Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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John J. Loos

Source: "Portrait and Biographical Record - Published 1894 by Excelsior Publishing Co., Chicago" Pages 500 & 503

John J. Loos has for many years been a resident of Sheboygan County, settling in the town of Rhine in 1854. He is a son of George W. and Elizabeth (Eckelmann) Loos, and was born August 9, 1826, in Guntersblum, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany. His father was a painter by trade, which vocation he followed all his life. Our subject received a common-school education, and later attended a school taught by a learned professor, and has, therefore, enjoyed good school facilities. When fourteen years of age, he began an apprenticeship in the paint shops of his father, which occupation he followed until he was twenty-eight years old.

On the 30th of June, 1854, in company with his wife, one child and a brother, Mr. Loos took passage from Liverpool for the United States. After a voyage of forty-nine days they landed in New York City, where they remained only a few days. Beginning their journey Westward, they came by way of Albany, Buffalo, Detroit and Chicago, to Sheboygan, where they tarried for a time. Mr. Loos went to the town of Rhine in a few days, where, in company with a friend, he bought one hundred and sixty acres of land on section 14, covered with a heavy growth of timber. Two years later they sold this property, and Mr. Loos removed to section 5, where he bought eighty acres of timber-land. Here he built his log house, 16x20 feet. In its construction he was assisted by four men. They split the logs and carried them on their shoulders to the building site, afterward putting them in place; thus was the first home of this pioneer made, but such houses were substantial, and this particular one may yet be seen on Mr. Loos' farm. In 1873 his present comfortable home was erected. Among the first experiences in the new country was one never to be forgotten by Mr. Loos and his family. In the vicinity of their new home, the Indians were encamped, and on this particular night were celebrating the marriage of some of their people. The contracting parties were prominent in their nation, and the ceremony was performed with all the formalities peculiar to these children of the forest. All night long the sounds of their revelry could be heard, and at times so boisterous were they, that Mr. Loos was afraid harm might come to his home before the festivities drew to a close. Day dawned, however, finding all safe, but they sincerely hoped they might be spared a repetition of such merriment. The old Indian burying-ground lies west of his home, and on the same section.

In the Fatherland, Mr. Loos wedded Miss Jakobiene Kuhn, and from May 13, 1851, until November 6, 1891, she shared the joys and sorrows of the home of this old settler. Born of this union were nine children, three sons and six daughters, of whom seven are living. George is a pastor in the Reformed Church of the United States, stationed at Monroeville, Ohio; Eliza became the wife of Jacob Bast, a farmer of Germantown, Washington County, Wis.; John G. W. will be mentioned further on; Christina married Christopher Bast, a brother of Jacob, and also a resident of Germantown, Wis.; Charlotte F. became the wife of Henry Awe, a farmer and sawmill owner of Clark County, Wis.; Jakobiene and William are still at home. The latter is a student at the Mission House, in Herman Township. John G. W., who now owns two hundred and sixty-three acres of fine farming land, a part of which was originally owned by his father, was bora in the old log house March 1, 1861. He received his education in the district schools, being reared on his father's farm, where he has passed his life, thus far.

On the 13th of February, 1885, Mr. Loos was married to Miss Bertha Lerche, a daughter of Christian and Augustina (Krueger) Lerche. Mrs. Loos was born>September 23, 1866, in Rantoul, Calumet County, Wis. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Loos six children were bora, three sons and three daughters, five of whom are living, and are named as follows: Otto, Walter, Maria, Lydia and Johnnie.

The entire family belong to the Reformed Church, and attend services at Kiel. Mr. Loos has served as Road Master a number of times, and in politics supports the Republican ticket.

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