Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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William Prange, Sr.

Source: "Portrait and Biographical Record - Published 1894 by Excelsior Publishing Co., Chicago" Pages 618 - 619

William Prange, Sr., a worthy pioneer of Sheboygan County of 1848, was born in the kingdom of Hanover, now a province of Germany, April 25, 1817, being a son of Dietrich Prange, He was reared and educated in his native land, emigrating in 1848 to America, and coming direct to Sheboygan County, Wis. He was married in this county, March 8, 1849, to Miss Eleanor Ackermann. Mrs. Prange was born in the province of Schaumburg, Germany, March 8, 1827.

Mr. Prange purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land of the Government, in the town of Sheboygan Falls, one mile west of the Green Bay Road. He improved the land, making of it a valuable farm, and continued his residence there until his death, which occurred April 25, 1865. His good wife survived him many years, her demise occurring September 5, 1887. They had seven children. William J., the eldest, married Augusta Strausburger, and resides on a part of the old homestead. They have five sons and two daughters, the eldest son, August, being clerk in the grocery department of H. C. Prange's store. Caroline became the wife of Henry Kohl, and is the mother of two sons and four daughters, the eldest son, Otto, having charge of the cloak department, and the eldest daughter, Bertha, being cashier in the above-named business house. Annie lives in Sheboygan with her sister. Charles, who married Eliza Pieper, and resides on the old homestead, has a family of one son and four daughters. Henry C. is a merchant of Sheboygan, of whom see sketch. Bertha married John J. Bitter, who has charge of the grocery department and is confidential clerk for H. C. Prange. Mrs. Bitter has two daughters. Eliza, the youngest of William Prange's family, is assistant manager in the store of her brother, Henry C.

Mr. Prange, Sr., and wife were members of the Lutheran Church in the Old Country, but not finding any society of that denomination near their new home in Sheboygan County, they joined the Evangelical Association. All of their children, except William, are members of the Lutheran Church.

In politics, Mr. Prange was a Republican. He was a man of industrious, frugal habits, upright and trustworthy in everything, thereby holding the high regard and respect of all who knew him.

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