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Sheboygan County Deaths Vital Index "Do - Dt"

* No "corrections" have been made to the original Index, it is transcribed as originally written, Variations from the Index to the record are noted in Brackets { }
* Look for many spelling variations of each surname
* This posting is not intended to be an official document
* Once your family is found, obtain an original copy of the Record from the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds Office for citations and official records

NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the Owner, Debie.

NameDeathdateVol.PageParentsSpouseBirthdateBurial Location
Doall, WilliamNov. 7, 19049342-2047    
Doberlak, FrankOct. 2, 18925481-1922    
Dobert, EdwardApril 24, 19059365-2182    
Dobert, RenakaSept., 18905282-1127    
Dobratz, AnnaApril 12, 19039165-985    
Dobratz, DoretheaSept. 9, 190610167-995    
Dochow, WilhelmJuly 22, 1898893-555    
Doebert, AtheliaNov. 17, 190610166-991    
Doebert, WilhelminaJune 28, 19061093-549    
Doege, AlbertOct. 2, 1898 29-36    
Doege, AlbertOct. 2, 1898899-593    
Doegnitz, CarolineMay 2, 19061092-543    
Doell, AlmaOct. 17, 18895220-876    
Doemer, HarveyAug. 21, 18966423-1689    
Doeppert, FrankNov. 23, 1901955-326    
Doerger, AugNov. 15, 1896713-75    
Doering, WilliamSept. 7, 19008275-1638    
Doerner, BarneyDec. 26, 19029213-1273    
Doerner, DorothyFeb. 20, 190710202-1203    
Doherty, BernardOct. 14, 19051046-271    
Doherty, HellenOct. 22, 190610137-816    
Doherty, PatrickFeb. 26, 19061059-351    
Dohmeier, SimonOct. 3, 1901912-70    
Doll, AndrewSept. 8, 19049294-1761    
Domazar, June 19, 1893667-267    
Domazar, June 19, 1893667-268    
Domeier, HenryJuly 22, 1898873-438    
Dommine, RudolphJune 13, 19051023-135    
Domratowsk, CeceliaNov. 2, 19051098-581    
Donahue, MaryJan. 10, 19061074-438    
Donaldson, NijaMarch 6, 190710219-1304    
Donaldson, PeterMay 17, 190710218-1298    
Donglass, March 14, 1898847-278    
Donohue, WilliamNov. 29, 190610228-1357    
Donovan, NelllieJan. 10, 19049242-1447    
Dooley, MableSept. 14, 1902998-587    
Dooley, MartinJan. 5, 1902962-368    
Dooley, PeterNov. 12, 190610187-1115    
Doornink, LuenskeMay 27, 18925417-1664    
Dorpat, FredaJuly 15, 1902995-568    
Dorst, CorneliusAug. 10, 18956328-1309    
Dorst, MagdalenaMarch 21, 189671-3    
Dorst, MartinMarch 23, 19008276-1639    
Dose, CarlMay 4, 18966490-1956    
Dose, IdaMarch 17, 1897758-347    
Dougherty, SusanJan. 20, 19049245-1467    
Douglas, CarrieJuly 14, 190610107-633    
Douglas, CatherineJuly 23, 18966469-1873    
Douglas, EdwardJuly 8, 18998160-944    
Douglas, FlavasSept. 17, 19051046-274    
Douglass, EzraJuly 14, 190196-33    
Douglass, GraceNov. 18, 19029163-975    
Dougles, WilliamApril 28, 18966464-1853    
Douner, MattieSept. 8, 1901927-161    
Dow, JosDec. 29, 189675-29    
Dow, MargarethOct. 14, 19008288-1712    
Dowling, JohnNov. 13, 19008327-1949    
Dowsett, SarahDec. 23, 190610237-1414    
Doyle, EllenApril 14, 18966478-1909    
Doyle, GarrettJune 3, 19029111-663    
Doyle, MaggieSept. 29, 19039214-1282    
Draagers, Oct. 19, 18956294-1175    
Draas, JennieSept. 21, 18946172-685    
Draege, HermanAug. 6, 18905268-1069    
Draeger, CohanneJuly 23, 18905264-1066    
Draeger, JohannaNov. 7, 189677-37    
Draeger, WalterAug. 23, 18988105-625    
Dragen, WhilhelmineJan. 30, 19059380-2277    
Drager, PaulDec. 15, 18936150-599    
Dragnet, GeorgeJan. 30, 19039228-1363    
Dragnet, MaryJune 5, 18915374-1492    
Drain, CharlotteJune 28, 18905251-1002    
Draper, EneillNov. 29, 18946313-1249    
Draper, RoyJune 17, 18988111-663    
Draves, HenryApril 12, 1892621-83    
Dreger, FriederichJan. 19, 19049307-1838    
Dreger, LeopoldDec. 16, 18936150-598    
Dreier, CarolinaFeb. 9, 19018364-2167    
Dreier, HenryMarch 24, 1902977-458    
Dreifurst, LouisFeb. 16, 18956317-1267    
Dreks, BernhartAug. 23, 18915353-1407    
Dreps, Sept. 25, 19051035-209    
Dreps, AntonAug. 7, 18925460-1835    
Dreps, AntoniaMarch 31, 18966399-1592    
Dreps, IdaApril 23, 19008251-1491    
Dressen, MargarettaMay 16, 19059366-2188    
Dressler, GottliebJan. 21, 19008234-1392    
Dressler, JuliaMarch 8, 1898871-423    
Dressloch, LouisaJune 25, 19039192-1147    
Drewey, BemroseMarch 26, 18956325-1297    
Drews, KatieFeb. 11, 18946143-570    
Drexler, AntonniaDec. 14, 18998220-1307    
Drexler, AugustinFeb. 3, 18998154-910    
Drexler, CatherineNov. 12, 1893690-357    
Drexler, EllaFeb. 25, 19008231-1373    
Drexler, HelenJan. 10, 19008222-1319    
Drexler, WhilmenaFeb. 18, 19008231-1372    
Drier, HenryFeb. 23, 190710196-1169    
Driscoll, PatrickMarch 8, 19049259-1553    
Drnmmer, AnnaNov. 22, 1896749-289    
Dronkers, CorneliaFeb. 24, 19061057-338    
Droppers, GerritFeb. 2, 18925415-1656    
Drott, MartinOct. 20, 1870199-109    
Drwyer, WilliamMarch 5, 18966453-1808    

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