Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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1910 Rural Route Directory - Surname Letter E

AbbreviationMeaning| |AbbreviationMeaning| |AbbreviationMeaning| |AbbreviationMeaning
agt.agent| |cmtwkrcement worker| |mfg.manufacturing| |stenog.stenographer
asst.assistant| |cor.corner| |nr.near| |stud.student
ave.avenue| |dom.domestic| |n.north| |tel. c.telephone connection
bet.between| |e.east| |n. s.north side| |trav. sal.travelling salesman
bkkpr.bookkeeper| |e. s.east side| |res.residence| |treas.treasurer
brds.boards| |kpr.keeper| |Rev.Reverend| |w.west
capt.captain| |lab.laborer| |R.Rural Free Delivery Route| |w. s.west side
carp.carpenter| |mkr.maker| |s.south| |wid.widow
clk.clerk| |mfr.manufacturer| |secr.secretary| |
Head of Household

OccupationResidence /
Eagle's Hall   711 - 713 New York Ave.Sheboygantel. 482
Eahler, Lorenz
barberres.1519 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygan 
Early, Mike Mrs.    Cascade 
Eastman, Chas. D.
pres. Pl. Exchange Bankres.605 Reed St.Plymouthtel. 75
Eastman, E. E.
farmerres.Eastman St.Plymouthtel. 34
Eastman, Harley stud.res.Eastman St.Plymouth 
Eastman, J.
bkkpr.res.510 Reed St.Plymouth 
Eastman, Marie  res.S. Milwaukee St., next 160PlymouthWid. Enos
Eastman, Marjorie Miss  res.605 Reed St.Plymouth 
Eastman, Miriam Miss  res.605 Reed St.Plymouth 
Eastman, Selma millinerres.510 Reed St.Plymouth 
Ebbers, G. H. gen. mdse. & farm. imp.  Gibbsville 
Ebbers, Harvey stud.  Gibbsville 
Ebeld, Ferd. lab.  Adell 
Ebeling, August
lab.res.925 High Ave.Sheboygan 
Ebeling, Elizabeth stenographerres.923 New York Ave.Sheboygan 
Ebeling, Henry
ret.res.923 New York Ave.Sheboygan 
Ebeling, Ida clerkres.923 New York Ave.Sheboygan 
Ebelt, E. Mrs.    Cascade 
Ebelt, Emil    Cascade 
Ebelt, William Mrs.    Cascade 
Ebenreiter & Hildebrand
R. C. Ebenreiter
Wm. Hildebrand
 lumber, shingles, lath
timber, yard & office
 1215 Erie Ave.Sheboygantel. 211
Ebenreiter & Son
H. J. & A. W. Ebenreiter
 Funeral Directors & {sic}  Plymouth 
Ebenreiter, Alex clerkres.531 E. Mill St.Plymouth 
Ebenreiter, Alice Miss  res.531 E. Mill St.Plymouth 
Ebenreiter, Chas. asst. cashierres.1706 N. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Ebenreiter, H. J. furniture, pianos & phonographs
531 E. Mill St.Plymouth 
Ebenreiter, Norma Miss  res.1122 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygan 
Ebenreiter, Otto clerkres.531 E. Mill St.Plymouth 
Ebenreiter, R. C. Ebenreiter & Hildebrandres.1122 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Eberhardt, Hy.
ret.  Random LakeTherese
Eberhardt, Marg. clerkbrds.507 New York Ave.Sheboygan 
Eberhardt, Mathilda teacherres.903 Eastern Ave.Plymouth 
Eberhardt, Otto
 res.903 Eastern Ave.Plymouthtel. 191
Eberle, Alma clerkres.1712 N. 10th St.Sheboygan 
Eberle, Bertha clerkres.1712 N. 10th St.Sheboygan 
Eberle, George stud.res.1712 N. 10th St.Sheboygan 
Eberle, Hilda clerkres.1712 N. 10th St.Sheboygan 
Eberle, John
cigar mfr.res.1712 N. 10th St.Sheboygantel. Green 489
Eberle, Martha  res.1712 N. 10th St.Sheboygan 
Eberle, Theresa clerkres.1712 N. 10th St.Sheboygan 
Eberlein, Annie Miss  res.725 Jefferson Ave.Sheboygan 
Eberlein, Lena Miss  res.725 Jefferson Ave.Sheboygan 
Eberlein, Louise
 res.725 Jefferson Ave.Sheboyganwid. Philip
Eberlein, M. & E.
Mrs. Emma Kuehne
 millineryres.824 N. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Eberlein, Mary typesetterres.725 Jefferson Ave.Sheboygan 
Eberlein, Mildred stenographerres.725 Jefferson Ave.Sheboygan 
Eberlein, Tillie stenographerres.725 Jefferson Ave.Sheboygan 
Eberling, Annie clerkres.923 New York Ave.Sheboygan 
Ebert, L. A.
 res.1224 N. 6th St.Sheboyganwid. Fred.
Ebhardt, Geo.
confectionerres.1811 N. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Eble, Fred. lab.res.514 Center Ave.Sheboygan 
Eble, Friedericke Miss  res.514 Center Ave.Sheboygan 
Eble, Gertrude  res.514 Center Ave.Sheboyganwid. Jos.
Ebs, Henry
lab.res.n. s. Dye St.Sheboygan FallsAmelia
Eby, Flora dom. 839 N. 6th St.Sheboygan 
Eby, John Jr. carpt.res.10 Lighthouse CourtSheboygan 
Eby, John
masonres.10 Lighthouse CourtSheboygan 
Eby, Leslie stud.res.412 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Eby, Lucie Miss  res.10 Lighthouse CourtSheboygan 
Eby, Mabel  res.412 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Eby, Mich.
insuranceres.412 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Eck, Lulu Miss  res.322 Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Eckardt, Emma Miss  res.2134 N. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Eckardt, Ferd.
Carp.res.1902 N. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Eckardt, Franziska  res.2134 N. 8th St.Sheboyganwid. Hy.
Eckardt, Hy.
lab.res.2133 N. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Eckardt, Katherine  res.634 Huron Ave.Sheboyganwid. Wm.
Eckardt, Leo. prop. Bellevue Houseres.620 Wisconsin Ave.Sheboygantel. Green 222
Eckardt, Leonora stud.res.1902 N. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Eckardt, Mrs. C.  res.620 Wisconsin Ave.Sheboygan 
Eckardt, Walter stud.res.634 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Ecke & Holzschuh
Wm. Ecke & Joe Holzschuh
 Livery s.s. Mill St., near R. R. bridgePlymouth 
Ecke, Andreas
lab.res.607 Center Ave.Sheboygan 
Ecke, Herman
ret.res.612 Wisconsin Ave.Sheboygan 
Ecke, Wm. Sr.
retiredres.344 Smith St.Plymouth 
Ecke, Wm.
Ecke & Holzschuhres.440 Caroline St.Plymouth 
Eckersley, Alfred labres.East Water St., Near Eastern Ave.Plymouth 
Eckersley, Charles
house moverres.East Water, near Eastern Ave.Plymouth 
Eckersley, Mildred bkkpr.res.East Water St., near Eastern Ave.Plymouth 
Eckert, Gustav butcher  Howards Grove 
Eckert, Henry butcher  Howards Grove 
Eckert, Mr.  res.1446 S. 12th St.Sheboygan 
Edeler, Wm. A.
moulderres.1618 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Edleblute, John
foremanres.1519 Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Edler, Clara Miss  res.1623 Kentucky Ave.Sheboygan 
Edler, Clarence cheesemkr.res.n. w. cor. Main & Western Ave.Plymouth 
Edler, Elisa Miss  res.n. w. cor. Main & Western Ave.Plymouth 
Edler, Wm.
cheesemkr.res.n. w. cor. Main & Western Ave.Plymouthtel. 84
Edmunda, sister cath. schoolres.1449 S. 12th St.Sheboygan 
Edwards, Grace teacher, High School 715 N. 6th St.Sheboygan 
Edwards, Helene Miss  res.233 Collins St.Plymouth 
Edwards, J. B.
retired 233 Collins St.Plymouth 
Edwards, Rob.
engineerres.914 Wisconsin Ave.Sheboygantel. Green 1045
Edwin, sister cath schoolres.1449 S. 12th St.Sheboygan 
Edwina, sister   St. Nicholas HospitalSheboygan 
Eernesse, Peter farmer  Hingham 
Eernisse, A. retired  Gibbsville 
Eernisse, John lab.  Gibbsville 
Eernisse, Nettie Miss    Gibbsville 
Eernisse, Peter farmer  Gibbsville 
Eernisse, Sam. ret.res.922 Dillingham Ave.Sheboygan 
Egel, Margaret clerkres.1421 N. 6th St.Sheboygan 
Egel, William
lab.res.1421 N. 6th St.Sheboygan 
Eggebeen, A.
lab.res.514 Bell Ave.Sheboygan 
Eggebeen, James
cement wkr.res.1531 N. 5th St.
2nd Floor
Eggebeen, John del.clerkres.514 Bell Ave.Sheboygan 
Eggebeen, Jos.
glovemkrres.1717 N. 2nd floor{sic}Sheboygan 
Eggebeen, Jos.
lab.res.918 Indiana Ave.
2nd Floor
Eggebeen, Martin
painterres.1611 N. 4th St.Sheboygan 
Eggert, Clara chief oper.-tel.-exchangeres.1127 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygantel. 392
Eggert, Elizabeth  res.1127 St. Clair Ave.Sheboyganwid. Fred.
Egli, John
lab.res.723 Kentucky Ave.Sheboygan 
Egli, Paul lab.res.723 Kentucky Ave.Sheboygan 
Ehaney, Morice clerkres.902 N. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Ehaney, Rob. H.
sec. & treas.
Hand Knitt Hosiery Co.
res.827 N. 3rd St.Sheboygantel. Blue 954
Ehle, John
barber 248 North St.Plymouth 
Ehlers, John
lab.res.515 Niagara Ave.Sheboygan 
Ehlke, Ferd. houseman Foeste HotelSheboygan 
Ehlke, Ferd.
lab.res.1431 Michigan Ave.
2nd Floor
Ehlke, Viola Miss  res.1531 Michigan Ave.
2nd Floor
Ehlow, Charles
lab.res.1613 Indiana Ave.Sheboygan 
Ehren, Elizabeth stud.res.School St., near High SchoolSheboygan Falls 
Ehren, J. P. roadmaster - insuranceres.School St.Sheboygan Fallstel. 353
Ehrhardt, H. H. trav.-salesmanres.814 N. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Ehrlich, Albert
meat marketres.1305 Michigan Ave.Sheboygantel. Green 173
Ehrlich, Arno clerkres.1305 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Ehrlich, Otto
lab.res.e. s. South, 1 s. SchoolSheboygan FallsAnnie
Eiber, Joe
carp.res.2102 N. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Eich, Elda Miss  res.1804 N. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Eich, Helmuth
lab.res.1804 N. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Eich, Katie Miss  res.1804 N. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Eichberg, Leona dom. 918 N. 6th St.Sheboygan 
Eichenberg, Walter boots & shoes  Franklin 
Eichenberger, A. G. & E. F. shoe repair 431 E. Mill St.Plymouth 
Eichenberger, A. J.
Boots & Shoes
115 E. Mill St.
Eichenberger, Aug.
A. G. & E. F.res.409 E. Mill St.Plymouth 
Eichenberger, Elizabeth  res.409 E. Mill St.PlymouthWid. John
Eichenberger, Eugene
Eichenberger Bros.res.509 E. Mill St.Plymouth 
Eichhorn & Schumann blksmithsres.n. s. Pine St.Sheboygan Falls 
Eichhorn, T. lab.res.s. s. Poplar St.Sheboygan Falls 
Eichhorn, Wm.
blksmith cor. School St.Sheboygan FallsJennie
Eichmann, Bernie lab.res.1427 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Eichmann, Emma Miss teacherres.S. 9th St. near limitsSheboygan 
Eichmann, Ernst
steam fitterres.S. 9th St. near limitsSheboygan 
Eichmann, Fred.
lab.res.1427 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Eichmann, Frieda dom. 517 Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Eichmann, Louis lab.res.S. 9th St. near limitsSheboygan 
Eichmann, Max lab.res.1427 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Eichner, Aug.
lab.res.1117 Alabama Ave.Sheboygan 
Eichstaedt, Christ. lab.res.1227 Kemtucky Ave.Sheboygan 
Eichstaedt, Emil lab.res.1622 S. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Eichstaedt, Emma Mrs.  res.1617 N. 3rd St.Sheboygan 
Eichstaedt, Fritz Jr. machinistres.1617 N. 3rd St.Sheboygan 
Eichstaedt, Frizt {sic}
draymanres.1617 N. 3rd St.Sheboygan 
Eichstaedt, Geo. machinistres.1617 N. 3rd St.Sheboygan 
Eichstaedt, Gottfried
lab.res.1622 S. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Eichstaedt, Gust.
draymanres.409 Superior Ave.Sheboygantel. Red 1062
Eichstaedt, Lillie clerkres.1617 N. 3rd St.Sheboygan 
Eichstaedt, Richard  res.1622 S. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Eichstaedt, Wm.
lab.res.1201 S. 15th St.
2nd Floor
Eick, Anna Mrs.  res.1529 S. 9th St.
2nd Floor
Eickmeyer, C. A.
teacherres.1426 New Jersey Ave.Sheboygan 
Eickmeyer, Carl drug-clerkres.718 Wisconsin Ave.Sheboygan 
Eickmeyer, Gertrude clerkres.508 Center Ave.Sheboygan 
Eickmeyer, Lena dressmkr.res.718 Wisconsin Ave.Sheboygan 
Eickmeyer, Sophia Miss stenographerres.718 Wisconsin Ave.Sheboygan 
Eickmeyer, Theresa Mrs.
dressmkr.res.718 Wisconsin Ave.Sheboygan 
Eickmeyer, Wm.
supt. of poorres.508 Center Ave.Sheboygan 
Eifler, Adam
machinistres.Elizabeth St., next 226Plymouth 
Eifler, Arno lab.res.Elizabeth St., next 226Plymouth 
Eifler, Edna Miss  res.Elizabeth St., next 226Plymouth 
Eifler, Hubert cigarmkrres.Elizabeth St., next 226Plymouth 
Eifler, Jacob farmer  Franklin 
Eighth Ward School   cor. Huron Ave. & N. 11th St.Sheboygantel. Green 693
Eiles, Edward
lab.res.1328 Michigan Ave. - rearSheboygan 
Eiles, Frank
lab.res.1332 N. 10th St.
2nd Floor
Eimmermann, Elsie Miss    Elkhart Lake 
Eimmermann, Lucie Mrs.    Elkhart Lake 
Eirich, Phil.
lab.res.1007 N. 12th St.
2nd Floor
Eisner, Bertha Mrs.  res.1234 Erie Ave.
2nd Floor
Eisner, Esther Miss  res.1324 Erie Ave.
2nd Floor
Eisner, Fred.
cementwkr.res.1513 N. 10th St.Sheboygan 
Eisner, John
lab.res.1514 Bell Ave.Sheboygan 
Eisner, Louise  res.1218 St. Clair Ave.Sheboyganwid. Gottlieb
Eisner, Robert lab.res.1234 Erie Ave.
2nd Floor
Eisold, Arthur
milk peddlerres.1603 N. 10th St.
2nd Floor
Eisold, Aug.
teamsterres.1219 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Eisold, Caroline
 res.1118 Superior Ave.Sheboyganwid. Rich.
Eisold, Chas.
draymanres.1416 N. 13th St.Sheboygantel. White 1052
Eisold, Chas.
liquor dealer & saloonres.1232 Michigan Ave.Sheboygantel. Green 566
Eisold, Francis lab.res.1118 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Eisold, Geo.
musicianres.1519 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Eisold, Herm. bakerbrds.1128 S. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Eisold, Hubert barberres.1118 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Eisold, Lilly Miss  res.1118 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Eisold, Otto E.
1229 Superior Ave.
res. 2nd floor
Eiweck, Jos.
retiredres.406 N. 6th St.Sheboygan 
Eldridge, Ethel Miss  res.228 North St.Plymouth 
Eldridge, Winfred clerkres.618 East Mill St.Plymouth 
Electric Light & Power Plant   108 N. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Electric Light, Power & Ry.   428 N. 8th St.Sheboygantel. 67
Elfers, Dr. Jos. C.
physician & surgeonoffice
805 Indiana Ave.
2nd Floor
1425 Indiana Ave.
Sheboygantel. 846
tel. Green 619
Elfert, Kasper
lab.res.1940 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Elia, sister cath. schoolres.cor. Superior Ave. & 8th St.Sheboygan 
Elite Vaudeville Theatre   514 N. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Elk's Club House   cor. N. 6th & Wisconsin Ave.Sheboygantel. 81
Ellafson, James
sailorres.1718 S. 10th St.
2nd Floor
Ellenbecker, Anna Mrs.
 res.1114 N. 4th St.Sheboygan 
Ellenbecker, Clara Miss  res.1114 N. 4th St.Sheboygan 
Ellenbecker, Gertrud Miss  res.1114 N. 4th St.Sheboygan 
Ellenbecker, Hugo printerres.1114 N. 4th St.Sheboygan 
Ellenbecker, John mgr. Sheb. Pub. Co.brds.Park HotelSheboygan 
Ellenbecker, Peter lab.brds.918 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Ellingson, Emma  res.907 Kentucky Ave.Sheboyganwid. Thos.
Elliott, J. W.
R. R. Conductorres.729 Niagara Ave.
2nd Floor
Ellison, Ingwald bartenderres.1301 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Elmer, A. B.
foremanres.Plymouth St.. next 229Plymouth 
Elmer, Bert
foremanres.509 Western Ave.Plymouth 
Elmer, Fred.
foremanres.420 Western Ave.Plymouth 
Elmore, Amy Miss  res.Caroline St., next 430Plymouth 
Elvers, Carl
lab.res.1317 Alabama Ave.Sheboygan 
Elvers, H. J. paints, oil & wall paperres.1330 S. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Elvers, Henry painterres.1317 Alabama Ave.Sheboygantel. Green 580
Elvers, Otto painterres.1317 Alabama Ave.Sheboygan 
Elwell, Dorothea stud.res.1407 N. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Elwell, Margaret Miss  res.1407 N. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Elwell, R. S.
trav.-salesmanres.1407 N. 7th St.Sheboygantel. Green 1064
Emanuel Church {German}   n. e. cor. N. 9th St. & Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Emerald Roller Mills    Hingham 
Emerentia, sister   St. Nicholas HospitalSheboygan 
Emiliana, sister   St. Nicholas HospitalSheboygan 
Emilie, sister   St. Nicholas HospitalSheboygan 
Emily, Amanda Miss    Scott 
Emily, Cora Miss    Scott 
Emily, John blacksmith  Scott 
Emily, Philip Mrs.    Scott 
End, Clara Miss  res.cor. Washington & N. 6th St.Sheboygantel. 275
End, Geo. Kenneth stud.res.1416 N. 5th St.Sheboygan 
End, Mabel
 res.1416 N. 5th St.Sheboyganwid. Jos.
tel. 70
Enders, David lab.brds.935 Wisconsin Ave.Sheboygan 
Enders, Fritz lab.brds.935 Wisconsin Ave.Sheboygan 
Engbersten, Engbert
lab.res.1508 S. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Engel, Louis
retiredres.2422 N. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Engel, Olga Miss  res.2422 N. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Engelhard, F.
flour & feedcomp.
812 Michigan Ave.
812 Michigan Ave.
2nd Floor
Sheboygantel. White 55
Engelhard, Fred. teamsterres.812 Michigan Ave.
2nd Floor
Engelhardt, Alma Miss  res.1705 Garden CourtSheboygan 
Engelhardt, Arthur lab.res.1705 Garden CourtSheboygan 
Engelhardt, Auguste  res.1705 Garden CourtSheboyganwid. Herm.
Engelhardt, Rob.
tannerres.1705 Garden Court
2nd Floor
Sheboygantel. c.
Engelking, Louis
carp.res.1329 N. 11th St.Sheboygantel. White 1027
Engelking, Philipina  res.1609 Superior Ave.Sheboyganwid. Hein.
Engelking, T. B.  res.616 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Engelking, Wm. lab.res.1609 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Engelmann, Geo.
lab.res.1420 Huron Ave.Sheboygan 
Engelmann, Harry    Elkhart LakeAmalie
Engelse, John
painterres.n. s. Park Ave., 1 e. Dye roadSheboygan FallsAnn
England, Bertha Miss  res.912 Georgia Ave.Sheboygan 
England, Otto stud.res.912 Georgia Ave.Sheboygan 
England, Otto
lab.res.912 Georgia Ave.Sheboygan 
English Baptist Church  res.n. w. cor. Buffalo & ElmSheboygan Falls 
Enright, J. J.
princ. of schoolsres.Reed St., next 131Plymouthtel. 212
Enterprise Co., The
Simon Grasser - pres.
B. Firtzlaff - v-pres.
E. R. Bowler - secr.
 department store 521 - 523 N. 8th St.
725 - 727 Center Ave.
Sheboygantel. 37
tel. 32
Entertainment Hall    Howards Grove 
Entringer, Gertrude Miss  res.1010 Kentucky Ave.
2nd Floor
Entringer, John
carp.res.1010 Kentucky Ave.Sheboygan 
Entringer, John
lab.res.1010 Kentucky Ave.
2nd Floor
Entringer, Jos. stenographerres.1010 Kentucky Ave.Sheboygan 
Entringer, Margaret Miss  res.1010 Kentucky Ave.
2nd Floor
Entringer, Rosa Miss  res.1010 Kentucky Ave.Sheboygan 
Entzminger, Alma Miss  res.1309 BroadwaySheboygan 
Entzminger, Eddie lab.res.1309 BroadwaySheboygan 
Entzminger, Edna Miss  res.1309 BroadwaySheboygan 
Entzminger, Lizzie  res.1309 BroadwaySheboyganwid. John
Entzminger, Meta  res.1422 S. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Epgrave, Ernst lab.brds.1620 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Episcopal Church   cor. E. Main & Division Sts.Plymouth 
Eppink, Christ. lab.res.1826 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Eppink, Nettie Mrs.  res.1639 S. 13th St.Sheboygan 
Eppink, Sarah  res.1826 S. 14th St.Sheboyganwid. G. V.
Erb, Peter
saloonres.S. 8th St., near limitsSheboygantel. White 410
Erbach, Carl
brick layerres.1927 N. 7th St.Sheboygan 
Erbach, Friedr.
carp.res.1720 N. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Erbach, Margaret miliner{sic}res.1720 N. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Erbach, Martha clerkres.1720 N. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Erbach, Max carp.res.1720 N. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Erbstoesser, Albert foremanres.1220 Herman{sic} CourtSheboygan 
Erbstoesser, Albert lab.res.1715 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Erbstoesser, Ernestine
 res.1220 Herman{sic} Ave.Sheboyganwid. John
Erbstoesser, Henry
foremanres.1715 Superior Ave.Sheboygan 
Erbstoesser, Hugo bkkpr.res.1220 Herman{sic} CourtSheboygan 
Erbstoesser, Lizette Miss  res.1220 Herman{sic} CourtSheboygan 
Erby, Julius
upholstererres.615 National Ave.Sheboygan 
Erby, Oliver repairerres.615 National Ave.Sheboygan 
Erby, Ralph office clerkres.615 National Ave.Sheboygan 
Erdmann & Co. farm impl. & real estate  Sheboygan 
Erdmann & Hermann  real estate  Erdmann 
Erdmann, Carl lab.res.718 N. 4th St.
2nd Floor
Erdmann, Clara Miss  res.1221 S. 19th St.Sheboygan 
Erdmann, Emely Miss    Erdmann 
Erdmann, Herm. lab.res.1221 S. 19th St.Sheboygan 
Erdmann, Otto lab.res.1221 S. 19th St.Sheboygan 
Erdmann, W. & Co. farm impl.  Erdmann 
Erdmann, W. saloon  Erdmann 
Erdmann, Wm.
lab.res.1221 S. 19th St.Sheboygan 
Erdmann, Wm.
lab.res.n. s. Madison St.Sheboygan FallsLouisa
Erickson, Erick cheese dealerres.Pennsylvania Ave. - near R. R. depotSheboygantel. Green 258
Ernisse, David
fishermanres.417 Wisconsin Ave.Sheboygan 
Ernstbrunner, Frank Jr.  res.1934 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Ernstbrunner, Frank
lab.res.1934 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Ernstbrunner, John
lab.res.1930 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Erschin, Geo.
lab.res.1533 N. 10th St.
2nd Floor
Erste, John real estate & insurancebrds.520 N. Water St.Sheboygan 
Erste, Joseph
lab.res.520 N. Water St.Sheboygan 
Ertel, Johannes lab.res.1014 N. 9th St.Sheboygan 
Ertel, Max
firemanres.1203 Kentucky Ave.
2nd Floor
Ertl, Joseph
finisherres.626 Pennsylvania Ave.Sheboygan 
Ertl, Viola stud.res.626 Pennsylvania Ave.Sheboygan 
Esbach, Albert
fishermanres.303 Wisconsin Ave.
2nd Floor
Esbach, Annie Miss  res.416 New York Ave.Sheboygan 
Esbach, Wm.
retiredres.416 New York Ave.Sheboygan 
Esslink, H. farmer  Cedar Grove 
Esswein, Marg.  res.322 Huron Ave.Sheboyganwid. Geo.
Estey, E. Mrs.    Riverside 
Estey, Elvin boarding  Riverside 
Estey, William    Riverside 
Eszwein, Hattie Miss  res.425 N. 6th St.Sheboygan 
Eszwein, Phil.
retiredres.425 N. 6th St.Sheboygan 
Etzkorn, Margaret dom.res.703 Pennsylvania Ave.Sheboygan 
Evangelical Church   n. w. corner Pleasant & Western Ave.Plymouth 
Evangelical Emanuel Church   cor. N. 9th St. & Erie Ave.Sheboygan 
Evangelical Luth. St. Stephans Church   cor. Erie Ave. & N. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Evangelical St. Johns Church   cor. N. 15th St. & Lincoln Ave.Sheboygan 
Evans, Dinity
retiredres.623 N. Milwaukee St.Plymouth 
Evans, Frank
janitorres.529 S. 14th St.Sheboygan 
Evans, Geo. lab.brds.1702 S. 8th St.Sheboygan 
Evans, Leonard teacher - High Schoolres.1021 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygantel. c.
Evans, Martha teacher  Greenbush 
Even, Henry
saloonres.1442 S. 12th St.Sheboygan 
Everett, Lulu Miss  res.413 Washington CourtSheboygan 
Evergreen City Home
prop. Jos. Wetzel
saloon & boarding 1027 S. 8th St.Sheboygantel. 595
Everill, Mary dressmkr.res.1006 Michigan Ave.
2nd Floor
Sheboyganwid. Henry
Everly, Mrs. J. W.    Greenbush 
Evers, Anna Miss  res.413 Center Ave.Sheboygan 
Evers, Julius lab.res.413 Center Ave.Sheboygan 
Ewald, Albert printerres.1646 N. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Ewald, Christine Miss  res.1646 N. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Ewald, Robert
ship.-clerkres.1646 N. 15th St.Sheboygantel. c.
Ewald, William printerres.1646 N. 15th St.Sheboygan 
Ewer, Chester clerkres.702 St. Clair Ave.Sheboygantel. Green 861
Ewer, E. P.
trav.-salesmanres.434 Michigan Ave.Sheboygantel. White 746
Ewer, Evangeline Miss  res.434 Michigan Ave.Sheboygan 
Ewerhardt, Nic.
v.-pres. Demokrat Printing Co.res.1219 N. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Ewerhardt, Otto
printerres.1532 N. 10th St.
2nd Floor
Ewerhardt, Paul stud.res.1219 N. 11th St.Sheboygan 
Ewerhardt, Wm. retiredres.1820 N. 8th St. - rearSheboygan 
Ewertz, Magdalene  res.819 Ontario Ave.Sheboyganwid. Jac.
Excelsior Steam Laundry
Ph. Conrardy - prop.
   1117-1119 Georgia Ave.Sheboygantel. 343-2
Excelsior Wrapper Co.   1635 Erie Ave.Sheboygantel. 44
Eydahl, Christ.
lab.res.914 Georgia Ave.Sheboygan 
Eydahl, Galmar stud.res.914 Georgia Ave.Sheboygan 

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