Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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1910 Rural Route Directory - Surname Letter T

AbbreviationMeaning| |AbbreviationMeaning| |AbbreviationMeaning| |AbbreviationMeaning
agt.agent| |cmtwkrcement worker| |mfg.manufacturing| |stenog.stenographer
asst.assistant| |cor.corner| |nr.near| |stud.student
ave.avenue| |dom.domestic| |n.north| |tel. c.telephone connection
bet.between| |e.east| |n. s.north side| |trav. sal.travelling salesman
bkkpr.bookkeeper| |e. s.east side| |res.residence| |treas.treasurer
brds.boards| |kpr.keeper| |Rev.Reverend| |w.west
capt.captain| |lab.laborer| |R.Rural Free Delivery Route| |w. s.west side
carp.carpenter| |mkr.maker| |s.south| |wid.widow
clk.clerk| |mfr.manufacturer| |secr.secretary| |
Head of Household

OccupationResidence /
Tagge, John
carpt.res.423 N. Milwaukee St.Plymouth 
Tagge, Wilhelm
lab.res.617 S. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Tagge, Willie lab.res.617 S. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Talarowsky, Jos.
lab.res.919 N. 10th St.
2nd Floor
Tallmadge, Mrs. Francis
 res.1028 N. 6th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Tank, Arno stud.res.242 North St.Plymouth 
Tank, Emma Miss  res.242 North St.Plymouth 
Tank, Frank
lab.res.1339 Bluff Ave.
2nd Floor
Tank, Frank
masonres.242 North St.Plymouth 
Tannenbaum, H.
agt.res.714 N. 5th St.Sheboygan 
Tarnutzer, Katharine  res.617 Superior Ave.Sheboyganwid. Andr.
Tasche, Dr. C. D.
physician & surgeon
cor. N. 8th & Michigan Ave.
1608 N. 7th St.
Sheboygantel. c.
tel. c.
Tasche, Dr. John
physician & surgeonoffice
830 N. 8th St.
2nd Floor
1804 N. 7th St.
Sheboygantel. c.
tel. c.
Tasche, H. D.
cor. N. 8th & Michigan Ave.
2nd Floor
1332 N. 11th St.
Sheboygantel. c.
Tasche, L. C. Arpke & Tascheres.1332 N. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Taubenheim, Carl lab.res.921 High Ave.Sheboygan 
Taubenheim, Chas.
lab.res.921 High Ave.Sheboygan 
Taubenheim, Heinrich lab.res.921 High Ave.Sheboygan 
Taubenheim, Herman lab.res.921 High Ave.Sheboygan 
Taubenheim, Wm.
lab.res.1629 Kentcuky Ave.Sheboygan 
Tauscheck, Frank lab.res.2008 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Tauscheck, George lab.res.2008 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Tauscheck, George
lab.res.2008 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Tauscheck, Joe. lab.res.2008 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Tax, Arnold
retiredres.1841 S. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Tax, Caroline Miss  res.1841 S. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Taylor, J.    Waldo 
Te Haar, Hattie Miss    Gibbsville 
Te Haken, Wm. farmer  Gibbsville 
Te Henepe, Gertrude Miss    Gibbsville 
Te Ronde, A. W. furniture  OostburgAlydia
tel. 62
Te Ronde, D. W.    OostburgWidow
Te Ronde, Ed. & L.
Ed. & Lewis Te Ronde
 furniture  Cedar Grovetel. 24
Te Ronde, Ed. Ed. & L. Te Ronde  Cedar GroveElizabeth
Te Ronde, Henry general store  East Oostburgtel. 28-9
Te Ronde, John ret.  Cedar GroveAlyda
Te Ronde, Lewis Ed. & L. Te Ronde  Cedar Grove 
Te Ronde, W. D. jeweler  Oostburg 
Te Ronde, Wm. saw mills, pumps  OostburgMary
tel. 11
Te Selle, Clarence stud.res.Buffalo, 3 s. PineSheboygan Falls 
Te Selle, Katie  res.Buffalo, 3 s. PineSheboygan Fallswid. John
Te Stroete, Wm. bkkpr.  Cedar Grove 
Te Winkel, J. H. butcher  OostburgMary
tel. 37
Tecks, Susie
  Broadway, 2 s. Walnut
2nd Floor
Sheboygan Fallswid.
Tehennepe, G. J. farmer  Gibbsville 
TeKulve, Herm. trav.sals  OostburgMinnietel. 55
Telegram Printing Co.
Frank A. Zufelt - editor & mgr.
 publishers, Sheb. Daily Telegram 816 Pennsylvania Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Telephone Office   s. s. Pine, 2 s. BuffaloSheboygan Falls 
Telgener, Elva teacherres.723 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygan 
Telgener, Walter clerk at freight officeres.723 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygan 
Telgner, Christine  res.1704 N. 6th St.Sheboyganwid. Aug.
Telgner, Fred.
811 N. 8th St.
723 St. Clair Ave.
Sheboygantel. c.
Tellier, Isaac
lab.res.918 Dillingham Ave.Sheboygan 
Tellier, L. boots & shos  OostburgNellie
Tellin, Elizabeth Miss  res.936 Dillingham Ave.Sheboygan 
Tellin, Ernst engineerres.936 Dillingham Ave.Sheboygan 
Tellin, John ret.res.936 Dillingham Ave.Sheboygan 
Ten Boer, Katie dom. 2104 N. 6th St.Sheboygan 
Ten Dollen, Joh. blksmith  OostburgNellie
Tenpas, John farmer  Gibbsville 
Ter Beest, B. H.
ship.-clerkres.411 N. Water St.Sheboygan 
Ter Maat, Christ. ret.  Hingham 
Ter Maat, Garret
butcherres.s. s. dor. Detroit & ElmSheboygan FallsEmma
Teressa, Sister Cath. School cor. Superior Ave. & N. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Terhardt, Fred. machinistres.307 Niagara Ave.Sheboygan 
Terhardt, Herm. Jr.
lab.res.307 Niagara Ave.Sheboygan 
Terhardt, Herm. Sr.
lab.res.307 Niagara Ave.Sheboygan 
Terhardt, Hugo machinistres.307 Niagara Ave.Sheboygan 
Terschner, Ignaz
lab.res.1015 Superior Ave.
2nd Floor
Teschel, George
lab.res.1135 Logan Ave.Sheboygan 
Tessar, Steve
engineerres.729 Kentucky Ave.Sheboygan 
Tessin, Chas.
lab.res.2015 N. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Tessin, Friedr. lab.res.2421 Calumet RoadSheboygan 
Tessin, Herm.
shoemkr.res.2421 Calumet RoadSheboygan 
Tessin, Ida midwiferes.2015 N. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Tessin, Louis dom. 823 Center Ave.Sheboygan 
Tessin, Louise clerkres.24121 Calumet RoadSheboygan 
Testwuide, Elizabeth stud.res.502 Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Testwuide, Konrad
treas. Konrad Schreier Brg. Co.res.723 N. 7th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Testwuide, Louis
retiredres.502 Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Tetzel, Aug. ret.brds.526 Main St.Plymouth 
Teumer, Annie
 res.1739 N. 10th St.
2nd Floor
Sheboyganwid. Otto
Teumer, Edmund
bandsawerres.2228 N. 10th St.Sheboygan 
Teumer, Frank lab.brds.1224 Lincoln Ave.Sheboygan 
Teumer, Moritz lab.brds.1224 Lincoln Ave.Sheboygan 
Teumer, Otto lab.brds.1224 Lincoln Ave.Sheboygan 
Thack, Herm.
lab.res.401 Washington CourtSheboygan 
Thackeray, H. F. notary public  Glenbeulah 
Thackeray, Jos. farmer  Glenbeulah 
Thackery, Ruth teacherres.928 N. 6th St.Sheboygan 
Thackray, Helen teacherres.419 Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Thayer, Sarah  res.517 Washington CourtSheboyganwid. J. O.
The Empire
Isaak De Munck & Emma Keuper
 dept. store E. Mill St. - next 131Plymouthtel. 69
The Fashion
Wm. F. Mueller
   414 E. Mill St.Plymouth 
Theek, Friedericke Miss  res.426 New York Ave.Sheboygan 
Theek, Sophie
 res.426 New York Ave.Sheboyganwid. John
Theek, Willie marine engineerres.426 New York Ave.Sheboygan 
Theis, A.
groceriesres.1325 N. 8th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Theis, Frank
lab.res.1213 N. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Theis, Irene clerkres.1325 N. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Theis, Katie Miss  res.629 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Theis, Katie  res.629 Huron Ave.Sheboyganwid. Hy.
Theis, Katie dom. 2102 N. 6th St.Sheboygan 
Theis, Theresa Miss  res.629 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Theisen's Cash Store
Martin Kohn - prop.
   1905 N. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Theisen, Clara clerkres.1905 N. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Theisen, John lab.res.1905 N. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Theissen, Jos. M.
bkkpr.res.1904 Calumet RoadSheboygan 
Themar, Clarence stud.res.425 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Themar, Ernst
janitorres.425 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Themar, Erwin firemanres.828 New York Ave.Sheboygan 
Themar, H. A.
trav.-sal.res.828 New York Ave.Sheboygan 
Themar, Milton butcherres.828 New York Ave.Sheboygan 
Theune & Wykhuis
John Theune
Mrs. W. Wykhuis
 general mdse.  Oostburgtel. 6
Theune, Cornelius
clerkres.1324 Pennsylvania Ave.
2nd Floor
Theune, E. farmer  Cedar GroveJosie
Theune, John J. clerk  Oostburg 
Theune, John mason  Cedar GroveMattie
tel. 9
Theune, John Theune & Wykhuis  Oostburg 
Theune, Mary Miss    Oostburg 
Theune, Peter farmer  Cedar GroveSarah
Theune, Peter printer  Oostburg 
Theune, Susie Miss    Oostburg 
They, Chas.
fireman on boatres.706 N. 5th St.
2nd Floor
Thiedeman, Fred.
lab.res.1630 Cambridge Ave.Sheboygan 
Thiedemann, Herm. lab.res.1630 Cambridge Ave.Sheboygan 
Thiedemann, Willie lab.res.1630 Cambridge Ave.Sheboygan 
Thiedmann, Helmuth
retiredres.416 E. Main St.Plymouthtel. 194
Thiedmann, Wm.
salesmanres.408 Western Ave.Plymouth 
Thiel, Alma Miss  res.424 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Thiel, Art.
barberres.1316 Pennsylvania Ave.
2nd Floor
Thiel, August
lab.res.424 S. 14th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Thiel, Conrad lab.res.1329 New York Ave.
2nd Floor
Thiel, Ed.
lab.res.2021 Wiemann Ave.Sheboygan 
Thiel, Erwin
bkkpr.res.411 Niagara Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Thiel, Hattie clerkres.1932 N. 10th St.Sheboygan 
Thiel, Simon moulderbrds.1801 N. 10th St.Sheboygan 
Thiel, William
teamsterres.833 Broadway Ave.
2nd Floor
Thiele, Adele Miss  res.1710 N. 10th St.Sheboygan 
Thiele, Emma Miss  res.1710 N. 10th St.Sheboygan 
Thiele, Gustav
lab.res.1710 N. 10th St.Sheboygan 
Thiele, Otto L. lab.res.1016 Erie Ave.
2nd Floor
Thiele, Otto
carp.res.1019 Superior ave.
2nd Floor
Thielecke, Ida dom. 434 Pennsylvania Ave.Sheboygan 
Thielecke, Wm.
lab.res.823 Swift Ave.Sheboygan 
Thielmann, Aug. H.
foremanres.1518 Alabama Ave.Sheboygan 
Thielmann, Gust.
lab.res.1114 Broadway Ave.Sheboygan 
Thieman, Marie Miss  res.621 Ontario Ave.Sheboygan 
Thieman, Robert stud.res.621 Ontario Ave.Sheboygan 
Thieman, W. F.
906 N. 8th St.
621 Ontario Ave.
Sheboygantel. c.
tel. c.
Thieme, A. F.
1232 Superior Ave.
1407 N. 13th St.
Thieme, Fritz
firemanres.1619 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Thieme, Geo.
motormanres.919 New York Ave.Sheboygan 
Thieme, Herm.
lab.res.1407 N. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Thieme, Maric {sic} Miss  res.1407 N. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Thierbach, Arthur firemanres.1735 N. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Thierbach, Chas.
firemanres.1735 N. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Thierbach, Minnie office girlres.1735 N. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Thierman, Frank electricianres.n. s. MonroeSheboygan Falls 
Thierman, Geo.
cigarmkr.res.n. s. MonroeSheboygan FallsDora
Thiermann, Geo.
lab.res.s. s. Broadway, westSheboygan FallsLena
Thiermann, Otto
lab.res.s. s. Jackson Str.Sheboygan FallsMary
Thill, Carrie dom. 713 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Thill, Dominik F. rector Holy Name Churchres.1426 N. 8th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Thill, Jos.
lab.res.2038 Lyman's Add.Sheboygan 
Thill, Nic.
firemanres.1629 Illinois Ave.Sheboygan 
Thimm, Annie Miss  res.817 Spring Ave.Sheboygan 
Thimm, Frank
lab.res.817 Spring Ave.Sheboygan 
Thimm, Gusta Miss  res.817 Spring Ave.Sheboygan 
Thimm, Paul lab.res.817 Spring Ave.Sheboygan 
Thimmig, Albert  res.1601 Indiana Ave.Sheboygan 
Thimmig, Chas.
lab.res.711 Georgia Ave.Sheboygan 
Thimmig, Ed.
retiredres.1601 Indiana Ave.Sheboygan 
Thimmig, Edna Miss  res.1601 Indiana Ave.Sheboygan 
Thimmig, Edw.
jeweler & watchmkr.
423 N. 8th St.
1601 Indiana Ave.
Thimmig, Ella Mrs.  res.n. s. PineSheboygan Falls 
Thimmig, William lab.res.1601 Indiana Ave.Sheboygan 
Thomas, Bernh.
1030 Lincoln Ave.
Sheboygantel. c.
Thomas, Bertha  res.1914 N. 7th St.
2nd Floor
Sheboyganwid. Wm.
Thomas, Clara teacherres.west Broadway Str.Sheboygan Falls 
Thomas, Conrad
shoemkr.res.1015 Lincoln Ave.Sheboygan 
Thomas, Harry
electricianres.Madison Str.Sheboygan FallsJennie
tel. 365-4
Thomas, I. C. & Co. druggists 630 N. 8th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Thomas, I. C. I. C. Thomas Co.res.630 N. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Thomas, J. H.
lab.res.w. s. Buffalo, 4 s. BroadwaySheboygan FallsEmma
Thomas, Joe
meat market
218 E. Main St.
Thomas, John E.
lawyerres.s. s. Madison Str.Sheboygan Fallstel. 365-4
Thomas, John G.
lab.res.1211 Michigan Ave.
2nd Floor
Thomas, Joseph
lab.res.835 Kentucky Ave.Sheboygan 
Thomas, Mich. tailorres.1425 S. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Thomas, Mike
tailorres.811 Indiana Ave.Sheboygan 
Thomas, Myrtle  res.412 Reed St.Plymouthwid. Rufus
Thomas, Nellie teacherres.west Broadway Str.Sheboygan Falls 
Thomas, Olga Miss  res.1425 S. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Thomas, R. H. Jr.
Thomas & Sonsres.n. s. Pine Str.Sheboygan FallsMay
Thomas, R. H. Sr.
Thomas & Sons west Broadway Str.Sheboygan FallsSophie
tel. 383
Thomas, Stedman
 res.n. s. MonroeSheboygan FallsRose
Thomas, W. C.
editor & publ. Sheb. Co. Newsres.n. s. Bridge St.Sheboygan FallsMinnie
tel. 308
Thompson, Clara Miss  res.915 Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Thompson, Jac. instructor at Gold Clubbrds.909 New York Ave.Sheboygan 
Thomson, Andrew
lab.res.1007 Georgia Ave.
2nd Floor
Thomson, Helen Miss  res.1007 Georgia Ave.
2nd Floor
Thomson, Janet E. teacherres.419 Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Thorp, Euphemia   w. Broadway, 1 s. WalnutSheboygan Fallswid. Peter
Thorpe, Fannie Miss  res.Eastman St.Plymouth 
Thorpe, Wm.
lab.res.Eastman St.Plymouth 
Thuer, Jac.
moulderres.1319 N. 17th St.Sheboygan 
Thurman & Co.
Fred. Th. Sr. & Wm. Thurman
 iron works Stafford St - near bridgePlymouthtel. 94
Thurman, Fred. Jr.
 res.30 S. Milwaukee St.Plymouthtel. 130
Thurman, Fred.
F. Thurmann Co.res.124 Stafford St.Plymouth 
Thurman, Wm.  res.118 Smith St.Plymouth 
Thurow, Herman
lab.res.1115 Dillingham Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Thurston, W. H. lab.res.2308 S. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Thurston, Wm. lab.brds.626 S. 13th St.
2nd Floor
Tibbits, Amor L. farmer  Hingham 
Tibbits, Fayette stud.  Hingham 
Tibbits, Gertrude Miss    Hingham 
Tibbits, Vesta teacherres.1312 Pennsylvania Ave.Sheboygan 
Tibitts{sic}, Verta teacher  Hingham 
Tiegs, Anna Miss  res.Park PlacePlymouth 
Tiegs, Ernestine  res.Park PlacePlymouthwid. Herm.
Tiegs, Linda Miss  res.Park PlacePlymouth 
Tietema, J. H.
clergymanres.Buffalo, 1 n. MapleSheboygan FallsGerty
Tieusenick, Franz lab.brds.1036 Ontario Ave.Sheboygan 
Tiffnay, Nelson ret.  Cascade 
Tifft, S. A. travellerres.827 N. 8th St.
2nd Floor
Tighe, Eva Miss  res.436 Wisconsin Ave.Sheboygan 
Tight, Charles
firemanres.1734 N. 8th St.
2nd Floor
Tillmann, Henry lab.res.1308 Maryland Ave.Sheboygan 
Tillmann, Henry
book-binderres.1308 Maryland Ave.Sheboygan 
Tillmann, Lydia Miss  res.1308 Maryland Ave.Sheboygan 
Tillmann, William baker apprenticeres.1306 Maryland Ave.
2nd Floor
Tillmann, William
lab.res.1306 Maryland Ave.
2nd Floor
Tillotson, Louis
bkkpr.res.136 Division St.Plymouthtel. 128
Timm, Albert J. clerkres.1104 Alabama Ave.Sheboygan 
Timm, Albert
lab.res.1104 Alabama Ave.Sheboygan 
Timm, Anna Miss    Cascade 
Timm, C. F.
409 E. Mill St.
Plymouthtel. 184
Timm, Fred. painterbrds.1234 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Timm, Fritz
lab.res.1502 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Timm, Hilda Miss  res.Caroline St. - next 228Plymouth 
Timm, J. H. Co.
J. H. Timm - pres.
L. W. Kaestner - v-pres.
O. W. Timm - secr.
L. W. Tillotson - treas.
 flour, feed farm machinery, plumbing &
heating, coal & wood, lime, cement, etc.
 E. Mill & Stafford Sts.Plymouthtel. 51
Timm, J. H.
pres. J. H. Timm Co.res.Caroline St. - next 228Plymouthtel. 92
Timm, John
lab.res.1419 S. 11th St.
2nd Floor
Timm, Milton stud.res.409 E. Mill St.Plymouth 
Timm, Otto W. secr. J. H. Timm Co.res.Caroline St. 228Plymouth 
Timm, Otto lab.res.1502 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Timm, Walter studentres.Caroline St. - next 228Plymouth 
Timm, Wm. lab.  Cascade 
Timmer & Hein gen. mdse.  Waldo 
Timmer, Hy. postmaster  Waldo 
Titel, Edw. Dr.  Adell 
Tittel, Anna Miss    Glenbeulah 
Tittel, Fred. retired  Glenbeulah 
Todd, Wm.
farmerres.s. w. cor. Fond du Lac & Green BaySheboygan FallsAnna
Toeback, Anton
lab.res.525 N. 8th St.
2nd Floor
Toeback, Martin Scherer & Toebackres.525 N. 8th St.
2nd Floor
Toeckes, Matt. B.
carp.  Random LakeAnna
Toecks, Matt. carp.  Random Lake 
Toelle, Albert ship.-clk.res.1422 N. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Toelle, Elsie cashierres.1422 N. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Toelle, Flora stud.res.1422 N. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Toelle, Herm.
coachmanres.1422 N. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Toelle, Martha Miss  res.1422 N. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Toennies, E. A.
ship.-clk.res.601 Center Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Toennies, Emil
masonres.714 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Toennies, Ernst stud.res.601 Center Ave.Sheboygan 
Toennies, Henry bkkpr.res.601 Center Ave.Sheboygan 
Toennies, Marie Miss  res.601 Center Ave.Sheboygan 
Toennies, Martin teacher State Business Collegeres.601 Center Ave.Sheboygan 
Toennies, Walter clk. at Post officeres.601 Center Ave.Sheboygan 
Toepel, Albert
carp.res.1244 Lincoln Ave.Sheboygan 
Toepel, Annie dressmkr.res.1202 Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Toepel, Emma Miss  res.1820 N. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Toepel, Gustav
carp. foremanres.1202 Erie Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Toepel, Rob. steam-fitterbrds.1914 N. 6th St.Sheboygan 
Toepfer, Albert mail carrierres.518 S. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Toepfer, Louis
lab.res.518 S. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Toerke, Adolf
clerkres.1023 Clara Ave.
2nd Floor
Toll, Fred. lab.  Howards Grove 
Tomasen, John lab.brds.102 N. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Tommessen, James
cementwkr.res.1509 N. 5th St.Sheboygan 
Topper, Minna  res.s. s. Elizabeth St. - near Division St.Plymouthwid. Chester
Torian, Jos. lab.brds.513 N. Water St.Sheboygan 
Torke Bros.
Herm., Emil & Ernst Troke
 agri. impl. 525 E. Mill St.Plymouthtel. 149
Torke, Edna millinerres.1623 Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Torke, Herm.
Torke Bros.res.525 E. Mill St.
2nd Floor
Torke, Robert
carp.res.1623 Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Torke, Wm. ret.  Cascade 
Torrison, Toris
sailorres.1108 S. 10th St.Sheboygan 
Torson, Charles lab.brds.801 Indiana Ave.Sheboygan 
Torta, John janitorres.409 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygan 
Tosovanic, Frank lab.brds.1036 Ontario Ave.Sheboygan 
Totei, Henry lab.res.909 N. 10th St. - rearSheboygan 
Totei, Philip lab.res.909 N. 10th St. - rearSheboygan 
Tousley, Edward
electricianres.1525 S. 8th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Tousley, Elva Miss  res.1525 S. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Tousley, Viola Miss  res.1525 S. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Toutenhoofd, Andr.
clerkres.1429 N. 5th St.Sheboygan 
Toutenhoofd, Jacobus lab.res.710 Franklin St.Sheboygan 
Toutenhoofd, Jacobus
lab.res.710 Franklin St.Sheboygan 
Toutenhooft, Jacob
lab.res.1621 N. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Toutenhooft, John clerkres.1621 N. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Toutenhooft, Lucian clerkres.1621 N. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Toutenhooft, Nellie teacherres.1621 N. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Traas & Velier
Peter Traas & John Velier
 groceries 1217 N. 8th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Traas, Arnold painterres.1617 N. 4th St.Sheboygan 
Traas, Ed. lab.res.1215 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygan 
Traas, Edward
lab.res.1531 N. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Traas, John Jr. masonres.1617 N. 4th St.Sheboygan 
Traas, John
masonres.1617 N. 4th St.Sheboygan 
Traas, Peter Traas & Velierres.1217 N. 8th St.
2nd Floor
Sheboygantel. c.
Tracey, J. gen. mdse.  Waldo 
Tragon, Martin lab.brds.506 N. Water St.Sheboygan 
Trakey, Frank lab.brds.506 N. Water St.Sheboygan 
Trapaniets, Wm. lab.res.1608 Indiana Ave.Sheboygan 
Trapp, Fred.
lab.res.919 N. 12th St.
2nd Floor
Tratter, John lab.brds.506 N. Water St.Sheboygan 
Traute, Alfred tinsmithres.1317 N. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Traute, Edwin carp.res.1317 N. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Traute, Hy.
capt. hook & ladder Co.res.1519 N. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Traute, Ida Miss  res.1519 N. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Traute, Wm.
foremanres.1317 N. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Trautmann, Edgar machinistres.1924 N. 6th St.Sheboygan 
Trautmann, Frank
retiredres.1924 N. 6th St.Sheboygan 
Trautmann, Rich.
carp.res.1524 N. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Trautschold, Eleanor stud.res.1431 N. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Trautschold, Felicia clk.res.1431 N. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Trautschold, Fritz
retiredres.2525 N. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Trautschold, Hilda Miss  res.1431 N. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Trautschold, Hubert lab.res.2525 N. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Trautschold, Mary  res.1431 N. 11th St.Sheboyganwid. Fred. Jr.
Trdak, Mathias lab.brds.306 N. Water St.Sheboygan 
Trdak, Steph. lab.brds.1122 S. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Treadwell, Oscar
lab.res.2416 S. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Treadwell, Willie lab.res.2416 S. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Treick, Alb. clerkres.829 Ontario Ave.Sheboygan 
Treick, Alfred clerkres.610 Huron ave.Sheboygan 
Treick, John
carp.res.829 Ontario Ave.Sheboygan 
Treick, Martha Miss  res.610 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Treick, Otto lab.res.610 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Treick, Wm.
shoemkr.res.610 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Treis, Christ. bartenderres.721 New York Ave.Sheboygan 
Trempe, Henry
lab.res.1516 N. 3rd St.Sheboygan 
Trempe, Herm. machinistres.1616 N. 3rd St.Sheboygan 
Trempe, Meta works at Foeste Hotel  Sheboygan 
Trempe, Willie moulderres.1516 N. 3rd St.Sheboygan 
Trester, Adam
real estate & insurance
justice of the peace
res.916 Center Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Trester, Anna Miss  res.1023 Logan Ave.Sheboygan 
Trester, Anton civil engineerres.714 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Trester, Anton
contractorres.2114 N. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Trester, Caspar
cooperres.1544 Martin Ave.Sheboygan 
Trester, Chas.
cigarmkr.res.1601 Bell Ave.Sheboygan 
Trester, Chas.
retiredres.1034 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Trester, Eleanore Miss  res.714 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Trester, Elsa Miss  res.1544 Martin Ave.Sheboygan 
Trester, Frank lab.res.1601 Bell Ave.Sheboygan 
Trester, Geo. lab.res.1431 N. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Trester, Geo. lab.res.1700 N. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Trester, H. W.
revenue collectorres.714 Michigan Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Trester, Henry Jr. bkkpr.res.714 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Trester, Henry
lab.res.1621 Martin Ave.Sheboygan 
Trester, Hubert
masonres.1023 Logan Ave.Sheboygan 
Trester, Jos. driverres.1023 Logan Ave.Sheboygan 
Trester, Lena Miss  res.1544 Martin Ave.Sheboygan 
Trester, Margaret Miss  res.1601 Bell Ave.Sheboygan 
Trester, Marie Miss  res.1700 N. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Trester, Mary Miss  res.St. Nicholas HospitalSheboygan 
Trester, Math. lab.res.1700 N. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Trester, Verena stud.res.714 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Trester, Walter bkkpr.res.714 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Trester, Wm. J. post clerkres.718 Niagara Ave.
2nd Floor
Treuber, Otto
cabinetmkr.res.418 Wisconsin Ave.Sheboygan 
Trewert, Bertha Mrs.    Johnsonville 
Trewert, Ottilie Miss    Johnsonville 
Trickey, James stone cutterbrds.835 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Trier, Adolf
cigarmkr.res.1810 N. 10th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Trier, Frank
bkkpr.res.1615 N. 15th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Trier, Joe cigarmkr.res.1634 N. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Trier, Katie Miss  res.1810 N. 10th St.Sheboygan 
Trier, Lulu bkkpr.res.1634 N. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Trier, Mary
 res.1634 N. 9th St.Sheboyganwid. Wm.
Trier, Paul machinistres.1810 N. 10th St.Sheboygan 
Trilling Jos. Hardware Co. now;
North Side Hardware Co.
Hugo Trilling - pres.
Herm. Rehwaldt - v.pres.
Guido Trilling - secr. & treas.
 general hardware 1214 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Trilling, Alphonse lab.res.1203 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Trilling, Aug. cigarmkr.  Howards Grove 
Trilling, Guido
merchant tailor & gents furnishing
904 Michigan Ave.
1203 Michigan Ave.
2nd Floor
Sheboygantel. c.
Trilling, Hilda Miss  res.1203 Michigan Ave.
2nd Floor
Trilling, Hugo
clerkres.403 Bluff Ave.
2nd Floor
Sheboygantel. c.
Trilling, Jos. Jos. Trilling Hdw. Co. - prop.res.1214 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Trilling, Otto attorney at law
615 N. 8th St.
2nd Floor
1607 N. 9th St.
Sheboygantel. c.
tel. c.
Trillinger, C. Mrs.    Riverside 
Trillinger, Christ. lab.  Riverside 
Trillinger, Edwin student  Riverside 
Trimberger & Rath mason contractors 824 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygan 
Trimberger, A.
milk dealerres.1522 Maryland Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Trimberger, Antonie Miss  res.824 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygan 
Trimberger, Caspar
lab.res.1421 Virginia Ave.Sheboygan 
Trimberger, Emma Miss  res.1421 Virginia Ave.Sheboygan 
Trimberger, Ernst
painterres.402 Western Ave.Plymouth 
Trimberger, Esther Miss  res.824 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygan 
Trimberger, Frank Jr. lab.res.824 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygan 
Trimberger, Frank
Trimberger & Rathres.824 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Trimberger, Geo. teamsterres.2017 N. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Trimberger, Jennie Miss  res.824 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygan 
Trimberger, Louis
lab.res.1108 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Trimberger, Louise Miss  res.2017 N. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Trimberger, Lucy Miss  res.824 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygan 
Trimberger, Nic.
teamsterres.2017 N. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Trinity Church Germ. Luth. n. e. cor. Wisconsin Ave. & N. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Trobridge, E. G.
 res.n. w. cor. Summer & Dye Str.Sheboygan FallsMary
Trobridge, Frank
engineerres.s. s. Dye Str.Sheboygan FallsEmma
Trobridge, O. C.
White Wagon Worksres.n. s. PineSheboygan FallsLuella
Trobridge, Walter S.  res.n. s. PineSheboygan Falls 
Troeller, Clara Miss  res.407 Caroline St.Plymouth 
Trolling, Christ.
lab.res.s. s. Jackson Str.Sheboygan Falls 
Trowbridge, Louis H.
ret.res.414 Caroline St.Plymouth 
Trowbridge, Wm. ret.res.e. s. South St. - near Reed St.Plymouth 
Truhlar, Emily Miss  res.517 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Truhlar, Marie Miss  res.517 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Truhlar, Van lab.res.517 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Truhlar, Wenzel
lab.res.517 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Trumm, Alois
lab.res.1930 N. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Truttschel, Alb.
lab.res.236 Huron Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Truttschel, Carl
retiredres.1703 N. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Truttschel, Ernst
 res.1721 N. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Truttschel, Erwin chauffeurres.236 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Tucker, E. F.
retiredres.522 Park Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Tupper, Arthur
lab.res.Broadway, 1 n. MapleSheboygan FallsJennie
Tupper, Frank lab.res.425 Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Tupper, George
trav.-salesmanres.425 Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Tupper, George
retired PlankroadSheboygan Falls 
Tupper, Inez stud.res.425 Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Tupper, Isabelle Miss   PlankroadSheboygan Falls 
Tupper, Minnie  res.215 Elizabeth St.Plymouthwid. Chester
Turba, Mike
lab.res.Caroline St. - next 329Plymouth 
Turk, Frank carp.brds.517 Center Ave.Sheboygan 
Turk, Frank
lab.res.1015 N. 5th St.
2nd Floor
Turk, Jac. lab.brds.517 Center Ave.Sheboygan 
Turk, Matthew lab.brds.919 Wisconsin Ave.Sheboygan 
Turner Opera House
Joe Rieck - prop.
   n. e. cor. Smith & Elizabeth St.Plymouth 
Turner, Eleanor  res.Eastman St.Plymouthwid. F. H.
Turner, William farmer  Hingham 
Turnerhall   cor. St. Clair Ave. & N. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Turtgen, Nathan
lab.res.1421 Bluff Ave.Sheboygan 
Tutscher, Deleila Miss  res.514 Washington CourtSheboygan 
Tutscher, Thimothy {sic} knitterres.514 Washington CourtSheboygan 
Tuuk,{sic} E. J. Rev. Christ., Ref. Church  OostburgGrace
tel. 52
Twig, Heinrich
lab.res.721 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Twig, Herm.
masonres.411 Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Twig, Otto L.
shoe mfr.
1003 Niagara Ave.
1008 N. 8th St.
Sheboygantel. c.
tel. c.
Tyne, Anna Miss  res.527 Ontario Ave.Sheboygan 
Tyroff, Ida Miss  res.1010 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 

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