Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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1910 Rural Route Directory - Surname Letter N

AbbreviationMeaning| |AbbreviationMeaning| |AbbreviationMeaning| |AbbreviationMeaning
agt.agent| |cmtwkrcement worker| |mfg.manufacturing| |stenog.stenographer
asst.assistant| |cor.corner| |nr.near| |stud.student
ave.avenue| |dom.domestic| |n.north| |tel. c.telephone connection
bet.between| |e.east| |n. s.north side| |trav. sal.travelling salesman
bkkpr.bookkeeper| |e. s.east side| |res.residence| |treas.treasurer
brds.boards| |kpr.keeper| |Rev.Reverend| |w.west
capt.captain| |lab.laborer| |R.Rural Free Delivery Route| |w. s.west side
carp.carpenter| |mkr.maker| |s.south| |wid.widow
clk.clerk| |mfr.manufacturer| |secr.secretary| |
Head of Household

OccupationResidence /
Nachtiger, John lab.brds.609 N. Water St.Sheboygan 
Nack & Hessler
Herm. Nack & Julius Hessler
 boots & shoes 1518 S. 12th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Nack, Agnes Miss  res.1203 S. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Nack, Albert carp.-contr.res.1203 S. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Nack, Albert
lab.res.1435 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Nack, Albin
engineerres.1336 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Nack, Alvin
lab.res.1221 Georgia Ave.Sheboygan 
Nack, Amalia  res.602 Huron Ave.Sheboyganwid. Wm.
Nack, Arthur bartenderres.1128 N. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Nack, Aug.
lab.res.1605 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygan 
Nack, Augusta
 res.1235 Georgia Ave.Sheboyganwid. Alb.
Nack, Aurelia clerkres.1605 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygan 
Nack, Carl
lab.res.1203 S. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Nack, Charles
lab.res.825 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Nack, Charles
saloonres.1128 N. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Nack, Chas. masonres.1435 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Nack, Christ.
ret.res.1518 S. 12th St.Sheboygan 
Nack, Ed. lab.res1201 Georgia Ave.Sheboygan 
Nack, Florence Miss  res.1227 Georgia Ave.Sheboygan 
Nack, George bartenderres.1128 N. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Nack, Henry
lab.res.1515 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Nack, Herm. Nack & Hesslerres.1518 S. 12th St.Sheboygan 
Nack, Ida Miss  res.1435 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Nack, Irwin lab.res.1203 S. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Nack, Lauretta Miss  res.1221 Geogia Ave.Sheboygan 
Nack, Martha Miss  res.1203 S. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Nack, Minnie Miss  res.1221 Georgia Ave.Sheboygan 
Nack, Phaynor lab.res.1515 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Nack, Ulysses lab.res.1515 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Nack, William lab.res.1235 Georgia Ave.Sheboygan 
Nack, William
lab.res.1227 Georgia Ave.Sheboygan 
Nadler, Andrew shoemkr.  St. Anna 
Naether, Minna dom. 425 E. Mill St.Plymouth 
Nagel, Arthur stud.res.820 N. 8th St
2nd Floor
Nagel, Augusta  res.522 S. 14th St.Sheboyganwid. Fred.
Nagel, F. & Son
Henry Nagel - prop.
 boots & shoes 820 N. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Nagel, Henry prop. - F. Nagel & Son 820 N. 8th St.
2nd Floor
Nagel, Udo
carp.res.1914 N. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Nagle, Elsie teacher  Hingham 
Najacht, Martin blksmithbrds.1117 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Najacht, Otto clerkbrds.1117 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
National Box Co.
A. Christiansen - pres.
J. Orlebeck - secr. & treas.
J. Christiansen - mgr.
   706 - 708 Jefferson Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
National Buffet, The
Scherer & Toeback - prop.
 saloon 525 N. 8th St.Sheboygantel. c.
National Demokrat Demokrat Printing Co. - publ. 507 N. 8th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Naulin, Gottf.   1922 S. 12th St.Sheboyganwid.
Naumann, Amanda Miss  res.821 Eastern Ave.Plymouth 
Naumann, Aug.
lab.res.1616 Illinois Ave.Sheboygan 
Naumann, August
teamsterres.1608 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Naumann, Hugo
foremanres.1623 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Naumann, Katie
 res.2102 N. 9th St.
2nd Floor
Sheboyganwid. Fred.
Naumann, Otto
teamster & contr.res.1130 Ontario Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Naumann, Theo.  res.2102 N. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Nauschuetz, Herm.
lab.res.1608 N. 3rd St.Sheboygan 
Nauschuetz, Martin lab.res.1608 N. 3rd St.Sheboygan 
Nauschuetz, Willie lab.res.1608 N. 3rd St.Sheboygan 
Nause, Dr. F. W.
902 N. 8th St
2nd Floor
Upper Falls Road
Town Sheboygantel. 191
tel. c.
Nause, Fred.
veterinary surgeonres.1513 N. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Nausen, C.
lab.res.w. s. Green Bay RoadSheboygan FallsNellie
Navis, Albert farmer  Hingham 
Neck, Arthur bartenderres.817 Jefferson Ave.Sheboygan 
Neck, Charles
saloon kpr.res.817 Jefferson Ave.Sheboygan 
Neck, Geo. lab.res.817 Jefferson Ave.Sheboygan 
Nedham, Margaret
 res.cor. Mill & YorkSheboygan Fallswid.
Needham, Julia Miss  res.cor. Mill & YorkSheboygan Falls 
Neerhof & Meinen
Wm. Neerhof & W. Meinen
 meat market  Cedar Grovete. 5
Neerhof, Wm. Neerhof & Meinen  Cedar GroveLydia
Neese, Albert lab.res.1530 N. 4th St.Sheboygan 
Neese, Albert lab.res.546 South River St.Sheboygan 
Neese, Albert
carp.res.1609 S. 8th St
2nd Floor
Neese, August
lab.res.1123 High Ave.Sheboygan 
Neese, Emil lab.res.1530 N. 4th St.Sheboygan 
Neese, Emma Miss  res.546 South River St.Sheboygan 
Neese, Frank lab.res.1530 N. 4th St.Sheboygan 
Neese, Fred.
foremanres.1634 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Neese, Gottfried
lab.res.546 South River St.Sheboygan 
Neese, Helen Miss  res.1123 High Ave.Sheboygan 
Neese, Herman
lab.res.2008 S. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Neese, Minnie  res.1530 N. 4th St.Sheboyganwid. Fred.
Neese, William lab.res.1123 High Ave.Sheboygan 
Neese, Willie lab.res.1530 N. 4th St.Sheboygan 
Nehf, Lehnard
watchmanres.1834 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Nehring, Anna dom. 1418 N. 5th St.Sheboygan 
Nehrlich, Edwin
wood turnerres.1503 Erie Ave.
2nd Floor
Nehrlich, Emil real estateres.921 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygan 
Nehrlich, Ernst
ret.res.1115 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Nehrlich, Guido
manager Freyberg Lumber Co.res.1603 N. 5th St.Sheboygan 
Nehrlich, Hattie  res.717 St. Clair Ave.Sheboyganwid. Otto
Neils, Nic. lab.res.1536 John CourtSheboygan 
Neisius, Jos.
lab.res.1930 S. 12th St.Sheboygan 
Neisius, Katie  brds.1930 S. 12th St.Sheboygan 
Neisius, Margaret  brds.1930 S. 12th St.Sheboygan 
Neitzel, Amanda Miss  res.1509 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Neitzel, Carl
lab.res.1509 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Neitzel, Louis lab.res.1509 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Nelesen, John
tannerres.913 St. James CourtSheboygan 
Nelesen, Joseph
tannerres.1120 Lincoln Ave.Sheboygan 
Nelius, John Jr. lab.res.1521 N. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Nelius, John lab.res.1521 N. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Nellis, Elizabeth dom. e. s. Buffalo, 2 s. BroadwaySheboygan Fallswid.
Nelson, Annie  res.923 Indiana Ave.Sheboyganwid. Peter
Nelson, Anton
capt.res.508 N. 6th St.Sheboygan 
Nelson, Arthur electricianres.913 Kentucky Ave.Sheboygan 
Nelson, Caecilia  res.1719 S. 9th St.Sheboyganwid. Christ.
Nelson, Cerena  res.714 High Ave.Sheboyganwid. Fred.
Nelson, Eleanore  res.1201 S. 8th St.
2nd Floor
Sheboyganwid. Erich
Nelson, Fred.
lab.res.1723 S. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Nelson, Hans sailorres.915 Georgia Ave.Sheboygan 
Nelson, Helen stud.res.110 Plymouth St.Plymouth 
Nelson, Jennie Miss  res.915 Georgia Ave.Sheboygan 
Nelson, John
fishermanres.1440 S. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Nelson, John
lab.res.323 Forest Ave.Plymouth 
Nelson, John
sailorres.915 Georgia Ave.Sheboygan 
Nelson, Lester mechanicres.913 Kentcuky Ave.Sheboygan 
Nelson, Louis
moulderres.1201 S. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Nelson, Mabel teacherbrds.508 Niagara Ave.Sheboygan 
Nelson, Martin
sailorres.913 Kentucky Ave.Sheboygan 
Nelson, Nels sailorres.915 Georgia Ave.Sheboygan 
Nelson, Nic. lab.res.508 N. 6th St.Sheboygan 
Nelson, Oscar lab.res.913 Kentucky Ave.Sheboygan 
Nelson, R.
moulderres.1030 High Ave.Sheboygan 
Nelson, Sadie Miss  res.913 Kentcuky Ave.Sheboygan 
Nelson, Selma dom. 521 Ontario Ave.Sheboygan 
Nelson, Theo.
lab.res.714 High Ave.Sheboygan 
Nelson, Theo.
sailorres.413 N. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Nelson, Thomas
sailorres.1449 S. 10th St.Sheboygan 
Nelson, William clerkres.1719 S. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Nelson, William
lab.res.729 Kentucky Ave.Sheboygan 
Nemetz, Anton lab.brds.1117 Ontario Ave.Sheboygan 
Nemetz, Emilie bkkpr.res.1419 Mehrtens Ave.Sheboygan 
Nemetz, Frank
lab.res.1419 Mehrtens Ave.Sheboygan 
Nemetz, Jos. stud. 1812 N. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Nemetz, Tony bakerres.1812 N. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Nemetzoff, Jeck peddlerbrds.1338 Carl Ave.Sheboygan 
Nenmann, {sic} Edna    Ada 
Nennig, Alfred lab.res.1507 New Jersey Ave.Sheboygan 
Nennig, George lab.res.1507 New Jersey Ave.Sheboygan 
Nennig, J.
beer peddlerres.1507 New Jersey Ave.Sheboygan 
Nennig, Olive Miss  res.1507 New Jersey Ave.Sheboygan 
Nesemann, Misses C. & J.  res.713 N. 4th St.Sheboygan 
Neubauer, Gust. farmer  GlenbeulahWife: Lena
Neubauer, Gust.
lab.res.1617 Sibley CourtSheboygan 
Neubauer, Olga dom. 1617 Sibley CourtSheboygan 
Neubauer, Robert janitor St. Nicholas HospitalSheboygan 
Neubert, Friedr.
lab.res.1216 N. 10th St.
2nd Floor
Neubert, Gottlieb lab.res.114 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Neudeck, Fred. lab.res.320 S. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Neudeck, George lab.res.320 S. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Neudeck, Joseph
lab.res.320 S. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Neuenberg, Emil
lab.res.927 Swift Ave.Sheboygan 
Neuenfeld, Alb.
lab.res.101 South Water St.Sheboygan 
Neuenfeld, Alvine dom. 722 Niagara Ave.Sheboygan 
Neuenfeld, Clara Miss  res.1530 S. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Neuenfeld, Emma Miss  res.1629 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Neuenfeld, Oscar lab.res.1530 S. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Neuens, Henry J.
real estate & insurance
loans & notary public

802 N. 8th St.
436 Park Ave.
Sheboygantel. c.
tel. c.
Neuhaus, Alma Mss  res.2233 N. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Neuhaus, Anna dom. sheriff buildingSheboygan 
Neuhaus, Hilda Miss  res.2233 N. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Neuhaus, Jacob
lab.res.2233 N. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Neuhaus, Louis lab.res.2233 N. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Neuholz, Gottf.
shoe mkr.res.1134 Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Neumann, Alb. lab.  Erdmann 
Neumann, Albert    Ada 
Neumann, Aug.
foremanres.1716 N. 10th St.Sheboygan 
Neumann, Aug.
lab.res.1126 S. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Neumann, Chas.
lab.res.1234 Alabama Ave.Sheboygan 
Neumann, Dr. W. C. dentist
cor. Main & Stafford Sts.
524 Reed St.
Plymouthtel. 148
tel. 192
Neumann, Edw.
trav.-sal.res.1809 N. 7th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Neumann, Emmy Miss  res.1439 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Neumann, Ernst
carp.res.1327 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Neumann, Fred.
agt.res.1211 N. 17th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Neumann, Hy. bkkpr.res.1211 N. 17th St.Sheboygan 
Neumann, Hy.
lab.res.1640 N. 21st St.Sheboygan 
Neumann, John
lab.res.2015 S. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Neumann, Julius
lab.res.1439 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Neumann, Louise Miss  res.1809 N. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Neumann, Meta Miss  res.2015 S. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Neumann, Walter lab.res.2015 S. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Neumeister, Alma M. director Kindergartenres.1120 N. 10th St.Sheboygan 
Neumeister, Elizabeth Miss  res.1120 N. 10th St.Sheboygan 
Neumeister, Elizabeth
 res.702 Niagara Ave.Sheboyganwid. Christ.
tel. c.
Neumeister, Emma nurseres.1120 N. 10th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Neumeister, F. & Sons
{Ferd. Louis & Oscar N.}
 groceries flour & feed 818 Michigan Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Neumeister, Ferd. F. Neumeister & Sonsres.818 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Neumeister, Ferd. wagonmkr.  Howards Grove 
Neumeister, Julius
lab.res.1115 N. 10th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Neumeister, Laura dressmkr.res.818 Michigan Ave.
2nd Floor
Neumeister, Louis F. Neumeister & Sonsres.818 Michigan Ave.
2nd Floor
Neumeister, Marie Miss    Howards Grove 
Neumeister, O. C. & Co. druggists 902 Michigan Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Neumeister, O. C.
{O. C. Neumeister & Co.}
cash. Farmers & Merchants Bank and
supt., U. S. Postal Station
res.902 Michigan Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Neumeister, Oscar F. Neumeister & Sonsres.818 Michigan Ave.
2nd Floor
Neumuth, Herman
lab.res.1835 S. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Neuser, Anton
carp.res.1922 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Neve, Hannah baptist missionary 921 Erie Ave.
2nd Floor
Never, Barbara Mrs.  res.cor. Pine & BroadwaySheboygan Falls 
Never, Christ.
lab.res.Buffalo, 1 s. WalnutSheboygan FallsLena
Never, Geo. J. merchant tailor {sic}res.416 E. Mill St.Plymouth 
Never, H. F.
merchant tailorres.cor. Pine & BroadwaySheboygan Falls 
Never, Nora Miss  res.Buffalo, 1 s. WalnutSheboygan Falls 
Never, Otto
teamsterres.140 Fond du Lac Ave.Plymouth 
Never, Wilhelmine
 res.424 N. Milwaukee St.Plymouthwid. John
New England Electric Shoe Repairing H. Hirschberg - prop.
810 N. 8th St.
1351 Carl Ave.
New Second Hand Store Marsak & Popkof. 416 N. 8th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Newhouse, Aletta Miss  res.1432 Jefferson Ave.Sheboygan 
Newhouse, Martin
lab.res.1432 Jefferson Ave.Sheboygan 
Neyhof, Gerret farmer  Gibbsville 
Neyhof, Jennie Miss    Gibbsville 
Nicholaus, Herm.
blksmith  Random LakeNora
Nichols, Bessie Miss stud.res.Poplar St.Sheboygan Falls 
Nichols, Caroline  res.1322 Jefferson Ave.Sheboyganwid. Christ.
Nichols, E. H. gen. mdse.  Waldo 
Nichols, Edw. painterres.Poplar St.Sheboygan Falls 
Nichols, Elizabeth stenog.res.228 N. Water St.Sheboygan 
Nichols, Ethel Miss  res.228 N. Water StreetSheboygan 
Nichols, Georgia office clerkres.228 N. Water St.Sheboygan 
Nichols, Guy
lab.res.n. s. Madison St.Sheboygan FallsMary
Nichols, Jos. farmer  Cascade 
Nichols, Laura Miss bkkpr.res.Pine St.Sheboygan Falls 
Nichols, Peter
foremanres.228 N. Water St.Sheboygan 
Nichols, R. M.
physician & surgeon s. e. cor. Pine & GiddingsSheboygan FallsInez
tel. 307
Nichols, R.
painterres.Poplar St.Sheboygan FallsEdith
Nichols, Ray  res.Poplar St.Sheboygan Falls 
Nicholson, John
ret.res.626 Pennsylvania Ave.
2nd Floor
Nicholson, Katharine Miss dressmkr.res.626 Pennsylvania Ave.
2nd Floor
Nicholson, Mary Miss dressmkr.res.626 Pennsylvania Ave.
2nd Floor
Nicholson, R. E.
moulderres.1332 S. 9th St.
2nd Floor
Nickel, J. H.
furniture and undertaker, insuranceres.1524 - 26 Calumet RoadSheboygantel. c.
Nickel, Leonora clerkres.1524 Calumet Road
2nd Floor
Nickel, Walter stud.res.1524 Calunmet Road
2nd Floor
Nickisch, Albert
lab.res.1015 Logan Ave.Sheboygan 
Nickisch, Chas. porterres.Grand HotelSheboygan 
Nickisch, Emilie  res.1602 N. 5th St.Sheboyganwid. Chas.
Nickisch, Frank Jr.
engineerres.1416 Superior Ave.
2nd Floor
Nickisch, Gustav lab.res.1416 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Nickisch, Otto
blksmithres.1115 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygan 
Nickisch, Otto
lab.res.1621 Main St.Sheboygan 
Nickisch, Thomas
lab.res.1848 S. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Nicla, Alb.
mechanicres.825 Oakland Ave.Sheboygan 
Nicla, Art. stud.res.825 Oakland Ave.Sheboygan 
Nicla, Gertrude Miss  res.825 Oakland Ave.Sheboygan 
Nicla, Rosie Miss  res.1536 John CourtSheboygan 
Niemann, Walter lab.res.1834 N. 21st St.Sheboygan 
Nierle, Ant.
ret.res.1329 N. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Nihon, Frank
teamsterres.621 Jefferson Ave.
2nd Floor
Nijenhuis, Mrs. G. J.    Cedar Grovewid.
Nikos, Geo.
lab.res.1328 Center Ave.Sheboygan 
Nimitz, Frank Rev. M. E. Churchres.919 N. 7th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Ninnemann, Chas. wagonmkr.  Cascade 
Ninnemann, Herm. herdware  Cascade 
Ninnemann, Hilda Miss    Cascade 
Ninnemann, Otto
lab.res.930 S. 17th St.
2nd Floor
Ninnemann, Paul
lab.res.1534 Illinois Ave.Sheboygan 
Ninnemann, William
lab.res.1534 Illinois Ave.Sheboygan 
Ninnemann, Wm. cheesemkr.  Cascade 
Nisleit, Adolph
lab.res.818 Ashland Ave.
2nd Floor
Nisleith, John
lab.res.1106 N. 10th St. - basementSheboygan 
Nisleith, Max  res.1106 N. 10th St. - basementSheboygan 
Nitsch, August
masonres.924 Union Ave.Sheboygan 
Nitsch, Emma Miss  res.924 Union Ave.Sheboygan 
Nitsch, Herman
lab.res.920 Dillingham Ave.
2nd Floor
Nitsch, Olga Miss  res.924 Union Ave.Sheboygan 
Nitsch, Selma Miss  res.924 Union Ave.Sheboygan 
Nitsch, Willie lab.res.924 Union Ave.Sheboygan 
Nitsche, Emil
cabinetmkr.res.1311 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Nitsche, Emma clerkres.1311 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Nitsche, Walter painterres.1311 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Nitze, Louise  res.534 Huron Ave.Sheboyganwid. Rob.
Nitze, Paul
mail carrierres.1503 N. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Nitze, Robert lab.res.1503 N. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Nitze, Rosie stud.res.1503 N. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Nitzsche, Alf.
finisherres.1319 N. 12th St.Sheboygan 
Nix, Herman Jr. lab.res.2126 Henry St.Sheboygan 
Nix, Herman
lab.res.2126 Henry St.Sheboygan 
Nix, Julius
lab.res.1621 Illinois Ave.Sheboygan 
Nix, Minnie Miss  res.2126 Henry St.Sheboygan 
Nix, William
lab.res.1230 S. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Noetzel, Michael
printerres.219 E. Main St.Plymouth 
Nohl, Elizabeth Miss  res.1608 N. 12th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Nohl, Margaret Miss  res.1608 N. 12th St.Sheboygan 
Nohl, William    Johnsonville 
Nolden, Jacob
lab.res.1228 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Noll, Edward
butcherres.1407 Superior Ave.
2nd Floor
Noll, Emil
ret.res.1230 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Noll, Mathias lab.res.415 N. 8th St.
2nd Floor
Noll, Rosalie midwiferes.1230 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Nommesan, Anna Miss  res.1533 Martin St.Sheboygan 
Nommesan, Rich.
sewer-contr.res.1533 Martin St.Sheboygan 
Nonhof, Alida Miss    Hingham 
Nonnemacher, Martha
 res.1413 N. 15th St.Sheboyganwid. Andr.
Norman Bros. meat market  Random Lake 
Norman, George stud.res.729 Niagara Ave.
2nd Floor
Norman, John
butcher  Random LakeKatie
Norman, Rud. butcher  Random LakeMary
North Side Drug Store
R. C. Albers - mgr.
   1135 Michigan Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
North Side Fire Station   cor. Lincoln & N. 10th St.Sheboygan 
North Side Studio
Ed. Groh - prop.
   814 Michigan Ave.
2nd Floor
North, Bert. stud.res.1305 S. 8th St.
2nd Floor
North, Cora Mrs.  res.1305 S. 8th St.
2nd Floor
North, Florence Mss.  res.1305 S. 8th St.
2nd Floor
Northern Furniture Co.
G. Huette - pres.
E. E. Pantzer - v-pres.
Geo. J. Posson - treas.
Carroll Quimby - Secr.
   West Water & New Jersey Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Northern Grain Co.    Cedar Grovetel. 12
Northwesterm Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Gus Schrage - mgr.
   527 N. 8th St.
2nd Floor
Norton, D. H. justice of the peace  Hingham 
Norw. Method Church
Rev. Wieck
   Spring Ave. & S. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Norweg Lutheran Church
Rev. J. C. K. Preus
   S. 9th St., near Clara Ave.Sheboygan 
Nottling, John blksmith  Elkhart Lake 
Nowac, Anton lab.res.2035 Calumet RoadSheboygan 
Nowak, Francis lab.res.922 Swift Ave.Sheboygan 
Nowak, Frank
lab.res.922 Swift Ave.Sheboygan 
Nowak, John lab.res.922 Swift Ave.Sheboygan 
Nowak, Mary Miss  res.922 Swift Ave.Sheboygan 
Nowak, Mike lab.res.922 Swift Ave.Sheboygan 
Nowark, Ferd.
lab.  Random LakeKatie
Nuerenberg, Carl lab.brds.1420 Illinois Ave.Sheboygan 
Nuerenberg, Emil
lab.res.1420 Illinois Ave.Sheboygan 
Nuerenberg, Fritz
lab.res.1530 S. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Nuerenberg, Heinrich ret.res.1630 Kentucky Ave.Sheboygan 
Nuerenberg, Hugo livery manres.1420 Illinois Ave.Sheboygan 
Nuerenberg, Minnie Miss  res.1420 Illinois Ave.Sheboygan 
Nuerenberg, Wm. lab.brds.1741 S. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Nuss, John
foremanres.624 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Nuss, Mamie clerkres.624 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Nuss, Mary clerkres.816 Wisconsin Ave.
2nd Floor
Nuss, Wm.
secr. Pantzer Lumber Co.res.1601 N. 6th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Nussbaumer, Jos.
ret.res.1021 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Nussbaumer, Jos.
ret.res.1811 N. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Nussbaumer, Thomas
lab.res.1416 S. 12th St.Sheboygan 
Nutt, Dr. Chas.
physician & surgeonoffice
Exchange Bank Bldg.
2nd Floor
430 Caroline St.
Plymouthtel. 53
tel. 53-2
Nutt, Ella Miss  res.521 Western Ave.Plymouth 
Nutt, Mary Miss  res.521 Western Ave.Plymouth 
Nyenhuis, Jennie Miss ret. farmer  OostburgHermine
Nyenhuis, John W.  auctioneer  OostburgNellie
tel. 12
Nyhoff, Hannah dom. Sheriffs HomeSheboygan 
Nytes, Anton
lab.res.1916 S. 12th St.Sheboygan 
Nytes, Dora Miss  res.1227 S. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Nytes, Henry lab.brds.827 Indiana Ave.Sheboygan 
Nytes, John
ret.res.1227 S. 15th St.Sheboyganwid.
Nytes, John
teamsterres.e. s. Detroit, southSheboygan FallsLucy

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