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Sheboygan County Births Vital Index "Wagner & Variations"

* No "corrections" have been made to the original Index, it is transcribed as originally written, Variations from the Index to the record are noted in Brackets { }
* Look for many spelling variations of each surname
* This posting is not intended to be an official document
* Once your family is found, obtain an original copy of the Record from the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds Office for citations and official records

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Waganer, AnnaDec. 1, 188722371-1482 
Wagenar, Hendrik
{Wagenaar Surname on record}
March 9, 18702131-390Hendrik Wagenaar
Hendrika Catharina Frieller
Wagnar, MargretJan. 21, 185613118-353 
Wagnar, MichaelJune 20, 185313118-354 
Wagnar, SofiaMay 9, 186213118-352 
Wagner, April 14, 18862292-368 
Wagner, Dec. 25, 188622201-801 
Wagner, Jan. 20, 188823245-978 
Wagner, April 10, 189224468-1869 
Wagner, April 15, 189425299-1195 
Wagner, Sept. 21, 189425372-1487 
Wagner, June 3, 189827201-1206 
Wagner, Oct. 17, 190027608-3646 
Wagner, (SB)Oct. 26, 189425416-1664 
Wagner, AlbertNov. 8, 1860146-137Adolph Wagner
Catherine Wuckener
Wagner, AleskaFeb. 22, 190228235-1408 
Wagner, AloisiusSept. 15, 190328518-3106 
Wagner, AloysiusSept. 15, 189024178-709 
Wagner, AlwinaDec. 4, 1867511-33 
Wagner, AlwiseAug. 1, 18972742-250 
Wagner, Anna A.May 12, 1870511-31 
Wagner, Anna C.Aug. 2, 190328490-2937 
Wagner, Anna P.July 18, 18792182-490 
Wagner, AnnieSept. 23, 18972757-342 
Wagner, AntonAug. 29, 189827238-1425 
Wagner, ArmandOct. 21, 1888239-34 
Wagner, ArthurMay 28, 187718249-742 
Wagner, ArthurSept. 9, 188723237-945 
Wagner, ArthurSept. 17, 190128166-995 
Wagner, ArthurJune 1, 190228266-1596 
Wagner, Arthur L.June 12, 188914128 
Wagner, AugustaFeb. 27, 1864511-32 
Wagner, BarbaraDec. 4, 18711361-182 
Wagner, BarbaraOct. 27, 188722329-1313 
Wagner, BernhardAug. 19, 18704162-486 
Wagner, BerthaOct. 2, 1857145-135Adolph Wagner
Catherine Wuckener
Wagner, CarlJuly 7, 18972751-304 
Wagner, CeceliaAug. 24, 190629396-2372 
Wagner, CharlesMay 1, 18674172-515 
Wagner, CharlesMarch 27, 188421243-1453 
Wagner, ClarenceAug. 14, 190630235-1407 
Wagner, EdwardNov. 3, 189526198-789 
Wagner, ElisabethOct. 2, 1852File333 
Wagner, ElizaAug. 22, 188923220-880 
Wagner, ElizabethAug. 12, 190027562-3367 
Wagner, EllaMarch 11, 189827152-908 
Wagner, EllaApril 26, 190027525-3150 
Wagner, Ella C.L.May 31, 1895141448 
Wagner, ElsaJan. 7, 190529136-811 
Wagner, ElviraDec. 30, 189827286-1715 
Wagner, EmiliaNov. 4, 1869512-35 
Wagner, FlorenceNov. 14, 190630134-797 
Wagner, GraceJune 14, 190328448-2683 
Wagner, HeribertMarch 16, 190529134-799 
Wagner, IdaFeb. 26, 18772183-493 
Wagner, IrwinOct. 13, 190328518-3105 
Wagner, IsabelMay 3, 190653324 
Wagner, JacobOct. 20, 18621362-185 
Wagner, Jacob J.June 5, 186830195 
Wagner, JohannesAug. 7, 18694172-516 
Wagner, John P.May 6, 1889110201 
Wagner, JosephNov. 14, 1877101265 
Wagner, JosephMay 14, 190529180-1073 
Wagner, KatharinaFeb. 1, 18584171-511 
Wagner, KatrinaOct. 2, 186630188-1125 
Wagner, LauraJuly 15, 190128120-719 
Wagner, LiddiaMay 17, 189023374-1494 
Wagner, LizzieMarch 15, 189224461-1843 
Wagner, LouisFeb. 3, 189626315-1259 
Wagner, LouiseApril 1, 189324617-2465 
Wagner, Louise E.Nov. 10, 18721441-122 
Wagner, MargaretAug. 5, 189927371-2225 
Wagner, MargarethaOct. 19, 18714173-517 
Wagner, MargaretheFeb. 22, 190428615-3689 
Wagner, MariaDec. 1, 1861512-34 
Wagner, MariaMarch 24, 18624171-513 
Wagner, Maria I.April 3, 18752182-489 
Wagner, MaryJuly 2, 18581363-187 
Wagner, MaryMarch 26, 190629389-2328 
Wagner, MathiasMay 7, 18554170-510 
Wagner, MathildeAug. 30, 1854145-133Adolph Wagner
Catherine Wuckener
Wagner, MayMay 29, 190529161-959 
Wagner, MelvinDec. 6, 1896101344 
Wagner, MetaOct. 29, 190128337-2022 
Wagner, MichaelDec. 16, 1862513-38 
Wagner, Mildred A.Nov. 19, 190429128-766 
Wagner, NicholasDec. 31, 189330242-1448 
Wagner, NicolasJan. 24, 18604171-512 
Wagner, Norbort J.Feb. 18, 190629349-2091 
Wagner, Otto A.Oct. 25, 18721442-126 
Wagner, Paul R.Dec. 5, 187310332 
Wagner, PaulineApril 16, 1856145-134Adolph Wagner
Catherine Wuckener
Wagner, PeterJuly 10, 18644172-514 
Wagner, PeterSept. 12, 18701361-183 
Wagner, PhilippAug. 29, 1867513-37 
Wagner, RaymondMarch 11, 190328417-2497 
Wagner, Raymond G.Aug. 6, 189710130 
Wagner, RichardJan. 11, 1859146-136Adolph Wagner
Catherine Wuckener
Wagner, RobertJune 2, 189927378-2263 
Wagner, RoineJuly 18, 187918247-735 
Wagner, RolandFeb. 2, 189626217-868 
Wagner, Roman N.March 16, 190428592-3550 
Wagner, Rudolf M.Aug. 5, 18684161-483 
Wagner, SarahJune 28, 189325466-1861 
Wagner, TharaseaNov. 6, 189927496-2975 
Wagner, Thekla K.? 24, 190228407-2437 
Wagner, Thelma N.Dec. 27, 19002827-159 
Wagner, TheodoraMarch 9, 1869273-215Pieter Hendrick Wagenaar
Wilhelmina Grotenhuis
Wagner, TheodoreMay 12, 18691362-184 
Wagner, WalterJan. 24, 188823236-944 
Wagner, Walter E.Aug. 29, 190529261-1559 
Wagner, WilhelmJan. 15, 18601362-186 
Wagner, WilhelminaFeb. 12, 1858512-36 
Wagner, WilliamJan. 1, 187618248-740 
Wagner, WilliamJan. 27, 190027536-3211 
Wagner, WillieNov. 14, 189325199-794 
Wagner, WilmerFeb. 20, 19073056-335 
Wagoner, NellyMarch 188020348-1042 
Wagoner, SusanMay 187820351-1051 
Wegner, April 20, 189626483-1931 
Wegner, Albert H.Sept. 29, 1857178-233Frederic Wegner
Maria Krause
Wegner, AlfredJan. 23, 190529237-1419 
Wegner, EduardAug. 27, 1868921-61 
Wegner, EldredDec. 9, 19063033-193 
Wegner, EmmaMarch 23, 1872921-60 
Wegner, EmmaAug. 8, 18972769-410 
Wegner, HermanNov. 3, 1866921-62 
Wegner, LillieSept. 19, 189526113-449 
Wegner, Norma H.July 6, 189626297-1188 
Wegner, WalterJuly 17, 190128107-640 
Wegner, Walter E.Sept. 4, 188923187-746 
Wegner, Wm.Aug. 10, 18972737-222 

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