Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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H. F. Dassler

Source: This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.483-484.

H. F. Dassler is connected with a furniture store and undertaking establishment in Cleveland, where he has been identified with commercial interests for seventeen years. He was born in Centerville township on the 15th of February, 1866, and is a son of Ernest and Theresa (Hedrich) Dassler, both natives of Saxony, Germany. The father was born in 1836 and passed the first sixteen years of his life in his native land, whence he emigrated to the United States with his parents in 1852, locating in Manitowoc county. Here for many years he engaged in farming but he is now living retired and makes his home in Hika. He enlisted as a private in Company B, Ninth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, in 1861, and went to the front, remaining in the service for three years, receiving his discharge in 1864. The mother's people also emigrated to the United States in 1852 and when they first came here settled in Pennsylvania, there remaining for three years but later removed to Mosel, Sheboygan county. Reared on the farm where he was born, while pursuing his education in the district schools. H.F. Dassler was also engaged in assisting his father with the work of the fields and care of the crops. After leaving school he entered a cheese factory and learned the trade, which he followed for eleven years.

At the expiration of that time he decided upon a commercial career and came to Cleveland, where he took a position in the establishment of A. Stoltenberg.

In 1890, Mr. Dassler was united in marriage to Miss Mary Bahr, a daughter of August Bahr, one of the pioneer settlers of Manitowoc county, and they became the parents of two children, Victor and Edna. Mrs. Dassler passed away in 1893, at Cleveland, and in November, 1899, Mr. Dassler married Miss Alvina Oemichen, a daughter of Louis Oemichen who came to this country in 1848, locating in Meeme. Three children have been born to Mr. Dassler and his second wife, as follows: Gertie, Cora and Melvin. The two elder are attending school.

The family attend the German Reformed church in which the parents hold membership and fraternally Mr. Dassler is affiliated with Cleveland Camp, No. 8582, M.W.A. and has been a member of the council of that order for twelve years. His political support he gives to the republican party, and at the present time is discharging the duties of town treasurer. Mr.Dassler has always manifested upright principles and the highest integrity in his business transactions and is fully entitled to the esteem and respect he is accorded by his fellow townsmen.

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