Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Eugen E. Pantzer

Source: "Portrait and Biographical Record - Published 1894 by Excelsior Publishing Co., Chicago" Pages 629 - 630

Eugen E. Pantzer, Secretary and Treasurer of the Mattoon Manufacturing Company, is a native of the Chair City, and a son of John G. Pantzer, who emigrated to this county in 1847. The father was born at Sulzbach, Bavaria, February 27, 1831. When about sixteen years of age, he came with a brother and sister to America, his parents having died in the Fatherland. They landed in Sheboygan in 1848, but soon returned to New York State. About two years later he returned to Sheboygan County, and after farming for a time moved to the city of Sheboygan, where he engaged in the manufacture of cigars. In that city he married Miss Willa Koehler, a native of Bielefeld, Westphalia, Germany, born April 14, 1838. When ten years of age, she came to this country with a married sister, remained three years, and then returned to her native land. Again, in 1853, she, with her mother and six brothers and sisters, came to Sheboygan, where her mother died at the age of eighty-one. Her father died in Germany.

The wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Pantzer was celebrated August 12, 1857, and unto them were born seven children. Hugo is a physician and surgeon of Indianapolis, Ind.; Paul J. is State Oil Inspector of this district; Eugen E. is the next in order of birth; Wanda is the wife of W. C. Roenitz, of Sheboygan; William F. and John G. are in the drug business in Indianapolis; and Meta is pursuing a musical course in Berlin, Germany.

Mr. Pantzer whose name heads this record was born February 5, 1862. Having attended the city schools until fourteen and a-half years old, he dropped his studies to enter the First National Bank of Sheboygan, where he remained for a year and a-half. For an equal period he was with his father in the cigar business. In January, 1881, he commenced as book-keeper for G. B. Mattoon, having charge of the office. Upon the incorporation of the Mattoon Manufacturing Company in 1886, h e w r chosen Treasurer, and on the retirement of F. A . Dennett he was also made Secretary. Mr. Pantzer is interested in the Halsted Manufacturing Company, of which he is Treasurer; and in the Sheboygan Dredge and Dock Company, of which he is also Treasurer. For the year 1891 he was Secretary of the Sheboygan Exposition and Driving Park Company.

In his political views, he is a Republican, though he has never had time or inclination to seek places of public trust.

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