Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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1910 Rural Route Directory - Surname Letter I

AbbreviationMeaning| |AbbreviationMeaning| |AbbreviationMeaning| |AbbreviationMeaning
agt.agent| |cmtwkrcement worker| |mfg.manufacturing| |stenog.stenographer
asst.assistant| |cor.corner| |nr.near| |stud.student
ave.avenue| |dom.domestic| |n.north| |tel. c.telephone connection
bet.between| |e.east| |n. s.north side| |trav. sal.travelling salesman
bkkpr.bookkeeper| |e. s.east side| |res.residence| |treas.treasurer
brds.boards| |kpr.keeper| |Rev.Reverend| |w.west
capt.captain| |lab.laborer| |R.Rural Free Delivery Route| |w. s.west side
carp.carpenter| |mkr.maker| |s.south| |wid.widow
clk.clerk| |mfr.manufacturer| |secr.secretary| |
Head of Household

OccupationResidence /
Ibbs, Harry lab.res.1428 Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Ibbs, Henry
foremanres.1428 Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Ibbs, Mamie Miss  res.1428 Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Ibe, Joh.
lab.res.1318 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Ibs, William
painterres.1016 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygan 
Ich, Theodore lab.brds.918 Kentucky Ave.Sheboygan 
Idle Hour vaudeville theatre 513 N. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Igl, Frank
lab.res.1917 N. 12th St.Sheboygan 
Ihlow, William
lab.res.1212 S. 17th St.Sheboygan 
Ilc, Anton lab.brds.516 N. Water St.Sheboygan 
Illig, Emil blksmith shop 709 Center Ave.Sheboygan 
Illig, Reinhard
lab.res.2605 M. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Imig Adam & Sons
Adam, Edwin & George Imig
 Jewlers, watchmaker and opticians 621 N. 8th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Imig Chas. & Sons
Victor H. & Julio Imig
 clothier & furnishers 801-5 N. 8th St.Sheboygantel. 353
Imig, Adam
Adam Imig & Sonsres.809 N. 6th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Imig, Arthur
hatter & furnisherstore
629 N. 8th St.
1404 N. 5th St.
Sheboygantel. c.
Imig, Clara teacherres.1127 N. 6th St.Sheboygan 
Imig, Edwin
Adam Imig & Sonsres.1215 N. 7th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Imig, George
Adam Imig & Sonsres.1223 N. 6th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Imig, Jacob
 res.1409 N. 7th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Imig, Julio
Chas. Imig & Sonsres.717 Michigan Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Imig, L. L.
trav.-sal.res.518 Niagara Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Imig, Laura
 res.905 N. 7th St.Sheboyganwid. Chas.
tel. c.
Imig, Marie Miss  res.1127 N. 6th St.Sheboygan 
Imig, Melitta Miss  res.905 N. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Imig, Meta Miss  res.1127 N. 6th St.Sheboygan 
Imig, Minnie
 res.1127 N. 6th St.Sheboyganwid. Hy.
tel. c.
Imig, Miss dom. 621 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Imig, Oscar
629 N. 8th St.
1603 N. 7th St.
Sheboygantel. 326
Imig, Victor
Chas. Imig & Sonres.1125 N. 7th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Ingels, Peter lab.brds.520 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Ingelse, Elsa Miss studentres.n. s. MonroeSheboygan Falls 
Ingelse, J.
lab.res.n. s. MonroeSheboygan FallsAntoinette
Ingelse, John farmer  Adell 
Ingelse, Peter
mgr. of Construction Co.res.n. s. MonroeSheboygan FallsGrace
tel. 350
Ingraham, Rev. Rob. pastor - M. E. Churchres.near ChurchSheboygan Falls 
Ippel, A. lab.res.512 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Ira, Frank
cigarmkr.res.1523 Michigan Ave.
2nd Floor
Ireland, John
groceries & confectioneryres.1101 Ontario Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Ireland, Walter stud.res.1101 Ontario Ave.Sheboygan 
Iroquis Club Room   s. e. cor. Mill & Stafford St.Plymouth 
Irwin, Michael clerkres.s. s. MonroeSheboygan Falls 
Isaak, Emanuel
lab.res.1732 S. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Isbrand, Fred
lab.res.1535 Alabama Ave.Sheboygan 
Iserloth, Auguste Miss  res.313 W. Main St.Plymouth 
Iserloth, Christ. retired  Glenbeulah 
Iserloth, Ed. masonres.225 Forest Ave.Plymouth 
Iserloth, Mathilde Miss  res.313 W. Main St.Plymouth 
Iserloth, Otto
lab.res.221 S. Milwaukee St.Plymouth 
Iserloth, Wm.
retiredres.313 W. Main St.Plymouth 
Iserstedt, Frieda teacherres.Reed St.Plymouth 

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