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Sheboygan County Deaths Vital Index "Bu - Bz"

* No "corrections" have been made to the original Index, it is transcribed as originally written, Variations from the Index to the record are noted in Brackets { }
* Look for many spelling variations of each surname
* This posting is not intended to be an official document
* Once your family is found, obtain an original copy of the Record from the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds Office for citations and official records

NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the Owner, Debie.

NameDeathdateVol.PageParentsSpouseBirthdateBurial Location
Brbe {sic}, MarthaJan. 8, 1887511-44    
Brtler {sic}, Rosey18801212-446    
Bub, ConradApril 10, 19059354-2116    
Bub, ElizabethDec. 14, 1892625-99    
Bub, IdaMay 16, 1887526-102    
Bub, InfantAug. 17, 19029137-819    
Bub, RudolfOct. 14, 18956316-1260    
Bube, WilliamJuly 27, 18895194-775    
Bubh, OttoAug. 27, 18885132-528    
Bublitz, AugustApril 17, 1902978-468    
Buchard, JohnMarch 25, 19049255-1526    
Buchel, GustaveNov. 19, 1896714-80    
Buchen, ElizabethFeb. 2, 1897764-382    
Bucher, MarySept. 3, 18946187-747    
Buchheim, DorotheaOct. 18, 1881373-219    
Buchhols, AndianJune 19, 18966417-1664    
Buchholz, CarolinaApril 30, 1902991-545    
Buchholz, CarolineFeb. 12, 19029142-852    
Buchholz, Gottfr.Sept. 10, 1887548-191    
Buchler, Feb. 18, 19018338-2015    
Buchmann, MichaelJune 11, 19059366-2189    
Bucholtz, AugustaDec. 4, 19008326-1944    
Bucholtz, MarthaOct. 3, 18926363-451    
Buckel, CatharinaMarch 23, 19008243-1441    
Buckel, CathereineMarch 23, 19008293-1744    
Bucker, MargarettAug. 21, 189789-54    
Buechler, TheodoreJuly 5, 19008305-1815    
Bueck, EdmundDec. 27, 1901942-250    
Buegat, SelmaApril 18, 18885124-493    
Buenzno, HenryOct. 20, 190711164    
Buertha, MariaSept. 7, 18864167-501    
Buettner, JohnJuly 11, 1897814-80    
Buettner, MargrethaDec. 2, 18956385-1539    
Buettner, MaryNov. 7, 1887563-251    
Buettner, WilliamOct. 1, 1897817-102    
Buge, AugustaMarch 20, 18956458-1831    
Buhk, HedwigFeb. 18, 1893635-137    
Buhl, EmmaJune 22, 19029100-597    
Buhler, Sept. 19, 19029102-612    
Bulkow, GottfriedJan. 9, 1893625-98    
Bumnler, HelenJan. 6, 19059355-2126    
Bund, EstherSept. 26, 1901920-118    
Bundy, H.June 1, 1887541-161    
Bunge, LenaJune 2, 19008248-1471    
Bunke, AgnesMay 6, 1884427-80    
Bunke, Minnie
{Indexed under Bri - Bt}
Aug. 20, 190510240-1429    
Buntmann, EsterDec. 17, 19029220-1315    
Bunzel, ClaraSept. 1, 19049313-1877    
Bunzel, FrankJan. 27, 190710172-1026    
Burduin, June 21, 1897740-238    
Burgard, CaeciliaMay 26, 18925428-707    
Burgard, GeopaldSept. 12, 19051032-191    
Burgel, ErinaSept. 13, 1887546-181    
Burgel, JanSept. 5, 18864177-530    
Burger, FranzOct. 15, 18999200-1185    
Burger, JannisSept. 5, 18864165-494    
Burghart, HermanNov. 16, 19049343-2056    
Burhop, Jan. 16, 1884413-39    
Burhop, July 4, 190195-25    
Burhop, AlwineMay 10, 1881347-140    
Burhop, AnnaSept. 15, 18956273-1090    
Burhop, DeboraMay 16, 19049298-1783    
Burhop, DedrichJune 5, 190811115    
Burhop, DorotheaJuly 22, 1901911-64    
Burhop, EmmaFeb., 188655-18    
Burhop, EsterMay 27, 190811150    
Burhop, EvangelineFeb. 29, 190811125    
Burhop, FrederickMay 13, 19049286-1711    
Burhop, HenryJuly 28, 1895627-1076    
Burhop, HildaFeb. 26, 18956278-1109    
Burhop, HoldegardNov. 24, 19029151-903    
Burhop, JohnSept. 8, 188659-34    
Burhop, NormaMarch 19, 19049297-1778    
Burhopp, CorethaApril 19, 189574-20    
Burk, EdwardSept. 6, 18956294-1172    
Burk, JohnApril 9, 1902978-464    
Burk, JohnSept. 10, 18946167-665    
Burkard, AnnaSept. 17, 18998201-1190    
Burkard, EdwinAug. 4, 18885130-517    
Burkard, HilariousApril 24, 19008250-1489    
Burkard, MargarethaMarch 5, 187911169-319    
Burkard, NicholausMarch 25, 19039218-1308    
Burkardt, Johann
{Indexed under Bri - Bt}
June 2, 186819-25    
Burkardt, RosinaNov. 18, 190410152-908    
Burkart, AntonJuly 26, 1887539-156    
Burkart, FlorenceApril 18, 19059353-2115    
Burkart, InfantFeb. 23, 1902964-382    
Burkart, MathildeMarch 24, 19008320-1907    
Burkart, RosaJuly 26, 19039226-1356    
Burke, Sept. 27, 18946169-676    
Burke, HarvyApril 13, 18895220-879    
Burke, JohnFeb 16, 1902962-369    
Burke, MayMay 10, 18895221-880    
Burke, RoyFeb. 1, 19039152-909    
Burkhard, June 3, 18854108-324    
Burkhard, HenrySept. 15, 1879275-227    
Burkhard, JohanMay 23, 18854102-306    
Burkhardt, AlexNov. 20, 18854147-439    
Burkhardt, AmandaMay 8, 18854100-298    
Burkhardt, ConradMay 7, 19061082-488    
Burkhardt, HenrietteJune 24, 18998169-998    
Burkhardt, Henry
{Indexed under Bri - Bt}
April 27, 19061079-469    
Burkhardt, IdaJan. 29, 19018331-1974    
Burkhardt, MariaFeb. 19, 18791219-465    
Burkhardt, MaryMay 9, 1880248-144    
Burkhart, WilhelmineDec. 12, 19029213-1274    
Burkoosky, ElizabethOct. 26, 18956307-1227    
Burkwitz, FrederickMarch 4, 190710241-1435    
Burners, InfantFeb. 18, 18925436-741    
Burns, FlorenceMay 7, 19059368-2200    
Burrow, ElmerMarch 17, 19018349-2078    
Burrow, HermanJune 26, 18925420-678    
Burtard, AlmaSept. 11, 19008275-1637    
Burtard, MargaretteMarch 25, 18966477-1906    
Burthart, AnnaJune 14, 19029119-711    
Buscher, ClaraOct. 25, 18771219-467    
Buschmann, Nov. 23, 18956444-1773    
Busehmann, EmieAug. 4, 18864171-513    
Bush, MaryAug. 23, 190610103-612    
Bushmau, Gerot JohnOct. 4, 18925489-952    
Buss, BerthaJuly 22, 18998184-1088    
Buss, DavidApril 16, 1902994-561    
Buss, WilliamOct. 23, 190610137-513    
Bussuener, WalterJan. 31, 18998217-1290    
Bustard, NicholasJan. 28, 18936378-1508    
Buteyn, WilliamFeb. 20, 1902964-381    
Buth, JohnApril 22, 18762154-464    
Butler, HonoraFeb. 19, 18946199-792    
Butler, MaryAug. 20, 18998172-1018    
Butler, MaryMay 9, 19008259-1537    
Buttena, AlbertaDec. 29, 19041026-155    
Butters, CharlesMarch 27, 190710193-1151    
Butters, ElizaSept. 24, 19029152-911    
Butters, EzraSept. 3, 18998170-1006    
Buttner, PhilippFeb. 1, 18805150-597    
Butyn, JanaNov. 25, 18915422-684    
Butz, JohnFeb. 16, 18998158-935    
Butzem, RosaMarch 25, 1898851-304    
Butzen, JacobJune 6, 19061098-579    
Buzzel, FrancesNov. 12, 190610241-1438    
Buzzell, Philander
{Indexed under Bri - Bt}
Feb. 21, 19061056-333    
Byens, PeterMay 31, 1893638-149    
Bykerk, Cornelis
{Indexed under Bri - Bt}
Feb. 19, 1869178-50    
Byrnes, Charles
{Indexed under Bri - Bt}
April 13, 1869190-82    
Byrum, WilliamJan. 31, 18998186-1104    

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