Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Civil War Rosters "F" Surnames

NameTownship or CityDateRankUnit
Fallon JosephSheboygan Enlisted37th Regiment Infantry
Fantenlendert, GeredHolland Enlisted6th Regiment Infantry
Farvor, GeorgeSheboygan FallsOctober 23, 1861EnlistedCompany I
Farvour JohnSheboygan Enlisted37th Regiment Infantry
Farvour, ReubenCascadeAugust 18, 1862EnlistedCo. H 1st Regiment Infantry
Faudifoldier MartinHolland Enlisted37th Regiment Infantry
Feagan, PeterSheboyganApril 6, 1865CaptainCo. E 17th Regiment Infantry
Feldt, NicholasMosel Enlisted6th Regiment Infantry
Felt, PeterMoselSeptember 23, 1861EnlistedCo. A 9th Regiment Infantry
Felton, Richard Sheboygan Falls May 28, 1864EnlistedCo. D 39th Regiment Infantry
Fenner, GottliebSheboygan FallsFeb. 26, 1864EnlistedCompany G., 36th Infantry Regiment
killed in action June 1, 1864, Totopotomoy, Va
Fenner, JohnScottAugust 18, 1862EnlistedCo. F
Ferguson, OziasScottAugust 15, 1862EnlistedCo. F
Festerling, ChristianSheboygan Enlisted6th Regiment Infantry
Fick, CarlSheboygan Enlisted19th Regiment Infantry
Fiedls, James S.ScottAugust 15, 1862EnlistedCo. F
Finch, FrederickAbbottSeptember 25, 1861EnlistedCompany I
Fischer GottliebLima Enlisted37th Regiment Infantry
Fischer, LeonhardWilsonAugust 21, 1862EnlistedCo. E
Fischer, PhillipRhineSeptember 14, 1861EnlistedCo. A 9th Regiment Infantry
Fisher, HartmanSheboyganDecember 2, 1864EnlistedCo. H 14th Regiment Infantry
Flanagan, DavidMitchellMarch 17, 1864EnlistedCo. E 17th Regiment Infantry
Flanagan, ThomasCascadeOctober 8, 1861EnlistedCo. E 17th Regiment Infantry
Flannigan, WilliamCascade Enlisted6th Regiment Infantry
Fleischer, CarlSheboyganSeptember 11, 1861EnlistedCo. A 9th Regiment Infantry
Flentge, TheodoreRhineAugust 21, 1862EnlistedCo. H 26th Regiment Infantry
Fletcher, LewisGreenbushAugust 15, 1862EnlistedCo B 27th Regiment Infantry
Fletcher, Robert F.GreenbushDecember 4, 1863EnlistedCo. F
Flint, IgnaceSheboygan FallsSeptember 16, 1861EnlistedCo. H 1st Regiment Infantry
Flynn, JohnCascadeOctober 17, 1861EnlistedCo. E 17th Regiment Infantry
Foking, John W.HollandSeptember 12, 1861EnlistedCo. A 9th Regiment Infantry
Folger, Charles F.SheboyganAugust 21, 1862EnlistedCo. E
Fontein, JohnHolland Enlisted6th Regiment Infantry
Forbes, HermanHollandAugust 21, 1862EnlistedCo. F
Forbes, Herrick A.ScottSeptember 17, 1861EnlistedCompany I
Forey, George O.CascadeAugust 14, 1862EnlistedCompany I
Fosnot, George W.Lyndon Enlisted19th Regiment Infantry
Fox, Thomas   September 23, 1864EnlistedCo. E 17th Regiment Infantry
French, CalvinLimaSeptember 17, 1861EnlistedCompany I
Frick, JohnRhineAugust 21, 1862EnlistedCo. H 26th Regiment Infantry
Fricke, BenjaminPlymouthAugust, 21, 1862EnlistedCo B 27th Regiment Infantry
Frieske, JohanHermanAugust 21, 1862EnlistedCo. C
Frisbie, Samuel W.PlymouthAugust 18, 1862EnlistedCo B 27th Regiment Infantry
Fritts, Ira Sheboygan Falls June 6, 1864EnlistedCo. D 39th Regiment Infantry
Froehlich, AugustWilsonAugust 21, 1862EnlistedCo. C
Froidl, GeorgeSheboyganSeptember 9, 1861EnlistedCo. A 9th Regiment Infantry
Fuchs, SebastianPlymouthSeptember 11, 1861EnlistedCo. A 9th Regiment Infantry
Fuller LeviSheboygan Enlisted37th Regiment Infantry
Fusselman, JohnGreenbushSeptember 9, 1861EnlistedCo. H 14th Regiment Infantry
Fyfe, MorrisLimaJune 6, 1861EnlistedCo. C 4th Regiment Cavalry

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