Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Sheboygan County Births Vital Index "Jo - Jz"

* No "corrections" have been made to the original Index, it is transcribed as originally written, Variations from the Index to the record are noted in Brackets { }
* Look for many spelling variations of each surname
* This posting is not intended to be an official document
* Once your family is found, obtain an original copy of the Record from the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds Office for citations and official records

NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the Owner, Debie.

Joch, EllaApril 23, 187618313-935 
Jochan, PepeAug. 9, 190730100-595 
Jochem, Mary F.May 7, 189525597-2387 
Jochimsen, LeonaJan. 29, 189525523-2091 
Jochimsen, MildredDec. 10, 189927458-2744 
Jochman, AnnaOct. 21, 18551214-41 
Jochman, JohannOct. 12, 18591214-42 
Jochman, WilhelmDec. 7, 18701215-43 
Jochmann, Erna E. M.Jan. 21, 190831510 
Jochmann, Otto W. J.May 10, 190629428-2562 
Jochmann, Ruth S. A.Feb. 10, 190428610-3660 
Jocis, Joseph JohnDec. 18, 1906101174 
Jocis, Joseph JohnDec. 18, 1906103420 
Joczis, MaryMarch 4, 190831835 
Jodar, Emery O.April 6, 189948338 
Jodar, Theodore E.Aug. 18, 190328477-2861 
Joerkel, MatthiasDec. 6, 189526209-833 
Joerns, Oct. 10, 189224461-1842 
Joerns, CoraApril 6, 1888237-27 
Joerns, CorabellSept. 17, 189626363-1450 
Joerns, Estella E.May 27, 190027606-3632 
Joerns, Frank B.Jan. 16, 189927299-1791 
Joerns, Helen E.March 25, 189425250-997 
Joerson, William H.Jan. 21, 189123566-2264 
Johan, July 24, 188522109-436 
Johan, Nov. 14, 18882332-128 
Johan, AlbertAug. 11, 18792077-229 
Johan, WilliamJan. 29, 18782077-231 
Johan, WillieDec. 11, 18762077-230 
Johann, Aug. 25, 18972737-219 
Johann, Feb. 4, 18731368-203 
Johann, May 10, 188019171-512 
Johann, AnnaAug. 1, 18661369-206 
Johann, EddieMay 10, 188020248-742 
Johann, EmmaJan. 11, 18762149-290 
Johann, EmmaJan. 11, 188020263-785 
Johann, FranciscaApril 2, 189927359-2151 
Johann, Gertrude H.March 22, 190228364-2182 
Johann, HarveyMarch 13, 19042995-568 
Johann, Henrietta C.Sept. 17, 188121114-681 
Johann, John E.May 10, 18802149-292 
Johann, JosephJuly 26, 18611369-207 
Johann, KatharinaAug. 28, 18591370-208 
Johann, KlaraFeb. 4, 18742149-291 
Johann, LorraineApril 2, 190831926 
Johann, MargarethaJune 26, 18701368-204 
Johann, PeterJune 6, 18681369-205 
Johann, Roland G.May 24, 190730138-821 
Johann, Wilhelm A.Jan. 29, 187818111-332 
Johanna, Sept. 15, 189224459-1835 
Johanning, Aug. 24, 189626337-1347 
Johanning, Aug. 5, 189023410-1637 
Johanning, Dec. 7, 190228562-3367 
Johanning, Nov. 30, 18882340-159 
Johanning, BerthaAug. 5, 189827216-1295 
Johanning, Carl R.May 18, 189526142-568 
Johanning, Christian T.{heodore}April 26, 18631258-772Christian Johanning
Johanning, ClaraMarch 12, 189827476-2854 
Johanning, Conrad R.{obert}Oct. 14, 186529-25Christian Johanning
Johanning, HeinrichFeb. 1, 1878197-20 
Johanning, Ida S.{ophie}June 4, 18683143-415Christian Johanning
Dorothea Weier
Johanning, Lawrence F.Feb. 11, 189530245-1468 
Johanning, LydiaNov. 26, 1875197-21 
Johanning, NormaDec. 14, 190629489-2925 
Johanning, OnitaOct. 16, 190128251-1505 
Johanning, OttoJune 27, 1873198-22 
Johanning, Roland R.March 12, 189810340 
John, ArthurJune 19, 189626461-1842 
John, CarlJune 18, 190128184-1101 
John, EmmaNov. 17, 18681076-229 
John, FriedrichSept. 11, 18601077-231 
John, HermanOct. 16, 18671077-230 
John, Milda E.Feb. 16, 189726582-2328 
John, WilhelmMay 25, 18621077-232 
Johne, May 17, 190529189-1131 
Johne, Bertha S.March 10, 186085-13 
Johne, Carl T.March 21, 18742190-540 
Johne, EllaAug. 7, 190730129-772 
Johne, Ernst G.Oct. 23, 185584-11 
Johne, ErwinMay 13, 189726611-2444 
Johne, Ida C.July 23, 185784-12 
Johne, IdaSept. 19, 18952644-176 
Johne, LauraAug. 19, 190027576-3456 
Johne, MabelSept. 11, 190328516-3092 
Johne, Oskar H.Jan. 4, 18762189-533 
Johnse, Arthur E. O.Dec. 7, 189525343-1369 
Johnson, (SB)Nov. 10, 189224472-1886 
Johnson, Feb. 25, 188521344-2058 
Johnson, Jan. 28, 189325134-533 
Johnson, July 18, 190328534-3202 
Johnson, May 19, 190027551-3305 
Johnson, Oct. 10, 189224510-2039 
Johnson, Sept. 18, 190228378-2264 
Johnson, Sept. 20, 188321220-1318 
Johnson, AndersApril 12, 189425271-1084 
Johnson, AppolonaMarch 11, 190228332-1991 
Johnson, Arnold B.July 25, 189224351-1401 
Johnson, ArthurOct. 19, 190328537-3222 
Johnson, Asher D.Dec. 11, 185912149-446 
Johnson, BernhardAug. 5, 18601111-331Rasmus Johnson
Gunnel Maria
Johnson, Bert JohnApril 9, 189230247-1480 
Johnson, CarlMarch 2, 19042914-83 
Johnson, Cassius A.Dec. 28, 186912148-444 
Johnson, CharlieSept. 7, 18912496-384 
Johnson, ClaraJan. 21, 19073076-456 
Johnson, Earl GeorgeMarch 7, 190629419-2510 
Johnson, EdnaMarch 27, 189910373 
Johnson, EdwardMay 29, 189023371-1482 
Johnson, Ellen K.Sept. 6, 190328510-3056 
Johnson, EstellaFeb. 1, 189827142-851 
Johnson, EvangelineMay 28, 19073091-540 
Johnson, FrankApril 23, 1905505 
Johnson, Geo. Wm.Aug. 12, 1889122438 
Johnson, George F.July 23, 190228284-1703 
Johnson, George W.May 19, 186212149-445 
Johnson, Gertrude F.June 18, 18952629-115 
Johnson, Gilbert M.Sept. 1, 189526100-397 
Johnson, Gustav R.March 15, 190027524-3144 
Johnson, HarryNov. 20, 188823186-743 
Johnson, Hazel MayJuly 7, 190027624-3744 
Johnson, Henry M.April 22, 188019314-939 
Johnson, HenryApril 22, 18802121-122 
Johnson, Irene G.July 19, 18912481-323 
Johnson, Janice I.July 20, 18912470-278 
Johnson, Jennie M.Sept. 26, 189023468-1869 
Johnson, JohnMarch 18, 189525627-2506 
Johnson, JohniJan. 31, 188822382-1526 
Johnson, Leona M.March 12, 19073042-248 
Johnson, Lettie M.Sept. 25, 188730221-1324 
Johnson, LewisSept. 24, 18611111-332Rasmus Johnson
Gunnel Maria
Johnson, LydiaAug. 11, 188822477-1908 
Johnson, Mabel H.Aug. 7, 1895141139 
Johnson, Mathias W{m}.Feb. 15, 1869272-212Stephen Johnson
Gertrude Sanders
Johnson, MayDec. 16, 189325380-1519 
Johnson, MayJan. 30, 189124150-598 
Johnson, Myrta B.July 26, 187630224-1342 
Johnson, Nina D.July 30, 189224489-1955 
Johnson, Robert J.Sept. 1, 187319314-940 
Johnson, RobertSept. 1, 18732121-121 
Johnson, Roy G.Sept. 27, 188622164-653 
Johnson, RuttaMay 17, 188923116-463 
Johnson, WilliamJune 8, 187619314-938 
Johnson, WilliamJune 8, 18762121-123 
Johnston, April 17, 19042987-517 
Johnston, Georgie F.Nov. 11, 19063023-138 
Johnston, Harley B.Oct. 28, 189626492-1965 
Johnston, Harold V.Feb. 11, 190429115-687 
Johnston, Wilhelm C.March 29, 188321205-1230 
Johnston, Wilhelm E.March 6, 190228246-1476 
Johon, Feb. 20, 189124505-2017 
Johon, Feb. 22, 189224500-1997 
Johon, Sept. 1, 189425470-1879 
Jolke, Emma AnnaApril 9, 1889101364 
Jolke, Johann F.Oct. 13, 189626375-1498 
Jonas, Albert M.April 26, ??30103-614 
Jonas, AnnaApril 3, 187010157-472 
Jonas, KatharineAug. 24, 187110158-474 
Jonas, MagdaleneFeb. 11, 186510158-475 
Jonas, MaryOct. 12, 186810158-473 
Jonas, StephanDec. 26, 186610157-471 
Jonassen, NoraNov. 13, 19002814-79 
Jonassen, OlgaJune 5, 189827200-1195 
Jones, (SB)Nov. 16, 189224475-1896 
Jones, Aug. 13, 188421321-1925 
Jones, May 10, 189224465-1865 
Jones, Beatrice F.Dec. 3, 190228501-3003 
Jones, Charles B.April 25, 186215135-402 
Jones, EdwinJan. 17, 189023453-1812 
Jones, Frances L.Sept. 15, 186015136-403 
Jones, George W.Aug. 28, 189325426-1704 
Jones, GeorgeAug. 11, 189023489-1954 
Jones, Harold L.Sept. 19, 189626492-1966 
Jones, Hugh H.Jan. 17, 188930210-1253 
Jones, Ida J.July 4, 187618302-900 
Jones, John H.July 1, 187415160-475 
Jones, Mary S.Nov. 26, 189526460-1839 
Jones, Nina ConstantMarch 15, 189827182-1091 
Jones, Ralph E.Aug. 13, 190128174-1044 
Jones, Roy Edw.Dec. 5, 1882106383 
Jonge, CorneeliejaDec. 28, 188622205-819 
Jongers, WalterNov. 13, 188923328-1312 
Jons, Ronald Wm. L.May 6, 190831451 
Jopke, Alice W.June 22, 190228345-2070 
Jopke, AmeliaMay 20, 190027611-3666 
Jopke, CarlJuly 6, 189023403-1610 
Jopke, FranziskaJuly 6, 189023403-1609 
Jopke, Wanda P.Dec. 1, 189425508-2032 
Jopke, WilliamOct. 12, 189626444-1775 
Joram, FrankSept. 15, 189626423-1689 
Joram, OttoSept. 29, 188923215-858 
Jordan, Feb. 26, 190529147-877 
Jordan, BrockmanAug. 9, 190730120-717 
Jordan, EllenFeb. 2, 186217156-467 
Jordan, HermanApril 10, 19042990-539 
Jordan, John H.May 4, 185917100-300 
Jordan, MaryOct. 23, 185917156-466 
Jordan, PatrickOct. 23, 185917156-468 
Jordan, ThomasAug. 25, 185517155-465 
Jork, DavidJune 6, 190328442-2640 
Jork, Edith
Surname on record appears to be York}
Aug. 4, 18702163-485John M. York
Orpha Pright
Jork, OttoAug. 24, 19042921-123 
Jort, Julia N. E.April 13, 190228361-2163 
Jorum, AlbertMarch 7, 189224249-993 
Joslin, Dec. 3, 189124483-1931 
Joslin, Anna A.Dec. 18, 18601082-245 
Joslin, Anna L.Nov. 3, 18962794-559 
Joslin, AntonetteJune 21, 18691081-243 
Joslin, Bulah M.July 8, 189827165-1586 
Joslin, CharlesMay 4, 18591081-242 
Joslin, Edith M.July 14, 190730142-850 
Joslin, FrancesNov. 4, 18571082-247 
Joslin, Harold Wm.Dec. 3, 189111043 
Joslin, HarrisonJune 19, 18621081-244 
Joslin, LucilleFeb. 12, 189812255 
Joslin, Lydia M.May 9, 1895495 
Joslin, MarietMay 6, 18641083-248 
Joslin, MildredMay 1, 190529296-1772 
Joslin, Ruth M.Oct. 30, 189325427-1705 
Joslin, WilliamOct. 14, 18651082-246 
Joslyn, MaryDec. 17, 19002860-358 
Joslyn, Maurice E.Aug. 6, 190529291-1744 
Joslyn, Walter N.Sept. 6, 19042968-405 
Joslynn, William W.Sept. 6, ??2968-405 
Jostlin, Aug. 22, 190730155-924 
Jostlin, Jan. 13, 190228316-1892 
Jostlin, Jan. 19, 190529243-1451 
Jostlin, May 6, 190328559-3351 
Joung, July 26, 18972736-213 
Jouno, Sept. 31, 18771893-277 
Jouno, John Wm.Nov. 12, 1879101300 
Jourkey, WillieSept. 3, 18852230-119 
Jowek, JosephFeb. 9, 190529166-991 
Juckam, AugustSept. 2, 18752092-275 
Juckam, MaryAug. 5, 18772089-265 
Juckem, Nov. 8, 18882312-45 
Juckem, Angeline E.Oct. 5, 189927418-2507 
Juckem, AnnaFeb. 26, 1860112-36Mathias Juckem
Elisabeth Schmidt
Juckem, Arwin M.Nov. 11, 189325486-1942 
Juckem, Charles P.Nov. 16, 188622193-772 
Juckem, Elmer J.Aug. 14, 18972754-319 
Juckem, EugeneJan. 28, 189525534-2135 
Juckem, FriederickeApril 13, 188822443-1771 
Juckem, GeorgeFeb. 21, 189224227-905 
Juckem, JohannNov. 22, 1851114-41Mathias Juckem
Elisabeth Schmidt
Juckem, JosephMay 15, 188521353-2113 
Juckem, Julia E.Oct. 20, 188923232-927 
Juckem, MargarethaAug. 20, 1858113-37Mathias Juckem
Elisabeth Schmidt
Juckem, MarieOct. 25, 1854113-39Mathias Juckem
Elisabeth Schmidt
Juckem, MichaelMay 17, 189827197-1179 
Juckem, Milton M.June 27, 190027595-3568 
Juckem, MyraJan. 11, 189525537-2146 
Juckem, PaulineJuly 15, 1856113-38Mathias Juckem
Elisabeth Schmidt
Juckem, PeterMarch 19, 1853114-40Mathias Juckem
Elisabeth Schmidt
Juckem, TheresaAug. 6, 189325116-463 
Judd, Alma C.Dec. 29, 18611146-138 
Judd, Samuel G.Aug. 28, 18581146-137 
Judgil, ElsieJan. 23, 189626213-850 
Judgil, MaryApril 15, 188822447-1788 
Judgill, FranzMay 15, 188923131-522 
Juergen, Arthur O. A.Nov. 21, 189727109-650 
Juerke, BerthaSept. 8, 189224426-1703 
Juerke, MetaMarch 13, 189525558-2230 
Juers, EdwinMay 16, ??28477-2857 
Juers, Neoma M. H.Sept. 9, 1905169263 
Juers, Ronald W. L.May 6, 190830180 
Juerss, Nov. 30, 189727107-637 
Juerss, AnnaMay 26, 18952667-265 
Juerss, Rubi F. R. Feb. 25, 1899110438 
Juetten, Anna G.Oct. 26, 18649140-381 
Juetten, Anna M.Feb. 2, 18709141-384 
Juetten, GerhardAug. 5, 18679140-382 
Juetten, HeinrichMarch 15, 18669140-383 
Juetten, Henry J.Aug. 14, 189023536-2142 
Juetten, Johann K.Oct. 31, 18619139-380 
Jugenheimer, March 21, 190529132-788 
Jugenheimer, ElizabethDec. 25, 1870354-158 
Jugenheimer, ElizabethDec. 25, 1870668-203 
Jugenheimer, HenryMarch 6, 187518105-314 
Jugenheimer, JacobMarch 23, 1868668-202 
Jugenheimer, JohnJuly 10, 187315143-425 
Jugenheimer, MellroyJuly 14, 190831613 
Jugenheimer, NormaJan. 28, 190729499-2984 
Julien, ErwinSept. 22, 189526108-430 
Julien, MaryApril 30, 18932519-74 
Jumtow, WalterDec. 11, 19063084-502 
Junck, April 1, 190328461-2765 
Junck, May 1, 190328461-2763 
Junck, CarrieOct. 30, 189325124-494 
Junck, CeceliaJan. 27, 189927298-1788 
Junck, Franziska E.March 3, 190027496-2972 
Junck, LuciaAug. 21, 190128170-1017 
Junck, MartinOct. 2, 190732436 
Junck, Myrtele I.April 22, 19073061-363 
Junck, Willis T.March 12, 190629328-1964 
Junesen, MargarethaNov. 30, 18882377-306 
Jung, (SB)Sept. 7, 189626441-1762 
Jung, April 11, 18862293-369 
Jung, Aug. 6, 189425361-1441 
Jung, March 28, 189425299-1196 
Jung, May 26, 189124116-464 
Jung, Nov. 27, 189526237-946 
Jung, Oct. 12, 190128206-1233 
Jung, Oct. 26, 190529286-1712 
Jung, Sept. 13, 188421290-1739 
Jung, Albert C.June 22, 189224283-1132 
Jung, Anna M.Aug. 8, 18648140-426 
Jung, BlondineJune 18, 18618140-425 
Jung, ChristophJan. 12, 18568140-424 
Jung, Clara H.Oct. 5, 189425364-1454 
Jung, DietrichJan. 9, 18591230-689Dietrich Jung
Elisabeth Drouwershauser
Jung, EarliApril 3, 18862284-334 
Jung, Edgar JacobApril 17, 190814133 
Jung, Edna L.July 19, 189023447-1786 
Jung, ElisabethOct. 24, 18601230-690Dietrich Jung
Elisabeth Drouwershauser
Jung, EllenOct. 1, 1856672-214 
Jung, ElleonoreJan. 7, 18561127-381Jacob Jung
Elleonore Wilke
Jung, Ernst F.Oct. 14, 18932598-389 
Jung, Fred T.Jan. 15, 189827155-930 
Jung, FredMarch 16, 1865668-204 
Jung, HenryJan. 30, 18621128-384Jacob Jung
Elleonore Wilke
Jung, Hildegard E.Jan. 10, 1901106431 
Jung, JacobJan. 11, 18571128-382Jacob Jung
Elleonore Wilke
Jung, Johann U.Feb. 19, 18588139-423 
Jung, JohnAug. 11, 1858672-215 
Jung, KatharinaOct. 5, 1867669-207 
Jung, Margaret A.Jan. 24, 189525564-2255 
Jung, Margaret E.June 26, 18972720-118 
Jung, MargarethJune 12, 1869669-205 
Jung, MaryDec. 4, 1862669-206 
Jung, OttoSept. 9, 1870384-243 
Jung, PeterMay 6, 18538139-422 
Jung, Robert A.Sept. 12, 190629459-2745 
Jung, Wesley W.Aug. 12, 1899141451 
Jung, WilliamJan. 31, 18591128-383Jacob Jung
Elleonore Wilke
Junge, TheresaOct. 29, 18972786-511 
Jungers, (SB)July 7, 189224329-1313 
Jungers, Adeline M.April 25, 190831281 
Jungers, Albert J.Jan. 2, ??29110-655 
Jungers, CarolineOct. 12, 18972787-517 
Jungers, FelixDec. 4, 189526300-1198 
Jungers, NicolasFeb. 28, 1891248-29 
Jungers, VictorSept. 28, 190027598-3583 
Junk, April 25, 188722243-972 
Junk, Aug. 28, 189827232-1390 
Junk, FriedrichDec. 11, 188421316-1892 
Junker, BeatriceSept. 30, 189124120-477 
Junker, ElisebathNov. 18, 188923294-1176 
Junker, John F.Nov. 5, 189325259-1033 
Junker, MariaApril 6, 188822422-1685 
Junker, MaryMay 28, 189827188-1125 
Junker, Norbert L.Dec. 27, 189224557-2227 
Juno, AnnMay 20, 18621474-221 
Juno, MaryJuly 20, 18601476-226 
Juntz, Louis J.
(Junc) {Listed on Index in Para.
June 23, 1906122246 
Juntz, MatthewNov. 21, 190316969 
Jurgen, Erwin W. F.Jan. 23, 190328489-2929 
Jurk, DavidJuly 17, 190529193-1152 
Jurk, EdwardMay 10, 19073063-373 
Jurk, FredrichOct. 16, 190128200-1198 
Jurk, FriderichMay 2, 190228274-1642 
Jurk, JohanOct. 4, 190629481-2878 
Jurk, LidiaDec. 15, 190529303-1814 
Jurk, MariaJuly 20, 190529193-1153 
Jurke, FriedaMarch 6, 18892393-370 
Jurom, Philiph J.June 15, 189927384-2304 
Jurss, CharlesApril 19, 18671635-103 
Jurss, CharlesJuly 7, 189023456-1823 
Jurss, Fred C.May 8, 189626403-1612 
Jurss, HarveySept. 3, 190730137-815 
Jurss, HerbertMarch 25, 189626403-1609 
Jurss, Minnie M.June 29, 1904293-17 
Jushowski, JosephJuly 14, 190832440 
Justinger, July 13, 190328559-3350 
Justinger, LawrenceOct. 5, 190732437 

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