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Sheboygan County Deaths Vital Index "Bi - Bl"

* No "corrections" have been made to the original Index, it is transcribed as originally written, Variations from the Index to the record are noted in Brackets { }
* Look for many spelling variations of each surname
* This posting is not intended to be an official document
* Once your family is found, obtain an original copy of the Record from the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds Office for citations and official records

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NameDeathdateVol.PageParentsSpouseBirthdateBurial Location
Bialis, JohnSept. 28, 19008273-1626    
Bichelm, MaryOct. 5, 1877266-201    
Bickel, CatherineSept. 9, 19049322-1929    
Bickel, FredrichMarch 18, 19039176-1054    
Bickel, MinnieSept. 27, 1901921-126    
Bickel, NormanAug. 29, 190610163-970    
Bickle, TheresaFeb. 21, 19061074-439    
Bieberitz, JoachimDec. 27, 19008326-1941    
Biebesitz, CarlAug. 26, 19051033-193    
Biebsitz, CarlJuly 10, 19051037-217    
Bieck, June 11, 1893676-302    
Bieck, EmmaMarch 6, 18895164-653    
Bieck, FriedaJune 15, 18885136-543    
Bieck, HedwigOct. 26, 1887568-269    
Bieck, HedwigOct. 26, 1887585-340    
Bieck, WilhelmMarch 25, 1892616-62    
Biederwolf, ElizabethJune 20, 18925461-1839    
Biederwolf, MarieMarch 24, 19039202-1207    
Biehl, ArthurJuly 27, 18998207-1228    
Biehl, JohannaMay 3, 19029124-744    
Biehle, JohannesApril 26, 18854100-300    
Biehler, MaryNov. 24, 19039240-1436    
Bielefeld, ChristianeFeb. 14, 18833142-422    
Bielis, JosephSept. 10, 19029120-720    
Bielsfeld, ChristianeFeb. 15, 18833136-406    
Bienefeld, RoyJune 20, 18998204-1208    
Bienert, HenryFeb. 18, 19029122-732    
Bienert, OttilieOct. 2, 18956301-1202    
Bierhaus, HenryAug. 25, 190198-45    
Bierman, ErnaFeb. 17, 18966413-1651    
Biersdorf, AugustAug. 7, 19039203-1216    
Bierwaldt, FloraApril 27, 18926371-1480    
Bilgo, FredFeb. 3, 19018333-1983    
Billmann, GeorgeJune 18, 18998198-1172    
Billmann, HenryFeb. 21, 18998135-809    
Bimler, MargarethaSept. 19, 1884450-149    
Bimmler, Nov. 9, 19008321-1910    
Bimmler, JohnMarch 6, 19059354-2121    
Bin, EmilApril 14, 19049254-1522    
Binard, PeterJan. 28, 1897740-239    
Binder, FrankNov. 10, 190410153-909    
Binder, LesterOct. 17, 19051042-252    
Binder, ViolaJan. 19, 190710181-1079    
Bindt, WilhelmineJuly 14, 1901913-76    
Birenbaum, LenaNov. 30, 190610168-1000    
Birge, RalphFeb. 21, 19061069-410    
Birkholz, MarthaDec. 22, 18978111-666    
Birner, CharlottaMay 20, 18732152-456    
Birnler, MargaretaDec. 13, 1897839-231    
Bischoff, AudreasJuly 3, 1884432-94    
Bischoff, BarbaraJuly 20, 190610163-972    
Bischoff, WillieNov. 17, 1892640-158    
Biship, AmandaMarch 7, 18998149-894    
Bishoff, FrankOct. 24, 19039230-1379    
Bishop, EvaleneJune 15, 18956244-973    
Bishopping, FredApril, 18721199-405    
Biskobing, AnnaSept. 14, 19008309-1838    
Bisshopp, AndrewJune 1, 1897779-469    
Bitner, BernhardtAug. 13, 18896344-1372    
Bitter, FrederickNov. 6, 1901942-247    
Bitter, JohannMarch 25, 1893630-120    
Bitters, EmmaOct. 13, 188654-14    
Bittett, RichardMay 8, 18905235-938    
Bittner, Anton 1137-222    
Bittner, FredrickeJan. 29, 18946202-807    
Bittner, MaryDec. 19, 190610173-1030    
Biversi, JosephApril 5, 1893661-244    
Biwan, AlbertNov. 15, 1887568-271    
Biwan, AlbertNov. 15, 1887585-338    
Blachwitz, StanleyJune 22, 19061097-574    
Black, HermanJune 11, 19018364-2170    
Black, MathildaMay 28, 1879284-252    
Black, ReginaDec. 20, 18998224-1329    
Blair, ElizaMarch 28, 18854125-373    
Blank, AmandaOct. 18, 1887565-257    
Blank, ChristianFeb. 1, 19008245-1455    
Blank, DorotheaNov. 3, 18946179-715    
Blank, HermanAug. 8, 1880319-57    
Blank, InfantMay 13, 190710241-1437    
Blank, RobertOct. 21, 1887565-258    
Blank, SopheAug. 14, 18905280-1119    
Blank, WilliamMarch 31, 19018348-2074    
Blanke, AlmaJune 13, 190510143-851    
Blanke, CarolineDec. 5, 19051050-295    
Blanke, ChristFeb. 11, 18956251-1002    
Blanke, TeresaMay 20, 1905106-34    
Blankmeyer, WilhelmineApril 18, 18895180-719    
Blay, NultjeMarch 20, 19049253-1515    
Blazis, June 23, 19059372-2228    
Blazis, JohnJune 26, 19061096-567    
Bleck, EmmaDec. 27, 18946312-1246    
Blessing, CarlMarch 19, 190192-7    
Blessing, JohannaDec. 14, 1884475-223    
Bley, KatyNov. 13, 18885154-614    
Blichwitz, WilhelmSept. 11, 1893652-207    
Blicki, AntonMarch 6, 19049331-1982    
Bliedel, HeleneApril 7, 18885116-463    
Bliedl, ClaraMarch 16, 18915323-1290    
Bliesner, HeldaFeb. 28, 18946177-706    
Bliesner, ReginaApril 11, 1902983-495    
Blindauer, {Male}October 27, 1898893-553Joseph Blindauer, Jr.
Katherine Dreps
 October 27, 1898Northside Catholic
Blindauer, SusanaJuly 29, 18946162-645Mathias Klemens
Johann BlindauerJune 20, 1833Northside Catholic
Blindauer, WilliamJune 30, 1897766-391Joseph Blindauer, Jr.
Katherine Dreps
 January 1, 1894Northside Catholic
Blisner, ChristianJune 4, 18925419-1674    
Bliss, CharlotteOct. 9, 18966472-1885    
Bliss, IraMay 17, 18742107-321    
Blitzko, WalterSept. 17, 18915350-1396    
Block, BaukerSept. 12, 1893654-216    
Block, JacAug. 29, 18925478-1909    
Block, JohannchenJune 23, 18925431-1719    
Block, JohnOct. 11, 1874Misc A289    
Block, MargarethApril 26, 1880Misc A289    
Block, PeterMarch 24, 1893650-197    
Blocki, AnnaFeb. 12, 1902974-439    
Blodel, PhilippApril 8, 18946132-527    
Bloedel, GeorgeApril 27, 19018344-2048    
Bloemendaal, JohannaNov. 10, 19051047-278    
Bloemendoal, GerritJan. 11, 1893626-103    
Bloemers, JanAug. 1, 18915341-1359    
Bloemers, WilliamSept. 1, 1884440-119    
Blong, Mrs.Oct. 11, 1896720-115    
Blong, WilhelmMarch 26, 18956288-1151    
Blost, HenryOct. 2, 1897814-84    
Blum, FredJan. 8, 19018339-2022    
Blumberg, E.March 17, 18885107-425    
Blumenreich, LillyMay 21, 18998149-893    
Blust, XavierJan. 30, 19061056-331    

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