Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Sheboygan County Births Vital Index "Gra - Grh"

* No "corrections" have been made to the original Index, it is transcribed as originally written, Variations from the Index to the record are noted in Brackets { }
* Look for many spelling variations of each surname
* This posting is not intended to be an official document
* Once your family is found, obtain an original copy of the Record from the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds Office for citations and official records

NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the Owner, Debie.

Graaf, AnnaApril 21, 1891246-22 
Graaf, AnnaOct. 23, 18761895-285 
Graaf, CatharinaJune 11, 187617186-557 
Graaf, MargaretaJune 25, 188822485-1938 
Graaf, OttoMarch 13, 188322136-542 
Graaf, RosaMarch 25, 188622135-535 
Graaskamp, Garret JohnMay 23, 1889122407 
Graaskamp, GeertruideSept. 15, 188722304-1216 
Graaskamp, Jane G.March 30, 189123621-2483 
Graaskamp, JohanMarch 11, 18892396-383 
Graaskamp, MinaAug. 22, 1885228-32 
Graatz, Willie H. A.March 20, 188421254-1523 
Grabauchas, Olgerdas A.July 11, 190128150-895 
Grabauckas, Annie A.March 27, 190328428-2566 
Grabensky, KatharinaMay 23, 190027578-3464 
Grabman, AlmaJune 29, 189224332-1325 
Grabowiski, Aurthur A.Sept. 6, 18932590-359 
Grabowski, (SB)July 30, 189626479-1914 
Grabowski, August R.Feb. 22, 188221142-852 
Grabowski, ElbyJan. 1, 189727128-767 
Grabowski, EmmaMay 26, 187820171-513 
Grabowsky, April 8, 188722468-1872 
Grabowsky, June 20, 188923264-1055 
Grabowsky, GustaveMarch 3, 187620171-512 
Grabowsky, Julius P.July 15, 18802198-588 
Grabowsky, NoraJuly 9, 189425306-1224 
Grabowsky, Ralph Edw.July 23, 190228357-2138 
Grabs, AnitaJune 8, 190529290-1737 
Gradall, PaulineJune 21, 1892101164 
Grade, March 28, 188822485-1939 
Grade, BerthaAug. 26, 187318346-1034 
Grade, DoratheaSept. 14, 190128130-778 
Grade, EdwardJune 4, 1893251-3 
Grade, EdwardOct. 28, 190228404-2421 
Grade, ElinorJune 26, 189827208-1246 
Grade, EmmyJan. 8, 19012844-260 
Grade, GustavSept. 26, ??25416-1661 
Grade, GustaveOct. 9, 190027634-3801 
Grade, HeleneDec. 9, 189927464-2782 
Grade, Henry MaxJan. 26, 189827464-2781 
Grade, HowardDec. 20, 189526218-872 
Grade, William PaulFeb. 14, 1895101287 
Graebner, Emanuel P. O.May 29, 189626310-1240 
Graef, July 29, 188321205-1226 
Graef, March 27, 189626481-1921 
Graef, Nov. 1, ??23520-2077 
Graef, AdeleOct. 4, 190328527-3161 
Graef, AlbertAug. 22, 190529217-1298 
Graef, AlmaAug. 22, 190529217-1297 
Graef, AnnaDec. 16, ??2296-381 
Graef, ClarenceJan. 8, 190328437-2617 
Graef, HenryApril 1, 189425430-1719 
Graef, JohnJan. 24, 1853File104 
Graef, MarthaAug. 28, 189325125-498 
Graef, MinnieAug. 5, 189827475-2850 
Graefe, ArthurMarch 1, 189827152-912 
Graefe, Arwin H.March 13, 189525567-2267 
Graefe, Charles R.Jan. 12, 18972717-101 
Graefe, Elsa M. E.June 3, 189023411-1643 
Graefe, Lisetta M.March 22, 188923101-401 
Graefe, Wilhelm G. F.Sept. 18, 189124139-555 
Graeff, ChristianaJuly 2, 188221156-935 
Graeff, Johanna C.July 2, 188221156-936 
Graehne, Karline W.March 27, 185710104-313 
Graenzig, ArnoJuly 23, 18972728-164 
Graenzig, ArthurOct. 12, 189526106-424 
Graenzig, Herman G. A.Sept. 3, 189124101-404 
Graf, (SB)April 15, 189726629-2516 
Graf, July 7, 189927401-2402 
Graf, Anna A.{uguste}Jan. 31, 18611216-646Friedrich Graf
Christine Nussbaum
Graf, Anna M.Oct. 1, 18761883-247 
Graf, BarthomeusJune 17, 188521363-2172 
Graf, BerthaFeb. 12, 18633246-664 
Graf, BerthaMarch 27, 1866365-191 
Graf, CatherineFeb. 23, 1864296-285Henry Graf
Gertrude Umsonst
Graf, CharlieAug. 10, 188823251-1003 
Graf, ChristineAug. 9, 18501215-644Friedrich Graf
Christine Nussbaum
Graf, Clara M.Aug. 12, 1864364-190 
Graf, ClaraAug. 7, 18932532-127 
Graf, ConradJune 26, 188121124-741 
Graf, ConradMarch 9, 18531215-645Friedrich Graf
Christine Nussbaum
Graf, Edwin H.Dec. 31, 189224552-2204 
Graf, Emma D.Oct. 15, 1862364-189 
Graf, Esther C.Oct. 7, 189425414-1655 
Graf, FredericFeb. 9, 187415157-467 
Graf, FredericMay 24, 18721434-100 
Graf, HenryMarch 19, 18742147-277 
Graf, HenryMay 14, 1859160-180Henry Graf
Gertrude Unsoust
Graf, Hildegard M.Nov. 25, 189626587-2346 
Graf, IdaAug. 24, 1870365-193 
Graf, JacobDec. 10, 18643246-663 
Graf, JacobFeb. 1, 1858160-179Henry Graf
Gertrude Unsoust
Graf, KarolineNov. 3, 18603247-665 
Graf, Laurentius {Henry}Jan. 24, 18621228-683Henry J. Graf
Gertrude Vunsaust
Graf, MaryMarch 26, 18593247-666 
Graf, OttoJuly 10, 189626317-1268 
Graf, PeterJan. 26, 187015156-463 
Graf, RobertFeb. 25, 1868365-192 
Graf, WilliamNov. 22, 1865296-286Henry Graf
Gertrude Umsonst
Grafe, Henry B.Sept. 24, 1855File91 
Grafenberger, ConstentinJan. 11, 189224322-1285 
Grafenberger, NathaliaOct. 11, 189827250-1499 
Graff, Dec. 28, 189526201-803 
Graff, July 7, 189927356-2134 
Graff, June 28, 188221159-952 
Graff, May 10, 190328535-3205 
Graff, Nov. 28, 190429124-740 
Graff, Bessie I.June 10, 1891141280 
Graff, CarlienFeb. 15, ??21334-1999 
Graff, Corrine A.Sept. 2, 189224419-1675 
Graff, Edna L. E.Dec. 5, 190128352-2108 
Graff, EstherSept. 28, 189927456-2735 
Graff, FannieJan. 20, 189023311-1244 
Graff, Frederick W.Aug. 13, 189827275-1650 
Graff, Henry H.Oct. 20, 190128199-1190 
Graff, Jerome N.Jan. 1, 188722233-929 
Graff, John F.June 3, 18952638-152 
Graff, JosephJuly 28, 188822477-1905 
Graff, LillieFeb. 6, 1878218-45 
Graff, MaryOct. 1, 18771979-236 
Graff, Michael M.May 22, 190529279-1668 
Graff, PeterApril 21, 190027509-3049 
Graff, RosaAug. 19, 18932554-214 
Graff, RosinaJan. 24, 18727111-331 
Graff, TonieDec. 28, 1879217-39 
Graff, William J.Nov. 28, 1880101161 
Graff, William N.Dec. 6, 185330188 
Graff, WilliamMarch 28, 18527110-330 
Grahlow, ElsaMarch 25, 189224338-1349 
Gram, ArtOct. 11, 189827248-1487 
Gramberg, Anna C.March 6, 188521333-1996 
Gramberg, Christian F.June 9, 18721108 
Gramberg, DanielJune 14, 18772116-91 
Gramberg, DavidJan. 19, 18762116-93 
Gramberg, GodfredSept. 2, 18772116-92 
Gramberg, Gustave A.March 2, 188121120-719 
Grambort, AugusteJune 11, 18698113-344 
Grambort, BerthaJuly 5, 18718115-349 
Grambort, FriedrichAug. 1, 18658114-348 
Grambort, HeleneMarch 27, 18588114-347 
Grambort, LouiseApril 10, 18548113-345 
Grambort, WilhelminaNov. 15, 18558114-346 
Gramm, Eddie W. A.Aug. 17, 189224355-1419 
Gramms, Elsa O.July 15, 18912469-276 
Gramms, OlgaNov. 6, 189626498-1989 
Grams, Jan. 22, 189827127-760 
Grams, March 26, 188622100-399 
Grams, Arno AlbertMarch 24, 189827172-1029 
Grams, August H.Aug. 20, 19042930-178 
Grams, AugustaOct. 3, 189526102-407 
Grams, Elmer I. A.March 26, 189927317-1897 
Grams, ElmoreMay 5, 189927334-2000 
Grams, Elsa A.Feb. 7, 189324612-2447 
Grams, Emil H.Jan. 2, 18912460-239 
Grams, Emma E.Sept. 8, 18912490-358 
Grams, Erwin A. G.March 11, 189425222-885 
Grams, Frieda A.Feb. 11, 189626231-922 
Grams, Gustav A. R.Aug. 23, ??22480-1918 
Grams, HarryDec. 12, 19002838-223 
Grams, Herman W.Jan. 1, 1897101288 
Grams, Martha M.Sept. 7, 18952615-59 
Grams, MetaAug. 26, 18972760-356 
Grams, Norma E.June 7, 190228267-1597 
Grams, Olga V. E.Nov. 6, 189626449-1794 
Grams, OlgaAug. 7, 189224342-1365 
Grams, Otto F.Sept. 12, 189023459-1836 
Grams, RonaJan. 17, 190027599-3594 
Grams, RosaApril 10, 189827175-1050 
Grams, Viola L. M.Aug. 13, 190228370-2219 
Grams, WalterFeb. 22, 190027484-2904 
Grams, WilhelmJune 7, 188722271-1083 
Grams, Willie E.Aug. 21, 190228298-1784 
Grande, June 1, 190027551-3306 
Grande, AgnesSept. 23, 190027583-3495 
Grande, ArthurJuly 9, 190328473-2838 
Grande, ArwinDec. 5, 189727124-740 
Grande, AureliaApril 16, 189726620-2480 
Grande, BatholdNov. 24, 190429148-885 
Grande, FriedaApril 17, 189626322-1288 
Grande, HarryAug. 1, 189023413-1652 
Grande, Martha M.Nov. 2, 190128169-1009 
Grande, MetaAug. 22, 19042920-120 
Grander, ViolaMay 8, 189425332-1326 
Grander, WillieApril 14, 189425266-1063 
Grandes, AlbertMay 12, 190228360-2159 
Granen, May 28, 190228264-1583 
Granger, (SB)July 29, 189224497-1987 
Granger, Chester L.Feb. 2, 1887122278 
Granger, Daisy M.Aug. 23, 1883122291 
Granger, DightonOct. 8, 187420100-298 
Granger, EvalynFeb. 8, 18782099-296 
Granger, Mildred J.July 23, 190230237-1416 
Granger, Rosa L.Oct. 8, 18762099-297 
Granold, CharleySept. 18, 18701385-255 
Granold, IdaSept. 21, 18681386-256 
Granold, WilhelmMay 2, 18671386-257 
Grant, Delberta F.April 18, 1900141210 
Grant, Ida M.Aug. 29, 189224448-1790 
Grant, Ida M.{ay}Jan. 26, 18702125-373Herbert Grant
Louisa Kickland
Grant, IreneApril 9, 189425438-1750 
Granzer, RobertDec. 12, 187020259-775 
Grapentine, Henry W. J.Dec. 1, 190410165 
Grapentine, OlgaMay 24, 190030201-1199 
Grapentine, OlgaMay 24, 190095524 
Grasberger, (SB)Aug. 15, 189124159-634 
Grashorn, (SB)May 14, 189626474-1894 
Grashorn, Gertrude L.July 14, 18972725-146 
Grashorn, Robert E.June 15, 190128113-677 
Graskamp, Gerret W.{illem}Sept. 22, 18702175-523Jan Willem Graskamp
Janna Geertunda Ten Haken
Graskamp, Gerrit J.Nov. 1, 190328570-3420 
Graskamp, HermanFeb. 21, 189425290-1160 
Graskamp, Jan W.Feb. 13, 190027506-3032 
Graskamp, JanApril 3, 1891245-20 
Graskamp, Janna H.{endrika}May 4, 1869273-217Jan Willem Graskamp
Janna Gertruda ten Haken
Graskamp, WalterFeb. 13, 190056265 
Graskamp, WalterFeb. 13, 190059464 
Grasse, Nov. 29, 190128363-2176 
Grasse, AdolphOct. 16, 18715145-433 
Grasse, Anna F.March 30, 190027615-3685 
Grasse, AnnaAug. 15, 18604136-406 
Grasse, AnnaJuly 10, 18614144-432 
Grasse, AugustMay 4, 18594135-405 
Grasse, AugusteApril 27, 18685161-482 
Grasse, BarneyApril 28, 187519346-1034 
Grasse, BerthaFeb. 11, 18654134-401 
Grasse, BerthaNov. 20, 18594144-431 
Grasse, Carl E.March 10, 190228341-2046 
Grasse, CarlSept. 12, 18694133-399 
Grasse, CarolineApril 15, 18664134-400 
Grasse, ChristophJan. 23, 18705145-432 
Grasse, EarlFeb. 20, 190428594-3564 
Grasse, EmmaJune 3, 18634134-402 
Grasse, FredaMarch 22, 187719345-1032 
Grasse, FredrickMarch 23, 18752129-173 
Grasse, Gertrude M.May 14, 190128140-835 
Grasse, GottliebFeb. 15, 1871470-210 
Grasse, HelenSept. 23, 187420126-378 
Grasse, HelenaMarch 15, 1854470-208 
Grasse, HermanSept. 4, 187620126-377 
Grasse, LeopoldAug. 30, 18704145-433 
Grasse, LouisMay 10, 18703157-457Charles Grasso
Grasse, LouiseDec. 19, 18614135-403 
Grasse, LouiseDec. 31, 18665162-483 
Grasse, Mable L.July 31, 190228312-1867 
Grasse, Marie E. L.Dec. 8, 19032939-231 
Grasse, MartinNov. 20, 18673158-458Charles Grasso
Grasse, Marvin R.Nov. 27, 189626588-2352 
Grasse, OttoOct. 21, 187920126-376 
Grasse, Viola A.April 5, 189927328-1966 
Grasse, WalterJuly 21, 18972738-225 
Grasse, WilhelmMarch 30, 18584135-404 
Grasse, WilhelmineSept. 20, 1852470-209 
Grasser, ArgenaAug. 24, 187419205-614 
Grasser, ElizabethMarch 16, 1867397-277 
Grasser, FrancisSept. 6, 1854396-273 
Grasser, JosephMarch 13, 1869398-279 
Grasser, MargarethaDec. 9, 1864398-278 
Grasser, MariaAug. 22, 1860396-274 
Grasser, MariaSept. 25, 1852396-272 
Grasser, MarySept. 25, 1852File335 
Grasser, MathildeSept. 23, 1856397-275 
Grasser, TheresiaDec. 11, 1862397-276 
Grasshorn, LesterDec. 30, 1887237-25 
Grasshorn, MinnieAug. 14, 190529282-1687 
Grasshorn, NoraFeb. 24, 189124149-596 
Gratman, FloreJan. 14, 189626367-1468 
Gratmann, AuldulfJuly 30, 189626365-1459 
Grau, Julius K.Sept. 7, 188722323-1292 
Grauman, AlfredDec. 14, 189124221-882 
Grauman, KarlMarch 16, 188822409-1633 
Graumann, Jan. 12, 190529146-873 
Graumann, AnnaOct. 26, 189325121-482 
Graumann, HarryNov. 21, 190228462-2772 
Graumann, LouiseJan. 10, 189726564-2256 
Graus, Alowius J.Feb. 2, 189626247-986 
Graus, AntoniusApril 18, 189726585-2338 
Graus, JosephJuly 8, 1886103397 
Graus, WilliamFeb. 4, 189927311-1865 
Grausse, EdwardFeb. 12, 190228352-2111 
Grave, BernardusFeb. 1, 18702119-354Jan Grave
Janna Borninkhof
Grave, BernardusFeb. 1, 18702119-354 
Graven, AntoniaJune 13, 188622125-500 
Graven, Elsie H.Nov. 30, 190228390-2337 
Graven, Janna W.March 12, 190027506-3033 
Graven, LidaAug. 14, 1882106179 
Graven, LizzieAug. 18, 187720341-1019 
Graves, EdithJune 7, 189124148-590 
Graves, George A.July 29, 18511863-189 
Graves, Loranie E.Nov. 5, 18591864-190 
Graves, William A.July 8, 186911072 
Gray, IdaJune 17, 187220197-590 
Gray, MildredNov. 20, 187420197-589 
Gray, MildredSept. 9, 18741735-103 
Grayson, AudreyFeb. 12, 189525581-2322 
Greagor, EvelienaSept. 26, 190027603-3613 
Grebler, EmmeilMarch 12, 18802129-174 
Greef, Eva K. H.Jan. 1, 190027574-3443 
Greely, Albert W.Feb. 3, 18591512-35 
Greely, Bertha L.Oct. 9, 18721510-30 
Greely, Charles F.July 5, 18701511-32 
Greely, ElizabethOct. 1, 18681511-31 
Greely, Elmer W.Oct. 10, 18651512-34 
Greely, Susan E.April 4, 18641511-33 
Green, May 12, 189224470-1876 
Green, Ada C.Sept. 16, 1856132-4 
Green, EllaFeb. 22, 188822386-1544 
Green, Eugene L.Jan. 2, 1898106250 
Green, SilasMay 12, 190128137-818 
Greenbyer, March 6, 189325462-1846 
Greene, Alice L.Jan. 14, 1863425-74 
Greene, Dorothy V.Aug. 19, 190450234 
Greenewald, Jacob L.Jan. 3, 190027469-2809 
Greenewald, Peter Jos.Aug. 3, 19042923 
Greenhizen, Nov. 28, 188923330-1320 
Greenisen, Amanda R.Oct. 3, 187918310-924 
Greenisen, Emma E.Dec. 31, 187818309-923 
Greenwald, MichicalJuly 27, ??28118-706 
Greesbach, Emilia S.Aug. 22, 18631532-95 
Greesbach, Emma L.Sept. 7, 18601533-99 
Greesbach, Fredrick D.May 1, 18651533-97 
Greesbach, Fredrick W.June 14, 18661532-94 
Greesbach, Gustapher A.June 22, 18581533-98 
Greesbach, Mary L.June 22, 18581532-96 
Greesbach, Minnie S.June 14, 18661531-93 
Greger, ArnoldNov. 16, 189827274-1643 
Greger, EstherJune 14, 190529174-1040 
Greger, Eugene T.Jan. 28, 189927300-1797 
Greger, Frederick G.July 4, 190128127-761 
Greger, Martin C.July 14, 19042921-121 
Greger, Martin C.July 14, 190430218-1303 
Greger, Norma V.Oct. 10, 19042943-253 
Greger, PaulNov. 4, 189626515-2058 
Greger, Raymond K.Oct. 5, 190128156-935 
Gregiour, AugustJan. 1, 1855149-25 
Gregiour, ElizebethMarch 28, 1856148-24 
Gregiour, JohnMarch 24, 1858148-23 
Gregiour, MichaelAug. 28, 1853149-26 
Gregiow, JosephMarch 5, 1863144-10 
Gregiow, NickolasNov. 17, 1865144-12 
Gregiow, WilliamMarch 12, 1861144-11 
Gregoire, Dec. 7, 19032925-145 
Gregoire, Jan. 4, 189827218-1306 
Gregoire, AureliaFeb. 11, 189927443-2655 
Gregoire, CyrillaDec. 3, 190429205-1227 
Gregoire, EdwardJan. 17, 187919147-439 
Gregoire, Elmer M.April 28, 190128162-972 
Gregoire, IrvinFeb. 20, 190027528-3166 
Gregoire, SylviaJune 23, 190228379-2273 
Gregor, WilliamJuly 27, 190328520-3119 
Gregory, Feb. 16, 18912432-126 
Gregory, GeorgeannaApril 12, 18862275-297 
Grehne, Heinriek C.Dec. 29, 187110108-324 
Greibe, Dec. 8, 18882340-157 
Greibe, July 18, 189425366-1462 
Greibe, June 9, 188622117-467 
Greibe, Calvin G.April 17, 188822485-1940 
Greibe, CarlDec. 19, 185311133-398 
Greibe, FriederichJuly 12, 187718239-712 
Greibe, HeinrichSept. 3, 185711133-399 
Greibe, Herman C.April 10, 188321171-1024 
Greibe, Mathilda S.Dec. 30, 189023560-2237 
Greibe, Otto W.May 4, 188321181-1086 
Greibe, Paul O.July 14, 189525610-2438 
Greibe, TheodoreJan. 20, 187918238-709 
Greier, MatildaJuly 3, 18972793-554 
Greif, WillyJune 1, 189425286-1143 
Greiff, ArnoJuly 20, 190027580-3480 
Greiner, Aug. 24, 18932558-229 
Greiner, JosephSept. 7, ??2989-534 
Greisch, LillieMay 28, ??28573-3437 
Greisch, Simon H.June 24, 1900287-38 
Greisch, Sylvester M.July 18, 190529226-1353 
Greise, Jan. 19, 188421239-1433 
Grenfink, March 31, 18932564-253 
Grenne, April 9, 19012868-408 
Grenzer, April 10, 189525583-2330 
Grenzer, Alb.March 11, 189827157-937 
Grenzer, Elmer L.Aug. 14, 189224351-1403 
Grenzer, EmmaOct. 9, 187420252-754 
Grenzer, Herman A.Feb. 28, 187320252-753 
Grenzer, OttoJune 15, 186920259-774 
Grenzich, EmmaMarch 8, 189425241-962 
Grenzich, JosephApril 11, 189425245-979 
Grenzien, ClaraApril 1, 19012885-506 
Grenzin, MurielJuly 21, 19042936-216 
Gresberger, Ludwich W.July 8, 189525615-2458 
Gresholdt, GarfieldMarch 15, 190228342-2048 
Grethen, AlwinMarch 2, 188923145-578 
Grether, (SB)June 23, 189525613-2450 
Grether, April 2, 188421245-1469 
Grether, Jan. 6, 188321165-988 
Grether, July 22, 189827217-1298 
Grether, March 17, 188120245-733 
Grether, Oct. 30, 189124130-520 
Grether, Sept. 14, 188622204-815 
Greune, Aug. 18, 189626420-1677 
Greune, IlkaNov. 18, 1897122437 
Greunewald, Jan. 21, 189827135-806 
Greupink, June 26, 189525598-2390 
Greupink, May 24, 18912427-108 
Greupink, AlbertMarch 7, 18711143-127 
Greupink, Arend J.March 18, 188622106-423 
Greupink, HannaNov. 3, ??23324-1293 
Greupink, John A.March 7, 18711143-127 
Greupink, MinaFeb. 20, 188421277-1659 
Greve, Arnold M.Nov. 24, 1904187459 
Grey, JamesNov. 22, 18641047-141 
Grey, JaneAug. 6, 18561069-207 
Grey, JohnFeb. 13, 18611047-140 
Grey, MiraMay 22, 18531069-208 
Grey, Myron W.May 30, 188830236-1413 

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