Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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1910 Rural Route Directory - Surname Letter Y

AbbreviationMeaning| |AbbreviationMeaning| |AbbreviationMeaning| |AbbreviationMeaning
agt.agent| |cmtwkrcement worker| |mfg.manufacturing| |stenog.stenographer
asst.assistant| |cor.corner| |nr.near| |stud.student
ave.avenue| |dom.domestic| |n.north| |tel. c.telephone connection
bet.between| |e.east| |n. s.north side| |trav. sal.travelling salesman
bkkpr.bookkeeper| |e. s.east side| |res.residence| |treas.treasurer
brds.boards| |kpr.keeper| |Rev.Reverend| |w.west
capt.captain| |lab.laborer| |R.Rural Free Delivery Route| |w. s.west side
carp.carpenter| |mkr.maker| |s.south| |wid.widow
clk.clerk| |mfr.manufacturer| |secr.secretary| |
Head of Household

OccupationResidence /
Yakolic, Peter lab.brds.1122 S. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Yapp, G. L.
trav.-sal.res.1804 N. 6th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Yecke, Edw.
masonres.1014 Bluff Ave.Sheboygan 
Yecke, William
mason-contr.res.1612 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Yeiler, Mary  res.412 Huron Ave.Sheboyganwid. Hy.
Yelland, Caroline Mrs.   522 E. Water St.Sheboygan 
Yene, Leo. lab.brds.1019 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Yesch, Annie Miss  res.436 Wisconsin Ave.Sheboygan 
Yess, William lab.  Riverside 
Yoost, Amanda bkkpr.res.1513 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Yoost, Carrie dressmkr.res.1513 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Yoost, Heinr.
carp.res.1513 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Yoost, Robert tinsmithres.1513 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
York, Andr. lab.res.1518 St. Clair Ave.
2nd Floor
York, Christina Miss  res.1516 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygan 
York, Henry carp.res.414 Wisconsin Ave.
2nd Floor rear
York, John
carp.res.1516 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygan 
Young, Allan D.
701 N. 8th St.
2nd Floor
1006 N. 9th St.
Young, Bessie bkkpr.res.512 Washington CourtSheboygan 
Young, Cornelius A.
trav.-salesmanres.1716 N. 5th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Young, Gladis Miss  res.1716 N. 5th St.Sheboygan 
Young, Mary
 res.512 Washington CourtSheboyganwid. E. H.
Young, Robert
supt. - Sheb. Gas Light Co.res.1708 N. 7th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Young, W. F.
marine-engineerres.1328 S. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Yurk, Christian
burnerres.817 Michigan Ave. - rearSheboygan 
Yurk, David
lab.res.1717 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 

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Copyright 1997 - 2012 by Debie Blindauer
All Rights reserved