Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Civil War Rosters "C" Surnames

NameTownship or CityDateRankUnit
Cady, Julius H.Sheboygan FallsSeptember 16, 1861EnlistedCo. H 1st Regiment Infantry
Cain, ThomasRussellOctober 16, 1861EnlistedCo. E 17th Regiment Infantry
Caldwell, GarretLimaSeptember 17, 1861EnlistedCompany I
Call, George H.Sheboygan FallsApril 23, 1861EnlistedCo. C 4th Regiment Cavalry
Call, Milo L.PlymouthAugust 21, 1862EnlistedCo B 27th Regiment Infantry
Campbell, NathanielGreenbushOctober 5, 1861EnlistedCo. B 8th Regiment Infantry
Capelle, JacobAbbottAugust 21, 1862EnlistedCo. F
Carey, EugeneSheboyganOctober 11, 1861CaptainCo. H 1st Regiment Infantry
Carey, William H.LyndonOctober 6, 1861EnlistedCompany I
Carlin, WilliamHull's CrossingJanuary 9, 1865EnlistedCo. H 14th Regiment Infantry
Carlton, Lewis S.LimaApril 22, 1861EnlistedCo. C 4th Regiment Cavalry
Carpenter, AlexanderLimaFebruary 12, 1864EnlistedCo. H 14th Regiment Infantry
Carpenter, AmosPlymouthApril 21, 1861EnlistedCo. C 4th Regiment Cavalry
Carpenter, Edwin A.LimaSeptember 3, 1861EnlistedCo. B 8th Regiment Infantry
Carver, DanielRhineAugust 14, 1862EnlistedCo B 27th Regiment Infantry
Carver, William H.Sheboygan FallsSeptember 16, 1861EnlistedCo. H 1st Regiment Infantry
Cary, CalvinGreenbushFeb. 26, 1864EnlistedCompany G., 36th Infantry Regiment
Corp., M.O. July 12, 1865
Cary, WilliamGreenbushJune 1, 1861EnlistedCo. B 8th Regiment Infantry
Chamberlain, AlbertSheboygan FallsSeptember 16, 1861EnlistedCo. H 1st Regiment Infantry
Chamberlain, Alfred B.LyndonSeptember 17, 1861EnlistedCompany I
Chamberlain, Charles E.PlymouthNovember 2, 1863EnlistedCo. C 4th Regiment Cavalry
Chamberlain, LukeLyndonOctober 6, 1861EnlistedCompany I
Chamberlain, Luther M.CascadeAugust 18, 1862EnlistedCo. H 1st Regiment Infantry
Chamberlin, George W.Sheboygan Falls Enlisted1st Regiment Cavalry
Chaplin, AddisonPlymouthFebruary 29, 1864EnlistedCo. E 36th Regiment Infantry
Chaplin, WilliamPlymouthFebruary 28, 1864EnlistedCo. E 36th Regiment Infantry
Chase, William D.LyndonOctober 13, 1864EnlistedCo B 27th Regiment Infantry
Chilton, William C.Herman Enlisted4th Regiment Cavalry
Christmann, JohnSheboyganFeb. 26, 1864EnlistedCompany G., 36th Infantry Regiment
wounded June 17, 1864, near Petersburg, Va.;
absent due to wounds at M.O. Regt
Churchill, DavidLyndonSeptember 25, 1861EnlistedCompany I
Clancy, Henry S.Wilson Enlisted1st Regiment Cavalry
Clark, BenjaminScottAugust 21, 1862EnlistedCo. F
Clark, Calvin L.MitchellSeptember 17, 1861EnlistedCompany I
Clark, Edgar T.Sheboygan Falls Enlisted1st Regiment Cavalry
Clark, George W.Sheboygan FallsSeptember 16, 1861EnlistedCo. H 1st Regiment Infantry
Clark, James E.LyndonSeptember 30, 1861EnlistedCompany I
Clark, MichaelSheboyganOctober 14, 1861EnlistedCo. E 17th Regiment Infantry
Clark, OrrinSheboygan FallsSeptember 3, 1864EnlistedCo. F
Clark, Zerah P.Sheboygan FallsSeptember 16, 1861EnlistedCo. H 1st Regiment Infantry
Cleveland, AlbertGreenbushSeptember 11, 1861EnlistedCo. H 14th Regiment Infantry
Cleveland, GeorgeLyndonOctober 21, 1861EnlistedCompany I
Cleveland, HenryGreenbushSeptember 11, 1861EnlistedCo. H 14th Regiment Infantry
Cleveland, William A.LyndonOctober 13, 1864EnlistedCo B 27th Regiment Infantry
Clough C. N.Lima Enlisted37th Regiment Infantry
Clough, Caleb N.HinghamSeptember 5, 1861EnlistedCo. B 8th Regiment Infantry
Clure, BenjaminLimaSeptember 17, 1861EnlistedCompany I
Coates, IsraelMitchellDecember 1, 1863EnlistedCompany I
Coats, Isaac   February 16, 1862EnlistedCo. E 17th Regiment Infantry
Coiwell, SylvesterLyndonMay 13, 18632nd Lt.Company I
Colbert, RobertGreenbushSeptember 17, 1861EnlistedCo. H 14th Regiment Infantry
Cole, George W.ScottAugust 21, 1862EnlistedCo. F
Cole, James E.ScottSeptember 26, 1861EnlistedCompany I
Cole, James R.Sheboygan FallsApril 25, 18612nd Lt.Co. C 4th Regiment Cavalry
Cole, JesseGreenbushAugust 21, 1861EnlistedCo. B 8th Regiment Infantry
Cole, NathanSheboygan FallsApril 23, 1861EnlistedCo. C 4th Regiment Cavalry
Collins, Benjamin W.GreenbushAugust 21, 1862EnlistedCo B 27th Regiment Infantry
Comstock MarinusSheboygan Enlisted37th Regiment Infantry
Conger, David B.GreenbushJune 1, 1861CaptainCo. B 8th Regiment Infantry
Conger, DavidGreenbushJune 1, 18612nd Lt.Co. B 8th Regiment Infantry
Conger, EphraimGreenbushSeptember 17, 1861EnlistedCo. H 14th Regiment Infantry
Conklin, AustinLyndonAugust 21, 1861EnlistedCo. B 8th Regiment Infantry
Conklin, AustinLyndonFebruary 18, 1864EnlistedCo. E 36th Regiment Infantry
Conlen, EdwardSheboyganOctober 16, 1861EnlistedCo. E 17th Regiment Infantry
Connor, William H.LimaJune 1, 1861EnlistedCo. B 8th Regiment Infantry
Conover, Cornelius Sheboygan Falls June 4, 1864EnlistedCo. D 39th Regiment Infantry
Conover, CorneliusSheboyganJanuary 10, 1865EnlistedCo. H 14th Regiment Infantry
Conrad FrederickSheboygan Enlisted37th Regiment Infantry
Conrad, AugustSheboyganAugust 15, 1862EnlistedCo. H 26th Regiment Infantry
Constance, ConstantSheboyganOctober 9, 1861EnlistedCo. A 9th Regiment Infantry
Cook, Allen (Alden)HollandSeptember 28, 1861EnlistedCompany I
Coon, JosephLyndonSeptember 17, 1861EnlistedCompany I
Copley, Charles E.LyndonOctober 2, 1861EnlistedCompany I
Copley, DanielMitchellSeptember 17, 1861EnlistedCompany I
Copley, SelahMitchellAugust 21, 1862EnlistedCo B 27th Regiment Infantry
Corbet, Charles A.GreenbushJune 1, 1861EnlistedCo. B 8th Regiment Infantry
Corbet, HenryGreenbushJune 1, 1861EnlistedCo. B 8th Regiment Infantry
Corbet, Lester M.GreenbushMarch 31, 1864EnlistedCo. H 14th Regiment Infantry
Corbett, JamesGreenbushFeb. 27, 1864EnlistedCompany G., 36th Infantry Regiment
M.O. May 22, 1865
Cornwell, Stephen A.GreenbushJune 1, 1861EnlistedCo. B 8th Regiment Infantry
Cottrill, PeterGreenbushSeptember 15, 1861EnlistedCo. H 14th Regiment Infantry
Couch, Henry W.MitchellMarch 5, 1863EnlistedCo B 27th Regiment Infantry
Couch, Reuben C.GreenbushFeb. 22, 1864EnlistedCompany G., 36th Infantry Regiment
Vet. Vol.; Sergt.; prisoner Ream's Station, Va.,
died Jan 28, 1865, Salisbury, N.C., disease
Couch, Reuben C.GreenbushJune 1, 1861EnlistedCo. B 8th Regiment Infantry
Couch, William A.MitchellMarch 5, 1863EnlistedCo B 27th Regiment Infantry
Courter, William H.PlymouthFebruary 22, 1864EnlistedCo. E 36th Regiment Infantry
Couster, George W.PlymouthAugust 21, 1862EnlistedCo B 27th Regiment Infantry
Cowan, Harvey J.Sheboygan Enlisted4th Regiment Cavalry
Cowan, Harvey J.SheboyganFebruary 11, 1864EnlistedCo. C 4th Regiment Cavalry
Craig, Ezekiel L.CascadeSeptember 29, 1861EnlistedCompany I
Craig, Freeman, Jr.LimaOctober 10, 1861EnlistedCo. H 14th Regiment Infantry
Craig, George W.LimaOctober 7, 1861EnlistedCo. H 14th Regiment Infantry
Craig, John B.LimaFebruary 26, 1864EnlistedCo. H 14th Regiment Infantry
Craig, John S.Sheboygan FallsFebruary 11, 1864EnlistedCo. C 4th Regiment Cavalry
Crandall, Alford B.GreenbushJune 1, 1861EnlistedCo. B 8th Regiment Infantry
Crandall, Henry E.GreenbushJune 1, 1861EnlistedCo. B 8th Regiment Infantry
Crandall, Rustus W.LyndonAugust 21, 1861EnlistedCo. B 8th Regiment Infantry
Crawford, WilliamSheboygan Enlisted1st Regiment Cavalry
Crippen, AmosGreenbushSeptember 17, 1861EnlistedCo. H 14th Regiment Infantry
Crocker, Silas J.SheboyganMay 27, 1861EnlistedCo. C 4th Regiment Cavalry
Crocker, Silas J.WilsonAugust 21, 1862EnlistedCo. E
Croghan, PatrickMitchellOctober 7, 18612nd Lt.Co. E 17th Regiment Infantry
Cronfeldt, John H.PlymouthAugust 26, 1861EnlistedCo. B 8th Regiment Infantry
Crosby, WilliamSheboygan FallsSeptember 16, 1861EnlistedCo. H 1st Regiment Infantry
Croysant, Dempster J. Sheboygan Falls May 25, 1864EnlistedCo. D 39th Regiment Infantry
Cullen, John S.LimaAugust 21, 1862EnlistedCo B 27th Regiment Infantry
Culver, Newton H.Sheboygan FallsJune 3, 1861EnlistedCo. C 4th Regiment Cavalry
Cummings, J. D.  EnlistedCo. F
Czarnecki, LorenzRhine Enlisted4th Regiment Cavalry

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