Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Sheboygan County Civil War Veterans Memorial

This information was copied from the Sheboygan County Veterans Memorial

Abers, Henry V.Dumprrope, WilliamLawrence, LemuelSchmidt, John
Adam, AbrahamDurkee, CharlesLaycox, RichardSchneider, Peter M.
Adams, AlexanderDurkee, Walter F.Leach, George G.Schofield, Elisha
Akin, Joseph E.Ecke, FrederickLemke, AugustSchous, Henry
Ames, Martin L.Edler, HenryLemke, WilliamSchumann, Christian
Arnold, ElijahEernisse, JacobLiefbroder, JanSchwalbe, Simon
Arnold, HarveyEhrens, John IILinden, JohanSchwanecke, August
Arnold, James W.Elmore, Andrew W.Littlefield, AlnzoSears, Albert W.
Arnold, John F.Elmore, Sylvanus J.Littlefield, Anvid D.Selberg, Frederick
Austin, John (POW)Engelhart, Henry (POW)Littlefield, MortonShadbolt, Dennis S.
Babcock, Franklin L.Esterling, JohnLoeb, JacobShaffner, Peter
Bachelder, James (POW)Farrell, James (MIA)Loebs, LuieShaw, Joseph
Bacon, John W.Fenner, GottliebLoomis, AlonzoSkinner, Henry A.
Baker, TrumanFerguson, OziasLueloff, Edward T.Smith, Charles A.
Barber, Ephraim H.Finch, FrederickLyman, William B. (POW)Smith, Victory J.
Barker, George M. (POW)Flanagan, ThomasLynch, MichaelSommer, Gottlieb
Barnes, Edward N.Fleischman, JohnLynn, JohnSpann, Christian
Barnes, John J.Fletcher, LewisMansfield, John L.Speckman, John
Batchelder, GeorgeGannon, JohnMartin, Francis M.Spranger, Friedrich
Bates, Edward H.Garsmal, CharlesMartinzen, FritzSquires, Joseph W.
Becker, CharlesGeorge, NelsonMathes, Phillip 1st.Stagg, Wesley H.
Beckler, John S.Gerriets, John F.Matthes, FredrichStagg, William
Befinger, HenryGillis, JohnMcClean, DanielStamp, Phillip
Bendler, ChristophGillman, Chester M.McDonald, EmmetStannard, Ernstus W.
Benjamin, Herbert J.Glasso, FrederickMcGrath, ThomasSteele, Joseph
Bennett, Jonathon F. (MIA)Godar, JosephMcIntosh, Charles N.Stefferson, Michael
Bentrupp, Florence H.Goedeke, FriedrichMentink, Henry J.Steiner, Joseph (POW)
Boedecker, HeinrichGosse, FrederickMiller, EdwardStern, Charles (POW)
Boettner, Christian F.W.Gossink, Garret W.Miller, Jacob L.Stevens, Carlos E.
Bohm, William H.Granolt, Henry S.Miller, John H.Stewart, Jonas B.
Boomhauer, RileyGrant, Alburn L.S.Miller, John W.Still, Daniel
Bossack, William J.Grant, Allen C. Jr.Miller, Myron L.Stratton, Israel D.
Bowen, George W.Griggs, John A. (POW)Mitchell, Henry H.Stroub, Adam
Bower, GeorgeGrimm, LudwigMonk, Elias C.Strutz, Gottlieb
Boyer, MosesGuck, John W.Moore, RobertSubra, John
Boyer, William H.Gundy, HenryMorse, SylvesterSullivan, Daniel
Bramsteadt, JohnHaag, JacobMueller, ValentineSullivan, Michael 1st
Brasser, MartinHammond, Daniel D.Nell, PhillipTe Camp, Gerrit J.
Breed, Joseph H.Haag, PhillipMuth, PhillipSwan, William H.
Brethower, BarendHall, John (POW)Nare, GeorgeTaplin, William L.
Bucholz, AugustHance, AugustNichols, JosephTe Slaa, Gerrit J.
Bucholz, WilhelmHanford, HenryNuffer, Jakob F.Ter Maat, Anthony
Burmaster, FriedrichHardy, EdwinO'Brien, TerrenceTer Maat, Jan H.W.
Burrows, James A.Harkins, CharlesO'Connor, BartholomewThedeus, Reimer
Burrows, James M.Hart, LeviO'Neil, Daniel E.Theiss, Phillip (POW)
Burt, William O.Hartmann, JacobOdell, Thomas M.Thompson, John
Butler, Charles M.Hartwig, JohnOgle, Francis C.Tibbitts, Waldo
Butler, JohnHarvey, David M. (POW)Ohlman, WilliamTrowbridge, Charles H. (POW)
Butters, Albert C.Hathaway, Daniel T.Oliver, William H.True, Wesley
Buzzell, ThomasHazelton, Herman Rev.Olmstedt, Stephen M.Truesdell, George W.
Cain, ThomasHeald, Abner O.Olsen, HendrickTucker, Charles P. (POW)
Call, George H.Heath, Charles C.Osler, JosephTucker, William H.
Carver, William H.Henkel, HeinrichOtt, Theodore (POW)Underhill, Arnold
Cary, Amaziah B.Herminghaus, WilliamPaddock, Edward R.Upham, Newell
Chamberlain, Henry C.Higgins, BegorodusPatterson, George H.Upson, Hezekiah
Churchill, DavidHobart, AaronPero, MorrisValentine, Richard B.
Clark, George A.Hobbs, Alfred E.Peters, CharlesVan Camp, James A.
Clark, James E.Hoberg, HenryPeters, JohnVan Dorster, Finley
Clemens, James E.Hodge, JoshuaPeterson, LewisVanderhoof, Samuel N.
Cleveland, AlbertHodges, Thomas R.Petrie, JacobVick, John (POW)
Cole, George W.Hogue, James M.Pfrenger, Ernst A.Voskuil, Antonie
Cole, James E.Hopf, ChristianPierce, Joshua A.Voss, John
Comstock, MarinusHoth, CarlePlatt, Charles M.Vossberg, Henry
Conklin, AustinHull, DanielPlumb, Thomas M.Waegner, Heinrich
Conover, CorneliusJackson, AndrewPond, SimeonWagner, Frank
Conrad, AugustJacobs, WillardPowers, LeanderWarden, Gardner B.
Copley, DanielJacobson, WillardPray, Edward W.Wehrman, Simon
Copley, SeiahJacobson, JohnPreston, CharlesWeisemann, Johann
Couch, Rueben C.Johnson, George A.Preston, StephenWepprecht, Henry J.
Couch, William A.Johnson, RobertPrevey, FranklinWerner, Friedrich
Courter, William H.Johnson ShermanPrieder, CharlesWhite, John J.
Craig, George W.Jos, MathiasPruessler, AugustusWickesberg, August
Crandall, Alford B.Joslin, Jay P.Putnam, Theordore P.Wickesberg, Charles
Crippen, Amos (POW)Kaiser, ChristianRaabigrund, LouisWiersig, Julius
Cronan, CorneliusKaiser, HenryReed, GeorgeWilliams, William N.
Dailey, WilliamKappers, DerkReed, Warren V.Williams, William P.
Davidson, Henry P.Kelly, PeterReed, William A.Willis, Horace
Davis, James M.Kenshaw, JacobRice, Henry E.Wilson, George F.
Deerhammer, John M.Kezar, Hiram N.Richardson, Jairus S.Wilson, Real
Deetsh, JacobKlockow, CharlesRichmond, Seymour L.Windsor, Nathaniel
Delmart, DerrickKlohe, JosephRobin, WindsorWinkelherst, Gerrit H.
Demmler, JohannasKnight, Almond R.Robinson, Elisha J.Wintermeyer, Gustavus
Dengen, PeterKnowles, CassanderRobinson, James S.Witte, Charles
Desloch, JacobKnowles, John S.Rodney, Michael F.Wolff, Frederick A.
Detsch, MichaelKohl, GeorgeRoehrborn, John C.Woodward, William E. (POW)
Dietrichuandaen, GeorgeKommers, Abraham J.Rood, WilliamWorbes, Julius
Diefenthaler, PhillipKoohool, AdamRoot, AugustusWorthman, Theodore V.
Dinwiddie, Rueben M.Kuehne, LudwigRossman, FriedrichWright, Harvey L.
Dobbert, Charles F.Kuhn, GeorgeRuch, WilliamWright, Josiah
Dobbins, Solomon, Jr.Kummett, John (POW)Rueton, AntonZech, Frank
Dobbins, William H.Lammers, AbrahamSauter, AndreasZeck, Jacob
Dorr, Frederick (POW)Lampe, AugustSawyer, John H.Ziebarth, August
Drake, JohnLarabee, GeorgeSchaefer, Friedrich (POW)Zindel, Peter
Dubbert, FrederickLarkin, JamesSchaf, GustavZollteis, John
Dumprrope, HenryLawrence, Harvey O.Scherber, Peter W.Zufelt, Franklin

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