1284    
Engelhardt, EmelineApril 7, 18925437-1746    
Engelhardt, FrankApril 2, 18926369-1473    
Engelhart, July 16, 18895249-992    
Engelhart, Mrs. WilliamAug. 2, 18895247-987    
Engelking, ClaraOct. 17, 19051031-181    
Engelking, HeinrichFeb. 13, 18905396-1581    
Engelking, HeinrichJune 10, 1884419-55    
Engelmann, May 11, 8247-1469    
Engelmann, HeraldMarch 27, 1898874-441    
Engelmann, ValentineNov. 10, 18988183-1081    
Engels, JowannaNov. 16, 1897831-185    
England, April 23, 18998147-880    
England, April 23, 18998147-881    
Englemeier, WilhelminaOct. 20, 18823120-356    
Engrlmann, JacobSept. 1, 19029106-632    
Ensch, ElisabethFeb. 11, 1885490-269    
Ensch, HubertJuly 2, 19008259-1539    
Ensdyke, JohannaJune 10, 19049269-1610    
Ensotyk, CorneliaSept. 10, 18895242-965    
Entringer, JohannaNov. 25, 18905363-1447    
Entringer, JohnMarch 29, 19029123-738    
Entzminger, Sept. 15, 18895201-801    
Entzminger, LydiaSept. 15, 18895205-817    

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