Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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James Thomas Dillingham

Source: "Portrait and Biographical Record - Published 1894 by Excelsior Publishing Co., Chicago" Page 708

James Thomas Dillingham was for many years at the head of one of the important manufacturing establishments of Sheboygan County. He was born in West Falmouth, Barnstable County, Mass., February 12, 1833. His educational advantages were superior for that day. After attending the schools of his native town, he went to the Friends' College at Providence, R. I. He was reared to mercantile life, his father owning and operating a store in Falmouth. Mr. Dillingham, Jr., was interested in the manufacture of oil-carpet in that city. In 1856 he was chosen to the Legislature of Massachusetts, serving one term. Before leaving the East, Mr. Dillingham married, in Falmouth, Miss Caroline F., daughter of Capt. Joseph Swift, the date of this event being September 7, 1854.

Mr. Swift, who was a Captain in the merchant-marine service for many years, married Mary W. Gifford, and with his sons-in-law, J. T. Dillingham and E. Slade, came to Sheboygan County in 1857. The three embarked in the mercantile and sawmill business at Glenbeulah, under the firm title of Swift, Dillingham & Co. They did an extensive business, running in connection with their sawmill and general store a flouring-mill. After a time they also took up the manufacture of wooden-ware. In 1866 the partnership was dissolved, Mr. Dillingham taking the mills and the manufacturing department, and Mr. Slade the store. Until 1884 the former continued the business at Glenbeulah, then transferred it to Sheboygan, changing the firm title to Dillingham & Co. After his death the Dillingham Manufacturing Company was incorporated, in July, 1889. The capital stock of the concern is $100,000, and the officers are Edwin Slade, President; A. D. Barrows, Vice-President and general manager; and O. H. Clarke, Secretary and Treasurer. The output of this institution embraces all kinds of wooden-ware. About one hundred and seventy-five hands are employed.

Mr. Dillingham was a prominent Mason, belonging to Wisconsin Consistory No. 1, of Milwaukee. On the 15th of April, 1889, Mr. Dillingham passed away, lamented by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. He left no family except a wife, who makes her home in Pasadena, Cal.

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