Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Sheboygan County Births Vital Index "Fa - Fd"

* No "corrections" have been made to the original Index, it is transcribed as originally written, Variations from the Index to the record are noted in Brackets { }
* Look for many spelling variations of each surname
* This posting is not intended to be an official document
* Once your family is found, obtain an original copy of the Record from the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds Office for citations and official records

NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the Owner, Debie.

Faas, Albert D.Aug. 17, 188421301-1804Dork Faas
Ina Wilterding
Faas, Anna {Pieternella}Oct. 28, 189224513-2049Adriaan Johanne Faas
Janna Berendina Meerdink
Faas, JamesNone Listed26461-1843Jno Faas
Kate Van Roe
Faas, John B.Aug. 3, 188722268-1070 
Faas, Mary NellieJune 19, 189059422 
Fab, Hilda
{Faber on Record}
May 19, 189827181-1082John Faber
Anna Stiller
Faber, Anna E.Sept. 17, 1856File73 
Faber, CharlesJune 8, 190529180-1074Johan Faber
Ana Stiller
Faber, ErabellaDec. 29, 189727126-752Nick Faber
Katie Bam
Faber, EvaSept. 17, 18566157-471 
Faber, John N.{icholas}July 29, 190228300-1797Nicholas Faber
Katie Baus
Faber, MichaelOct. 18, 190328548-3285Nicholas Faber
Katie Baus
Faber, Nicholas B.{enedict}Dec. 17, 19002852-308Nicholas Faber
Katie Baus
Fabian, Abmour H.{ugo}Nov. 26, 189526186-741Karl Fabian
Karoline Schot
Fabian, Elmer R.April 30, 190730165-988 
Fabian, EmmaNov. 13, 188421309-1849Carl Fabian
Carolina Febort
Fabian, ViolaAug. 15, 190429103-613Herman Fabian
Ida Emley
Faenger, FritzFeb. 18, 189626228-910Fritz Faenger
Ida Herzinger
Faenger, HermanSept. 28, 190128157-938Fritz Faenger
Ida Herzinger
Faenger, IdaOct. 10, 190529256-1533Fred Faenger
Anna Herziger
Faenger, NormaNov. 20, 189325186-741 
Faenger, WilhelmAug. 27, 19042949-293Fred Faenger
Annie Herziger
Fahl, BerthaFeb. 10, 188994514 
Fahl, Clarence M.{arvin}Dec. 13, 190228399-2391Robert Fahl
Antonie Bischoff
Fahl, Frank O.March 6, 18711268-202 
Fahl, HildaJan. 16, 19012854-324Robert Fahl
Antonia Bischoff
Fahling, FredieOct. 16, 18952691-362Fred. Fahling
Albertina Wilke
Fahling, RobertNov. 27, 189626514-2054Fred. Fahling
Albertina Wilke
Fahnke, AlmaApril 10, 189425239-953 
Fahnke, WilhelmApril 10, 189425238-952 
Fahres, AlexiaApril 18, 190428615-3688Wilh Fahres
Anna Poester
Fahres, HenryOct. 31, 190228436-2611Wilhelm Fahres
Anna Trester
Fahres, Karl J.{ohn}July 21, 190027579-3469William Fahres
Annie Trester
Fahres, Theodor J.{ohn}Feb. 7, 190629335-2007Wilhelm Fahres
Ana Trester
Failey, CatharineJan. 23, 185616108-322 
Failey, JamesJuly 20, 185816107-320 
Failey, MichaelJuly 26, 185916107-319 
Failey, OwenNov. 2, 185416107-321 
Fairbrother, Ella I.Feb. 12, 1867426-76 
Fairbrother, ErnestDec. 8, 1869426-77 
Fairbrother, May E.Feb. 12, 1867425-75 
Fairchild, Dec. 29, 18842240-158 
Fairchild, ClaraOct. 3, 187918189-563 
Fairchild, EleanorJan. 11, 18761727-79 
Fairchild, Hattie M.Jan. 16, 18741738-114 
Fairchild, Ida L.Sept. 29, 1883141171 
Fairchild, Watner J.April 8, 187918185-550 
Fairchilds, April 23, 188622182-725 
Fairweather, Albert A.July 22, 188410360 
Fairweather, AnnaAug. 7, 188622140-557 
Fairweather, Burton A.{lbert}May 8, 190629416-2489Samuel Fairweather
Annie Braband
Fairweather, Chester A.{rthur}Sept. 11, 18912494-373Arthur Fairweather
Mary Miersch
Fairweather, Eleanor E.{thel}March 9, 190228364-2181Burton Fairweather
Emma Hoberg
Fairweather, EmilieJuly 26, 188822503-2010 
Fairweather, Helen L.March 22, 189425214-853 
Fairweather, LuellaOct. 21, 189827255-1528Arthur Fairweather
Mary Miersch
Fairweather, Mary E.{dna}Feb. 17, 188421271-1625Arthur Fairweather
Mary Miersch
Faley, CatharineJune 3, 18711853-158 
Faley, EllenJuly 4, 18631854-160 
Faley, JohannahFeb. 12, 18581854-162 
Faley, MaryMarch 3, 18761852-156 
Faley, Michael D.Nov. 1, 18761853-159 
Faley, PatrickJuly 25, 18601853-157 
Falez, JahnJune 16, 18531854-161 
Falk, ArthurMarch 26, 188823243-970 
Falk, Berie {Male}
{Bertie on Record}
Sept. 3, 190128193-1156Otto Falk
Hattie Smith
Falk, EstherJuly 27, 189626314-1255Albert Falk
Mary Voigt
Falk, HedwigJan. 24, 189324562-2245Albert Falk
Emilie Vocht
Falk, HelmuthAug. 5, 189023426-1704 
Falk, Irvin {La Salle Erwin}Nov. 28, 189224526-2103Herman Falk
Pauline Hemme
Falk, Leland W.E.Oct. 20, 190530196-1171 
Falk, LelandOct. 20, 190530141-844 
Falk, Leslie E.{mil} C.May 27, 19042964-384Paul Falk
Emma Bartlett
Falk, LeslieMay 27, 190430141-843 
Falk, Oscar P.Sept. 8, 190190403 
Falk, Ruben G.Aug. 1, 190330225-1346 
Fall, Sept. 1, 189425495-1977 
Falten, CarrieJuly 12, 189626282-1126Willie Falten
Emma Fadum
Fandrey, MaxDec. 17, 189425536-2142 
Farber, AlwineAug. 24, 189927398-2386John Farber
Annie Stiller
Farbian, BerthaNov. 17, 188622190-758 
Farchmin, MagnusMay 27, 189224273-1092Fr. Farchmin
Clara Steffen
Farchmin, MendorOct. 15, 189626424-1696Fritz Farchmin
Clara Stechwen
Farchmin, WalterJune 6, 189023395-1579 
Farner, John R.{obert}June 25, 188421267-1602John Farner
Antonia A. Weber
Farner, JuliaMarch 23, 18801989-265 
Farnsworth, Willard190328565-3386Herbert Farnsworth
Olive Trowbridge
Farrigan, LouisaDec. 16, 188923297-1188 
Farvour, AlfredAug. 8, 18671070-210 
Farvour, Allis A.July 27, 18711070-209 
Farvour, Edward N.May 1, 18631068-203 
Farvour, Elmer AlbertMay 15, 1876110107 
Farvour, Franklin H.Nov. 19, 18621070-211 
Farvour, Herbert E.Aug. 29, 18651039-117 
Farvour, Jessie A.June 21, 18661067-202 
Fasing, Carl M.Sept. 15, 187719274-820 
Fasing, EdwardMay 20, 188019274-819 
Fasing, RobertMay 5, 187519278-831 
Fass, FridaApril 15, 188923109-435 
Fass, MagdelinaOct. 22, 18741828-82 
Fass, PeterFeb. 21, 18761828-83 
Fass, SusannaDec. 31, 18761827-81 
Fasse, {Female}Feb. 10, 189626229-915Heinrich S. Fasse
Anna Stuckmann
Fasse, {Male}Jan. 24, 189827246-1476Henry Fasse
Anna Stuchmann
Fasse, {Female}March 16, 1903
{July 29, 1903 on Record}
28561-3362William Fasse
Augusta Kuhfuss
Fasse, {Male}Nov. 22, 188121117-702Simon Fasse
Wilhelmine Boedecker
Fasse, Sept. 25, 188722304-1214 
Fasse, Adelia J.July 29, 190328561-3362William Fasse
Augusta Kuhfuss
Fasse, Albert F. H.March 4, 188421246-1475Friedrich Fasse
Sophie Dohweier
Fasse, Albert? 15, 190529253-1511William Fasse
Auguste Kuhfuss
Fasse, AugusteOct. 11, 189425415-1659 
Fasse, Elisa S.{ophia}March 16, 190328561-3361Henry Fasse
Anna Stuckmann
Fasse, EmilyApril 5, 18641269-806Frederick Fasse
Fasse, Ida W.July 4, 1897141203 
Fasse, Irma A.April 15, 189023366-1463 
Fasse, Lena E.{mma}March 2, 190228315-1886Henry S. Fasse
Anna Stuckmann
Fasse, Metta Z.Aug. 16, 188822474-1894 
Fasse, SimmonAug. 8, 189927411-2463Henry Fasse
Anna Stuckmann
Fasse, Walter A.May 29, 189214194 
Fatter, {Female}April 24, 188321214-1282Jacob Fatter
None Listed
Faulkhem, {Male}July 31, 190529232-1338John Faulkhem
Mary Strauss
Faulkner, JohnOct. 24, 190128209-1253William Henry Faulkner
Elizabeth Griffith
Faulkner, Mary E.{llen}March 22, 19042913-78Wm. H. Faulkner
Elizabeth Griffiths
Faust, EdwardDec. 27, 189124217-867Louis Faust
Lena Butzen
Faust, Eleanor M.Oct. 22, 189526150-599Louis Faust
None listed
Fay, GeorgeMarch 4, 190629418-2505Wm. Fay
Julia Smith
Fay, Raymond H.March 4, 190630237-1417 

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