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St. Mark's Lutheran Church

The Sheboygan Press - April 17, 1916

Rev. W. M. Czmanske, pastor of the St. Mark's Lutheran church confirmed sixty boys and girls as members of the congregation on Sunday. Following is the list:


Beitz, Harvey
Czmanske, Paul
Dieckmann, Arthur
Friedrichs, Edward
Greger, Frederick
Grimmer, Anton
Gunderson, Robert
Hasenstein, Chester
Hinze, Raymond
Jankow, Lester
Klabunde, Harvey
Krummel, Lester
Leahy, Carl
Lienau, Harvey
Marold, Otto
Meyer, Arthur
Neuwirth, Gottlieb
Pohland, Elwin
Quast, Herbert
Roth, Raymond
Rottmann, Erwin
Rust, Harvey
Schild, Arno
Schroeder, Harold
Schwartz, William
Selsemeyer, William
Spoerke, Wilbert
Thiel, Arthur
Trester, Eugene
Wisch, Clarence
Zutz, Edwin
Zurheide, Arno


Abitz, Valeska
Bickel, Josephine
Edelblute, Arlie
Henning, Martha
Kilton, Hazel
Kneevers, Maguerite
Kolb, Ida
Kuck, Madeline
Leonhardt, Wilma
Lienau, Mildred
Luther, Ethel
Marold, Viola
Martin, Merrill
Meyer, Verena
Musselmann, Sylvia
Nack, Leona
Prescher, Stella
Rosenthal, Marcella
Schuelke, Melinda
Schultz, Elvira
Schwerin, Mildred
Stoll, Laura
Torke, Sylvia
Verhulst, Susie
Wilsch, Lillian
Wilsch, Mabel
Zastrow, Laura
Zastrow, Lilah

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