Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Sheboygan County Births Vital Index "Mi"

* No "corrections" have been made to the original Index, it is transcribed as originally written, Variations from the Index to the record are noted in Brackets { }
* Look for many spelling variations of each surname
* This posting is not intended to be an official document
* Once your family is found, obtain an original copy of the Record from the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds Office for citations and official records

NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the Owner, Debie.

Micener, (SB)April 18, 188622110-437 
Michael, JohnJune 25, 18591778-232 
Michael, MaryFeb. 11, 18581778-233 
Michaelis, (SB)July 14, 187918188-559 
Michaels, April 17, 18972752-311 
Michaels, Dec. 31, 189526475-1899 
Michaels, Sept. 23, 189226397-1586 
Michaels, AgnesJuly 12, 18932574-296 
Michaels, AnnaOct. 1, 187315147-436 
Michaels, AugustJuly 1, 186415148-441 
Michaels, EmmaApril 16, 187015147-438 
Michaels, FritzApril 8, 186815148-439 
Michaels, Harold W. J.Oct. 26, 1906169233 
Michaels, Helena A.June 12, 189827222-1328 
Michaels, Irving Wm.May 22, 189325170-679 
Michaels, JuliaMay 20, 190027556-3332 
Michaels, LouisApril 8, 186815148-439 
Michaels, LouiseMarch 10, 186215149-442 
Michaels, Mary A.Feb. 16, 187820234-700 
Michaels, MathildeApril 22, 186315149-443 
Michaels, MinaSept. 28, 187115147-437 
Michaels, Oliver C.Aug. 27, 189827238-1426 
Michaels, WillyJuly 2, 186615148-440 
Michel, Frank P. H.Dec. 17, 1885122177 
Michel, Johann P.Sept. 10, 188321219-1312 
Michel, MarieFeb. 27, 189324576-2303 
Michel, RuthDec. 19, 1906309-53 
Michel, WillieAug. 29, 188722293-1171 
Michels, EdahMarch 17, 18762163-374 
Michels, EllaMarch 17, 18762164-379 
Michi, ArthurFeb. 25, 18772128-165 
Michi, HermanOct. 25, 187920141-423 
Michi, HugoJune 12, 187820141-422 
Michi, Ida B. K. W.Nov. 23, 18671043-130 
Michi, Johan W. G. T.Aug. 30, 18581041-124 
Michi, Robert R. W. F.Jan.1, 18621041-123 
Michle, GertrudeNov. 24, 189325419-1674 
Michow, AlmaApril 20, 189425240-958 
Mickelson, Sept. 9, 188421297-1781 
Mickelson, AnnaMarch 29, 187718336-1002 
Mickelson, HildeNov. 21, 1873216-32 
Mickelson, MartinDec. 11, 187818336-1003 
Mickelson, MaxAug. 2, 18742144-262 
Mickkelsen, PaulFeb. 26, 19012856-335 
Middinger, MargaretaJuly 27, 189927364-2184 
Miegenburg, ClaraAug. 16, 188822511-2043 
Miehlds, HugoApril 27, 188722351-1401 
Miehn, HenryMay 1, 188121122-727 
Mields, Fredrick W.March 26, 188510152 
Mields, MarieSept. 10, 18952671-281 
Mieller, AlbertJuly 22, 189224363-1452 
Mieller, ErnaNov. 2, 189626425-1697 
Mieller, LidaApril 17, 189525587-2345 
Mieller, LuisaAug. 28, 189224361-1441 
Mieller, Luise G.Jan. 23, 189525564-2254 
Mieller, RobertDec. 3, 189425511-2043 
Mieller, Stefan E.Jan. 18, 189425194-773 
Mier, Feb. 19, 188521338-2024 
Mier, March 18, 188421252-1507 
Miersch, Lillian E.Nov. 19, 189325204-813 
Miersperger, March 29, 189425376-1503 
Mies, Anna K.May 18, 187720153-458 
Mies, AnnaFeb. 16, 18591377-231 
Mies, Joseph J.March 12, 18862275-300 
Mies, Minnie P.Aug. 4, 186514134-401 
Mies, SusannaFeb. 25, 18561378-232 
Mies, TheodorJuly 7, 187520176-527 
Mies, TheodoreSept. 24, 18531378-233 
Mies, WilliamMay 5, 186714134-402 
Miesfeld, AlmaMarch 23, 189224338-1350 
Miesfeld, EdgarJan. 18, 190548239 
Miesfeld, IdaSept. 29, 189827252-1510 
Miesfeld, Walter C. E.July 6, 190328459-2754 
Mieske, Arno W.Dec. 7, 189727260-1558 
Miewes, AgnesSept. 5, 189224427-1705 
Miezner, IrnaMay 20, 190027542-3247 
Mihlaus, CarleJuly 24, 19042967-402 
Mihm, AlbertJan. 24, 190027492-2951 
Mihm, CharlesMarch 4, 188822410-1637 
Mihm, Ida A.April 25, ??23356-1424 
Mihm, JohnJan. 12, 190228339-2031 
Mihm, JohnMarch 23, 190328496-2976 
Mihm, ReimundFeb. 19, 19073043-257 
Mihm, SophiaDec. 5, 19002834-199 
Mihm, WilliFeb. 16, 189224573-2288 
Mikalofsky, Anthony F.Oct. 4, 19042946-273 
Mikalofsky, EdmundDec. 9, 19063017-99 
Mikelson, Lille H.Sept. 6, 1881122425 
Mikesch, CeciliaApril 9, 189324590-2359 
Mikesch, RosinaOct. 23, 189626390-1557 
Mikkelsen, Oct. 2, 189425362-1448 
Mikkelsen, Anton P.Feb. 24, 189927311-1866 
Mikkelsen, LouisiaJuly 29, 189626322-1285 
Miklich, AnthonySept. 24, 190027570-3418 
Milam, Maud A.May 3, 19073099-591 
Milberg, EdgarDec. 29, 189626529-2114 
Milburg, AlfredMarch 3, 187918332-990 
Mild, Jan.7, 188421244-1460 
Mild, ViolaMarch 26, 190328423-2536 
Mild, WilmaJan. 3, 190529151-901 
Miley, AlfredOct. 30, 18661156-168 
Miley, AlfredSept. 20, 189526165-658 
Miley, Catharine M.Feb. 9, 18551157-171 
Miley, CathrenJan. 7, 189626500-2000 
Miley, Charles G.Feb. 3, 18551155-163 
Miley, Charlotta M.Dec. 17, 189325434-1733 
Miley, Charlotte T.Feb. 28, 18641156-167 
Miley, ElizabethaAug. 27, 18561158-172 
Miley, Fracis C.Jan. 12, 18571155-164 
Miley, GeorgannOct. 1, 189626509-2033 
Miley, George F.Feb. 16, 18611156-166 
Miley, Giles A.April 23, 190148401 
Miley, John C.Oct. 1, 1884106241 
Miley, JohnMarch 5, 18571158-173 
Miley, JosephNov. 9, 189124440-1757 
Miley, Leiza A.Jan.20, 18591155-165 
Miley, MargarethaOct. 11, 18601158-174 
Miley, Martin A.Oct. 1, 1884106242 
Miley, MaryMay 13, 189425438-1751 
Miley, MichaelMarch 15, 18531157-169 
Miley, Miles G.April 23, 190148402 
Miley, Peter F.July 21, 1876103336 
Miley, Raymond I.Feb. 7, 189848400 
Miley, Raymond I.Feb. 7, 1899103268 
Miley, Susan E.A.July 15, 18531157-170 
Miley, Thomas N.Nov. 29, 185412109-326 
Miley, William H.April 17, 18541154-162 
Milk, ArthurJan. 22, 190228235-1405 
Milke, FredDec. 11, 189023551-2201 
Mill, BerthaJuly 14, 188822464-1855 
Millar, Alice J.May 9, 1884110217 
Millard, June 24, 188321191-1142 
Miller, Henry HermanNov. 11, 1895122411 
Millert, (SB)Nov. 8, 189124308-1229 
Millert, Nov. 15, ??23272-1085 
Millert, AnnaJuly 26, 18603142-412Carl Millert
Millert, CarlFeb. 17, 18563141-407Carl Millert
Millert, ClaraOct. 15, 18623142-410Carl Millert
Millert, Clarence H. G.March 11, 19012874-444 
Millert, CoraAug. 8, 188822502-2008 
Millert, HermannOct. 18, 18583141-408Carl Millert
Millert, IdaJuly 1, 18653141-409Carl Millert
Millert, Louise M. E.Feb. 24, 189123589-2355 
Millert, OttoJan.19, 18703142-411Carl Millert
Millert, Sofrania S. S.Jan. 29, 188822393-1570 
Millet, AlmaDec. 11, 190128314-1882 
Millinger, KatharinaJune 6, 187619207-619 
Millinger, LenaDec. 24, 187819155-465 
Mills, HattieSept. 21, 190027596-3575 
Mills, PaulAug. 8, 190228285-1709 
Mills, WilliamMay 5, 189827180-1075 
Milo, May 3, 189425431-1724 
Milos, MaryJune 15, 189726620-2477 
Milrad, IdaJuly 10, 188521361-2165 
Milz, Oct. 14, 188622182-728 
Milz, Alvina C. A.March 29, 18912433-131 
Milz, Anna L.May 5, 189324621-2483 
Milz, EmmaMarch 27, 188923113-449 
Milz, HenryJan. 20, 189626216-864 
Milz, Minnie E. D.Oct. 10, 190529296-1773 
Milz, OlgaAug. 30, 19042917-97 
Minch, Jan. 28, ??22463-1850 
Minch, Flossie E.Aug. 22, 1888103357 
Minch, Fred D.June 25, 1898103183 
Minch, Jake H.April 25, 1896106339 
Minch, Lawrence A.Sept. 17, 1900110219 
Minderhaut, Aug. 1, 190328451-2705 
Minderhoud, JacobApril 8, 189827165-985 
Minderhout, May 20, 190027534-3203 
Minderhout, AdriaanaSept. 28, 189130242-1446 
Minderhout, ElsieSept. 18, 190529222-1328 
Minderhout, Harvey J.Jan. 5, 190027461-2763 
Minderhout, Jan H.June 25, 190027548-3283 
Minderhout, Nellie E.Dec. 15, 19002830-175 
Minderhout, PieterJan. 6, 189425278-1112 
Minehan, ElizaMay 3, 18621580-236 
Minehan, Fred A.April 25, 18691574-217 
Minehan, JohnApril 3, 18711581-239 
Minehan, JuliaFeb. 22, 18671581-238 
Minehan, MargretAug. 3, 18591580-235 
Minehan, MaryMarch 17, 18571573-214 
Minehan, TimothyJan.16, 18641580-237 
Mink, AugApril 11, 18932572-285 
Mink, Wm.July 2, 189023494-1976 
Minkey, John E.March 15, 188722228-909 
Minkner, LouisSept. 7, 1876106387 
Minster, Dec. 31, 190228358-2148 
Minster, Arno G.Aug. 12, 18952614-53 
Minster, ArthurOct. 16, 188622168-669 
Minster, Frieda A. M.Dec. 30, 18882347-186 
Minster, Rudolph E. J.July 23, 18932517-68 
Minster, Viola M.Aug. 21, 190328489-2932 
Minz, HerbertApril 23, 190027611-3662 
Mirrow, AlmaJuly 14, 189525613-2451 
Mirsberger, AnnaMay 16, 1868769-206 
Mirsberger, BartholomausSept. 8, 1866769-205 
Mirsberger, ElizabethNov. 5, 1870769-207 
Mirsberger, JacobApril 18, 18852239-153 
Mirsberger, JacobMay 9, 1863768-204 
Mirsberger, JohnNov. 18, 1857770-208 
Mirsberger, KonigundaDec. 27, 1861768-203 
Mirsberger, LeonhardJan.5, 1860768-202 
Mirsberger, MargarethMarch 28, 1853770-209 
Mirsberger, MaryOct. 30, 1855770-210 
Mirsch, FredDec. 27, 18882349-196 
Mirsch, MarieMay 19, 1893252-5 
Mirzbach, Cordelia H. B.July 4, 190228349-2091 
Misfeld, Anna E.May 25, 189425259-1034 
Misfeld, HermanNov. 13, 18882344-174 
Misfeldt, AlfredJuly 31, 189023408-1629 
Miske, AlmaDec. 9, 189526398-1592 
Miske, EdwardJan. 17, 189224404-1615 
Miske, EdwinDec. 18, 190128307-1838 
Miske, EttaNov. 14, 190429199-1188 
Miske, Fred W.Nov. 8, 190329105-626 
Miske, LeonaDec. 12, 190028188-1124 
Miske, NoraNov. 10, 190028187-1122 
Mitchell, John J.May 7, 190629366-2192 
Mitchell, Michael G.April 23, 190529141-841 
Mittag, ElmerJan. 12, 190228319-1911 
Mittelsdorf, Ledia A. H.June 30, 18912575-298 
Mitwede, Jan. 29, 190328480-2876 
Mitwede, March 11, 190629444-2656 
Mitwede, AugustSept. 11, 18619159-437 
Mitwede, HermannSept. 10, 18599159-436 
Mitwede, WilliamMay 14, 18729159-438 
Mitzenmacher, Ida P.Dec. 31, 19063033-198 

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