Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Salem Reformed UCC - Sheboygan Falls

Photo of Headstone

Brickner family plot at NE corner of Salem Church cemetery on what is now CR C and M just east of Plymouth, Wis. Was on the old plank road.

Charles (1843-1917) and Sophia Brickner were Les Quasius' mother's - Augusta 's (1873-1949) parents. Her husband, George Henry 's (1868-1958) bother, Henry 1866-1955, married Augusta's sister Alvina (1870-1951). They were neighbors in Sheboygan in later life and are all buried together in Wildwood cemetery in Sheboygan, SE corner of Sex. 9, plot 32.

The Brickners immigrated from Germany and homesteaded a couple of miles to the west of the church on the NE corner of what is now C and Willow Road. The buildings, many times remodeled, are still there. Their farm was only a few miles for the Quasius homestead.

Charles fought in the Civil War and was wounded in a leg at Vicksburg.

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Copyright 1997 - 2008 by Debie Blindauer
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