Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Sheboygan County Births Vital Index "Li"

* No "corrections" have been made to the original Index, it is transcribed as originally written, Variations from the Index to the record are noted in Brackets { }
* Look for many spelling variations of each surname
* This posting is not intended to be an official document
* Once your family is found, obtain an original copy of the Record from the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds Office for citations and official records

NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the Owner, Debie.

Lichter, Oct. 27, 190228419-2511 
Lichter, LouisNov. 22, 190429168-1005 
Licke, WillieAug. 30, 18942658-229 
Lieban, LeliaFeb. 11, ??18314-937 
Liebe, Adolph C.March 13, 1882122314 
Liebe, AmaliaMay 15, 1865846-137 
Liebe, Augusta I.Sept. 8, 1859845-134 
Liebe, Bertha L.Jan. 14, 188010345 
Liebe, Carl O. Jan. 10, 190529161-964 
Liebe, Carl O.June 1, 1870847-139 
Liebe, Edward M. May 9, 189425284-1134 
Liebe, Emilia M.April 9, 1858845-133 
Liebe, ErnestinaDec. 16, 1866846-138 
Liebe, RosaliaFeb. 5, 1863846-136 
Liebe, Thekla H.Dec. 15, 1856844-132 
Liebel, AnnaOct. 5, 187618242-721 
Liebel, AugustJune 2, 188019317-949 
Liebel, JosephSept. 4, 187819198-594 
Liebel, JuliaSept. 3, 187519198-592 
Liebel, KarlineOct. 22, 18661058-174 
Liebel, KatharineApril 28, 18641059-176 
Liebel, LedvinaMarch 25, 18671059-177 
Liebel, LoiseDec. 19, 18691058-175 
Liebel, TheresiaSept. 3, 187519199-595 
Liebel, WillieJuly 17, 187819317-948 
Liebener, Oct. 22, 188221217-1297 
Liebens, Jos. H.Sept. 5, 188923222-885 
Liebenstein, Feb. 18, 189626401-1603 
Liebenstein, July 2, 190328449-2694 
Liebenstein, Alma A.Nov. 29, 188610157 
Liebenstein, CarlMarch 24, 18772055-165 
Liebenstein, CarollMarch 7, 190629431-2578 
Liebenstein, EdithJune 13, 190428100-599 
Liebenstein, Edwin H.Aug. 5, 189526121-483 
Liebenstein, Esther E.April 13, 1906106182 
Liebenstein, EthelOct. 1, 190529430-2570 
Liebenstein, Franklin L.Dec. 23, 189727119-714 
Liebenstein, FrederickAug. 7, 18772059-176 
Liebenstein, Harvey G.Feb. 8, 189425399-1595 
Liebenstein, Ida M.Dec. 17, 18761962-186 
Liebenstein, Mary L.May 26, 188130206-1231 
Liebenstein, Olive O.Sept. 3, 188110158 
Liebenstein, Philip J. Aug. 12, 1883110212 
Liebenstein, RosiaApril 24, 18792055-164 
Liebenstein, StellaMay 24, 189426124-494 
Liebenstein, UlrichJuly 7, 19042999-591 
Liebenstein, ViolaJune 26, 190030226-1355 
Liebenstein, Walter C.Dec. 10, 18781962-184 
Liebenstien, EvaJune 13, 190730144-861 
Lieberman, Feb. 21, 188421266-1596 
Liebermann, AlbrechtFeb. 21, 188421241-1441 
Liebermann, AlbrechtFeb. 21, 188421313-1874 
Liebermann, AlfredSept. 9, 18643100-284Moritz Liebermann
Liebermann, CarlMay 10, 185022-4Christian Liebermann
Catherina Hoffmann
Liebermann, CharlesMay 14, 18503102-291Moritz Liebermann
Liebermann, EmilJan. 20, 18413102-292Moritz Liebermann
Liebermann, HeinrichDec. 19, 185521-3Christian Liebermann
Catherina Hoffmann
Liebermann, IdaMay 8, 18633101-288Moritz Liebermann
Liebermann, MaryJuly 29, 185121-2Christian Liebermann
Catharine Hoffmann
Liebermann, MaryMarch 10, 18433101-289Moritz Liebermann
Liebermann, MinaApril 12, 18553100-286Moritz Liebermann
Liebermann, PaulineJune 13, 18573100-285Moritz Liebermann
Liebermann, RichardAug. 28, 18523101-287Moritz Liebermann
Liebermann, ThereseAug. 15, 18453102-290Moritz Liebermann
Liebert, AlfredFeb. 4, 189224244-973 
Liebert, ElsaFeb. 19, 189626224-895 
Liebert, HedwigMay 28, 189726610-2440 
Liebl, April 4, 19042982-487 
Liebl, June 2, 188019170-535 
Liebl, Oct. 27, 18952675-300 
Liebl, Oct. 3, 18932595-377 
Liebl, Oct. 7, 189124112-445 
Liebl, AndrewNov. 9, 189224518-2069 
Liebl, Angeline M.March 28, 18972719-109 
Liebl, Anna MarieDec. 30, 188722378-1511 
Liebl, AnnaNov. 17, 18593233-624George Liebl
Liebl, AugustAug. 11, 18643232-622George Liebl
Liebl, CharlesMay 16, 18791969-205 
Liebl, Edmund J. May 7, 188923152-607 
Liebl, EmilieAug. 12, 18713231-619George Liebl
Liebl, EmilieJan. 11, 18892387-347 
Liebl, Erwin J.March 10, 19042980-480 
Liebl, Frank W.Jan. 11, 189425198-790 
Liebl, GeorgeJune 23, 18573233-625George Liebl
Liebl, Helen L.Aug. 22, 190027603-3618 
Liebl, HenryMay 28, 18693232-620George Liebl
Liebl, HilmaNov. 4, 190328563-3377 
Liebl, IdaSept. 11, 189124105-420 
Liebl, JacobNov. 28, 18553234-626George Liebl
Liebl, Johanna A.March 22, 189927440-2640 
Liebl, JohnFeb. 26, 18623233-623George Liebl
Liebl, JosephMarch 7, 18673232-621George Liebl
Liebl, Leo G.Oct. 6, 189727261-1563 
Liebl, LouiseJan. 25, 189525593-2372 
Liebl, LudwigApril 9, 18771968-204 
Liebl, Marie J.Aug. 21, 18952679-313 
Liebl, Mary M.March 15, 18862272-285 
Liebl, OliveDec. 31, 190228491-2942 
Liebl, Robert JohnJune 22, 189425302-1207 
Liebner, AlmaMarch 26, 189023511-2044 
Liebner, AlmaNov. 23, 186711118-353 
Liebner, Caroline L.Feb. 23, 18892389-353 
Liebner, EdmundJune 27, 186211117-350 
Liebner, GustavJune 5, 186811118-354 
Liebner, OskarApril 4, 186411117-351 
Liebner, RosaJune 17, 187011119-355 
Liebner, RudolfNov. 23, 186711118-352 
Liebow, Auguste (SB)Sept. 27, 189626268-1472 
Liebow, FredFeb. 13, 189324576-2302 
Liebow, LouiseNov. 26, 189023543-2172 
Liebow, NormaMarch 6, 189525551-2203 
Liebow, WillyJan. 16, 189626225-898 
Liebzeit, March 10, 188521337-2020 
Liebzeit, Nov. 28, 188923338-1349 
Liebzeit, Anna M.Nov. 11, 1859164-192Carl Liebzeit
Dorothea Axel
Liebzeit, AnnaNov. 11, 185911109-327 
Liebzeit, DorotheaJan. 24, 186111110-328 
Liebzeit, IdaJune 19, 186911110-329 
Liebzeit, WilhelmAug. 17, 185311109-325 
Liebzeit, WilhelmineNov. 23, 185711109-326 
Liebzeitjun, Jan. 1, 188321168-1007 
Lieding, OttoOct. 7, 189727101-601 
Liedtke, Helena B.Oct. 28, 190027603-3616 
Liefbraer, GerritSept. 23, 189425450-1799 
Liefbroer, Harvey J.May 23, 19042929-171 
Liefbroer, JohannaSept. 22, 189224399-1594 
Liefbroer, WilliamApril 26, 19073068-403 
Lienau, (SB)Sept. 1, 190529268-1603 
Lienau, April 16, 189224319-1273 
Lienau, Gladys A. A.Aug. 22, 19042938-227 
Lienau, Harvey A.April 16, 1901103232 
Lienau, MildredMarch 16, 190228342-2049 
Lienau, SimonSept. 9, 190629462-2763 
Lienau, William C.Aug. 18, 188823250-1000 
Liendig, Victor E.April 19, 19042981-485 
Lienhard, (SB)March 11, 1900285-26 
Lienhard, Erwin F.Oct. 15, 1895141182 
Lienhard, Helen NettieSept. 19, 1901141183 
Lienhard, Henry C.Jan. 12, 189224484-1923 
Lienhard, JohnJuly 31, 189830204-1218 
Lienhard, MarthaJuly 31, 1898141197 
Lienhard, Norma A.Nov. 9, 189124308-1230 
Lienhard, Rose E.May 30, 188812235 
Lienhart, March 29, 18972752-308 
Lienhart, May 14, 188822486-1941 
Lienhart, Nov. 3, 188923347-386 
Lienkaemper, Charley A.Jan. 4, 189726539-2155 
Lienkemper, Arthur W.Oct. 13, 190027620-3715 
Lierer, MagdalenaAug. 4, 18952634-134 
Lierman, IdaNo Date Listed18264-788 
Liermann, Adelia E.July 3, 190128205-1229 
Liermann, AnnaDec. 27, 187918265-790 
Liermann, CharlesApril 14, 187718265-789 
Liermann, LouisaFeb. 25, 187618294-876 
Lieschewski, Anna MarieFeb. 15, 18972774-441 
Lieschewski, Anna MarieFeb. 15, 18972774-441 
Liese, Feb. 17, 18882364-255 
Liese, Alyce E.March 19, 187918295-879 
Liese, Arthur Wm.Feb. 17, 18882364-255 
Liesehewski, Anna M.March 10, 18972774-441 
Lietka, AnnaMarch 19, 189123605-2419 
Lietsena, May 22, 189626385-1539 
Lievense, JacobFeb. 13, 190228451-2706 
Lievensee, LawrenceJan. 16, 189827136-814 
Liewann, WilhelmAug. 3, 188923161-644 
Liezen, Alyda G.Nov. 7, 18731161-182 
Liezen, EvelynSept. 29, 190529261-1561 
Liezen, Gerhard J.July 28, 18651161-183 
Liezen, Johanna G.July 20, 18691162-185 
Liezen, JohannaJan. 28, 188421238-1426 
Liezen, JohannaMarch 5, 1888122247 
Liezen, John H.July 23, 18721162-186 
Liezen, LambertOct. 14, 18671162-184 
Liezen, LammertMay 3, 190112211 
Liezen, LawrenceSept. 1, 189325148-591 
Liezen, WillemJune 14, 18912416-63 
Ligthart, Melinda A. M.June 13, 190529189-1127 
Ligthart, NicolausOct. 10, 190027625-3748 
Ligthart, NormanMarch 26, 190028448-2685 
Ligthart, Violet E. R.Nov. 5, 190027601-3605 
Lilge, May 2, 190529271-1619 
Lilge, Arnold O.April 11, 189123618-2469 
Lilge, ArthuJan. 10, 189626211-842 
Lilge, August W. F.Nov. 25, 189827277-1661 
Lilge, HugoMay 13, 189225280-1118 
Lilge, WalterJuly 8, 18932510-37 
Lilje, Paul G.May 3, 190328495-2965 
Liljie, Nov. 26, 19002832-191 
Liljie, Nov. 26, 19002832-192 
Lillge, Alvina M.March 29, 190027 638-3824 
Lillge, Clarice M.June 11, 190228405-2430 
Lillge, ElviraAug. 15, 189927373-2235 
Lillge, LouisaAug. 21, 189827259-1554 
Lillge, MaryNov. 7, 190430168-1003 
Lillge, Winefred I.March 15, 19042958-343 
Lillie, EstelleMay 2, 18751733-97 
Lillte, JohannaJune 24, 189827260-1555 
Lilman, Sept. 22, 188321210-1258 
Limbburg, CatharineJuly 20, 186514168-503 
Limbburg, JulianMarch 6, 186814169-507 
Limbburg, MaryJuly 20, 186514168-502 
Limbburg, OttoNov. 12, 187014167-501 
Limberg, Nov. 5, 190128240-1436 
Limberg, ClaraApril 27, 189827183-1154 
Limberg, Edwin OscarJune 28, 1892122423 
Limberg, JohnFeb. 9, 189927478-2866 
Limberg, Leland J.May 4, 1896141262 
Limberger, Sept. 10, 190629 438-2621 
Limbricht, Eduard J. M. July 26, 188019191-572 
Limburg, March 18, 186714168-504 
Limburg, AugustaFeb. 14, 187214169-505 
Limburg, PhillippDec. 28, 186214169-506 
Limburg, WilliamJune 20, 186114167-500 
Limke, Feb. 25, 188521321-1923 
Limmer, FerdinandOct. 27, 187518222-660 
Limmer, HeinrichSept. 11, 187718221-659 
Limmer, MartinApril 13, 18791913-38 
Limmer, Wilhelm F.July 15, 1884103230 
Limprecht, Feb. 26, 188321173-1037 
Limprecht, Ivy J. M. March 30, 189626238-950 
Limprecht, LeslieJuly 8, 190629406-2429 
Limprecht, Milton W.May 27, 190328 438-2625 
Lindauer, Georg{e} W.{m}Jan. 22, 18601167-499Johann Lindauer
Elisabeth Kuebler
Lindecke, Auguste
{Last name on record is Lindeke}
Sept. 14, 18561120-359Michael Lindeke
Maria Bregern
Lindecke, Herman
{Name on record is Herrmann Lindeke}
Dec. 25, 18601121-361Michael Lindeke
Maria Bregern
Lindecke, Wilhelm
{Last name on record is Lindeke}
Nov. 8, 18581120-360Michael Lindeke
Maria Bregern
Lindeke, AlmaAug. 13, 188923150-598 
Lindeke, Anna I. A.Oct. 25, 188421290-1736 
Lindeke, Augusta E. H.June 17, 188622121-484 
Lindeke, HermanOct. 5, 189124118-469 
Lindeke, Otto A.Jun 20, 188923137-548 
Lindeman, IdaJune 1, 189827200-1197 
Lindeman, JohannOct. 20, 18568164-498 
Lindeman, MartinAug. 1, 18548165-499 
Lindeman, PeterJune 1, 18588164-497 
Lindemann, Adele F. A.Aug. 1, 189224421-1683 
Lindemann, Albert C. W.Aug. 6, 189425315-1259 
Lindemann, AlbertSept. 25, 188822501-2003 
Lindemann, Charles F.Oct. 10, 188923219-873 
Lindemann, Franz L.June 26, 188622121-482 
Lindemann, FriedaJune 16, 189425332-1328 
Lindemann, Gustav C. H.Aug. 1, 188421288-1723 
Lindemann, HeinrichAug. 8, 188421282-1687 
Lindemann, HenryJune 15, 18912439-156 
Lindemann, HermanAug. 9, 188622138-549 
Lindemann, Ida A. M. Oct. 5, 188722323-1291 
Lindemann, Lina M. M.July 27, 188321193-1157 
Lindemann, Mary M.June 24, 1886101431 
Lindemann, MinnieJan. 16, 188521333-1993 
Linder, Clara G.March 20, 188321186-1115 
Lindermann, MetaJuly 22, 188822479-1913 
Lindholm, April 14, 188923126-502 
Lindich, ChristinaFeb. 14, 190328429-2571 
Lindich, Mary C. Aug. 22, 190629451-2700 
Lindner, April 8, 190228 364-2183 
Lindner, Jan. 31, 189626480-1919 
Lindner, June 9, 189425463-1850 
Lindner, March 18, 189726633-2529 
Lindner, Annie L. M. Sept. 29, 189124168-672 
Lindner, August H. C.May 3, 189023455-1820 
Lindner, EstherMay 2, 19012893-556 
Lindner, Henry A.July 18, 189311092 
Lindner, Lemuel L.June 17, 189325170-680 
Lindner, MariaApril 20, 190629483-2889 
Lindner, Naomi V.Nov. 1, 190328564-3380 
Lindner, Paulamay 17, 189425457-1827 
Lindner, Pauline A.Oct. 22, 189425481-1924 
Lindo, Sept. 2, 188421282-1690 
Lindo, HermanNov. 5, 187620177-529 
Lindo, HildaFeb. 9, 189626445-1779 
Lindow, Jan. 23, 188822377-1507 
Lindow, Jan. 8, 189425459-1835 
Lindow, June 1, 188321190-1135 
Lindow, March 2, 188321170-1016 
Lindow, May 16, 188722255-1018 
Lindow, Nov. 8, 188421311-1862 
Lindow, AlfredJan. 31, 188822383-1529 
Lindow, Anita F.Sept. 30, 190429128-763 
Lindow, Anna F. W. Oct. 19, 187618105-313 
Lindow, ArnholdJune 21, 189324638-2551 
Lindow, Arno A.Oct. 19, 190629178-2862 
Lindow, Arthur B. C.Oct. 12, 187818241-719 
Lindow, Arthur C. B.Oct. 12, 187718137-411 
Lindow, AureliaMarch 23, 190027516-3094 
Lindow, Benno P.June 9, 180021142-847 
Lindow, BerthaJuly 10, 1857774-220 
Lindow, Carl F.Aug. 20, 1868911-30 
Lindow, Carl R.Nov. 6, 187415167-496 
Lindow, EdmundJan. 9, 190128285-1107 
Lindow, ElenoraNov. 26, 189526188-750 
Lindow, ElisabethaSept. 5, 18702173-516William Lindow
Apollonia Krackenberger
Lindow, Ella M.June 1, 188321225-1349 
Lindow, Erich W.Dec. 1, 188121142-849 
Lindow, ErwinJan. 2, 189023299-1194 
Lindow, FlorenceNov. 22, 189124200-797 
Lindow, Francis F. O.Oct. 6, 18751741-122 
Lindow, Frank F. O. Oct. 6, 187618242-721 
Lindow, FrederickMay 30, 1859773-219 
Lindow, Gustavus C.June 23, 187315142-421 
Lindow, Harry H.Oct. 31, 190429110-658 
Lindow, HermanJan. 22, 189123601-2404 
Lindow, HermannOct. 27, 189425408-1631 
Lindow, LawienaSept. 14, 190328514-3082 
Lindow, Martha A.Aug. 31, 190027591-3545 
Lindow, Oscar E.Aug. 8, 188021137-817 
Lindow, Otto A.Aug. 7 189827228-1368 
Lindow, RosaOct. 15, 189425410-1637 
Lindow, TessieOct. 26, 189425409-1633 
Lindow, Walter F. L.May 29, 187818153-457 
Lindow, WaltherJuly 8 189224302-1208 
Lindsay, May 11, 18932573-291 
Lindsay, BidellaSept. 17, 188914173 
Lindsay, StewartDec. 30, 188330205-1226 
Lindsay, WilliamMarch 29, 189124149-593 
Lindsley, EdwardAug. 5, 187920286-854 
Lindsley, GeorgeJuly 7, 187520285-852 
Lindsley, ThomasDec. 3, 187720285-853 
Lindstadt, Dorothea J. {F.}Sept. 28, 1860177-229Frederic Lindstadt
Charlotte Schehl
Lindsy, Mary E.Nov. 22, 18731777-231 
Lineau, William C.Aug. 18, 188823250-1000 
Lingelbach, July 7, 188822496-1984 
Lingelback, Wm. HugoAug. 31, 1889110444 
Link, BernardSept. 13, ??2955-328 
Lintz, AnnaAug. 21, 18473131-379Friedrich G. Lintz
A. Maria
Lintz, CharlotteMarch 21, 18523131-378Friedrich G. Lintz
Anna M.
Lintz, FannyApril 31, 18633130-375Fr. Gustav Lintz
Anna Maria
Lintz, FranziskaJuly 17, 18613130-374Friedrich Gustav Lintz
Anna Maria
Lintz, HenrietteMarch 31, 18573130-376Fried. G. Lintz
A. Maria
Lintz, JennyMay 10, 18553131-277Friedrich G. Lintz
Anna M.
Lintz, KatharinaMarch 5, 188822417-1666 
Linwood, MavisJune 19, 190529183-1094 
Lippes, Annie M.Nov. 9, 189526195-779 
Lips, LouisOct. 28, 189224438-1749 
Lipsheski, William F.Jan. 25, 289525564-2256 
Lischker, AnnaAug. 8, 189425355-1417 
Lishker, CarlSept. 26, 189124120-480 
Lishker,WilliamNov. 24, 189224520-2078 
Lisohker, ElsaMay 20, 189023356-1423 
Lite, EmiliaMay 6, 1859155-163Peter Lite
Caroline Jung
Lite, EmmaMay 6, 1859779-235 
Lite, PhilippinaApril 25, 1856778-234 
Lith, MaryFeb. 6, 189324601-2401 
Lithard, FrankziskaFeb. 17, 189425220-877 
Litke, MarthaMarch 30, 189324586-2343 
Litt, IdaFeb. 16, 18892394-375 
Littge, EmilieJuly 20, 1863596-285 
Littge, EmmaMarch 29, 1866563-188 
Littge, FriedrichMarch 29, 1866596-286 
Littge, HildegardeApril 8, 189224253-1012 
Littge, Johann H. C. May 25, 1857595-284 
Littge, LouiseApril 20, 1868564-189 
Littge, RobertNov. 27, 1858595-283 
Littge, WilhelmOct. 18, 1854595-282 
Littke, ArthurApril 14, 189224261-1042 
Littke, ArthurApril 14, 189224269-1076 
Little, BenjaminNov. 13, 188722375-1500 
Little, MaybelleAug. 30, 190027581-3486 
Littlefield, {Female}Feb. 7, 1869271-210Timothy Littlefield
Eliza H. Tupper
Littlefield, Jan. 26, 19002810-58 
Littlefield, Allie M.July 27, 18651279-237 
Littlefield, Bernice B.July 6, 190629445-2664 
Littlefield, Clara A.April 6, 18621280-238 
Littlefield, Earl T.Jan. 4, 190529243-1452 
Littlefield, Frank W.April 20, 18721279-235 
Littlefield, Ida M.Sept. 12, 18631279-236 
Littlefield, Lottie B.Dec. 8, 1876110247 
Littlefield, Ray O.Aug. 8, 188311044 
Littlefield, Willis E.Oct. 8, 18671278-234 
Littmann ArthurMarch 3, 189023324-1294 
Littmann, April 16, 189827179-1072 
Littmann, June 2, 189224313-1251 
Littmann, May 11, 189626385-1537 
Littmann, AdollfFeb. 16, 188822398-1592 
Littmann, Elsie E. I.Nov. 21, 188923346-1384 
Littmann, Fred E.Dec. 2, 190228395-2367 
Littmann, WalterJuly 1, 18932530-118 
Littmann, WaltherFeb. 13, 189425194-775 
Littmann,GeorgeFeb. 15, 190228333-1995 
Litzen, IsabelleFeb. 27, 189425327-1305 
Livingston, WilliamApril 21, 190428636-3812 
Liweesen, MarinusSept. 15, 189325125-499 
Lizol, Ehrti F.March 28, 188923357-1427 

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