Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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David Stolper

Source: "Portrait and Biographical Record - Published 1894 by Excelsior Publishing Co., Chicago" Page 293

David Stolper, proprietor of the hotel at Batavia, Sheboygan County, is both an early settler of the county and a veteran in the late war. He was born in Prussia, Germany, January 23, 1838, his father being Gottlieb Stolper. In 1854 the family emigrated to the United States, and after residing a year in Ozaukee County, Wis., removed to Sheboygan County, and settled on a farm in the town of Sherman, where the father continued to reside until his death, which occurred in 1886, he having attained the advanced age of eighty-nine years. The wife and mother died in the Fatherland, before the family came to America. The surviving members of the family are five in number, comprising four brothers and one sister, of whom two brothers are residents of this county.

David Stolper was about seventeen years of age when the family settled in Sheboygan County. On the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion, he determined to fight in defense of his adopted country. He accordingly enlisted in January, 1862, in Company I, Second Wisconsin Cavalry. This regiment was commanded by Colonel, later General, C. C. Washburn, and took an active and efficient part in t he work of putting down the rebellion and restoring the Union. Mr. Stolper served three years, and was discharged January 23, 1865, the full term of his enlistment having expired. He continued to serve with his regiment under the command of Gen. Washburn after that officer had been made Major-General. With his regiment Mr. Stolper took part in some of the most important events of the war, including the principal operations attending the siege of Vicksburg, and at Jackson and Canton, Miss., and in many minor engagements.

On the 26th of February, 1865, soon after his return from the army, Mr. Stolper was united in marriage to Miss Johanna D. Smith, of Ozaukee County. Mrs. Stolper's father was Carl Frederick Smith, an early settler of that county. Mr. and Mrs. Stolper have seven children, three sons and four daughters: Josephine Otillie, the eldest, is the wife of Edward G. Brazelton; Ida M. married Ira Wensink. The others in order of birth are: Clara C , Lizzetta P., Oscar W., Edgar A. and Herbert A. They have lost two, Alvira R. and Elnora J.

Mr. Stolper, who was a worthy and faithful soldier in the war for the preservation of the Union, escaped the bullets of the enemy, but his health was much broken by the exposure and hardships incident to such a life. These have resulted in a broken constitution, and he has never been able to perform much manual labor. Soon after his return from the army he located at Batavia, where he engaged in shoemaking, merchandising and hotel-keeping; the two last-named he still continues. Mr. Stolper possesses the respect and confidence of his fellow-citizens.

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